Fairy Road

Chapter 707

The combined demon leader saw that the smiling demon king was forced to be in a hurry by Wang Hao, and even the magic weapon of his own life, the Jiuyou Demon Axe, was snatched by Wang Hao.Although the fit demon has already suppressed Dongfang Ying with no power to fight back at this moment, and he can kill it soon, but if the fit demon chases Dongfang Ying quickly, then he must pay the price of the fall of the smiling devil .Naturally, this was not what the Thousand Faced Demon King and the Many Armed Demon King wanted.

"Hmph! If you want to take back the Nine Nether Demon Axe and kill me, it depends on whether you have the ability!" Wang Hao heard the roar of the combined demon, and immediately attacked the combined demon, booming ....... The power of reincarnation on the gold disk of six paths of reincarnation instantly enveloped the combined demon head.However, the power of reincarnation descended on the body of the combined demon, but it did not bring the slightest change to the combined demon, and the combined demon laughed wildly: "Quack quack quack, stupid human beings, this is your treasure." The trick? Quack quack quack quack!"

"What, the power of reincarnation has no effect at all, that is to say, the cultivation base of this weird devil should be higher than mine! In this way, the effect of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Gold Plate will be gone!" Wang Hao was alerted immediately, The reason why I was able to suppress the smiling devil just now is because my cultivation base has surpassed the smiling devil faintly, and more importantly, once the cultivation base surpasses the opponent, the few treasures in Wang Hao's hands will be Can play an extremely terrifying role.

However, at this moment, facing the fusion of the Thousand Faced Demon King and the Many-Armed Demon King, Wang Hao's Six Paths of Reincarnation Gold Plate instantly lost its effect! "Primeval Divine Dragon, kill!" Wang Hao pointed with his right hand, and the Primordial Divine Dragon, whose cultivation level was equal to his own, came roaring in front of the combined demon in an instant.Hohohoho... The ancient dragon kept roaring, and when he opened his mouth, a large piece of divine fire burned towards the combined demon!The combined demon head looked sideways, and unexpectedly stretched out a strange palm, and with a single slap, a large piece of divine fire was blown away without a trace.Next, he took a step forward, walked directly in front of the ancient dragon, and shouted: "Where did you come from, you little bug, die to me!"

The fit demon grabbed the ancient dragon in his hands, no matter how much the ancient dragon struggled, it was difficult to break free from the fit demon's palm, the fit demon grinned strangely, grabbed the head and tail of the ancient dragon with both hands, With a fierce tug, it actually tore the ancient dragon into two halves!Countless blood of the dragon fell into the dust.Fortunately, this primordial dragon was transformed from the Wanyao Token in Wang Hao's hands, not the real dragon raised by Wang Hao.Even if he was beheaded by the combined demon, after three days, a new primordial monster could be brewed again.But the current Wan Yao Order, after brewing the ancient dragon, has lost its aura. It seems that it is impossible to brew a new big monster again in a short time.

"Great array of sword energy, condense!" Wang Hao was also shocked at this time. Although the ancient dragon did not have any treasures in his hands, in terms of strength, it was comparable to him. Torn in half.At that time, when the ancient dragon was attacking, it roared, which contained the space blockade.The ancient dragon's comprehension of the laws of space did not have the slightest impact on the combined demon, which really gave Wang Hao a headache!Therefore, Wang Hao can only sacrifice the sword energy array, hoping to temporarily trap the combined demon.

Sure enough, the sword qi formation did not disappoint Wang Hao's trust. The black sword qi instantly formed a black cage completely composed of sword qi, and instantly trapped the combined demon in it.However, although the combined demon is trapped at this time, Wang Hao knows in his heart that it is impossible for the combined demon to be trapped for a long time, and it is even more impossible to use this sword array to kill the demon. Therefore, Wang Hao must now Use this time to prepare your backhand.

Fortunately, the smiling devil at this time was already trapped by Dongfang Ying. He lost the Jiuyou magic ax and was injured by Wang Hao. Being suppressed by Dongfang Ying, although it is difficult for Dongfang Ying to kill this demon for a while, at least Dongfang Ying is invincible now!

On the other side of Mr. Kongkong, due to the huge disparity in strength, those devils at the level of demon lords are not the opponents of Mr. Kongkong at all. Beheading, in this way, the human monk alliance, which was completely passive on the scene, regained the initiative in an instant, and under the leadership of Mr. Kong Kong, it soon made those devil lord-level devils complain incessantly stand up.

There are even a few monsters at the level of demon masters who have been driven into a desperate situation, and they no longer care that the three major demon kings did not order those demons to start attacking, and the ones who made their own decisions were the ones who ordered their subordinates to attack. , and began to attack the Longjia Mountain Gate.However, the total number of these monsters is not many, only a few hundred people, and the human monk alliance has long been prepared, and in an instant, there are hundreds of monks in the mid-melding void to face it, without losing the wind in the slightest.

