Fairy Road

Chapter 705

The many-armed demon king and the thousand-faced demon king are feeling unsteady at the moment. Facing a situation that is not good for them, if they don't break the boat, it may be too late for them to use such powerful secret techniques.

The reason why these two people have such hesitation about performing the secret technique is because if they want to perform this secret technique, it will cause too much damage to their own demon body and even their souls. There is a possibility of dropping a level.Falling from a devil at the level of a devil to a devil at the level of a devil, this is the last thing that the many-armed devil and the thousand-faced devil want to happen.

But...if this action fails, the Demon Lord's anger will definitely make the Many-Armed Demon King and Thousand-faced Demon King suffer more terrible punishment than falling down the level!So, thinking of this, the many-armed devil and the thousand-faced devil looked at each other, both clenched their teeth tightly, and a very mysterious aura suddenly rose from their bodies.

"Huh? Such a big change in the breath, are these two people going to use some kind of magic power?" At this time, Dongfang Ying, who was fighting with the two multi-armed and thousand-faced two demon kings, was the first to feel the abnormality on the two people. Immediately, the blue light in the three clean bottles in Dongfang Ying's hand lingered, and it rolled towards the two multi-armed and thousand-faced two demon kings at a more rapid speed.

The many-armed demon king and the thousand-faced demon king looked at each other, and one suddenly cast a magic weapon, cutting off the blue light from the other, and immediately, their bodies turned into a black mist at the same time.This black mist is actually like something illusory. The blue light on the three clean bottles rolls over, and it actually passes through the black mist, which cannot be swept up by the black mist! "Huh? What a strange magic skill!" Dongfang Ying was also at a loss at this time. Although Dongfang Ying's cultivation base at this time is not weaker than any demon king-level demon, she rarely fights against demon king-level demons after all. , I am still quite unfamiliar with the methods of these demon kings.

Although Wang Hao, who was not far away, also felt the change on Dongfang Ying's side, Wang Hao still didn't know what kind of weird secret technique the two demon kings with multiple arms and thousands of faces were using. However, one can imagine What's more, at such a critical juncture, the power of the weird secret technique that was just cast must be extremely powerful!

At this time, only Mr. Kongkong showed a look of horror on his face, frowning, and instantly thought of a great supernatural power that Mozun once displayed when he was fighting with dozens of innate creatures. At that time, Mozun also suddenly transformed Created a tent of black mist, and after a few breaths, tens of thousands of devils and colleagues in the demon abyss turned into tens of thousands of black mist, and the tens of thousands of black mist were completely wiped out in an instant. Absorbed by the black mist transformed by the Demon Lord, and then when the Demon Lord reappeared the demon body, he became extremely powerful.

Originally, dozens of innate beings were enough to suppress the Demon Venerable, but after using this kind of secret technique, the Demon Venerable actually killed all directions and defeated all the dozens of innate beings. The weaker innate beings just fell away, and the remaining innate beings had no choice but to choose to escape to the fantasy city and heal their injuries for tens of thousands of years before all their injuries were healed.It can be seen how terrifying the secret technique cast by this Demon Venerable is!

Of course, this is all Mr. Kong got from the mouth of the innate creature.Moreover, even those innate beings don't know what kind of secret technique the Demon Lord casts, let alone know that even after the Demon Lord casts this kind of secret technique, his cultivation has dropped to a level. This is also after the last great war. , Mozun has been dormant in the Demon Abyss, the reason why he did not continue to invade the Great Desolate World!

"Friend Dongfang, this is an extremely weird secret technique in the Demon Abyss. The person who casts the secret technique has the power of a fusion, and the cultivation level can even be superimposed. You must be careful!" Water's Oriental Sakura sound transmission. "What?" Dongfang Ying was also shocked when she heard the words, "My cultivation is only about the same as the multi-armed demon king and the previous demon king. The reason why I can overwhelm these two demon kings is mainly because of the three clean bottles in my hand. Power. If these two people use the secret method, after superimposing their strengths, their cultivation base is far superior to mine, and it is naturally impossible for my three clean bottles to make them lose their combat power easily. defeat!"

Thinking of this, Dongfang Ying no longer hesitated, and sacrificed all the most powerful treasures bestowed by the innate creatures in her hands. There were three treasures in total, and no matter which one of these three treasures was present, they were not weaker than those at this time. Three clean bottles in use.Dongfang Ying is aware of her own advantage at this time, that is, there are many treasures, so she can only hope to use magic weapons to suppress the powerful enemies that will appear soon.

