Fairy Road

Chapter 724 Playing with Fire Cloud

"Who are you?" Venerable Huoyun's face was ashen at the moment, seeing that the treasure he was about to acquire changed hands in an instant, and he really fell from the peak of excitement.Moreover, in order to obtain these primordial auras, the price he paid was not insignificant. He was seriously injured, and his current cultivation was already greatly reduced by less than [-]% of what it was at its peak.The most important thing is that since the cultivator who suddenly appeared here dared to show up, it showed that he had nothing to worry about. It might not be that easy to regain the primordial aura!

"People passing by!" Wang Hao smiled and looked towards Venerable Huoyun. At this time, many treasures left by Zhu Ke after his death were still floating in the air. Wang Hao continued with a smile, "Passing by here, I saw so many Unowned things are naturally tempting, so I collected one or two, hey, haven’t fellow Taoists ever been tempted by these treasures? Then you’re welcome to download them again!” Wang Hao waved his sleeves, and directly put Zhu Ke's remaining treasures were all put into his storage space.

"This kid is really good at pretending to be confused. However, this person looks confident, so I can't do it easily. After all, my cultivation base is only [-]% of what it was at the peak, so I have no confidence in killing this person at all!" Venerable Huoyun was constantly calculating in his heart, but his tone changed slightly, and he said to Wang Hao with a smile: "You are joking, fellow daoist, these treasures were all left by the enemy who killed an enemy just below. Logically speaking, these treasures should all belong to me. However, since fellow daoists pass by here, it is also considered predestined relationship, so I will say that these treasures are all given to friends of daoism, but there is a wooden barrel-shaped storage treasure. Do you know if Fellow Daoist can hand it back to me?"

Hearing Venerable Huoyun's tone at this moment, Wang Hao couldn't help laughing wildly in his heart, "It seems that Venerable Huoyun was indeed seriously injured in the battle with Zhu Ke, otherwise how could he be so humble at this moment? Talk to yourself. The strength of this Venerable Huoyun far surpasses him. If he is in his peak state, I am afraid it will be difficult for him to escape from his hands!" Thinking of this, Wang Hao nodded slightly, and said: "It turns out that these treasures are friends of Taoists and enemies. Keep it, since the enemy of the Taoist friend is dead, then these treasures are also ownerless, and if I take them, it is not a coincidence!" Wang Hao said here, the expression of the Huoyun Venerable on the opposite side has already changed. Turning livid, Wang Hao changed the subject immediately, and continued: "However, as fellow daoist said just now, I can consider it next time! Is it a barrel-shaped storage treasure... Let me take a look! Huh? Is it this treasure?"

As Wang Hao said, he directly took out the barrel-shaped treasure from the storage space, and said to Venerable Huoyun.Venerable Huoyun blushed immediately with excitement, nodded quickly and said: "Not bad, not bad! It's this treasure. To tell you the truth, fellow Taoists, this barrel-shaped treasure was originally the next thing. When we fought against the enemy a hundred years ago, To be snatched away by the enemy, today I finally killed the enemy with my own hands, and I can say that my treasure is taken back, it is a joy!" Said, a face of grief and anger and excitement!

Wang Hao was already happy at this time, and said with a smile: "So that's the case, then I will hand over this treasure to Daoyou, and it can be regarded as congratulations to Daoyou for getting revenge!" As he said, he waved his right hand , the barrel-shaped treasure flew into the arms of Venerable Huoyun, and Venerable Huoyun showed ecstasy on his face.Grasping the barrel-shaped treasure in his hand, his consciousness swept away, and his face turned livid in an instant.It turns out that in the barrel-shaped treasure at this time, where is there even the slightest aura of primordial spirit?It's just a good quality storage treasure, it's not worth anything at all!

"Fellow Daoist is playing tricks!" At this time, Venerable Huoyun was fully aware that this seemingly harmless guy in front of him was pretending to be confused, knowing that his goal was primordial aura, but Transferring the primordial aura and giving him an empty treasure store is really abhorrent.

Wang Hao still had a smile on his face, and said: "Why did you say that, fellow daoist? Didn't fellow daoist just want this barrel-shaped treasure wholeheartedly, why are you unhappy when I give you the treasure? It's really strange! "Speaking of which, Wang Hao himself couldn't hold back the joy in his heart: after Wang Hao collected the barrel-shaped treasure just now, he immediately transferred a large amount of primordial aura in it to one of his storage items. Among the treasures, that's why he gave the barrel-shaped treasure to Venerable Huoyun without hesitation. Venerable Huoyun suffered a dumb loss!

"Hmph! Fellow Daoist is still pretending to be confused! I might as well tell you directly, what I want is not this wooden barrel-shaped treasure, but the primordial aura inside the barrel. Fellow Daoist, since you have met it, it is considered destined, Naturally, I will not treat you badly, I will share half with you, this is my bottom line, everyone will leave with half of the primordial spiritual energy, so as not to hurt the harmony, how about it?" Venerable Huoyun was already furious in his heart at this time, However, at this time, my cultivation was greatly reduced, and I didn't have the slightest confidence in defeating Wang Hao, so I spent all my time talking with Wang Hao.

