Fairy Road

Chapter 713 Endless Void

Hearing Dongfang Ying's decision, Wang Hao also felt ups and downs. After all, Dongfang Ying's current cultivation level is not as good as his own, but Dongfang Ying is the default candidate for many innate creatures to complete the task. Dongfang Ying should have to go to the endless void .However, the endless void is extremely dangerous. Dongfang Ying's trip must be a disaster. After all, she has not yet comprehended the law of time. If the shadow of the void devours, it is determined that there will be no chance of escape.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao couldn't help but said to Dongfang Ying: "Fellow Daoist Dongfang, although you once had a promise with someone, but the time has passed now, so Wang can go to understand this matter on your behalf! "The reason why Wang Hao said this is because he thought that Dongfang Ying had to choose to enter the endless void because of an appointment with the innate creatures. How could he know that the reason why Dongfang Ying chose to enter the endless void now is mainly The reason is still because of himself.

Sure enough, Dongfang Ying's pretty face was slightly gloomy, and she just glanced at Wang Hao coldly, with a look of loneliness in her eyes, but she said coldly, "I won't bother you, Fellow Daoist Wang Hao!" Dongfang Ying's indifference made Wang Hao slightly startled. He wanted to persuade him again, but he swallowed the words.

The banquet then continued, and many powerful people from the Great Desolate World came to drink with Mr. Wang Hao Kongkong and Dongfang Ying. Suddenly, the scene was very lively, and Wang Hao was also He would not refuse anyone who came, and drank at least three or four jars of spirit wine with a straight face. If Wang Hao hadn't cultivated so well, there might have been too many of them!

After drinking for three rounds, everyone sat down again and continued to toast in their own small circles.At this time, only Mr. Kongkong, Wang Hao and Dongfang Ying were left on the main table.Mr. Kongkong raised his glass and said: "I, Kongkong, I respect you both first! You two have worked so hard for me in the Great Desolate World, and I am grateful to Kongkong!" Naturally, Wang Hao and Dongfang Ying couldn't help but continue to drink!

After drinking, Mr. Kongkong said seriously: "Since the two of you have decided to go to the endless void, here I will tell you how to enter the endless void and the precautions for entering the endless void!" Wang Hao and Dongfang Ying The two nodded at the same time, saying yes. After all, this endless void, including Wang Hao, is only heard, and they really don't know how to enter it, let alone what to pay attention to when entering the endless void!

Master Kongkong frowned and said slowly, from his expression, it can be seen that this endless void is an extremely dangerous place even for him! "You two, this endless void is a plane parallel to the Great Desolate World. It was created by a great supernatural being in the Huayang Great World 10 years ago. In the endless void, there is no Therefore, it is impossible for ordinary monks to enter and cultivate in it. Of course, it is impossible for ordinary monks to have the opportunity to enter. Because, to enter this endless void, the minimum is to have a cultivation level beyond the late fusion void! "

"Huh? Only those who have surpassed the late stage of Rongxu can enter. No wonder many experts in this great world have never heard of anyone entering this endless void!" Wang Hao thought to himself.

At this time, Young Master Kongxu continued: "Also, even if it is an existence beyond the late fusion period, if it wants to enter the endless void, it must have a strong person who controls the law of space to open a passage to the void. You can enter it just now. In fact, that is to say, only the strong who have mastered the laws of space can enter it by themselves. Of course, you two, friends Wang Hao and Dongfang, can naturally enter by yourself! As long as the two of you are in the endless void Corresponding to the corresponding location in my Great Desolate World, directly use the supernatural power in the law of space, reverse the space, and you can enter the endless void!"

"Oh, it's not too difficult!" Wang Hao nodded and asked, "Master Kongkong, I don't know where this corresponding point is in the Great Desolate World?" You don’t need to worry too much, when the time comes, I will naturally lure the two of you there! But, I’m a little bit worried about you, Fellow Daoist Dongfang!” Wang Hao’s heart moved, and he said secretly: “Here we come, it seems that this In the endless void, there must be some kind of threat to Dongfang Ying!" Sure enough, Mr. Kong Kong stared at Dongfang Ying and said, "Friend Dongfang, you have already realized the law of space at this moment, but you have no idea about the law of time. How deep do you understand?"

Dongfang Yingxiu frowned deeply, and said, "I haven't touched the law of time!" "That's it!" Mr. Kong Kong patted his legs and said, "This is the reason why Daoist Wang Hao and I wanted to prevent you from entering the endless world." The cause of the void, Eastern Daoist, do you know? In this endless void, there are a large number of void shadows. These void shadows have no fixed traces to follow. It can be said that they appear and disappear instantly. Once the void shadows, suddenly Appearing where you are, it will devour you directly, and there is no chance of escaping! Only monks who have mastered the law of time can use the supernatural powers in the law of time to change the speed of time and avoid The engulfment of the shadows of the void! A monk like Wang Hao can only minimize the danger by entering it!"

