Fairy Road

Chapter 723

"Haha, no?" Venerable Huoyun's face remained unchanged, he still laughed and asked, "Just now there is a large amount of pure primordial aura here, if fellow daoists tell the truth, I will only tell fellow daoists I’m just asking for a little primordial spiritual energy for cultivation. I didn’t expect fellow Taoists to hide it, so I have no choice but to show respect first and then fight!” Having said this, the relationship between the two of them was torn apart.

Knowing that this time it is impossible for Zhu Ke to settle the matter, he sneered and said, "Fellow Daoist Huoyun, are you threatening me?" Venerable Huoyun grinned and said, "Hahaha, fellow Daoist is really interesting. The realm of self-cultivation is originally a jungle of the weak. You have a treasure in your hands, so you will naturally attract others to spy on you! Speaking of threats, this venerable indeed has the capital to threaten you!" This venerable Huoyun is extremely powerful, controlling time and space Among the super monks of the law, he can also be regarded as the strongest among them.What's more, he has an extremely powerful treasure in his hand, which is enough to make him run rampant among many monks of the same level, and has never suffered any losses.Zhu Ke and Yi Zijiang faced this time, although they were two people, Venerable Huoyun also saw it, and Yi Zijiang was obviously not strong.Although he didn't know that Yi Zijiang was an incarnation of Zhu Ke's second soul, he also knew that this person would not pose much threat to him!

Therefore, Venerable Huoyun threatened Zhu Ke with confidence.Moreover, Venerable Huoyun's spiritual consciousness spread quickly, and he found that there was no powerful monk aura within a thousand miles.Although there is a looming aura that is not far from here, but that aura tells Venerable Huoyun that a monk with that level of aura is definitely not a great powerhouse.Venerable Huoyun naturally didn't notice it.As long as Zhu Ke and Yi Zijiang were beheaded, a large amount of primordial aura would naturally be in his hands.

"Hmph! Now that we're talking about this, let's do it!" Zhu Ke's cultivation base is considered to be above average among monks of the same level, and at this moment there is this incarnation outside the body to help him, so naturally there is not much Timid, although Venerable Huoyun showed an extremely strong attitude, but in order to keep the primordial aura in his hands, Zhu Ke naturally did not hesitate to fight him!

"Okay, have courage, hahahaha!" Venerable Huoyun said, his figure flashed, and the fire knives formed by the condensed firelight directly killed Zhu Ke and Yi Zijiang's bodies.This time, the speed was extremely fast. Zhu Ke and Yi Zijiang hurriedly used the magical power to control the flow of time in the law of time, but the courageous Huoyun Venerable had already used this magical power before. Dao Huo Dao actually slashed at the bodies of Zhu Ke and Yi Zijiang.

Puchi...... Zhuke has defensive treasures on his body, so he can naturally resist the attack of the fire knife, while Yi Zijiang is just an incarnation outside his body, and he doesn't have many treasures on him, let alone Defensive innate spiritual treasure, instantly the blood spurted from the mouth that was slashed by the fire knife, and his complexion suddenly dimmed a lot!

"Bastard! Surprise attack!" Zhu Ke roared, and directly sacrificed the treasure in his hand to Venerable Huoyun. Venerable Huoyun snorted coldly, and a fiery red bead suddenly appeared in his hand. As soon as the beads were taken out, the entire space became extremely hot. "What! It's the Fire Spirit Orb!" Zhu Ke's heart skipped a beat. Although he had never seen the Fire Spirit Orb before, he was aware of its failure.Once Venerable Huoyun sacrificed the Fire Spirit Orb, he would surely be defeated. Therefore, when Zhu Ke saw the Fire Spirit Orb, he let out a strange cry, and immediately took back the treasure in the air. Run away quickly.As for Yi Zijiang, he rushed towards Venerable Huoyun recklessly.

Boom boom...Zhu Ke is also considered an extremely ruthless person. After knowing that Venerable Huoyun has a treasure that he can't compete with at all, and that Venerable Huoyun is far stronger than himself, In an instant, he thought of the ruthlessness of the strong man who cut off his wrist, and in an instant, Yi Zijiang threw himself in front of Venerable Huoyun and blew himself up!

Venerable Huoyun only knew that Yi Zijiang was not strong, but he did not expect that he would be the incarnation of Zhu Ke outside his body, so he did not expect that this person would suddenly choose to blew himself up.One must know that among the monks who have cultivated to this level, who has not gone through untold hardships and finally got to where he is today, and is more afraid of death than ordinary monks on weekdays, so how could he choose to blew himself up as soon as he came up!Caught off guard, he was immediately hit by the destructive airflow produced by Yi Zijiang's self-detonation. With a strange cry, his body was blown hundreds of feet away, and his body was dripping with blood. It must have been seriously injured.

"Bastard, bastard!" Venerable Huoyun couldn't stop cursing. At this moment, he realized that this Yi Zijiang was just a monk like a puppet in Zhu Ke's hands. The physical body was greatly injured, and the soul was also seriously injured, and the combat effectiveness plummeted.However, Venerable Huoyun had never suffered such a big loss before, so he was naturally unwilling to reconcile, his body turned into a flash of fire while roaring, and he quickly chased in the direction where Zhu Kedun was walking.

