Fairy Road

Chapter 715

"Hahahaha, fellow Taoist Yang Shuo, I'm just making a little joke with you!" Wang Hao smiled and said to Yang Shuo who was very wary of him at this time, "If I really have something for you If it's plotting, why bother to say it at this time, directly attacking you, it seems that it should be able to have a more unexpected effect!"

Yang Shuo pondered for a while, then smiled and flew towards Wang Hao slowly, and said awkwardly, "Actually, if you really want to attack me, friend Daoist, with the treasure in my hand, I can at least be able to Self-preservation, hehe... Fellow Daoist, do you have any interest in the treasure of primordial spiritual energy that I just mentioned to you?"

Wang Hao nodded with a smile and said: "Haha, the primordial aura is indeed a good thing! However, Fellow Daoist also said that the one guarding the primordial aura is an ancient and strange beast Kui Niu. Cultivation level, it is very difficult to obtain the treasure from Kui Niu's guards! I wonder if fellow daoists have found other helpers?"

Wang Hao also has some understanding of Kui Niu. In ancient times, there was a strange beast named Kui Niu. It was born extremely powerful and could devour innate living beings. But at this moment, Wang Hao's cultivation was strong enough to rival the innate creatures, even surpassed ordinary innate creatures, and he was not arrogant enough to face an adult Kui ox alone.As for Yang Shuo, his cultivation was not even as good as ordinary innate beings, even if he was added, it would not be of much use.Therefore, Wang Hao knew that Yang Shuo wanted to win the treasure, so he suspected that he had invited other helpers.Otherwise, everything can only be a scam!As for what happened, Wang Hao didn't mind, just take a step and see!After all, Wang Hao really wanted to get the Grandmist Spiritual Qi this time. According to what Wazu said, this Grandmist Spiritual Qi is absolutely indispensable for re-establishing a new plane.If they can get a lot of primordial aura this time, then they will have a good foundation for building a new plane.

"Hahahaha, fellow daoist is really smart! Since I decided to kill that kui ox and get those primordial auras from it, I was naturally prepared for it!" Yang Shuo said with a smile, "to tell the truth, fellow daoist, this time During the years, I have been wandering in this endless void, looking for powerful monks everywhere, and uniting with them to obtain those primordial auras. Fellow Daoist Wang, before you, I have already made an appointment with three fellow daoists. His cultivation is higher than mine, is Daoyou Wang interested in joining us now!?"

After Wang Hao heard Yang Shuo's words, his heart moved slightly: "There are three more, if you add this Yang Shuo, then there are four people, if these four people suddenly join forces to deal with him, wouldn't he be extremely passive. Sometimes, in front of a large amount of treasures such as primordial spiritual energy, it is difficult to guarantee that these people do not have the intention of murdering and stealing money." Thinking of this, Wang Hao's face began to become cloudy and uncertain.

Seeing the hesitant look on Wang Hao's face, Yang Shuo continued: "Fellow Daoists, are you worried about the uneven distribution of the treasures after we win them? If so, you can rest assured. There has been an agreement long ago, as long as you join the treasure hunting team, you need to make the oath of the soul. Fellow Daoists should know that if you violate the oath of the soul, the soul will naturally disappear. Therefore, you don’t have to worry too much of!"

"Oh, the oath of the soul?" Wang Hao nodded and said, "If that's the case, I can join your treasure hunting team!" Wang Hao also knew something about the oath of the soul, but he used his Once you break the oath, the soul will dissipate naturally. No matter how powerful a monk you are, it is difficult to survive if the soul dissipates!Therefore, when Yang Shuo said the spirit oath, Wang Hao immediately dispelled a lot of doubts.However, although Wang Hao said he agreed with his mouth, he was still vigilant in his heart.After all, everything Wang Hao has experienced since he entered the world of comprehension has been intrigue everywhere. As long as he has the slightest carelessness, he will be calculated by others.

When Yang Shuo heard Wang Hao's full agreement, he immediately smiled and said, "It's very good. With fellow Taoists joining us, we have a little more confidence in winning the primordial aura! I and the three Taoists Friends meet at a place [-] miles north, time is urgent, how about we leave now?" Wang Hao nodded, and followed Yang Shuo to fly north.

