Fairy Road

Chapter 710 Demon Venerable Trading

This difference is the coming of the Demon Lord's will, otherwise, how could Wang Hao feel so powerless at this moment with his cultivation as powerful as a congenital creature.However, in the eyes of Young Master Kong Kong, he is unwilling to believe, or even dare not believe, why?Because if you believe that the will of the Demon Lord really came, it would mean the defeat of many innate creatures who fought against the Demon Lord in the endless void—or even fall!

However, the fact is so, but how can you not believe it? "Young man, do you think that I, a cultivator from Moyuan, can be beheaded so easily?" This sentence contained the infinite majestic will of Mozun. At this moment, even if he was as strong as Wang Hao, he would not dare to touch him head-on.The sword energy array dissipated directly, and the time flow supernatural power collapsed directly!The Thousand-Faced Demon King and the Many-Armed Demon King finally separated, and two embarrassed figures appeared in midair.

At this time, the sky was completely covered by a dark cloud. The dark cloud was too big and had no boundaries, as if the entire sky was just this dark cloud.The face of the Thousand Faced Demon King is still constantly changing, without the slightest stagnation, but even on the constantly changing face, there is still an expression of ecstasy.As for the multi-armed demon king, his face was as ugly as dead ashes. Everything he did just now, he knew, should be known by his master, the demon king, and he naturally knew that everything he did, What will be the result.

Of course, the multi-armed demon king at this moment didn't dare to have any thoughts of resistance at all, and he didn't even have the idea of ​​running away, or he didn't dare to, because he knew that he was like an ant in front of the demon king. One finger of Zun Zun, or even one thought, is enough to kill himself thousands of times.

"Mozun!" The painful feeling in Wang Hao's soul finally passed. Facing the pressure he had never faced before, Wang Hao finally got used to it a little bit. For the sake of massacre, and we are just killing to stop killing!" Wang Hao's words were neither humble nor overbearing, even if he was facing a character that he could not fight against at all, Wang Hao still did not show the slightest fear.

"Hmph! It's a good one to stop killing by killing! Okay, then I'll see how you can kill my demon monk in front of this deity!" The majestic voice of the demon lord resounded again, and after it stopped abruptly, the whole world There seemed to be no sound in the room, because at that moment, everyone was listening to the Demon Lord, and no one dared to interrupt when the Demon Lord was speaking!

"Hehehehe..." Wang Hao actually smiled at the moment, "The Demon Venerable was just joking. If you interfere with your cultivation level, the Demon Venerable, I will naturally not be able to kill your Moyuan cultivator. But there is one thing I don't understand. Mozun, didn't you fight with many innate creatures in my Great Desolate World in the endless void, why did you still come to the Great Desolate World? I don't know if the one who came to this Great Desolate World this time is your avatar, Mozun, or What about your wisp of will entrusted to your disciples?"

When Wang Hao asked this question, everyone immediately started to discuss it. At this time, Mr. Kongkong let out a long sigh of relief, and said in his heart: "Why am I so stupid? This must not be the case. The deity of the demon, if the deity of the demon descended into the great world, why would he bother talking, he can directly cause us to perish instantly. Wang Hao is really smart and courageous, unexpectedly at this time, he can still judge that this is just a demon. It’s just a will of the Zun! A clone? It’s absolutely impossible, the Demon Zun does have a clone, but when facing many innate creatures, he can’t use the clone to come here!”

Sure enough, after pondering for a while, Mozun said coldly again: "The human boy is really smart, no wonder he is a genius favored by Nuwa. It is possible to make all the monks below the Late Fusion Stage in the field at this moment, including the late Fusion Void cultivators, all fall instantly, do you believe it?"

"What?!" Wang Hao was shocked in his heart, "Yes, with the ability of this Demon Lord, it is indeed possible to do it. The monks in the late fusion period are all elites among human monks. If they all fall here at this moment, Then the Human Cultivator Alliance will definitely be seriously injured!"

Whoosh... Wang Hao didn't speak again at this time, but, with a flash of his figure, he used the magical power of time flow again, and instantly controlled the thousand-faced demon king in the distance. "Mozun, if you massacre wantonly, then I can only risk my life to kill your apprentice!" Wang Hao looked at Dongfang Ying again and said, "There is also the hand of Dongfang Daoist. , your big apprentice, the smiling demon king, is probably dying at the moment! As for the multi-armed demon king, hehe, demon king, I will leave it to you to deal with it yourself! Hahahahaha!" Wang Hao was also betting at this time !