After the figures of the two disappeared for a few breaths, a white figure suddenly appeared there. This white figure was Wang Hao. At this moment, Wang Hao's face sank like water, and he murmured: "This Yi Zijiang really has something weird. Look at it. Come on, it's either the puppet that Zhu Ke collected, or the incarnation of Zhu Ke. However, now that Yi Zijiang has blew himself up, Zhu Ke's strength has been greatly reduced, and the Venerable Huoyun seems to have suffered a lot of damage. Here's my chance!" Thinking of this, Wang Hao turned into a streamer and chased after him.

Zhu Ke's speed is not considered fast among monks of the same level, but Venerable Huoyun's escapism is extremely fast. Although the speed is greatly reduced after being injured at this moment, he still faintly overwhelms Zhu Ke. One step, after half an hour, it will be less than a hundred miles away from Zhu Ke!

"Bastard, stop me!" Venerable Huoyun roared angrily, "When I catch up with you, I will definitely smash you into pieces!" Since Venerable Huoyun mastered the law of time, he has never eaten so much. It's a big loss, the hatred in my heart has reached the extreme!Zhu Ke was also worried in front of him. He didn't expect that he had paid the price of a clone self-destructing, and he still couldn't get rid of the evil star Huoyun Venerable.Although Zhu Ke knew that Venerable Huoyun must be injured at this moment, but seeing the speed of Venerable Huoyun at this moment, Zhu Ke thought in his heart that Venerable Huoyun's injury was not as serious as he expected.

"Go! Don't fight recklessly!" Zhu Ke made up his mind and flew away quickly.However, Venerable Huoyun's speed surpassed Zhu Ke's after all. Before a cup of tea, Venerable Huoyun caught up with Zhu Ke! "Run, aren't you good at running? Hahahaha, I'm finally catching up, quack quack quack quack!" Venerable Huoyun, covered in blood, was already looking crazy at this moment, "You're playing dirty with me, you Do you think that a monk's self-destruction can help you escape from Lao Tzu's grasp? Wishful thinking!"

"Huoyun, don't bully people too much!" Zhu Ke said angrily. "Too much bullying, hahahaha, how about I just bully you!" Venerable Huoyun laughed wildly, and a bead burning with fireworks appeared in his hand again, it was the fire spirit bead that Zhu Ke was extremely afraid of!Seeing this, Zhu Ke's face immediately became cloudy and uncertain, and he suddenly said: "Fellow Daoist Huoyun, stop! To tell you the truth, I have a lot of primordial aura in my hand. As long as you let it go, I will How about handing over ordinary primordial aura as a gift to fellow daoists?"

"What? Give me half of the primordial aura, hahahahaha!" Venerable Huoyun laughed wildly, "If you obediently hand over the ordinary primordial aura from the beginning, I can consider letting you go. It's a pity, a pity , now that you have angered me, how can I bear it! Besides, to kill you, not only half of the primordial aura, but all, all! Hahahahahaha..."

"You!" Zhu Ke was anxious, and immediately sacrificed the two strongest innate treasures in his hand, "Since you want to kill me, you must pay the price!" The Fire Spirit Orb shot out in an instant, and for a moment, the entire space was filled with flames, and the temperature was extremely high!

Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu....... The fire spirit bead was indeed powerful, it immediately wrapped the two innate spirit treasures sacrificed by Zhu Ke, and immediately began to refine them in the air.Seeing this, Zhu Ke's expression changed drastically, and he turned around to continue fleeing. At this time, Venerable Huoyun controlled Zhu Ke's movements in advance, his figure flashed, and a saber light with raging fire flashed past, Zhu Ke The head was separated from the neck immediately!

Zhu Ke's soul was frightened and fled in a hurry, but how could Venerable Huoyun let him go, with a finger of his right hand, a flash of fire flashed, instantly burning Zhu Ke's soul to ashes!

In the middle of the sky, several unowned treasures suddenly appeared floating in the air. Venerable Huoyun laughed wildly and scanned the treasures one by one with his consciousness. Finally, his eyes stopped on a wooden barrel-shaped storage treasure. superior. "Hahahahaha, primordial aura, a lot of primordial aura, so pure primordial aura, hahahahaha, God help me, hahahahaha!" Venerable Huoyun didn't expect that Zhu Ke's body would actually With so much primordial aura, he was so pleasantly surprised that he forgot to put the barrel-shaped treasure into his storage space immediately.

"Huh? Disappeared!" Venerable Huoyun seemed to be dazzled, and the wooden barrel storage treasure in front of him suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes. After a few breaths, Venerable Huoyun finally came to his senses, "Who, Get out, Lao Tzu!" Venerable Huoyun swept his consciousness, and found a not very strong aura not far in front of him.

A white figure slowly appeared, it wasn't Wang Hao, but who was it!

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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