Fairy Road

Chapter 703: The Power of Cleaning the Bottle

The Nine Nether Demon Dragon whizzed and bit at Young Master Kongkong, just now Hu Mei and other fourteen great monsters joined forces to block the blow, but without those fourteen great monsters this time, Young Master Kongkong fell into a desperate situation again middle.However, just as Mr. Kong Kong was about to give up the siege of the smiling devil, there was a voice in his ear that surprised Mr. Kong. This voice, male and female, was the most powerful master of the Dongfang family. : "Young Master Kongkong, you continue to surround the smiling devil king with your sword array, and leave the devil king in front to me!"

Boom, boom... When the Nine Nether Demon Dragon was about to hit Young Master Kongkong, it was sent back again. "Huh? Who is it?" When the Thousand-Faced Demon King came to the Human Cultivator Alliance, he detected it with his divine sense. In the entire Human Cultivator Alliance, besides Young Master Kong, there were two monks with powerful auras, so , was always vigilant in his heart, at this moment, after his own dragon was hit back again, the thousand-faced devil instantly thought of those two monks with powerful auras.

"Broken!" Sure enough, a monk dressed in black, with a veil covering his face, making his appearance hard to see appeared in front of the Thousand Faced Demon King, holding a strange rattan staff in his hand, One strike slashed at the space barrier where Hu Mei and the others were trapped, with a loud bang, the space barrier was blasted away, and Hu Mei and the others broke free from the space blockade in an instant!

"Huh? You have mastered the law of space. I really didn't expect that among the human monks, there are such strong people. You are stronger than that guy, but I like it very much. The stronger you are, I will kill you." You, the happier you feel in your heart, hahahahaha!" The Thousand Faced Demon King stared at Dongfang Ying and sneered.

At this time, the multi-armed demon king also came to the side of the thousand-faced demon king, with a surprised look on his face, he said: "A human monk who has mastered the law of space. Is this because the information we got was wrong, or was this human monk in a short period of time?" Have a breakthrough within a few days? It seems that it is not so easy to kill all these human monks this time!" Indeed, it is already very difficult for a monk who has mastered the law of space to be killed.It is possible to defeat him, but it is very difficult to kill him.Because, as long as a monk who has mastered the law of space directly casts the law of space to escape before losing, no one can stop him at all, unless it is the most powerful person who has mastered the law of time.

However, the three major demon kings, including the smiling demon king, did not control the law of time, so the multi-armed demon king said that it would be very difficult to kill Dongfang Ying, but the multi-armed demon king continued to smile and said: "Although killing you It is extremely difficult for one person, but, except for you, none of the other monks can escape! Kill!" The multi-armed demon king said, and eight arms appeared behind him instantly. On top of the eight arms, each On the arm, there is a terrifying magic weapon, and each magic weapon emits a wave of soaring magic energy.

"Quack quack quack quack, this guy who controls the law of space, you should leave it to me, you go and kill all those demon cultivators!" The multi-armed demon king said, and directly attacked Dongfang Ying. "Hmph!" Dongfang Ying didn't want to talk nonsense with these demons at all, and the Hongmeng cane in her hand fiercely attacked the multi-armed demon king, and then a small milky white bottle appeared on top of her head at the same time.

The Dongfang Ying at this moment is no longer the Dongfang Ying when she was fighting the Golden Armored Demon King.After that battle, although Dongfang Ying was injured, she accidentally broke through because she had a lot of elixir in her hands. This Yuan Miao method was indeed miraculous and helpless. After the breakthrough, Dongfang Ying directly made Dongfang Ying control the law of space. It is a pity that Dongfang Ying is still difficult to touch the law of time at this time.

However, even Dongfang Ying, who only controls the laws of space, has a large number of innate spirit treasures in her hands, and these top-grade innate spirit treasures are the treasures that those innate creatures are extremely proud of, so even the multi-armed demon king can It is impossible to be Dongfang Ying's opponent.There were streaks of blue light emitted from the three clean bottles, instantly enveloping the multi-armed demon king, and the Hongmeng cane completely suppressed the multi-armed demon king's eight magical weapons at this moment.

"What? This human cultivator is so powerful. The body of Senior Brother Douglas seems to be controlled by that weird bottle. No, I have to help Senior Brother Douban!" At this time, he originally wanted to kill Hu Mei and the others. The Thousand Faced Demon King couldn't help attacking Dongfang Ying.The power of the three clean bottles was unmatched, and it actually made the multi-armed demon king lose his fighting power in an instant.The multi-armed demon king does not have the luck of the golden-armored demon king. He was favored by the demon king and bestowed the mark of the demon king. If the thousand-faced demon king did not act in time, it is very likely that Dongfang Ying would be collected into the three clean bottles.

Boom boom boom... The Nine Nether Demon Dragon slammed into the blue light enveloping the multi-armed demon king in the three clean bottles. break free.However, that blue light took advantage of the situation and directly wrapped the Thousand-Faced Demon King in it, causing the Thousand-Faced Demon King to lose his fighting power in an instant!