Boom... Sure enough, after a few breaths, two puffs of black mist actually condensed in one place, turning into an extremely weird-looking demon head. Half of the face of this demon head seemed to be the face of the former multi-armed demon king. Half of the face is constantly changing appearance, obviously it is the appearance of the previous demon king!Behind the demon head, there are eight arms waving, each arm has a powerful demonic energy, and a fan with soaring demonic energy hovers above the devil's head.

"This breath is already far superior to any of the two great demon kings just now, and it is much stronger than the golden armored demon king. It seems that it is impossible for me to collect him in the three clean bottles at the moment. However, three The clean bottle can't be taken away now, and I can hide it in the three clean bottles when it's a last resort. However, I hope that such a situation will not happen!"

"Quack quack quack quack quack quack... Human monks actually forced me to perform such a secret technique. Even if you die now, it's worth it!"After speaking, he took a step forward, and the Nine Nether Demon Dragon let out a long roar from the Demon Dragon Fan above his head, and instantly bit at Dongfang Ying.Dongfang Ying raised her eyebrows, and the Hongmeng cane in her hand also turned into a red flood dragon. With a roar, it was actually entangled with the Nine Nether Demon Dragon.

However, at this time, the Nine Nether Demon Dragon, because of the master who used the Demon Dragon Fan, has almost doubled the magic skill of the Thousand Faced Demon King just now, and the strength of the Nine Nether Demon Dragon has also doubled. look.In an instant, the Flood Dragon transformed by the Hongmeng Cane was completely at a disadvantage.At this time, the devil didn't care whether the Nine Nether Demon Dragon could successfully defeat the Hongmeng rattan stick, and stepped forward with one step, and the eight pieces of magic energy on the eight arms attacked Dongfang Ying at the same time.

Boom, boom, boom... The explosions instantly made all the monks around feel uneasy.Although Dongfang Ying still has several treasures in her hands at this time, but in the situation where her cultivation base is not as good as the opponent's, even if the treasures can regain some disadvantages, after a long time, she will gradually lose the advantage, and, that The devil's aura was actually getting stronger and stronger, and soon the suppressed Dongfang Ying began to appear dangerous.

Boom... At this time, Wang Hao also felt that his sword energy array would soon be unable to control the smiling devil, and Dongfang Ying was surrounded by dangers, which immediately made Wang Hao feel restless stand up.Boom... The great array of sword qi condensed by the strange sword qi was finally broken open by the smiling demon king.The Smiling Demon King still had a slight smile on his face at this time, but his tone of voice was extremely annoyed: "You bastard human beings, you actually used formations to trap me continuously, hmph! Now that I break through the formations, I will You are all torn to pieces!"

As the Laughing Demon King said, the Nine Nether Demon Ax suddenly appeared on the top of Wang Hao's head with a strange sound, and slashed down on Wang Hao's head fiercely.I don't know how much stronger the Nine Nether Demon Ax is than the Demon Dragon Fan of the Thousand Faced Demon King. It is a treasure once used by the Demon King. As mighty as a man, but the real strength of the smiling devil is even higher than the thousand-faced devil and the multi-armed devil. Therefore, when the father and son slashed down, Wang Hao instantly felt a threat of death!

With a crisp bang, Wang Hao had no choice but to sacrifice the six reincarnation gold plates and block them on top of his head.The Six Paths of Reincarnation Gold Plate is really powerful, although it is an offensive treasure, but after being hit by the Nine Nether Demon Axe, it didn't appear to be at all inferior, which immediately surprised Wang Hao.

In fact, what Wang Hao didn't know was that the reason why the Six Paths of Reincarnation Gold Plate could withstand the fatal blow of the Nine Nether Demon Ax was not because the grade of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Gold Plate had completely surpassed that of the Nine Nether Demon Axe. Because Wang Hao's cultivation at the moment is already faintly above the smiling devil!

In Wang Hao's previous retreat practice, not only did he control the law of space, but even the law of time encountered a bottleneck. If the situation was not urgent, Wang Hao would not be able to break out of the closed door directly, but he would directly use the law of time to Wu, when the time comes, Wang Hao's strength will be comparable to that of an innate creature. Even the golden armored demon king will definitely not be Wang Hao's opponent.

"What? I actually blocked my Nine Nether Demon Axe with an innate spiritual treasure!" The smiling demon king was also shocked at this time. A congenital life was injured. Of course, the congenital life at that time was completely unprepared and did not sacrifice the congenital spirit treasure to resist, but the congenital life is after all a congenital life. A magical weapon that can injure a congenital life is so easy. Blocked by the human monk in front of him.This point immediately made the Smiling Demon King start evaluating Wang Hao's strength again in his heart.

"This human monk, is his strength already superior to mine? Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Although he had doubts in his heart, the smiling devil was still unwilling to accept this fact!

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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