Fairy Road

Chapter 708 The Law of Time

"Oops, the physical body of this combined demon is extremely powerful. Rao, my physical body has practiced the secret method of the monster race, and it has already been cultivated to be as hard as an innate spiritual treasure, but under the attack of this combined demon, I will still be injured! The physical body is not He is strong, and his speed is suppressed! There is no way to continue fighting with this combined demon, because it is impossible for me to win this battle! However, even if I want to escape now, I am afraid it will be extremely difficult. What's more, if I escape now, it will only bring disaster to the human monk alliance!" Wang Hao's white clothes at the moment are already stained red with blood, and he is constantly thinking about defeating the enemy. The method, but has no clue at all.

At this moment, Wang Hao seems to be running away!After all, the gap between his own strength and the combined devil's is too big, even if he fights for his life, it won't help.Moreover, I have practiced for many years, and this level of cultivation has not come easily, and I still have this mother and wife.And, to this day, there is still no news from my father.Therefore, Wang Hao didn't want to die!However, Wang Hao chose to persevere in the face of the possible shattering of the human monk alliance!Stick to it!

"Huh! Human monk, your bones are really hard! To be hit by my fists continuously, but still keep your body immortal, it must be a supernatural power to cultivate your body, but today, I will directly kill your body. Smash it into fine powder, extract your soul, and relegate you to the Nine Nether Lands of the Demon Abyss, so that you will never be reborn forever. Quack quack quack quack..." At this moment, the combined demon head was also disturbed by Wang Hao's unbeatable appearance. Get anxious.After all, the situation of the Laughing Demon King and those demon bosses at the level of demon lords is not good at the moment. If it continues like this, I am afraid that I will suffer huge losses on my side.

However, Wang Hao has been pushed to a desperate situation at this moment, so how could the combined demon easily let go.Wang Hao is the strongest among the human monks. Only by killing him will the human monk alliance collapse directly, without the slightest cohesion.

Boom boom boom... Wang Hao was hit again, and his body flew out like a shell, and blood spurted out like an arrow, but Wang Hao still gritted his teeth and persisted.Fortunately, my physical body and soul are fused with the sky-replenishing ring, and the damage to my physical body is also being repaired quickly.But the speed of this repair is not as fast as the attack speed of the fit demon.If the fit demon stopped attacking at this moment, Wang Hao's body would be repaired in a short while, but how could the fit demon let go easily at this moment?

"Is it just waiting to die like this?" Wang Hao was burning with anxiety at this time, but there was really no good way. The treasure was broken, and the supernatural powers didn't work. Under the so-called innate life, there is absolutely no opponent.Unless there is an innate creature who understands the law of time at this moment, Wang Hao can be rescued just now.

"Huh? The law of time!" Wang Hao's heart moved. After all, when he retreated to comprehend, it meant that he had comprehended the law of time. . Thinking of this, half of Wang Hao's soul fell into comprehension of the law of time in an instant.

This is also because Wang Hao's soul is much stronger than that of ordinary monks. If ordinary monks dare to separate their souls to comprehend the law of time at such a dangerous moment, they may have been caught by the fit demon. A punch hit the vital point, and he fell directly.

As time went by like this, Wang Hao's physical body continued to be used as a living target by the combined demon. Almost every attack could hurt Wang Hao. At this moment, Wang Hao's physical body was already on the verge of collapse.So what if the physical body is so strong that it is an innate spirit treasure? After being hit continuously, even if it is a top-grade innate spirit treasure, the combined demon will be able to crush it!

"Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack human beings are finally on the verge of collapse, die!" The combined demon was very excited at the moment, and finally wanted to kill Wang Hao directly.At this moment, there was a scream, which was actually the voice of the smiling devil. At this moment, Dongfang Ying was holding the three clean bottles in her hand, and the smiling devil's figure had disappeared!

"What? Eldest brother, it was taken by that hateful bottle! No, I'm going to save the elder brother!" "No, kill this human monk first, and then save the elder brother!" At this moment, the fit demon Two thoughts actually appeared between the heads, two thoughts, one was from the Thousand Faced Demon King, and the other was from the Many-Armed Demon King.This is a big taboo for combining supernatural powers.Sure enough, as soon as these two different thoughts appeared, the combined demon spurted out a mouthful of black blood.

"Bastard, don't be distracted. That's right, kill the human monk in front of you first, and then go save the elder brother!" The Thousand-Faced Demon King and the Many-Armed Demon King quickly unified their thoughts, otherwise, they would go mad and fall into obsession in an instant. Into an impasse.

