Fairy Road

Chapter 727

If Wang Hao looked like he was facing a big enemy, he would act as if he was going to fight when he saw Master Liangrui, and Master Liangrui would not suspect that there was something wrong with the bead.But Wang Hao generously handed over the orb next to him, and promised that he would never do it, but it made the real Liangrui feel suspicious.

"Well, does this treasure belong to an owner?" Of course, Master Liangrui had doubts about Wang Hao's words at first, and instantly swept the Fire Spirit Orb with his divine sense: "Sure enough, this treasure On top of it, there is indeed a monk's soul imprint, and the owner of this soul imprint is extremely strong, and should be on par with the elder brother. Moreover, the owner of this treasure has not died, otherwise, the soul imprint will also follow. It disappeared. It seems that Wang Hao didn't lie to me!"

Then why did he stay here for a long time and refused to leave?Daoist Liangrui has always been thoughtful and extremely cautious.If you don't have full confidence, you won't make a rash move at all.This is also the reason why he likes Junior Sister in his heart, but he hasn't said anything for tens of thousands of years, but instead wants to find treasures to deal with Senior Senior Brother.

"This guy named Wang Hao has been unwilling to leave for a long time, and this treasure is owned by the owner. Wang Hao did not take the initiative to collect it, or it may have failed to take the initiative, or even suffered a loss, so he stayed here. At that time, he used orbs to lure other monks, and let other monks act as scapegoats and touchstones, and finally he got a lot of money. Hmph! This guy Wang Hao really has a good plan!" Thinking of this, Master Liangrui suddenly laughed and said : "Hahahahaha, fellow Taoist Wang Hao, you are joking. Since this treasure is owned by an owner, how can I covet it? Fellow Taoist Wang Hao, you and I have known each other by fate, how about we go together? ?” This Liangrui Daoist can be regarded as old and cunning, don’t you want to stay here and reap the benefits of being a fisherman, then I advise you to leave here with me, see what you say!

"Walking together? Hahahaha!" Wang Hao laughed, "Fellow Daoist, you are joking, although you and I are destined to meet each other, but what is the purpose of the other party coming to this endless void, we have to go together, isn't it too Menglang Don’t tell me, Fellow Daoist Liangrui, I came down to this endless void mainly to find a treasure that suits me. Yesterday I discovered the existence of this bead, and I also tried to collect this treasure. The result? Hahahaha, fellow daoist, you have also seen that the bead is still here. However, the reason why you can’t collect this treasure is most likely due to my lack of cultivation. You should give it a try, fellow daoist Liangrui Ah, otherwise, wouldn’t it be too much of a disadvantage! Looking at the appearance of the orb, it must not be a mortal thing!”

When Wang Hao said this, he deliberately sighed and said: "It's a pity that I don't have such a blessing. Maybe you have a deep blessing, fellow daoist, and you don't know if you can directly collect this treasure. Fellow daoist, you Let’s give it a try! Although this treasure has an owner, its owner is definitely not nearby, or even in the endless void, so you don’t need to worry about it at all!” Wang Hao kept persuading, tempting Liang The real person Rui made the greedy look on the face of the real person Liangrui more and more intense.

However, Master Liangrui soon came to his senses: "Hmph! Can this guy have such a good intention? It's too unbelievable, too unbelievable to persuade me, who has never met, to collect treasures that I can't collect myself! It seems that there must be some tricks in it, I must be cautious, if I am not careful, I will fall into this guy's way!" The more Wang Hao persuaded, the more Daoist Liangrui didn't believe Wang Hao's words. This move can be regarded as seeing through the mind of Master Liangrui.

"What? Is fellow daoist really not interested?" Wang Hao tempted again. "It's not that I'm not interested!" Daoist Liangrui said in a deep voice, "It's really a pure heart. Generally speaking, you will not snatch something that has an owner, unless the owner of this treasure is a treacherous and evil person. I will try to snatch it. Forget it, forget it, don’t need this thing, as for the purpose of coming to this endless void that fellow Taoist said, it really coincides with me? Hahahaha, I actually came here for treasure hunting Came into this endless void. Fellow Daoist Wang Hao, let’s search for the treasure together, once we find the treasure, how about you and I share it equally?” Daoist Liangrui is still testing Wang Hao to see whether Wang Hao is willing to leave the bead.

Wang Hao pretended to be thinking on purpose, and after a while, he said slowly: "It turns out that Taoist Liangrui's purpose in coming to this endless void is the same as that of the following. It's not impossible to go together, but, Daoist As my friend said, I really don’t understand the proposal to share the treasures equally. If you only get one treasure, how can you and I share it equally?” At this time, Wang Hao’s several flames in his body had gradually dissipated, so The only thing Wang Hao has to do now is to delay the time, and when the several kinds of flames in his body don't need to be suppressed by his own power, he can take action to collect the fire spirit orb.

