Fairy Road

Chapter 717 Trapped in the formation

"Why don't you let me try it!" Wang Hao said to everyone calmly, and Yang Shuo suddenly showed surprise on his face, and said, "It's so good, it's so good!" The faces of several other monks were also There was an elusive look on his face, and there was a look of disdain on that ** Feng's face, obviously dismissive of Wang Hao's words, finally ** Feng still couldn't hold back and said coldly: "Hmph! Try it, do you know that this phantom formation is the evolution of the ancient strange formation nine-day chain formation, which has ninety-nine and 81 changes. Unless the formation is broken by the formation, it is simply difficult to break the formation! You can really break it Array?"

Seeing the disdainful expression on **feng's face, Wang Hao smiled lightly and said, "I really don't have much confidence, so I just said to try!" "Humph! Give it a try? Don't you know, it's too Guqi formation cannot be stimulated many times, otherwise this phantom formation may become a killing formation! I have a lot of experience in formation, and the formation disk I sacrificed just now is my strongest formation disk. If you don’t have If you are sure, I advise you not to try it lightly!" ** Feng said proudly.

"What? This array can actually evolve into a killing array?" Hearing this, Yang Shuo also showed a look of surprise on his face. Now I can no longer be stimulated by the external formation, otherwise, once transformed into a killing formation, I am afraid that it will be disadvantageous to you and me!" The implication is obvious, this Yang Shuo has already believed it** Feng's statement, and also has a distrustful attitude towards Wang Hao's ability to break the formation.

Hearing this, Wang Hao couldn't help laughing, and said slowly: "Since this is the case, then I won't make any more fuss. I just don't know if there is any good way for us to leave this phantom formation as soon as possible. What?" "This..." Yang Shuo immediately became speechless, looking around at the several super experts beside him, but no one was willing to look at him at this time, it seems that these people are very interested in breaking the law. There is no certainty in going to this phantom formation.

"Everyone, what should we do? If we continue to delay, once the Kui Niu loses to the person who arranged such an illusion, I am afraid that all the primordial aura will fall into the hands of that person. Come on, it will be like fetching water from a bamboo basket!” Yang Shuo asked the people around him with a bitter face.

At this moment, Li Qi opened his mouth and asked **Feng: "Zhang Daoyou, I wonder if you have other good ideas?" Obviously, Li Qi still had a lot of trust in **Feng in his heart, and Wang Hao, at this moment, had already been accepted. He thinks that it is impossible to break this kind of phantom array among the ranks of monks.In the eyes of these people, Yang Shuo was the weakest person on this trip, but Yang Shuo was the initiator of this operation. Without him, it would be impossible for everyone to know the location of the treasure.Besides Yang Shuo, Wang Hao is the most dispensable person in this team.

"That's right, brother Zhang, don't be fooled, tell me the way to break the formation quickly, and break the illusion formation, otherwise, those primordial auras will become others' possessions!" At this time, Zhu Ke also Can't help but speak.Only Yi Zijiang remained calm, as if everything that happened had nothing to do with him.The reason why he appeared here was entirely because Zhu Ke was here.Wang Hao watched with cold eyes at the moment, feeling a little fear in his heart: Could it be that Yi Zijiang is Zhu Ke's puppet, otherwise why does it give people such a strange feeling!If it is really Zhu Ke's puppet, then a monk who can control a puppet who controls the law of time, this monk named Zhu Ke, must be so powerful!

However, all of this is nothing more than Wang Hao's speculation, and at this moment, it is simply impossible to prove it.That **feng's face changed slightly when Zhu Ke said this, and then he laughed and said: "Everyone, have you forgotten that we are all monks who have mastered the law of time, we can try to use the supernatural power to control the flow of time, and then use our full strength to control the flow of time." Attacking this phantom formation will cause this phantom formation to collapse, and once it collapses, the time flow supernatural power will be fully activated, and we can take advantage of this momentary opportunity to escape from this phantom formation that is about to be destroyed!" After saying these words , everyone's complexion changed slightly, especially Yang Shuo's complexion became the most ugly.

In fact, this method is to directly use force to destroy the phantom array!Under normal circumstances, when the monks in the formation destroy the phantom formation, the energy fluctuations produced in the instant the phantom formation is destroyed must be able to cause all the monks in the phantom formation to die immediately on the spot!The reason why **feng came up with such a method is mainly because all the monks present, except for Yang Shuo, are monks who can control the speed of time flow. In this way, they can use the control of time flow, At the moment when the phantom array was destroyed, he escaped from birth.However, such methods are indeed quite fatal for Yang Shuo who has no control over the law of time.

