Fairy Road

Chapter 735 Donglin Continent

() Dong Lintuo sensed that Wang Hao's position was getting closer and closer to him, and the teleportation point of Donglin Continent was already close at hand. However, at this speed, Wang Hao would definitely be able to catch up with Dong Lintuo. Before entering the teleportation point, catch up with Dong Lintuo, kill him, and save Dongfang Ying. "What should I do? Is it really impossible to use the forbidden method!" Dong Lintuo hesitated in his heart, because once the Donglin family's escape forbidden method is used, it will take a hundred years, and the cultivation base cannot be improved!This is unacceptable to Dong Lintuo.Therefore, Dong Lintuo has been hesitating in his heart!

However, at this juncture, Dong Lintuo also knew that his own life was still more important after all, and that he couldn't make an inch of improvement in a hundred years of cultivation, it was still worthwhile compared to the woman with the primordial blood in his hands, hahahaha.Dong Lintuo thought of this, without any hesitation, and directly cast the forbidden method!A strange force fell from the sky and entered Dong Lintuo's body. Dong Lintuo was shocked immediately, and then his speed soared extremely, even surpassing Wang Hao's current speed.

"What? The speed has increased so fast!" Wang Hao also felt the increase in Donglintuo's speed at this time, "No, if this is the case, I may not be able to catch up with that person. Once that person enters Donglin In the mainland, it will be troublesome!" Wang Hao knew that there were god-level powerhouses in Donglin Continent.Now that I have Fire Spirit Orbs and Wind Spirit Orbs, although I can be proud of my peers, I don't have the capital to compete with the god-level powerhouses. ..

However, Wang Hao had no other choice at the moment.At this moment, his speed has been increased to the fastest, and there is no secret method to increase the speed!After a while, Wang Hao's expression changed, and his spiritual sense told him that the person he was chasing had brought Dongfang Ying into the teleportation point leading to Donglin Continent.After a few breaths, the two will enter the Donglin Continent. , "I can't help it, my speed is not that person's match!" Wang Hao sighed secretly in his heart.

Dong Lintuo, on the other hand, was extremely excited, holding Dongfang Ying's body in his hands, with a satisfied look on his face: "Hahahaha, boy, I hope you can have the courage to chase all the way to Donglin Continent. In this way, I can kill you to repay the hatred of being hunted down by you kid! Hmph! Let's go!" Dong Lintuo thought, and then his figure and Dongfang Ying's figure disappeared into the spot at the same time.

"Bastard! Bastard!" Wang Hao kept cursing in his heart. However, it was useless at this time. When Wang Hao arrived at the transmission point of Donglin Continent, there was no one there. "In Donglin Continent, there are monks at the level of gods. Should I go or not?" Wang Hao hesitated at the moment.

After all, Wang Hao is still shouldering an extremely important task at this time, but Dongfang Ying has to save him! "What should I do?" Wang Hao kept asking himself, but soon, Wang Hao made up his mind, "Since I cultivated, I have never violated my own heart, and even Dongfang Ying can't be saved. Go create a new plane and save all beings!" "Enter, you must enter!" Wang Hao thought to himself, "Even if it is a god, I am not afraid!"

Thinking of this, Wang Hao no longer hesitated, and stepped into the teleportation point of Donglin Continent in one step.After a time-space transformation, Wang Hao found himself on a continent with abundant aura.Right now, he was in a towering snow-capped mountain. Wang Hao spread his consciousness, searching for the breath of Dongfang Ying.

"What's the matter, there is no breath of Dongfang Ying. My consciousness can spread thousands of miles in this continent. Could it be that after the person brought Dongfang Ying here, he moved thousands of miles away in an instant!" Wang Wang Hao thought, "Impossible, how could that person move thousands of miles in such a short time, eight out of ten there is a teleportation formation leading to him!" Wang Hao thought of this, swept his consciousness, and sure enough It was discovered that there were three teleportation formations hundreds of miles away!

After Donglintuo entered the Donglin Continent, he flew directly to the place where he could be teleported back to the Donglin clan's teleportation formation, and used the teleportation formation to teleport back to the Donglin clan's Forte, and Dongfangying naturally It was also brought to the Forte of the Donglin clan by Dong Lintuo. "Father, this time the child is practicing in the endless void, unexpectedly, the child discovered a woman with the blood of the primordial!" Dong Lintuo saw his father immediately.

