Fairy Road

Chapter 726

"No! If I continue to use all my energy to suppress these flames, I will be in danger as soon as I meet a monk with ulterior motives. This problem must be solved first!" Wang Hao thought in his heart, but his gaze was downcast. Looking at the Fire Spirit Orb that is still suspended in mid-air at this moment!

On the current Fire Spirit Orb, there are still various flames lingering from time to time.But because Venerable Huoyun's body was beheaded and his spirit fled to an unknown place, the Huo Lingzhu no longer had the manipulation of Yuanli, and it no longer seemed so threatening.However, Wang Hao knew that there was still the imprint of the Huoyun Venerable on the Fire Spirit Orb.After all, Venerable Huoyun was only beheaded physically, but his soul was still alive.Even Venerable Huoyun still has a clone.Therefore, it is naturally impossible for this fire spirit orb to become an ownerless thing and be easily collected by Wang Hao.

"If you can collect this fire spirit bead, you can definitely use the fire spirit bead to completely absorb the several kinds of flames in your body. However, it may not be so easy to collect this fire spirit bead!" Wang Hao secretly thought, after all, at this moment I can't use Yuanli, that is, I can't use Yuanli to forcibly erase the soul mark of Venerable Huoyun on the Huo Lingzhu! "What should I do? What should I do?" With a thought in Wang Hao's mind, a drop of his blood essence flew out from his fingers in an instant, and floated towards the fire spirit bead.

With a muffled sound, a drop of Wang Hao's blood had just landed on the Fire Spirit Orb, but it was directly incinerated into water vapor by the scorching flames emitted from the Fire Spirit Orb and evaporated! "No, even if my blood can fall on the fire spirit bead, it is impossible to directly erase the soul imprint of Huoyun Venerable on the fire spirit bead!"

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work. Even my seven-color divine light can't be stimulated because the original force is completely used to suppress the several flames in my body. Without the seven-color divine light, what can I use to collect this? Fire Lingzhu!" Wang Hao's brows were deeply frowned, and he had indeed encountered an insoluble problem at this moment. "In this endless void, there are strong men from various planes and continents. Maybe soon there will be strong men discovering the breath of the fire spirit orb! At that time, not only the fire spirit orb will not be able to keep it, but even myself It's hard to save your life!"

Wang Hao's worry came true. At this time, thousands of miles away from where Wang Hao was, a short and fat monk was flying slowly in the endless void.This person's name is Liangrui Daoist, and he is a strong man from a super plane.In this super plane, it is not uncommon for strong men like Liang Rui to control the laws of time and space, and there are many strong men who surpass Liang Rui.Therefore, Master Liangrui has no ambitions in this super plane, and even feels a little lonely among the masters, because the junior sister he has always liked, but only his senior brother in his heart!

Thinking that the only senior brother in his heart is the junior sister who has been dreaming of him, Liangrui's face showed a lonely look: "Little junior sister, why do you like that old guy? You must know that old guy is an old man who has practiced for hundreds of thousands of years. Monster. And you and I are the best match, little junior sister! Is it because that old monster’s cultivation is higher than mine? Hmph! The old monster’s cultivation is only slightly higher than mine, if it’s not because of other With the treasure of the suppressing sect in my hand, I will not be afraid of him at all. Junior sister, I came to this endless void this time to find a treasure that can match or even surpass the treasure of the suppressing sect in my sect. Peerless treasure, when the time comes, when I return to the sect, I will definitely trample that old thing under my feet, and let you tell me in front of me that you love me, not that old thing, old monster!"

Reverend Liangrui flew all the way, and his heart was full of excitement. It has been decades since he came to this endless void for the sake of his junior sister. Although there are many precious things among these treasures, compared with the treasures of the town sect in his own sect, they are really far, far away.

"Hey... I don't know when I will meet that peerless treasure. It's been more than 30 years, and more than 30 years have passed. I don't know if my junior sister has become the old thing's concubine now, ahhhhhhhh Ah... How could this peerless treasure appear so easily? In this endless void, although there are some peerless powerhouses, most of the powerhouses have almost the same cultivation level as me , even if I have a treasure in my hand, the grade of the treasure cannot be too high. Could it be that I chose to come here because it was a mistake?” The real person Liangrui kept thinking in his heart, and for a while, he felt unwilling, worried, and lonely Feelings of regret and regret poured in one after another, making Liangrui's originally unbearable face even more ugly.

