Fairy Road

Chapter 728

Wang Hao and Master Liangrui were talking nonsense, and Wang Hao finally succeeded in delaying Master Liangrui. "Fellow Daoist Wang Hao!" Daoist Liangrui suddenly said, "If you and I stay here and wait, even if other monks come, they see that neither of us appears to snatch this treasure, how can they take the initiative to take action? Woolen cloth?"

Wang Hao pretended to be thinking on purpose, and after a long time, he said: "What fellow daoist said, so according to what you mean, fellow daoist...?" Daoist Liangrui thought: "I think we're still temporarily Leave the distance of a hundred miles away from this time, and then spread out the spiritual consciousness a hundred miles away, and wait until other monks come here, how about you and me rushing over?" "Okay, fellow Taoist said it well, then you and I will hide for a while! At that time, even if the breath is discovered by other people, we will not arouse their suspicion if we are not beside the orb!" Wang Hao said with a smile, "Daoist friends are really smart, it seems that I decided to rely on Dao It's really profitable to make friends with you, hahahaha!" Daoist Liangrui said with a smile: "Friend Wang Hao, you are absurd!"

The two of them had their own ulterior motives, and they both flew hundreds of miles away from the Fire Lingzhu and sat down cross-legged, with their spiritual consciousness surrounding the Fire Lingzhu non-stop.At the same time, the avatar of Venerable Huoyun has already arrived in the endless void. However, it is impossible for the avatar of Venerable Huoyun to come to collect the Fire Spirit Orb now, but to find his own soul first.If the soul is lost, its strength must be greatly reduced. Even if it meets Wang Hao, it is not Wang Hao's opponent.

At this moment, the flame in Wang Hao's body was gradually fading away. Although Wang Hao didn't know why the flame suddenly faded away, it was a good thing to be able to gradually fade away.In another hour, the flame will completely disappear. At that time, Wang Hao will naturally not be afraid of the real Liangrui in front of him.

However, Wang Hao is also extremely careful at this time, for fear that the secret that he cannot use Yuanli at this moment will be discovered by the real Liangrui.Once Reverend Liangrui discovers this, Reverend Liangrui will naturally not mind beheading himself first, so as to save himself the time to snatch the Fire Spirit Orb.

Soon, one hour was almost up, and the flame in Wang Hao's body had gradually faded to the extreme.Gradually, Wang Hao was able to use his own energy.At this moment, Master Liangrui suddenly opened his slightly closed eyes, and hurriedly said to Wang Hao: "Wang Hao is not good, he has three powerful auras, and he is heading towards the orb!"

At this moment, Wang Hao's spiritual sense also felt this strange phenomenon. Thousands of miles away, there were indeed several auras heading towards the fire spirit bead. Wang Hao immediately stood up and said to Master Liangrui, "Go!" "Let's go?" Daoist Liangrui was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Go now? Wouldn't it be exposed by then?" "There are three of them in total, and there are at most two restrictions left. If you and I don't go now, wait until they try to collect money." Afterwards, there must be one person who can finally obtain the treasure, and when the time comes, we will not be able to catch up even if we want to!"

"Okay, let's go now!" Daoist Liangrui was very eager for the orb in his heart, and he didn't care about the loopholes in Wang Hao's words at the moment: If the three of them tried once and one of them was beheaded, the others would definitely treat it with caution. How about trying to shoot easily?And Wang Hao's mind at the moment is that he should get the orb first, collect the treasure, and run away directly. Even if there are four people chasing him, with his own speed, he still has the certainty of not being overtaken.

When Wang Hao and Liangrui arrived at the orb, the three of them were still hundreds of miles away from the treasure. Liangrui stared at the orb with an extremely greedy expression on his face, and said, "Fellow Daoist Wang Hao, wait for that The three came here, how should you and I face it?" "How to face it?" Wang Hao pondered, "This is really a problem, and I haven't thought it through. Fellow Daoist Liangrui, you are very thoughtful, can you think about it?" A good statement!"

"This..." Daoist Liangrui was taken aback for a moment, and then he began to think to himself.At this moment, behind Wang Hao, the seven-color divine light flashed suddenly, and in a flash, the Fire Spirit Orb disappeared instantly and entered Wang Hao's storage space.Wang Hao is taking a risk at this time. After all, although Wang Hao can use Yuanli at this moment, but with Daoist Liangrui watching from the side, it is impossible for Wang Hao to wrap the Fire Lingzhu with Yuanli and slowly erase it. The breath of Venerable Huoyun on the Huolingzhu.That's why Wang Hao thought of using the seven-color divine light to try to brush the fire spirit beads.

If it comes in, that's the best. If it can't be done, Wang Hao can only prepare to fight these monks. "Fellow Daoist Wang Hao, you!" Seeing Wang Hao's sudden collection of the Fire Spirit Orb, Master Liangrui became impatient, and a blue flying sword appeared in his hand, and he ruthlessly struck towards Wang Hao to kill him.