"Devil, die!" Dongfang Ying received the smiling demon king into the three clean bottles in one fell swoop, and immediately waved the primordial rattan stick in her hand, covering and killing the combined demon.However, this combined devil didn't even look at Dongfang Ying. With a thought, the eight magic weapons appeared directly in front of Dongfang Ying, surrounded Dongfang Ying, and instantly made Dongfang Ying fall into a trap. struggling to support.Dongfang Ying's cultivation base is too far from the fit demon king, and he is not an opponent of the same level at all, so he can't help Wang Hao at all. On the contrary, he is trapped by the fit demon king and cannot help Young Master Kong and kill those A demon at the level of a demon lord can be said to be worth the candle!

However, Dongfang Ying clearly knew that she was not the opponent of the combined demon, and she still came to rescue Wang Hao desperately. Even Dongfang Ying herself couldn't figure out why she was so impulsive.Could it be...

The fit demon didn't care about Dongfang Ying at the moment, and continued his open and close style of play, constantly hammering at Wang Hao's body, and Wang Hao's body was about to collapse.Once the physical body collapses, Wang Hao's soul will be directly refined by the combined demon head, and then placed in Moyuan Jiuyou, the consequences will be disastrous.

"No! My physical body can't collapse, absolutely can't collapse! Otherwise, the human monk alliance will be over!" Wang Hao suddenly felt a desire to survive.Boom... As soon as this idea appeared, it was like a flood coming out of the gate, completely breaking through the bottleneck of Wang Hao's comprehension of the law of time!

"Well, this is the law of time, it really is wonderful, hahahaha, the law of time, if I control the law of time, I am as strong as an innate creature, and the devil who fits is not my opponent at all!" Wang Hao's heart suddenly Is ecstatic.However, at this moment, Wang Hao's physical body actually collapsed!

Boom... "Quack quack quack quack quack... hateful human monk, I think you are still so arrogant, now that your physical body has collapsed, I want to kill your soul!" The combined demon yelled excitedly. "Wang Hao..." Dongfang Ying suddenly felt as if her body was being shocked by an electric shock. Only now did she truly understand that Wang Hao's position in her heart was so special.Although Wang Hao killed her elder brother, in her heart, she couldn't feel any hatred towards Wang Hao no matter what, and now that Wang Hao's physical body collapsed, she was heartbroken...

"Oops, Wang Hao's physical body has been blasted to pieces, what's the trouble, without Wang Hao, no one can be this combined devil!" Mr. Kong Kong is also extremely depressed at the moment! "Everyone, fight hard, kill these demon lords first, and then join hands to kill the combined demon, to avenge fellow Daoist Wang Hao!" Mr. Kong Kong also knew at this moment that Wang Hao's body was broken, and his soul was broken in front of the combined demon. , It is very difficult for him and others to rescue him!

"Quack, quack, quack... Where's your spirit? Come out!" The fit demon grinned, and looked towards the place where Wang Hao's physical body collapsed. At this moment, a look of horror appeared in the eyes of the fit demon: "What? Is it because I have hallucinations? Impossible, how is it possible? This human body has clearly collapsed just now, why can it still condense again now! Is it the legendary immortal body? Impossible, the immortal body, Even if it is an innate creature among human beings, no one can refine it!"

At this time, under the attention of everyone, Wang Hao's physical body was condensed again. This is naturally the power of the Sky-Mending Ring. If the Sky-Mending Ring is not destroyed, Wang Hao's body will be immortal, and the Sky-Mending Ring will not die. , Wang Hao's physical body will also live forever! "Hahahaha, demon, you are wishful thinking if you want to kill my body!" Wang Hao laughed loudly, and stepped forward, holding the Wanyao Token in his hand as a weapon, and struck fiercely at the combined demon. past.

"Hmph! You, a little human monk, actually want to fight me head-on. Even if your physical body can be recondensed, you can only be my living target. You will never be able to defeat me!" The body of the fit demon flashed, He directly kicked towards Wang Hao's arm, towards Wan Yaoling!

At this moment, Wang Hao suddenly said: "The speed of time is changing!" Suddenly, the face of the combined demon showed a look of fear, and everyone just saw the incomparably swift movement of the combined demon towards Wang Hao. With one kick, it suddenly became extremely slow, as if it was stuck in the mud, there was no way to speed up at all!

As for the Wan Yao Token in Wang Hao's hand, there were streaks of red light, and the speed was extremely fast, and in one breath, it smashed tens of thousands on the leg of the fit demon!Click!One of the combined demon's legs was actually broken by Wang Hao with the Wan Yao Token!

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... " the combined devil let out a miserable howl. To the extreme, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in the world, after a long time, he murmured: "The law of time... He, unexpectedly, comprehended the law of time..."

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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