"Well, there are Yuanli fluctuations, hahaha, Yuanli fluctuations again, countless times of discovery, countless times of disappointment!" Liangrui's complexion instantly became cloudy, there is no trace of Yuanli in this endless void , it is also impossible for Yuanli to fluctuate by itself.As long as there are fluctuations in the origin force, there must be two situations: one is the fluctuation of the origin force produced by the battle between monks, and the other is the fluctuation of the origin force emitted by the treasure itself.Daoist Liangrui has been in the endless void for more than 30 years, and he has encountered fluctuations in Yuanli countless times, most of which are caused by fights between monks, and a few are emitted by treasures.However, every time he appeared in front of the treasure full of hope, and every time he was disappointed to find that the treasure could not be compared with the treasures of his sect, the endless disappointment was tormenting Master Liangrui.

"The fluctuation of Yuanli this time is very stable. It doesn't seem to be caused by a fight between monks. It should be caused by an unowned treasure!" Liangrui's face showed a trace of joy, but soon, the joy It just disappeared, "The origin power of this treasure is not very strong. It seems that it is a tasteless treasure that makes it tasteless and a pity to throw it away!" Reverend Liangrui wanted to fly away from this place directly, but Thinking about it in my heart: "No matter what kind of treasure it is, go and have a look, maybe there will be a miracle!" Thinking of this, Liangrui's figure flashed, and he accelerated towards the place where the power fluctuated. go.

At this time, Wang Hao also felt that there was a monk with a strong aura flying towards him rapidly, and he knew in his heart that this monk must be attracted by the fluctuation of Yuanli from the Fire Spirit Orb. "Oops, there really is a cultivator here for this fire spirit orb. Once that person arrives, I'm afraid he will attack me. Oops! Oops!" Wang Hao was immediately anxious. What's more, if you can't collect it, you will definitely attack yourself!

"My current energy is completely used to suppress the flames in my body, and I have no way to deal with any external attacks!" Wang Hao thought, "I can't beat it, I can only outwit it!"

The fast-flying real Liangrui also discovered the existence of Wang Hao: "Hey, there is a monk's aura beside the fluctuation of Yuanli. This monk's aura is also very powerful. It should be the same as mine, but it controls the time." The strong man with the double law of space, too bad, was actually taken by this person first, it seems that my luck is still bad!" After counting breaths, the real person Liangrui thought again: "Hey, that monk seems to have no idea about this treasure. The appearance of not being interested means that the treasure has not been collected for a long time. It seems that the quality of this treasure should be average. Hey... But anyway, since it is close at hand, I'm still willing to go and have a look! "

After a while, Master Liangrui came to Wang Hao, and Master Liangrui couldn't help but stare at the monk in white who was staring at him with a strange smile. Treasure, a crazy look suddenly appeared on his face: "This is... this is... Hahahahaha, it is actually such a treasure, this thing is similar to the township in my sect. The treasures of the sect are so similar, they are almost the same treasure. However, this orb radiates completely the power of fire, while the treasures in my sect radiate the power of water. It seems that this It is heaven that destined me to be the enemy of the senior brother, and in the future, I will kill the senior brother, ascend to the head of the sect, and win the hope of marrying the junior junior sister, all on this bead, hahahahahahaha!"

Seeing the ecstatic expression on Liangrui's face, Wang Hao already knew in his heart that this person should know the preciousness of this fire spirit bead.Immediately, Wang Hao clasped his fists at Master Liangrui from a distance and said, "Fellow Daoist, Wang Hao is a monk from the Great Desolate World, don't you know your name?"

Reverend Liangrui was stunned for a moment, and then he broke free from the ecstasy, but the surprised look on his face still did not recede, and he looked at Wang Hao with endless hostility: "Hmph, I must get this orb, I must Yes! Kill this guy in front of me. This guy's cultivation level is about the same as mine. I still have the chance to kill this guy. If you kill him, the orb is mine, the head is mine, and the younger junior sister is also mine. !"

"Hahahaha..." Reverend Liangrui laughed for a long time, concealing the murderous intent in his heart, cupped his fists and said to Wang Hao: "Reverend Liangrui, from Mingchuan Continent, hahahaha, fellow Daoist Wang Hao, you The red bead next to it is a good thing, I don’t know why you didn’t put it away carefully, but let it be exposed to the outside, if it wasn’t because of the energy fluctuations from this red bead, I wouldn’t have found it here.”

"Hahahaha!" Wang Hao laughed wildly suddenly, and said, "Fellow Daoist, you are joking. Although this bead is good, it is the owner's property. I dare not easily snatch the owner's property. If you are interested, Daoist friend, just Take this bead away, I will definitely not interfere in this matter!",

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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