"This human monk is so powerful!" The multi-armed demon king is already heartbroken at this moment. He did not expect that such a powerful treasure is in the hands of this human monk. After his body is wrapped, he has no resistance at all. Now although I struggled to get out, the Thousand Faced Demon King was trapped again, and it seemed that he was about to be sucked into the vial.Boom boom boom... The multi-armed demon king could only bite the bullet and use the eight magic weapons in his hand to hit the blue light again.

Boom boom boom... The Thousand Faced Demon King also took the opportunity to break free. The faces of the two major demon kings were showing shocking expressions at the moment, and their figures kept changing. Face Dongfang Ying directly, because the treasure in Dongfang Ying's hands is too powerful, and it is already beyond the range they can bear.

"Hmph! Do you want to use your body skills to get rid of the control of the three clean bottles?" Dongfang Ying sneered, and shouted: "The multi-armed devil, take it!" Dongfang Ying called out the name of the multi-armed devil, and the three clean bottles The blue light in the fire seems to have spirituality, no matter how the multi-armed devil's figure changes, it still directly wraps the multi-armed devil, which makes the multi-armed devil even more shocked!Fortunately, there is a thousand-faced demon king beside him, and these two great demon kings are watching and helping each other at this moment, otherwise they would have been put into the three clean bottles and turned into a puddle of blood.

"Ahhhh..." The Thousand-Faced Demon King erupted, when had she ever been suppressed by such aggrieved, "Brother Multi-Armed, quickly send a sound transmission to the other 24 Demon Lords, let them come over, first put the empty guy Kill, let the big brother out, and then we will join forces to kill this hateful human monk!" After hearing this, the multi-armed demon king had a thought, and the other 24 demon master level demon leaders who were waiting for the fish that slipped through the net were not far away. That is, the order was obtained.

"Hahaha, it's the order of the multi-armed demon king, let's go! We can finally happily slaughter human monks!" , now it’s all right, and I can finally go to the main battlefield to do a good slaughter!” Twenty demon lord-level demon bosses came to the side of the multi-armed demon king in an instant.

"You guys, hurry up and kill the guy with the three giant swords!" the multi-armed demon king ordered directly.

"Obey!" The 24 demon masters took the order in an instant.At this time, Hu Mei and the others naturally would not just sit idly by and attack and kill the twenty demon lords one after another. In the later period, the strong came to stop the 24 demon masters.

These sixty late-melting late-stage powerhouses, plus Hu Mei, the fourteen late-melting virtual monsters, are extremely difficult to deal with the 24 Ming demon masters, but at least for a while, they will not be defeated .The other 24 demon lords are still besieged by a large number of strong late-melting Void masters, and it is temporarily impossible to kill these human monks.The Many-Armed Demon King and Thousand-faced Demon King are completely suppressed by Dongfang Ying at this moment. In front of Dongfang Ying, the two demon kings actually only have the power to defend, but not the slightest power to attack!

However, the reason why these two demon kings are so embarrassed in front of Dongfang Ying is not because Dongfang Ying's own strength is much better than them, but because Dongfang Ying has a terrifying treasure in her hands. It is the nemesis of these two great demon kings. As long as they are covered by the three clean bottles, they can only rely on the demon king beside them to rescue them.It's a pity that the three clean bottles in Dongfang Ying's hands can only besiege one demon king at a time, otherwise the two great demon kings would have already been collected into the three clean bottles and turned into a puddle of blood.

At this moment, the two sides are in a stalemate.Of course, none of the eight thousand demon heads who followed the three major demon kings and 48 demon masters who came to the human cultivator alliance did not make a move at the moment. After the Lord has wiped out the peak power of human beings, these demons will attack and kill those human monks who are below the late fusion stage.

Now, the only thing that worries Mr. Kongkong the most is the smiling demon king who is trapped in his sword formation of heaven, earth and man. The strength of this smiling demon king is beyond Mr. Kongkong's expectations. It would take at least half an hour for the Demon King to break through the 88 formations little by little with the Nine Nether Demon Axe in his hand. Array.

This smiling demon king is also considered a genius, in breaking the formation time and time again, he actually found a shortcut to breaking the formation, and often after breaking the previous formation, he would directly destroy most of the formation eyes of the next formation at the same time.In this way, the time to break these 88 formations will be greatly shortened.

If the smiling devil breaks through the formation of the three swords of heaven, earth and man, then the three swords of heaven, earth and man will immediately lose their aura and can no longer be used. The devil contends.Although Dongfang Ying is extremely powerful at the moment, it is impossible for her to face the three major demon kings alone, and face the two major demon kings alone. In terms of real cultivation, he suppressed the two great demon kings to death.

However, Mr. Kongkong is not in despair at this moment, because there is still one person who is his hope, and that is Wang Hao who has been retreating and hitting the bottleneck.If Wang Hao can break through in time at this moment, even if he doesn't have a treasure as powerful as Dongfang Ying in his hands, he can at least join hands with himself to block the smiling devil, then at least the Human Monk Alliance will not be easily defeated. The three major demon kings are defeated!

"Wang Hao, Wang Hao, have you succeeded in breaking through? Time is urgent. If you don't succeed, the Human Monk Alliance will collapse directly!" With the breaking of the formation, in the blink of an eye, my Heaven, Earth and Human Three Talents Sword Formation will be broken...

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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