** Feng seemed to have already considered Yang Shuo, and then said to Yang Shuo: "You Daoist Yang, although you don't control the law of time, but with the treasure in your hand, since you can even avoid the shadow of the void, you must be able to escape in this phantom. When the formation is destroyed, it should also be able to escape easily?"

The expression on Yang Shuo's face suddenly became uncertain, because in front of these people, he had never revealed the treasure in his hands.Although these people knew that they had such a treasure on their bodies, they didn't know what the treasure was.But now, if according to ** Feng's statement, if he uses the magical powers of treasures here, he will naturally expose the treasures to everyone's eyes. , this point is something Yang Shuo is quite unwilling to do.However, at this time, the words had already reached this point, so Yang Shuo had no choice but to nod slightly, agreeing to **Feng's plan with an ugly face.

"Okay, since Fellow Daoist Yang has agreed, the other fellow Daoists must have no objections!" ** Feng said, looking at Wang Hao deliberately.Wang Hao smiled slightly and said: "In that case, I will do it according to your wishes. However, this ancient formation is probably extremely strong, and it must not be that simple to destroy it?"

"Hahahaha, you are right, Daoist Wang!" ** Feng said, "However, although this ancient formation is strong, with the cultivation base of the few of us, one hour is enough to destroy it! It is not appropriate Chi, everyone, get ready to do it!" Having said that, ** Feng was the first to take out one of his treasures.This treasure is a feather fan that seems to be used by ordinary people. On the feather fan, there is this extremely weird pattern.There were streaks of fierceness emanating faintly from above, which showed that this treasure must not be a good one.Seeing ** Feng took out the treasures, Li Qi and the others also took out the treasures with serious expressions.

These people's cultivation is as high as the sky, and all of them are great monks who have mastered the law of time. They are comparable to the innate creatures in the prehistoric world, and some are even more powerful than those innate creatures!At this time, after each of them took out the treasures they depended on, they immediately became aggressive. Even Wang Hao gasped, and thought to himself: Sure enough, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.If you have been in the Great Desolate World all the time, you would not know that there are such powerful monks in many planes outside the Great Desolate World.The treasures in these people's hands are probably no less than the Six Paths of Samsara Gold Plate in my own hand, and some of them faintly overwhelm the power of the Six Paths of Samsara Gold Plate in my own hand, and the momentum is compelling.However, I still have seven-color divine light. If I use this seven-color divine light, these people should not be my opponents if they fight alone.At this moment, Wang Hao, because of his soaring cultivation base, has mastered the law of time, and his self-confidence has also become stronger and stronger.

Wang Hao was observing the treasures in the hands of these monks at this time, and these monks were also observing Wang Hao.Because the dazzling brilliance of the Six Paths that bloomed on the Six Paths of Samsara gold plate sacrificed by Wang Hao at this moment is really too eye-catching.From now on, these strong men have a higher opinion of Wang Hao's strength.

"This guy named Wang Hao really hides his secrets. Judging from the treasures he sacrificed, this person is really not to be underestimated!" The most powerful person in the world, this Wang Hao might be the king of the Great Desolate World, this move is really extraordinary!" These monks began to speculate constantly in their hearts.

Only ** Peak, still showing disdain for Wang Hao, turned his head and said to everyone: "How is it? Since everyone is ready, then follow my orders and wait for my attack to guide the direction to attack, and at the same time How do you do it?"

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" "Shoot!"

Hearing that these people agreed with his opinion, ** Feng suddenly let out a long roar, and slammed the feather fan fiercely towards one of the eyes of the formation.Boom boom boom... There were muffled noises, like thunder in summer.The rest of the cultivators immediately burst into a rushing momentum, and the treasures in their hands followed the guidance of the ** peak, and attacked on the formation of eyes.Except for Wang Hao, almost everyone gave their best.

Why didn't Wang Hao try his best?Because Wang Hao knows that such an approach is simply impossible to succeed!Sure enough, as Wang Hao expected, after bursts of muffled noises, everyone's powerful attacks were like mud cows entering the sea, quietly disappearing the slightest remnant of power. An extremely embarrassing expression suddenly appeared on **feng's face, and he murmured: "This big formation is really powerful. I don't know how powerful the cultivator who arranged this kind of formation is!"

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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