Fairy Road

Chapter 730 1 enemy 4

The distance of thousands of miles, for these big monks who have mastered the laws of time and space, can be flown in an instant. However, the black-faced monk tried to fly thousands of miles away under the instruction of the oldest monk. , but it took a long time. In the end, the black-faced monk who flew back turned even darker, and said to the older monk with a depressed face: "Brother, it's not good, we seem to have really fallen into a trap." In a weird formation. I tried many methods, but I couldn't fly thousands of miles away!"

Seeing the expression on the black-faced monk's face, the older monk understood a little. At this time, Master Liangrui stopped clamoring and just stared at the older monk with an ugly expression. Obviously, among the three monks, It is headed by this old monk!The old monk pondered for a moment with an uncertain expression, then suddenly raised his head and sneered at Wang Hao and said, "It seems that it's not that we are trapped in the formation, you are also trapped, hahahaha, now that everyone is trapped This formation doesn't seem to have much attack power, so we don't mind solving your trouble first, and then we can think about how to break the formation!"

This sentence immediately reached the heart of Reverend Liangrui, Reverend Liangrui nodded his head and said, "That's good, that's good, let's solve this trouble first, and then think about how to break the formation, a good way, a good way! "

"Oh? You want to solve my problem first?" Wang Hao said with a surprised expression on his face at this time, "According to this, are you four sure to defeat me?" Wang Hao's expression changed slightly when he said this Suddenly, a sparkling bead appeared in his hand, it was the fire spirit bead that he had just refined!At this moment, in Wang Hao's hands, the Fire Spirit Orb was like a small animal covered in fire, extremely agile!

"What, this treasure has already been refined by you, how is it possible, how could you refine this treasure so quickly?" Reverend Liangrui couldn't believe his eyes, this Wang Hao was clearly trying to escape with all his strength, but To be able to refine the Fire Spirit Orb so quickly is truly incredible. "Treasure?" At this time, the faces of the three monks in Confucian shirts also showed a greedy look, and the elder monk sneered: "It seems that this is a treasure that emits energy fluctuations. It really is a good thing, hahahaha , However, this treasure seems to be refined by you. However, you should not think that refining a treasure can deal with the four of us! Your cultivation base is nothing more than a monk who has mastered the laws of time and space. You have not surpassed this level, and you seem to be quite confident with one against four, hahahaha, what a joke!"

"One against four?" Wang Hao said with a sneer, "I really don't take the four of you seriously. If I want to make a move, I don't have the slightest fear. Come on! I want to show you, my hands This treasure of yours, which one of you will be used first, hahahahaha!" When Wang Hao said this, his right hand shook slightly, and the fire spirit orb instantly turned into a fire dragon, baring its teeth and claws, swallowing endless The flame seemed to burn this space into ashes!

The four monks on the opposite side are all great monks who have experienced many battles. Along the way, I don't know how many battles they have fought, and how many times they have passed by the edge of death. How could they not feel the threat of death?The four major monks, including Reverend Liangrui, were all alert when the fire spirit orb turned into a fire dragon.There were even two people who sacrificed their most dependent treasures in an instant to protect their bodies, fearing that the person Wang Hao said would be used to perform the surgery would accidentally become themselves!

Although these four people don't think that Wang Hao can really fight against four at the moment, but if Wang Hao fully manipulates the orb in his hand to kill one of the four, there is absolutely no problem at all.This is the situation that these four people are most afraid of at this moment. At this moment, no one is willing to be that early bird and become Wang Hao's dead soul.

"Hehehehehe..." Seeing this situation, Wang Hao chuckled and walked towards the place where the four people were, "What's the matter, it seems that you are all scared, just now Aren't you going to kill me? At this moment, why don't you dare to make a move? Fellow Daoist Liangrui, why do you look so ugly, hahahahahaha!" Wang Hao laughed arrogantly and walked towards the four sides step by step. The people pushed forward so hard that the four of them unconsciously took a step back at the same time, with nervous expressions written all over their faces.

"Kill!" Finally, the youngest monk among the three Confucian shirt monks finally couldn't bear Wang Hao's oppression, sacrificed the treasure in his hand, and beheaded towards Wang Hao.This treasure is a spirit treasure that looks like scissors. Judging from its aura fluctuations, it should be no less than the best innate spirit treasure in Wang Hao's hand.At this moment, being sacrificed by the young Confucian shirt monk is considered to be extremely powerful, and it directly turned into a pair of huge scissors about several feet long in the air, trying to cut Wang Hao's body in half.But Wang Hao unhurriedly sacrificed the Six Paths of Reincarnation Gold Plate, and directly stopped the huge scissors in the air, while the Fire Spirit Orb in his hand screamed and killed the young monk abruptly!