Along the way, Yang Shuo expressed emotion, feeling how difficult it is to find a monk in this endless void!Wang Hao smiled secretly in his heart: "Only when the cultivation base has reached the level of innate beings, can you walk freely in this endless void. Naturally, it is difficult to see monks!" Through the conversation, Wang Hao knew that Yang Shuo He actually came from a place called Mengtong Continent, and knowing that a monk like him could not be regarded as a top monk in Mengtong Continent, immediately made Wang Hao amazed.After all, even if a monk like Yang Shuo were placed in the Great Desolate World, he would definitely be a top existence!

The distance of [-] miles is extremely close to monks like Wang Hao and Yang Shuo. It is less than a cup of tea, so Yang Shuo pointed directly at a huge depression in front of him and said. "Look, fellow Daoist Wang, that's where we agreed to meet!" The two of them entered the center of the depression in a flash, but there was no sign of other monks here!

"Huh? What's going on? Logically speaking, those three fellow daoists should have come here!" At this time, Yang Shuo said with a puzzled face, "After all, because I found you, Daoist Wang, I It also took some time, but the three fellow Taoists have not shown up until now, could it be that some accident happened on the way?" After all, in this endless void, all the monks have no foundation in their hearts, and they can't help it. That is to say, any danger is possible to encounter.

Wang Hao looked at the surrounding environment and found that there was nothing special except for the low-lying terrain, so he casually spread his consciousness around.The surroundings were empty and silent, and there was no aura of modification at all!After a while, Yang Shuo became a little impatient and kept mumbling.

At this time, Wang Hao's spiritual sense already felt a powerful aura approaching him, this aura should not be inferior to him! "It should be here!" Wang Hao said to Yang Shuo in a deep voice, and Yang Shuo immediately showed a look of joy. Sure enough, a moment later, an old man with white beard flew towards Wang Hao with his sleeves fluttering. .

"Hahahahaha, Fellow Daoist Yang, I kept you waiting for a long time. The old man encountered a lot of shadows in the void on the road, which delayed some time! Hey, haven't fellow Daoist Zhang and Fellow Daoist Zhu come here yet? This fellow Daoist... ..." The white-bearded old man pointed directly at Wang Hao and asked.

Yang Shuo clasped his fists at the white-bearded old man and said, "It's good that fellow Daoist Li is here. Hehe, this fellow Daoist Wang is a friend I've met recently. His cultivation is also very good, and he's willing to join our treasure hunting team. At least Zhang Fellow Daoist and Fellow Daoist Zhu, for some unknown reason, these two have never shown up!"

"It turned out to be Daoist Wang, hahaha, old man Li Qi!" The white-bearded old man clasped his fists at Wang Hao and said, "With the addition of Daoist Wang, we must be a little more sure of killing that Kui ox! "Wang Hao returned with a smile: "Haha, Li Daoyou was joking, I can only help you all!" "Wang Daoyou is so young, but he has cultivated to the point where he can manipulate the law of time. Which powerful plane did it come from?" Li Qi continued to ask.

Wang Hao hesitated slightly, and then said: "I come from the Great Desolate World!" Age shouldn't be an inborn existence, it's really a genius, in less than a thousand years, with such a cultivation level, even in Lu Li's big world where this old man lives, he is still a genius!"

This Li Qi is also very powerful, he can see at a glance that Wang Hao's real age has not yet reached a thousand years old, at this age, with such a cultivation base, it can indeed be regarded as shocking!However, from his words, it can be heard that the strength of the monks in the Luli Great World where he lives should far exceed that of the Great Desolate World!

"Fellow Daoist praised you!" Wang Hao said with a smile.At this time, both Wang Hao and Li Qi's expressions changed, and they said at the same time: "Here we come!" Then Li Qi continued: "No, there are three breaths, two of which belong to Zhang Daoyou and Zhu Daoyou, and the other I don't know who the breath is!"

Yang Shuo said with a smile: "It is very likely that the two fellow Taoists met on the road. I think that the more people there are, the higher the chances we will get those primordial auras. After all, there are a lot of people there. The primordial aura is enough for those of us to share, even if there are a few more people, everyone can get a lot of primordial aura!"

Li Qi also said with a smile: "Hahaha, that's very good. You Daoist Yang discovered Chongbao this time. It's the first achievement. At that time, I will naturally give you more points!" in front of people.

Of these three people, one is a lean man, the other is a long-robed Confucian scholar, and the third is a strong man with scars on his face! "Hahahaha, Fellow Daoist Yang, Fellow Daoist Li, you have kept the two of you waiting!" the thin man shouted from afar!

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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