Fairy Road

Chapter 702 3 Talented Sword Formation

This demon puppet was personally refined by the ruler of the Demon Abyss, the Demon Lord. It is said that there are only nine of them in the entire Demon Abyss. Unexpectedly, one of them was in the hands of the Smiling Demon King. The smiling devil also just brought this puppet by his side, and at the critical moment, he blocked the fatal blow from the Ziyang talisman of Young Master Kong, so that the smiling devil hardly suffered any damage.And the last Ziyang talisman in Young Master Kong's hand has also been used up.

"There is no other way, the current strategy is to use those three divine swords to defend against the enemy, but I haven't fully refined these three divine swords, and I can't fully exert their power. It's a pity, otherwise , even if I fall here, at least I can kill a demon king!" Thinking of this, Mr. Kongkong no longer hesitated, and directly sacrificed the three divine swords behind him in midair.

The smiling demon king succeeded in his plot at this time, and the smile on his face was even stronger than before. Quack quack quack, emptiness, it seems that you are at the end of your rope this time, and the three big swords in your hand have not been completely captured. Refining, you are actually going to sacrifice them to deal with me? Don’t you really have no treasures in your hands? Then prepare to die!” The laughing devil said here, his figure flashed, and the Jiuyou magic ax in his hand A dark cold light was drawn, and it directly attacked the three divine swords.Ding Ding Ding made three crisp sounds, and the Nine Nether Demon Ax was in contact with the three divine swords in an instant.There were bursts of dazzling divine light erupting from the three divine swords, but as soon as the divine light appeared, it was annihilated by the black light on the Jiuyou magic axe, and the three divine swords also lost their spiritual energy immediately and flew back backwards. into the hands of Mr. Kongkong.

"Heaven, Earth and Man's Trinity Sword Formation, Ning!" Facing the three divine swords that had lost their aura, Mr. Kong Kong let out a roar, and continuously struck out mysterious seal formulas in his hands. In an instant, the three divine swords reappeared dazzlingly, and then , turned into a whole, like a cage woven by sword energy, and directly covered the smiling devil.In fact, these three divine swords were refined by Nuwa 10 years ago. After refining, it was discovered that the materials used for these three divine swords were exactly the same, but the sources of the materials came from three different sources. a different place.

These three different places can give birth to exactly the same peerless materials. Nu Wa has a feeling, so she named these three divine swords as Heaven Sword, Earth Sword and Human Sword respectively.The implication is that heaven, earth and man can be completely merged into one, forming a sword array.This is the rudiment of the Heaven, Earth and Man Three Talents Sword Formation.Later, after the sword formation was built by several innate creatures, countless strange formations were fused into it.The current Heaven, Earth and Human Three Talents Sword Formation looks like a very ordinary Three Talents Sword Formation, but in fact, there are still 99 other formations in this Three Talents Sword Formation.

Among the 99 formations, there are trapped formations, absolute formations, and killing formations.If Mr. Kong Kong can completely refine these three divine swords, he can completely control the 99 formations.Then, once a devil at the level of the smiling devil is trapped in it, it may be extremely difficult to escape, and it is very likely that he will fall in the formation.At that time, Nu Wa bestowed these three divine swords to Young Master Kong Kong, that is, they took them as the life-saving treasure of Young Master Kong Kong.Unexpectedly, after Mr. Kongkong returned to the Great Desolate World, the situation took a turn for the worse. Mo Yuan soon launched an all-out attack on the Great Desolate World, so that Mr. Kongkong didn't even refine the three swords. in time.

Of the 99 formations, Young Master Kong only refined 88, and there are still eleven formations that he has not comprehended!However, even if he only comprehended 88 formations, it was enough to make the smiling devil trapped in it and struggled a bit.The smiling devil king heard that what Young Master Kong shouted was actually the most low-level three-talent formation, and he almost laughed out loud on the spot, but the smiling devil king was always cautious, and he still controlled the Nine Nether Demon Ax in mid-air to deal with it with all his strength.

However, once the Heaven, Earth and Human Trinity Sword Formation is set up, it will be like a heaven and earth prison in an instant, directly connecting with the Nine Nether Demon Axe to trap the smiling devil king in it.At this time, the smiling demon king realized that he was not only trapped in the three-talented sword formation, but a chain formation.There are actually 99 formations in the three-talented sword formation, which is extremely terrifying, but the smiling devil did not panic. Through the observation of his own consciousness just now, and the operation of these formations at the moment, These 99 formations were not completely controlled by Mr. Kong Kong.

"Huh! If these 99 formations are completely under your control, I have to be careful, otherwise I will die directly, but at this moment, you have not completely refined these 99 formations, so you want to use this formation to trap I, even want to kill me, it's a joke!" The smiling devil thought to himself, and directly manipulated the Nine Nether Demon Ax in his hand to fiercely chop off the eyes of one of the formations!Boom boom boom... Counting axes in a row directly smashed through this extremely mysterious formation with brute force. However, it naturally has the power of the Nine Nether Demon Axe.This magic ax has been a demon for many years, and its demonic aura is overwhelming. It has always been people blocking people and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas. It is naturally impossible for these formations to block the attacks of this magic axe.

However, if Young Master Kong has completely controlled the 99 formations, and the ninety-nine are merged into one, the 99 formations are completely fused into one and become a lore-killing formation, then even the Nine Nether Magic Axe cannot easily To break open, in other words, the chance of the Smiling Demon King holding the Nine Nether Demon Ax to break open the formation is almost zero!Even at this moment, it would take at least half an hour for the smiling devil to completely break through the 88 formations!