Hoo hoo... The fire dragon transformed from the fire spirit orb directly ejected endless flames in mid-air. The flames actually showed various colors, and they should have ejected different flames at the same time. The young Confucian shirt monk didn't expect that the fire dragon was so fast, and he wanted to avoid it, but it was too late, so he could only sacrifice another defensive treasure in front of him.

However, the defensive treasure instantly melted under the endless flames, and the young Confucian shirt monk was instantly swallowed by the flames, and after a miserable howl, his body instantly turned into ashes.The black-faced Confucian-shirted monk and the older Confucian-shirted monk were terrified at the moment, and hurriedly sacrificed their own treasures. One attacked Wang Hao, and the other seemed to be an extremely powerful defensive treasure, which appeared in an instant. Wherever the body of the young Confucian shirt monk was damaged, his soul was taken in with a whoosh.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. The treasure that was attacking Wang Hao was directly swung back by Wang Hao with the seven-color divine light. After retreating a few feet behind, several defensive treasures were sacrificed at the same time, blocking in front of the two of them.It seems that Wang Hao's thunderous strike just now caused quite a shock in their hearts.And the real Liangrui, covered in cold sweat, had dodged dozens of feet earlier, with a look of regret on his face, and he kept cursing in his heart: "I'm so confused by lard, how could I provoke such a devil?" Xing, this guy is nothing to kill. A great cultivator who has mastered the law of time, in his hands, is like an ant, and his body is beheaded. It is really terrifying, too terrifying!" In fact, killing the young man in an instant The physical body of monk Confucian shirts is not because of Wang Hao's own strength, but because the fire spirit orb is too powerful. If there is no treasure of the same level or super magical powers against this kind of treasure, it can not only instantly kill monks of the same level in an instant, but even They are all capable of leapfrogging challenges!

At this time, the three people, including Master Liangrui, were all shocked, especially the remaining two Confucian shirt monks, who hated Wang Hao for beheading his brother's body and wanted to rise up to avenge his brother, but also worried about Wang Hao. The super spirit treasure fire spirit orb in his hand will make him have the same fate as his brother.In a dilemma, the expression on his face changed in an instant.

Wang Hao, on the other hand, did not intend to stop after he succeeded in one blow. This is the reason for the so-called pursuit of victory. , Wang Hao saw these three people shrink back, sneered, and said: "Didn't you just want to kill me? Why are you afraid to make a move now, haha, if you don't make a move, I will force you to do it!" Said With that, the strange black sword energy in Wang Hao's hand shot out instantly, and it teleported to the real Liangrui. With a stabbing sound, the strange sword energy left a sword mark about an inch deep and about a foot long on his chest.Reverend Liangrui suffered from pain and his complexion was pale. Although the physical injury could not greatly reduce the cultivation of Reverend Liangrui, the feeling of pain has not changed in the slightest!

The strange sword energy changed in an instant, appearing in front of the two Confucian shirt monks.However, at this time, the two of them were prepared, and they made several noises, and sacrificed their treasures to resist the surprise attack of the strange sword energy.However, the two monks in Confucian shirts were also secretly surprised. Originally, they thought that only the Fire Spirit Orb in Wang Hao's hands was extraordinary, but they didn't expect that a sword energy was so powerful that they resisted it with all their strength. Still feel the fierceness of that sword energy!

"It seems that I can't be kind today, fight hard, big brother!" The black-faced Confucian-shirted monk immediately sent a sound transmission to the older Confucian-shirted monk.The old monk in Confucian shirt nodded slightly, took out a treasure in the shape of a miniature hill from his hand, and said, "Fight it, either he died today, or I forgot about it!" Within a moment, you and I will die under that kid's treasure, trembling with fear, it is better to fight with all our strength, there is still a possibility of survival!"

Reverend Liangrui was slightly startled when he heard the words, and then realized that under the threat of the treasure, even his Dao heart was shaken. He hurriedly stabilized his Dao heart, nodded slightly, and looked at Wang Hao. A little bit of fear, he sneered and said: "Wang Hao, the treasure in your hand is strong, but at the moment you are facing the three of us, I don't believe that the treasure in your hand can attack the three of us at the same time! Kill!" This time, Master Liangrui directly sacrificed the dark green flying sword in his hand, and was the first to kill Wang Hao.

Recently, I took a look on Baidu and found that as soon as Lao Shi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. , Alas... I am really speechless.I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap...a ​​chapter only costs a few cents...)

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