Fairy Road

Chapter 729

In the endless void, a figure streaked across the sky.This is Wang Hao who brushed the Fire Spirit Orb into his storage space with the seven-color divine light. At this moment, there are four monks chasing after him.The person closest to Wang Hao is the real Liangrui. After being teased by Wang Hao, this person actually watched Wang Hao talk about collecting the fire spirit beads in front of him, and his heart was already full of anger at this moment.Although in terms of cultivation, Master Liangrui also knew that Wang Hao was not weaker than him, but the anger in his heart at this moment also told Master Liangrui that this tone must be revealed!

Even though he knew that there were still junior masters chasing behind him, and his hope of winning the Fire Lingzhu was extremely slim, Master Liangrui still did not give up.Never has the thoughtful Liangrui Daoist been teased like this before, if he doesn't say this, his own Dao heart might be affected. "Hmph! Even if we don't want the Fire Spirit Orb, we will join hands with those three masters to kill that bastard Wang Hao. It's really deceiving. I really can't swallow this breath!" Master Liangrui thought of this, Slowing down slightly, within a few breaths, the three behind caught up.

"The three fellow daoists, did you come here for the treasure?" Daoist Liangrui took the initiative to say via voice transmission.Among the three Confucian shirt monks, the oldest-looking monk said through voice transmission: "Yes, we came here for the treasure, and it seems that the fellow Taoist is also for that treasure! Now that I see the three of us, I still advise you to hurry up Just give up!" The monk spoke very directly.

Reverend Liangrui's complexion changed slightly, but he still smiled awkwardly and said: "Although the three fellow Taoists are relieved, I really wanted to get that treasure before, but after being teased by the enemy, the only thought in my heart at this moment is revenge .As long as the three fellow daoists help me kill my enemies, I will never get my hands on the treasure! Moreover, the three fellow daoists are all great monks who have mastered the laws of time and space, so naturally they will not worry that I will break my promise by myself of!"

"Well, it's actually for revenge!" The three monks wearing Confucian shirts looked at each other and smiled, and finally the old man said through voice transmission: "Okay, in that case, we will chase together, and when we catch up with that person, we will naturally He killed him!" "Then I would like to thank the three fellow Taoists!" Liangrui Daoist laughed, his figure flickered slightly, and he merged with the other three figures.

Although the four of them communicated continuously through voice transmission, their feet were never idle for a moment, and they all pursued with all their strength.But helplessly, Wang Hao's speed was too fast. After several hours, the distance between the four of them and Wang Hao did not shrink at all, but instead widened.Moreover, after Wang Hao flew with all his strength for several hours, he didn't appear to be exhausted at all, which also made the four people's desire to hope that Wang Hao didn't have enough elixir also died.However, it was only a few hours, and these four people did not give up because of this.

"Hmph! Just because you can fly for four hours at full strength doesn't mean you can fly for forty hours at full strength. We have enough pills here, hum! Let's see how long you can last!" These three Confucian scholars However, they still don't know that the large amount of primordial spiritual energy in Wang Hao's storage space is enough to support Wang Hao's full-flying flight in the endless void for millions of time.And, more importantly, Wang Hao didn't plan to fly for a long time at all, and his target destination could be reached in a few hours.

Another few hours passed, and suddenly, the oldest-looking monk among the three monks suddenly burst into laughter: "Hahahahaha, look, the guy in front seems to have exhausted his energy, and at this moment, he actually stopped flying. Hahahaha, go, catch up and kill him!" The four of them were extremely excited, and Wang Hao, who was more than 2000 miles away, really stopped at this moment.

Because, at this moment, Wang Hao has already followed the guidance on Mr. Kong's hand-painted map, and came to the place where many innate beings are fighting against the Demon Lord.However, not only is there no trace of magic energy here, there is not even the breath of an innate creature.Wang Hao paused for a while, frowned, and thought to himself: "Could it be that Mr. Kong's map is wrong, or has the battle between these innate creatures and the demon king been transferred? Or, the most unbearable thing is that the innate creatures were killed by the devil. Zun has been killed!" Of course, Wang Hao quickly denied the last possibility.Because, through a lot of information, Wang Hao also knew in his heart that although it is difficult for many innate creatures to defeat the Demon Lord, it is enough to make the Demon Lord a headache, otherwise the Demon Lord would not be consumed in this endless void .

