Fairy Road

Chapter 697 Accidental Breakthrough

() The seven-color divine light behind Wang Hao is like seven arms.However, at this moment, the arm has been compressed from a few feet long to only a few feet long. Moreover, the seven arms trembled slightly at the same time, and it seemed that they might dissipate at any time!At this time, Wang Hao's vitality in his body was already running to the extreme, but the pressure from the black lotus was still becoming stronger and stronger, and it seemed that Wang Hao was about to be directly turned into powder!

"Quack quack quack quack, this stupid human being, go die!" The golden armored demon king laughed wildly when he saw that Wang Hao was no longer supported. At the same time, the second black lotus also came to the front of the golden pagoda where Young Master Kong was hiding. In an instant, this golden pagoda was about to be defeated!

Boom boom boom... A loud noise was not the sound of the golden pagoda being destroyed, but Wang Hao's seven-color divine light was broken by the black lotus flower, and his entire body was shrouded in the black light of the black lotus flower. "Hahahaha, I finally killed one!" The golden-armored demon king stopped paying attention to the mortal Wang Hao, and looked towards the golden pagoda in the distance.

At this moment, Wang Hao felt as if he had suddenly fallen into the Nine Netherlands. Not only did his entire physical body completely lose control, but his physical body was also melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.What's even more frightening is that Wang Hao felt a trembling of his soul, as if the black lotus had a great deterrent power, which made the soul feel the threat of death! ..

"Did you just die like this?" Wang Hao already had no way out of this predicament at this time, but at this moment, after one-third of Wang Hao's physical body had melted, Wang Hao's body once again melted away. An extremely mellow force came, causing Wang Hao's body to stop melting, and the part that had been melted started to grow slowly again.

"Huh? It seems that the sky-replenishing ring that I once fused is automatically protecting the lord again!" Wang Hao has been rescued by the sky-replenishing ring more than once when he encountered extreme danger. Therefore, at this moment, Wang Hao's heart Now that he was no longer surprised, he began to think about what kind of treasure this sky-replenishing ring was, which could actually revitalize his own body under the will of the demon king.

At this time, and in the Great Desolate World, in the God Realm of the Heavens and Myriad Realms.Wang Hao's mother, the Holy Maiden of the God Realm, was sitting cross-legged in front of a huge idol. The Holy Maiden showed a look of extreme pain on her face, and her hands kept making seals on the statue.After a few breaths, dozens of white hairs visible to the naked eye were added to the temples of the saint, and her whole body collapsed on the ground as if her strength had been completely exhausted.

At this time, an indistinct voice suddenly came from the hall: "Lingji, you actually performed this life-burning forbidden method again for your child, have you forgotten your real purpose for coming to this God Realm? "The saint's body trembled slightly. In the endless years, no one in the entire God Realm knew her real name, and only the people in that place knew the name Ling Ji.

"Lingji naturally knows the secret of coming to the God Realm, but Lingji has to intervene even more in Hao'er's safety!" The saint said to the empty hall in a deep voice.A slight sigh resounded in the hall, and then it returned to calm.

On Wang Hao's side, naturally he didn't know that the reason why the sky-replenishing ring was fused with his body and saved him from danger many times was entirely due to the saintess.At this time, Wang Hao's physical body was about to be remodeled.But the golden pagoda was directly turned into a little bit of ashes in the second attack of the black lotus.Young Master Kong's body floated in midair, but he didn't seem to be hurt at all.

Mr. Kong Kong's eyes were slightly closed, and he was muttering something. Behind him appeared three strange great swords interlaced vertically and horizontally. The sword is also insignificant!This strange situation fell into the eyes of the Golden Armored Demon King, and immediately made the Golden Armored Demon King's eyes stare like lanterns.In addition, at this moment, he also felt that Wang Hao's aura that was about to disappear just now had become stronger again, which made the Golden Armored Demon King extremely depressed: who are these human monks, and why are there so many heaven-defying weapons in their hands? treasure?

I won’t talk about the other treasures for now. If these three extremely terrifying swords are sacrificed by the monk in front of me, I’m afraid that my life is really in danger. Not only can I not kill any human monks, I’m afraid they will kill Throw your own life here.Between face and life, the Golden Armored Demon King finally chose the latter.

Boom... The Golden Armored Demon King disappeared in front of Wang Hao and Young Master Kong in an instant before the breath of Master Kong's three great swords soared to the extreme!He ran away directly...