After all, the Demon Lord's strength lies there!If he really wanted to kill the late Fusion Void cultivators in the Great Desolate World, he probably didn't need to tell Wang Hao at all, he would do it directly!However, the demon king did not make a move, he must be concerned about the life of the smiling demon king in the three clean bottles in Dongfang Ying's hands, so Wang Hao once again controlled the thousand-faced demon king, so it would be too much to negotiate with the demon king One bargaining chip, as for the multi-armed demon king, Mozun Moji had the intention to kill him at this moment, so hurry up!

"Hmph! Human boy, you dare to threaten me?" The Demon Venerable's voice was still cold but without the slightest anger. It seemed that all this was a trivial matter to the Demon Venerable, and it was not worth pouring emotion into at all. generally.

"Hehehehe, I don't dare to threaten you, Mozun, it's just a deal with Mozun!" Wang Hao continued, "Friend Dongfang and I will return your disciples in our hands to you, and Mozun you are You have to promise, before the battle with many innate creatures in the Great Desolate World has no results, you will not easily slaughter the ordinary monks in my Great Desolate World!"

When Wang Hao said these words, he immediately won the favor of all the human monks present. Even the ancestor of the Dongfang family began to know Wang Hao again from the bottom of his heart.Of course, all of this is also because Wang Hao is now so strong that he has to look up to him.If Wang Hao is still weak now, they naturally still want to kill him and hurry up!

After pondering for a while, Mozun's voice sounded again: "Human boy, you are indeed very courageous, and the transaction can be carried out, but this deity wants to know whether you are qualified to trade with this deity!"

"What? Not qualified!" Wang Hao's heart moved, and he asked, "I don't know how the devil can know whether he is qualified to trade with you!?" Wang Hao also asked directly, but at this moment, Wang Hao's heart is already Knowing a general idea, it seems that this Demon Lord is going to test the depth of my strength.If my strength is enough to make him feel afraid of this wisp of will, I am naturally qualified to trade with him.If on the contrary, my strength is not enough, I am afraid he will kill me and everyone present...

"Hmph! It's very simple, human boy, as long as you can accept this move from this deity, then it doesn't matter if this deity makes this deal with you!" The demon's voice remained the same!

"Sure enough!" Wang Hao thought to himself.At this time, everyone including Young Master Kong was shocked, "What, it's just a joke to take the demon king's move, you know, even Wang Hao has a cultivation level comparable to that of an innate creature at this moment. However, you must know that in the endless void, dozens of innate beings teamed up to fight against the Demon Lord, but they were all at a disadvantage. Although this was just a wisp of will from the Demon Lord, the strength of that wisp of will just now, Everyone knows it too!"

"Wang Hao, you can't agree to him!" Mr. Kong Kong was the first to say through voice transmission. "Wang Hao, let me take his move!" Dongfang Ying also said via voice transmission at this time, "After all, I have the three cleansing bottles in my hand, no, I can just hide in the three cleansing bottles!" Dongfang Ying Even though she said so, she also knew that the chances of the Three Cleansing Bottles being able to block the Demon Lord's move were very small, but for Wang Hao, she had an urge to never turn back.

Even those monks who had never met Wang Hao sent voice transmissions to Wang Hao at this moment. "Senior Wang Hao, you must not agree to the request of the devil!" "Senior Wang Hao, don't ruin yourself because of us, you are the hope of my great world!" "Wang Hao, don't agree to the devil, You have two of his disciples in your hands right now, enough to threaten him!"

However, all these voices were heard in Wang Hao's ears, but none of them could change Wang Hao's inner thoughts. In fact, Wang Hao was originally a stubborn person, especially at critical moments, he was often extremely selfish.

Sure enough, Wang Hao smiled and said: "Okay, Mozun, I will take your move. If I can take your move, I hope Mozun will not break your promise!"

"Hmph! I am the majestic ruler of the Demon Venerable, how can I go back on my word!" The Demon Venerable finally had a trace of anger, "If you take this deity's move and survive, this deity will promise you today. If you don't kill all the prehistoric world Are you satisfied that I, a cultivator of Moyuan, will no longer set foot in the prehistoric world?"

"I'm very satisfied!" Wang Hao smiled and waved his right hand, and threw the Thousand-Faced Demon King directly beside Dongfang Ying. Comprehending it, he turned over the three clean bottles in his right hand, and immediately took the demon king in front of him into it.

"Okay, Mozun, then please make a move!" Wang Hao stepped forward with a smile, and the energy in his body shot up into the sky in an instant, reaching its peak.

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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