"Now my Six Paths of Reincarnation Golden Disk can't play the slightest role, and the ancient dragon transformed from the Ten Thousand Demon Order was instantly torn in half by the demon head. The only chance now is my seven-color divine light and supernatural power. I don't know. These seven-color divine lights and supernatural powers can subdue this demon!" Wang Hao also began to keep calculating in his heart.This is indeed the case, what Wang Hao relies on is nothing more than the Six Paths of Reincarnation Gold Plate, the Ten Thousand Demon Order and the seven-color divine light supernatural power.At this moment, two of the three major supernatural powers have been broken by the devil, and now only the seven-color supernatural power can be tried.

The strange sword energy array really couldn't trap the demon for too long. After dozens of breaths passed, the sword energy array was destroyed, and the combined demon stepped forward and punched the black strange sword energy , causing the weird sword energy to turn around and shoot towards Wang Hao.Wang Hao's face suddenly changed, and with a right hand, he retracted the strange sword energy into his body, and it seemed that this strange sword energy could not hurt the devil in the slightest.After all, to be able to knock back the strange sword energy with bare hands is naturally not afraid of the threat of this weird sword energy.

"Quack quack quack quack, human beings, are these the only means you have?" The combined demon broke Wang Hao's several supernatural powers in succession. He was so arrogant that he stepped directly in front of Wang Hao in one step, and grabbed Wang Hao's body fiercely. Coming over, Wang Hao immediately used the magical power of the nine transformations of the sky demon, and disappeared in place with a whoosh. The next moment, he appeared tens of feet behind the combined demon.For Wang Hao's supernatural power, the combined demon was not surprised at all. He opened his bloody mouth and grinned grinningly: "It's very flexible, quack quack! Space is blocked!"

Boom... The combined demon cast a space blockade, and Wang Hao felt a sense of suffocation in an instant. At this moment, Wang Hao was not only unable to move his body, but even felt extremely difficult to breathe.This is the power of the Void Blockade cultivated to the extreme. However, Wang Hao can be considered to have completely controlled the law of space at this moment. Facing such threats, after a breath, he used the law of space he had comprehended to break the space of the combined demon. law.

"Well, it's really amazing to be able to break through my space blockade!" The face of the combined demon changed slightly at this time, "But, go die now!" As he said, the eight arms behind the combined demon In an instant, the eight magic weapons were out of the control of his arms, and shot directly towards Wang Hao, and there was a violent vibration in the dragon fan suspended above his head, and a black magic dragon roared towards Wang Hao. Wang Hao rushed forward.

Wang Hao, who had just escaped from the space blockade, hadn't reacted yet, but he directly felt the nine magic weapons roaring towards him, and he didn't give him a chance to dodge at all.Boom... In desperation, Wang Hao had no choice but to use the seven-color divine light. Suddenly, the seven-color divine light appeared behind him, like seven arms, and grabbed the nine magic weapons. However, at this moment, the nine magic weapons, It contains the magic power of the combined demon, and it is impossible to collect it directly. After all, Wang Hao's strength is lower than that of the combined demon at the moment.Wang Hao could only use the seven-color divine light to flick it fiercely, causing the nine magic weapons to deviate slightly from the direction, and flew past his body.

However, just after Wang Hao tried his best to block the attack of these nine pieces of magic energy, a huge fist suddenly appeared in Wang Hao's eyes, and it became bigger and bigger! "Oops, this demon's speed is really fast!" "Seven-color divine light, brush!" Wang Hao's seven-color divine light swiped again, directly on the demon's fist, and after a loud bang, the demon's The fist was frozen in mid-air, but Wang Hao was hit by that fist and flew upside down for tens of feet, and blood spurted out of his mouth immediately.

This punch has already injured Wang Hao. Although the injury is not serious, Wang Hao can't even resist the attack of the combined demon at the moment. Wang Hao is injured again. What should he use to combine with this one What about the devil's entanglement?Although Dongfang Ying had the upper hand, it was impossible to kill the smiling devil for a while.It is impossible to help him, and Mr. Kongkong has no treasure in his hands, even if he wants to help him, his strength is pale in front of the combined demon.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Wang Hao was already in a desperate situation at this time, and the fit demon continued to threaten, punching and kicking Wang Hao, even though Wang Hao had the magical power of the nine transformations of the sky demon, In addition to the seven-color divine light, Wang Hao was still punched several times in a row by the fit demon, and Wang Hao was helpless. If he persisted like this for a while, Wang Hao would at least end up seriously injured.

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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