"Grandmist Spiritual Qi? Haha, it turns out that what Fellow Daoists want is this thing! There is indeed a large amount of Primordial Spiritual Energy in the barrel-shaped treasure! However, this thing is also very much wanted below, so after discovering it, directly Storing it into his storage space. Tsk tsk...you are so lucky to find so many primordial auras, hahaha!" Wang Hao said with a smile as before, "However, fellow daoist, this primordial aura The aura is now in my hands, so why do you say half of it will be given to my subordinate? Even if a fellow daoist wants it, it’s only right for you to ask me to share half of it with you!”

"You!" Venerable Huoyun scolded Wang Hao countless times in his heart, but he suppressed his anger and said, "Okay, okay, even if I ask fellow daoist to give me half of it! Fellow daoist Since it is said that there is a large amount of primordial spiritual energy, it would not be a disadvantage if I gave half of it to me, right?"

"It's not a loss?" Wang Hao shook his head and said, "Why isn't it a loss? Although there are a lot of primordial spiritual energy, it seems that it is not enough for me to use. Now that I have what I got, Fellow Daoist wants to share a piece of the pie, and said that I will use it later. No loss! Hey...You are too mean, fellow daoist, so I have decided that this Primordial Spiritual Qi will not be given to you, and you will take all the other treasures!"

"Bastard!" Venerable Huoyun finally couldn't help cursing, "It seems that you intend to play tricks on the old man. Today, it seems that a battle between you and me is inevitable!" Venerable Huoyun said here, The Fire Spirit Orb was directly taken out from the storage space, and a scorching air flow instantly made the entire void extremely hot.At this moment, Venerable Huoyun also knew that the young man in front of him would never lose to himself who was in a greatly reduced state just by fighting against each other.And if he wants to win and kill his opponent, the only thing he can rely on is this most precious fire spirit bead.

This fire spirit orb is a strange thing bred between heaven and earth, and it is not comparable to those innate spirit treasures at all. Even if it is the best of the innate spirit treasures in Wang Hao's hands-the six-path reincarnation gold plate, it can be compared with the fire spirit orb. It's also a little bit of a big deal.Venerable Huoyun has always relied on this treasure to traverse the endless void, so when it comes to a critical moment, he can only use this treasure to deter Wang Hao.

Wang Hao's face remained unchanged, but he also knew the power of the Fire Spirit Orb in his heart. Just now when Venerable Huoyun fought Zhu Ke, Wang Hao could clearly observe the power of the Fire Spirit Orb with his divine sense.Regarding this treasure, Wang Hao did not have the certainty of victory in his heart, but Wang Hao knew that with his seven-color divine light, he could try to use this treasure in the world.If not, in front of Venerable Huoyun who is in a greatly reduced state, he has the certainty of escaping directly.After all, even though he was about the same level as Zhu Ke in terms of cultivation, Wang Hao was much faster than Zhu Ke in terms of swing speed.

"Fellow Daoist, are you going to make a move?" Wang Hao said deliberately, in fact, there was already a strange black sword energy in his hand, and the seven-color divine light in his body also faintly appeared behind him. "Hmph!" Venerable Huoyun thought that Wang Hao was actually afraid when he saw the Huolingzhu, and immediately snorted coldly, "You repent now, and there is still time to divide half of the primordial aura. Otherwise, don't I regret it, once my fire spirit orb is sacrificed, I will be... a bastard!" Before Venerable Huoyun finished speaking, he discovered that the strange black sword energy in Wang Hao's hand was actually teleporting directly. Came in front of myself.

Venerable Huoyun was caught off guard, the target of the strange black sword energy was his own neck, if he was not careful, his head would be decapitated.Hastily exerting all his strength, his figure flashed, and then he escaped the surprise attack on his neck, but on his left arm was left a wound about a foot long by the strange sword energy!

"You, dare to sneak attack me!" Venerable Huoyun was extremely irritable at this moment, and the fire spirit orb in his hand threw it at Wang Hao recklessly. It turned into a cloud of fire and enveloped Wang Hao directly. Wang Hao immediately felt that not only his body, but also his soul would be directly burned into ashes by the fire cloud, and he hurriedly growled In an instant, a seven-color divine light appeared behind him, and he brushed fiercely towards the fire spirit bead.

Zizizi... In an instant, a very strange voice came out.Venerable Huoyun's complexion turned livid immediately. It turned out that the fire spirit bead was held in midair by the seven-color divine light released by Wang Hao, as if it was restrained.And Wang Hao's complexion at the moment is not very good-looking. Although the seven-color divine light is supporting the fire spirit orb, the extremely powerful fire energy on the fire spirit orb consumes half of the energy in his body in an instant !

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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