Dongfang Ying's face became serious at this time, without the fear as imagined, but with a feeling of indomitable progress: "Young Master Void, even if there is a possibility of falling, I must enter this endless void." However, I don’t know when Fellow Daoist Wang Hao will choose to leave. If there is still time, I can use this time to retreat and understand the law of time. Maybe, by then, I won’t be a burden to Fellow Daoist Wang Hao!”

After Dongfang Ying finished speaking, she looked directly at Wang Hao.Wang Hao originally planned to leave in three days. With these three days, it was enough for him to say goodbye to Yan Miaozhen, Huo Linger, Long Kong and others.At this time, upon hearing what Dongfang Ying said, it was not easy to just say that she would leave in three days. After all, if she left after three days, Dongfang Ying would naturally have no possibility of retreating.However, the situation is urgent, and many innate creatures in the endless emptiness don't know how long they can resist the Demon Lord, so naturally Wang Hao can't wait too long!

"Since Fellow Daoist Dongfang hopes to retreat once, then we will leave in half a month. I think if Fellow Daoist Dongfang still cannot break through in half a month, I hope you can reconsider whether to enter the endless realm or not." Void!" Wang Hao had no choice but to push the time to half a month later.

After hearing Wang Hao's words, Dongfang Ying's face showed a slight joy, but it was only for a moment, and then said: "Okay, if I can't make a breakthrough by then, I will naturally consider it!" After Dongfang Ying finished speaking, Standing up directly, he clasped his fists at Wang Hao and Mr. Kongkong and said, "You two, let me take my leave!" After speaking, his figure disappeared in front of the two of them.Time is short, and it is really difficult to break through, so it is understandable that Dongfang Ying chooses to leave now.

After Dongfang Ying left, Young Master Kongxu said with a wry smile: "Fellow Daoist Wang Hao, I will not hide it from you now that I have reached this point. You should be able to see that this fellow Daoist Dongfang is the candidate that many innate beings value?" Wang Hao also nodded with a wry smile and said: "Except for Wazu, other innate creatures should be optimistic about Fellow Daoist Dongfang!" In between, it has reached the point where it is comparable to innate creatures!" Young Master Kong Kong said with a wry smile, "It seems that the pressure on Fellow Daoist Dongfang is too great at this moment!" At this time, Young Master Kong also thinks that the reason why Dongfang Ying insisted on going to Endless In the void, it is because many innate creatures have been promised.

Wang Hao also nodded with a wry smile and said, "In half a month, it is really difficult to comprehend the law of time!" However, after saying that, Wang Hao once again thought of the strange things that happened to him in the past few days. Things can become entangled in my heart again.

"Hehe, it's not as difficult as reaching the sky!" Young Master Kongxu shook his head and said, "It should be absolutely impossible! So, fellow Taoist Wang Hao, I have an idea here, and I want to discuss it with you!" "Oh?" Wang Hao thought As soon as I moved, I understood seven or eight points in my heart, "Master Kongxu wants me to go to the endless void first?"

"That's right!" Master Kongkong said in a deep voice, "Fellow Daoist Wang Hao is really smart. In half a month, it's impossible for Fellow Daoist Dongfang to break through. By then, if he can't break through, Fellow Daoist Dongfang will naturally still want to enter the endless void." , In this way, Fellow Daoist Dongfang is in danger of falling. Fellow Daoist Wang Hao, you have to know, what an existence like Fellow Daoist Dongfang means to my Great Desolate World, so I absolutely don’t want her to go to Danger in the endless void!"

How could Wang Hao not understand Young Master Kong's thoughts, and why didn't he want Dongfang Ying to give up the idea of ​​entering the endless void? Thinking of this, Wang Hao nodded and said: "As you wish, after three days, I will Then set off to the endless void!"

"Okay!" Young Master Kongxu said in a deep voice, "As long as Fellow Daoist Wang Hao leaves early, even if Fellow Daoist Dongfang wants to go to the endless void after leaving the customs, I will not take her to the corresponding place in the Great Desolate World. Even though she has mastered the laws of space, it is impossible for her to enter the endless void!"

"That's great!" Wang Hao clasped his fists and said, "Young Master Kongkong, I still have to say goodbye to my friends in these three days, so I'll say goodbye first. After three days, I'll have you to guide me!"

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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