"This..." Daoist Liangrui did not expect that Wang Hao would agree to go with him, and the idea of ​​equal sharing just now was just casually said without thinking about it. Asked, but he was speechless, "Well... Hahaha, look, fellow Taoist Wang Hao, you are getting more serious. If you are really a fellow Taoist who is willing to worship with me, the first treasure you get will be How about giving it to fellow daoist first, I will only take the second one!" Reverend Liangrui was full of nonsense at this time, and he thought to himself: Do you think I really want to go with you?I'm just testing it out, are you reluctant to leave that orb, hahaha, so what if I promise you the first ten pieces?

At this time, Wang Hao showed a moved expression, and said: "How dare I take it! You should give the first treasure to fellow daoist, and I will take the second one!" "It's all the same, it's the same, Hahaha, so that means, fellow daoist agreed to go with me?" Daoist Liangrui said with a smile.

"Yes, yes!" Wang Hao said with a smile, "Since fellow Taoist Liangrui, you have invited me so enthusiastically, how could I not agree! In this endless void, although there is not much danger, there is no danger in robbing treasures." Sometimes, you will often encounter other monks' prying eyes, if you and I join forces, it will naturally increase the possibility of seizing treasures!"

"Take a picture! Hahahahaha, fellow daoists are right!" Daoist Liangrui clapped his hands and said, "Then how about you and I walking hand in hand now!"

"This..." At this moment, Wang Hao showed a look of embarrassment on his face again, and then his expression kept changing. After a long time, as if he had made a difficult decision, he slowly faced Master Liangrui said: "Fellow Taoist Liangrui, now that we have become allies again, I will not lie to you anymore!"

"What? I'm deceiving you. Fellow Daoist, how could you be deceiving me?" Daoist Liangrui made a look of disbelief.Wang Hao said with a guilty expression on his face: "Fellow Daoist, when you came here just now, I also said that you were an enemy who was spying on the treasure, so I persuaded you to start and collect this treasure. Now, I know that Fellow Daoist is You are a pure and honest person, so you will feel guilty towards Fellow Daoist!"

"Hahahaha, Fellow Daoist Wang Hao, you are really joking. If you persuade me to collect treasures, how can I be harmed? Hahahaha, Fellow Daoist, you are really...really..." At this time , Liangrui finally showed a real smile on his face, and secretly said in his heart: "Hahahahaha, boy, you finally couldn't help telling the truth, hahahaha, play with me, you boy is still a little tender !"

"Fellow Daoist, you don't know something!" Wang Hao said slowly, "Actually, I've stayed here all this time just to collect this bead beside me!" Daoist Liangrui kept his expression on his face, and secretly said in his heart: "Ghosts are here!" I can see it, hum!" Wang Hao continued: "But the reason why I have not made a move is because when I just came here and found this bead, a fellow Taoist was trying to collect it! "

"What's the result?" Daoist Liangrui's face finally showed extraordinary splendor: Hahahaha, this kid was finally tricked out by me! "As a result, the cultivator just wrapped the bead with Yuanli, and wanted to use Yuanli to refine the soul imprint of the original owner on the bead. In an instant, he was directly killed by a lightning bolt and turned into powder , even the soul has no chance to escape!" Wang Hao said slowly with a look of shock on his face.

"What? How could this happen? Fellow Daoist Wang Hao, you almost killed me!" Daoist Liangrui deliberately showed an angry expression.Wang Hao smiled awkwardly and said, "Fellow Daoist, you and I have never met before, how do I know who you are? It is said that those who do not know are not guilty, so don't take it to heart, Fellow Daoist!"

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Wang Hao, I can understand what you're doing!" Daoist Liangrui said, "According to Fellow Daoist, the owner of this treasure should have placed a restriction on the orb?" "Yes, sure. There is a restriction, but there should be no more than three such powerful restrictions, so I will tempt fellow daoists to collect it!" Wang Hao said.Liangrui said with joy on his face, "So, as long as we stay here and wait for other monks to try to collect it, and the prohibition in the treasure is exhausted, we can collect the orb?" "It's natural!" Wang Hao said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, then I will accompany you, Fellow Daoist Wang Hao, and wait here. I don't want this treasure, and I will return it to Fellow Daoist. When I find the treasure again, Fellow Daoist will collect it for me!" Said one by one.

Wang Hao immediately put on an excited look, and said: "Then I will thank you, fellow Taoist Liangrui first!"

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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