"Wang Hao, you're fine!" Young Master Kong appeared directly in front of Wang Hao with a flash of his figure, and at this moment, Wang Hao's physical body had already been fully restored to its best state under the effect of the sky-replenishing ring! "It's nothing serious, Mr. Kongkong, I really want to thank you for your action this time!" Wang Hao clasped his fists and said, after all, if it wasn't because of Mr. Kongkong's restraint just now, if the golden-armored demon king kept attacking him, even if he had strength Tianhuan is constantly repairing his body, so it may be very difficult for him to escape from the hands of the Golden Armored Demon King!

Young Master Kong Kong smiled wryly and said: "I was also forced to do nothing. The black lotus flowers in the hands of the golden-armored demon king should contain the will of Demon Lord Moyuan. They are so powerful that even my golden pagoda was destroyed by him. Okay." This time, Master Wazu gave me three divine swords before I came to this great desolate world. However, Wang Hao, I will not hide from you, I have not fully understood the magical powers of these three divine swords. Wu, just now the power of the divine sword is just for show, if the golden-armored demon king has not been scared away, I am afraid we will be in trouble!" Mr. Kong Kong said directly to Wang Hao's ears, So, don't be afraid of the Golden Armored Demon King, leave your consciousness behind, and watch and listen!

When Wang Hao heard this, he also left cold sweat on his body. If the golden-armored demon king hadn't been startled away, I'm afraid the consequences would be unimaginable. However, the most powerful member of the Dongfang family, why did the golden-armored demon king still run away? Didn't show up all the time, could it be that he was injured in the fight just now?

Sure enough, after a soft sound, Dongfang Ying's figure appeared in front of Wang Hao and Mr. Kongkong, still covered with a light veil, and still with an indistinguishable voice, Dongfang Ying said: "You two, this golden armor The Demon King is indeed powerful, but he was also injured below, and it will take at least seven days to recover. Farewell, two!" Dongfang Ying said, her figure was like a lightning bolt, and she was heading towards the gate of Longjia Mountain.

"He was injured?" Young Master Kong Kong showed a hint of surprise on his face. You must know that this strong man from the Dongfang family has Yuanzu's three clean bottles in his hands, Panzu's Hongmeng cane, and many gifts from innate beings. The treasure is obviously the cultivator who can re-create a new guard, as the innate creature said.Unexpectedly, at this moment, a mere golden-armored demon king wounded this person. It seems that there is still a big gap between the strength of this Dongfang family powerhouse and the expectations of this innate creature!

At this time, Wang Hao was standing there in a daze. Just now when the strong man of the Dongfang family appeared, his spiritual sense felt an extremely familiar aura.This aura belongs to Dongfang Ying who has spent many days with her in the primordial space.However, Dongfang Ying blocked her own attack in the fantasy city, obviously for her elder brother Dongfang Shuo, causing her own cultivation to be lost, why is she so powerful at this moment?

However, Wang Hao soon thought of another monk that Wa Zu said would complete the task for the innate creatures. Could it be that this monk is Dongfang Ying? "Nine times out of ten it's Dongfang Ying. If it's someone else, why bother to hide and hide her appearance? If it wasn't for her being injured and weak, I would still have difficulty distinguishing her aura!"

"Huh? Wang Hao, how are you?" Seeing Wang Hao suddenly stunned and silent, Mr. Kongkong asked nervously. At this time, Wang Hao can't get hurt anymore. If he gets hurt again, he might be in the Human Cultivation Alliance , It is really difficult to support alone.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Wang Hao shook his head, suddenly his eyes flashed, he raised his head and said to Mr. Kongkong, "This... Mr. Kongkong, I seem to be breaking through, and I must retreat immediately!" "What? Breakthrough, Wang Hao, you...you are going to break through now, your current cultivation base..." At this moment, Mr. Kongkong was shocked and somewhat incoherent. He knew that Wang Hao's strength should be on par with his own, and he knew better How difficult is it to break through after you have reached your level of cultivation?Unexpectedly, Wang Hao suddenly wanted to make a breakthrough at this moment. If the breakthrough is successful, it would be a great thing for the Human Monk Alliance!

"Okay, okay!" Before Wang Hao could speak again, Mr. Kongkong laughed loudly.With a flash of Wang Hao's figure, he disappeared directly in front of Mr. Kongkong. At this moment, Wang Hao couldn't restrain the feeling of wanting to break through.Wang Hao himself didn't know why he suddenly had the urge to break through.Is it because when I was fighting with the golden-armored devil just now, I saw the golden-armored devil cast a space blockade, or because the sky-replenishing ring in my body automatically saved the savior, so I have some insights.

"Anyway, it's a good thing to be able to break through. I hope this time I can realize a little bit of space law..." Wang Hao thought to himself, and his figure entered the Dragon's Mountain Gate in an instant.

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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