"Well, just now, there seems to be a slight wave of yuan power, but it is fleeting, what is going on?" Wang Hao quickly spread out his consciousness and searched continuously, but suddenly he lost the slightest clue. "What's the matter, just now there was obviously a wave of Yuanli, but now I have no clue at all, this place is really weird!" Wang Hao thought of this, his figure flashed, but he didn't want to stay any longer, because The four people chasing up from behind have already entered the distance thousands of miles away from themselves. "I can't stay any longer, otherwise, in a short while, I will be overtaken by those four people. With my strength alone, even if I have refined the Fire Spirit Orb at this moment, I am afraid that I may not be the opponent of those four people. It's better to be careful!" Wang Hao directly turned into a phantom and disappeared in place.

However, after a breath, Wang Hao's figure returned to the original place again, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.He muttered to himself: "What's going on? This place seems to be a strange space. When I entered, I didn't feel the slightest bit. However, it seems extremely difficult to get out at this moment, or even go out at all. Don't go! Could it be that I'm trapped in the formation!" Wang Hao, who has a lot of experience in the way of the formation, naturally knows in his heart that the most likely thing in this situation is that he was trapped in a very In the strange formation.

"Then, if we calculate this way, this formation should be arranged by the Demon Venerable, and those innate creatures are also trapped in this formation, but this formation is weird. Huge, the monks trapped in the formation can't find each other." Wang Hao calculated in his mind.

Wang Hao's calculations are mostly correct.At this moment, those innate beings were indeed trapped by the demon king's phantom demon formation.However, where the innate beings are located is the core of the phantom demon formation. At this moment, dozens of innate beings are gathered at the phantom demon's eye to fight against the power of the demon venerable.And at this moment, Mozun couldn't spare himself and take care of others.And what Wang Hao broke into was just the fringe area of ​​the phantom magic formation. Based on Wang Hao's understanding of the formation, naturally it didn't take long before he knew that this was the fringe area of ​​the formation.However, the current situation does not allow Wang Hao to think about this formation.

Because Master Liangrui and the three monks in Confucian shirts also broke into the edge of the formation at this moment, and they were both at the edge of the formation. Naturally, the four of them found Wang Hao's place very quickly.The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and the real Liangrui smiled and roared when he saw Wang Hao: "Wang Hao, little thief, you have today, you dare to play tricks on me, now you are exhausted, let's see where you go!" Run?" Wang Hao's face is calm at the moment, although he is not sure that he can deal with these four people alone, but after refining the Fire Lingzhu, Wang Hao's confidence is also greatly increased, coupled with his seven-color divine light body protection, There is not much fear of these four people.

"Exhausted Yuanli?" Wang Hao said with a smile, "What a joke!" As he said that, his whole body actually shot up into the sky, and waves of Yuanli came out from Wang Hao's body. A sign of exhaustion.

"Huh? Sure enough, you haven't exhausted your energy!" Liangrui's complexion changed, and then he sneered, "Since you didn't exhaust your energy, you dare to stop running away. It seems that you are very confident in your own strength!" Master Liangrui said, looking at the three Confucian shirt monks beside him, and then sneered, "These three fellow Taoists are all great monks who have mastered the laws of time and space. Four?"

The real Liangrui said, and the three people beside him also sneered, and the three of them exuded amazing momentum, and pressed towards Wang Hao.

Wang Hao was not moved at all, his face remained unchanged, he just smiled and said: "One against four, even if I have this level of strength, I am not willing to do such a thankless thing! The reason why I stopped is really Yes...hahahaha!" Wang Hao laughed wildly at this point, and then said with a mysterious expression, "Really, I want to leave, but I can't!"

"What, I can't go anymore, what do you mean?" Reverend Liangrui wondered, but at this moment, Reverend Liangrui also has a long-term mind. He knows that Wang Hao has many tricks, and he may fall into Wang Hao's way at any time.

Wang Hao frowned on purpose, pretended to be strange, and said slowly: "Don't you all know that you are trapped in the formation? Hahahahaha, it's ridiculous, pitiful, pathetic!"

"Trapped in the big formation, hahahaha, little thief Wang Hao, you still want to lie to us!" Reverend Liangrui laughed wildly, "If I was trapped in the big formation, I wouldn't know, hahahahaha. ...Three, don't hesitate, let's kill this little thief directly!" The oldest-looking one among the three Confucian-shirted monks turned solemnly at the moment, and said to the black-faced monk beside him "You try to fly thousands of miles away to see!" Obviously, the oldest-looking monk in Confucian shirts also felt the strangeness of this place.

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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