It wasn't until this time that Master Liangrui knew that he had been tricked by Wang Hao, but why Wang Hao hadn't collected the Fire Spirit Orb until now, Master Liangrui still couldn't figure it out.

After Wang Hao collected the Fire Spirit Orb, a strange black sword aura suddenly appeared behind him. The sword aura was so strange that it could teleport, instantly blocking the azure blue sword aura shot by Master Liangrui.With a ding sound, the azure blue flying sword unexpectedly flew back into the hands of Reverend Liangrui under the impact of the strange sword energy.And Wang Hao's strange sword energy also dissipated rapidly at this time, and with just one breath of effort, Wang Hao's figure was already flying a hundred miles away.

"Bastard, bastard!" At this moment, Daoist Liangrui felt as if he had been bombarded by nine heavenly thunders. He was extremely depressed, and instantly turned into a rainbow, desperately chasing Wang Hao in the direction where he was escaping.

At the same time, unexpectedly, hundreds of miles away from the place where Wang Hao collected the Fire Spirit Orb, the complexions of the three monks in uniform white Confucian shirts all changed slightly, and the oldest-looking monk among them suddenly said: " There are fluctuations in the origin force, and the aura of two monks, it seems that these two people have made a move to snatch the treasure."

The other person nodded and said: "One person fled quickly, and the other person has already chased after him. Brother, what should we do?" "The aura of these two people is very strong, not weaker than ours. It’s definitely not ordinary, chase! The three of us are enough to kill these two and grab the treasure!”

"Okay, then let's chase!" "Catch up and kill them!" The three monks decided instantly that they must catch up with Wang Hao and kill him!On Wang Hao's side, the mode of rapid escape has already been activated. Although Wang Hao is not afraid of Reverend Liangrui, even after Wang Hao has won the Fire Lingzhu, he has the confidence to kill Reverend Liangrui.However, if he killed Master Liangrui at this moment, he would definitely waste time. In this way, the three menacing monks would catch up.Wang Hao is not stupid enough to face the siege of the three monks alone!

However, if Wang Hao is given time to erase the soul imprint of Venerable Huoyun on the Huo Lingzhu and make the Huo Lingzhu his own treasure, Wang Hao has the confidence to fight with the three major monks by using the power of the Huo Lingzhu. World War I.However, now, the time is still not ripe!Naturally, Wang Hao couldn't be arrogant, he could only run away.Of course, Wang Hao's speed faintly surpassed the four major monks including Master Liangrui. It was extremely difficult for these four people to catch up with Wang Hao.

From Wang Hao's point of view, there is even no possibility of being caught up.Because the four major monks were slower than Wang Hao, and if they wanted to catch up with Wang Hao, they could only take the method of slowly exhausting Wang Hao's vitality.In the endless void, there is no aura.After the monks expended their Yuanli, if they want to replenish Yuanli, they can only rely on the pills and other items in the storage space to replenish Yuanli.And now it's a joke to compare the panacea with Wang Hao.Because there is a large amount of primordial aura in Wang Hao's storage space at the moment, it can be described as unbelievable.

Of course, those four monks didn't know that Wang Hao had a lot of primordial aura in his hands, so naturally they wouldn't give up hunting Wang Hao easily!Wang Hao's escape was not aimless. At this moment, Wang Hao had already obtained a large amount of primordial aura. Therefore, Wang Hao immediately thought of finding the battlefield for the innate beings to fight against the Demon Lord.At this moment, with a large amount of primordial aura as confidence, if the innate beings want to complete the task by themselves, they can be regarded as having a bit of support!

"Huh? According to the map drawn by Confucius, the battlefield between the innate beings and the demon king should be hundreds of thousands of miles northwest of here, which is not too far away. At my current speed, it will take about a day." If you can get there, haha, once you get there, you won’t be afraid of the four people chasing and killing me anymore!” Wang Hao thought to himself.

Half a day later, Wang Hao's heart moved: "Now I have a large amount of primordial spiritual energy in my hand as a support. It is not difficult to escape, and I can even use up my energy. It is better to take this time to refine the fire spirit bead. The spirit orb is my strongest attacking treasure, hahaha!" Thinking of this, Wang Hao immediately allocated a sliver of energy to refine the fire spirit orb.

At this moment, in the endless void, the avatar of Venerable Huoyun came to a chaotic void.Then, with a swish, a soul with dim aura flew into Venerable Huoyun's clone.Then, Venerable Huoyun finally showed a sigh of relief on his face, and murmured: "Although this soul has been damaged a lot, as long as it is warmed up for a few years and a good physical body is found, it will be good." You can seize the body and be reborn, and your cultivation will definitely be restored when the time comes, but the Fire Spirit Orb...is not good!" Just as Venerable Huoyun thought of the Fire Spirit Orb, a message came from the gloomy soul, The imprint of his soul left on the Fire Spirit Orb is being slowly obliterated.

"Bastard...my Fire Spirit Orb, bastard, I must kill this person and get the Fire Spirit Orb back!"

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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