"What's the matter, senior brother was actually trapped by that guy with a formation?" Thousand-faced Demon King's face was constantly changing, and his eyebrows kept twitching, and he said to the Many-Armed Demon King.The multi-armed demon king also frowned and looked sideways at this time, and said in a deep voice: "That's right, the three giant swords in Kong Kong's hands seem to be extremely powerful treasures, which made me feel threatened Well, the formation formed by the combination of three giant swords is even more powerful. However, the boy Kong Kong hasn't completely refined these three giant swords, so they shouldn't pose any threat to the senior brother!"

"Hmph!" The Thousand-faced Demon King snorted coldly, and said, "Regardless of whether it will pose a threat to the senior brother, at least the senior brother is trapped in the formation now. When he comes to this prehistoric world this time, the master is ordered , if you want a quick battle, let me kill that Kong Kong, at this time, the three giant swords that Kong Kong is relying on are all used to surround the elder brother, and he has no power to fight back at all!" The Thousand Faced Demon King said here , without waiting for the multi-armed demon king to answer, he flew directly towards Young Master Kongkong.The multi-armed demon king could only smile wryly and shook his head, thinking in his heart: "Sure enough, Junior Sister's temperament will never be changed, but at this moment, that kid Kong Kong is completely a paper tiger, it's better to get rid of him sooner!"

The multi-armed demon king thought of this, and his consciousness swept around. Although each of the 24 demon lord-level demon heads under his command had to deal with six or seven late-stage human powerhouses, none of these demon lords fell behind. Those who are at a disadvantage, even a powerful demon lord like Wansheng Demon Lord, have gained the upper hand in the scene in a blink of an eye. If it weren't for the opponent's large number of people and mutual support, I am afraid that he would have killed several people. Late Fusion Human Monk! "Okay, since the master has an order, and we want to fight quickly, then let's not hesitate any longer!" The multi-armed devil thought to himself.

The figure of the thousand-faced demon king flickered, and the dragon fan in his hand instantly showed a roaring black dragon, howling and biting towards Mr. Kongkong incessantly. "Ho Ho Ho..." Seeing this, Young Master Kong Kong's face immediately changed drastically. At this moment, eight out of ten out of ten of his Yuanli are controlling the three-talented sword array, and he has no time to be distracted to deal with the nine secluded sword formations. dragon.

At this moment, a clear voice resounded through the sky, and several figures came to the side of Young Master Kong in an instant. "Young Master Kongkong, my demon monks are here to help you!" The person who came was Hu Mei, the most powerful demon monk among the demon monks at this time, and the thirteen demon monks in the later stage of fusion.These big monsters were originally arranged by Mr. Kong Kong as surprise soldiers to play a surprise attack role.But at this moment, seeing that Mr. Kongkong was in danger of falling, Hu Mei would not be so stupid as to wait for Mr. Kongkong's order before taking action.

Hu Mei and the thirteen Void Fusion Late Demons let out a low growl at the same time, and the fourteen treasures were united in an instant, forming an extremely terrifying demon space, which collided with the Nine Nether Demon King with a bang. After reaching one place, the Nine Nether Demon Dragon let out a roar, and was overwhelmed by the endless demonic energy. In an instant, most of the demon energy was consumed, but the Nine Nether Demon Dragon seemed to be exhausted at the moment. After a low growl, it flew straight away. Returned to the Demon Dragon Fan in the hands of the Demon King with Thousand Faces.

The Thousand-faced Demon King showed a sullen look on his face, and said coldly: "Hmph, you just want to block me, the Thousand-Faced Demon King? Thirteen big monsters in the late Fusion Stage, and a nine-tailed fox who just surpassed the late Fusion Stage , hahahaha, you can’t be my opponent at all!” The Thousand-faced Demon King sneered, suddenly flicked the dragon fan in his hand, and said softly in the air: “Let you see, the difference in realm is not the number of people. It can be made up! Space blockade!"

Boom... As soon as the thousand-faced demon king finished speaking, the space around Hu Mei and the other fourteen big monsters seemed to be completely frozen. Except for the movement within a radius of ten feet, it was beyond the distance of ten feet. , the big monsters simply cannot enter. "This devil actually controls the laws of space!" Hu Mei was well-informed among the big monsters, and she could tell at a glance that this was a space blockade that only monks who had comprehended the laws of space could display.Back then, Jiao Sheng was stuck at this step, and it was always difficult to step into the realm of controlling the laws of space and time. Therefore, under the siege of several demon lords such as Wansheng Demon, he would drink his hatred on the spot, otherwise, With this space blockade, there is no need to consider the gap in the number of people.

"Hahahahaha..." The Thousand Faced Demon King laughed wildly, his face changed into that of a very beautiful young woman, but his eyes showed an extremely fierce look, as if he was about to kill someone generally.

"Yes, this is the space blockade. I will block you within a ten-foot range, and then kill them directly. Let's see what else you can do to escape from my palm!" The Thousand-Faced Demon King yelled.

At this time, Hu Mei and the other fourteen great monsters began to use various methods, but facing such super supernatural powers, the gap in realm made all their efforts seem so insignificant. helpless.

"Death!" The black dragon flew out directly. This time, the target was still Young Master Kong. The Thousand-Faced Demon King's plan was to kill Young Master Kong first, release the big brother, the smiling Demon King, and then slaughter the fourteen A big monster.

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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