The patriarch of the Donglin clan, Dong Lintuo's father, was sitting in the hall of the Donglin clan at the moment. , after hearing Dong Lintuo's words, his complexion changed slightly, and he said with a smile: "A woman with the blood of the primordial, well, this is exactly what my Donglin clan needs! However, this woman can't move now, you arrange a place Trapped in a quiet place, after a hundred years, it will be useful to be a husband!"

"This..." Dong Lintuo was stunned for a moment, and said, "Father, in fact, the purpose of the child to bring this woman back is" the patriarch of the Donglin clan, Dong Linhun, interrupted Dong Lintuo's words with a wave of his hand, and said coldly: "What? Do you still have any doubts about being a father? You lost two elders because of this woman. Could it be that you failed to marry this woman? A woman of great blood will be of great use in the future, and she must not be ruined now! do you understand?"

"Yes, father!" In front of Dong Linhun, Dong Lintuo dared not have the slightest doubt!

At this moment, Wang Hao came to the front of the three teleportation formations.These three teleportation arrays also caused Wang Hao a headache, he didn't know which teleportation array to choose to reach the Donglin clan.Moreover, among the Donglin clan, there is an existence as strong as a god sitting in command. Even if he teleports correctly, he still has to consider how to deal with the anger of the strong god!

Within a radius of ten thousand miles, there is no trace of human habitation, and there is no trace of a monk.Wang Hao studied for a long time, but still got nothing. He could only choose a teleportation formation at random and teleport it there.

After a bang of time and space transformation, Wang Hao appeared in the huge city. Wang Hao unfolded his consciousness and was surprised to find that in the whole city, only monks who mastered the law of space used hundreds of people, and they were not the same as himself. For ordinary cultivation bases, there are actually more than 20 people.Wang Hao immediately lamented the abundance of aura in the Donglin Continent! "There are so many people who have cultivated to this level, which is really beyond the reach of the Great Desolate World!" However, what made Wang Hao extremely disappointed was that this place is not the territory of the Donglin clan, but the land of the Donglin clan. The scope of Ximen's clan, which is incompatible with Lin's clan.

Of course, Wang Hao also got this news from a member of the Ximen clan.The members of the Ximen clan became hostile when Wang Hao asked whether it was the territory of the Donglin clan, and even called for people to besiege and kill Wang Hao. The sphere of influence in the mainland has said it well to itself!

It turns out that there are three major forces in the Donglin Continent!Among them, the Donglin family is the most powerful. The patriarch of the Donglin family is called Donglin Hun. Thousands of years ago, Donglin Hun broke through from controlling the laws of time and space to the level of a god. , it turned out that he was planning to lead his subordinates to destroy the other two races. What he didn't expect was that among the other two major forces, there were also monks who broke through to the level of gods one after another.In this way, the three major forces have once again become entangled, entangled with each other, but they cannot swallow each other.

However, among the three major forces, the Donglin clan is naturally the most powerful.Among the Donglin clan, not only did Donglin soul break through to the realm of gods, but he also had hundreds of elders who controlled the two laws of time and space. As for the monks who only controlled the laws of space, there were thousands of them. It is extremely powerful, making it difficult for the other two major forces to hold a candle to. This is also the main reason why the other two major families have formed an alliance to fight against the Donglin family for a long time.

And the territory where Wang Hao is at the moment is the sphere of influence of the Ximen family.The patriarch of the Ximen family is named Ximenjian.He is also a monk at the level of a god. There are more than 30 elders in the family who control the laws of time and space, and more than [-] monks who control the laws of space. They are also considered to be extremely powerful, although they cannot be compared with the Donglin family.But because the core figures of the two major families are monks at the level of gods, the Donglin family did not dare to take action against the Ximen family.

Especially Donglin Soul, it is impossible to easily attack the monks of the Ximen family.Otherwise, Ximenjian would attack the Donglin family. Apart from Donglin Hun, there was no one in the Donglin family that could be Ximenjian's opponent.Although Donglin Soul is stronger than Ximenjian, he is also worried that Ximenjian will join forces with the patriarch of the Nanhua family.Two god-level monks are enough for Dong Lin's soul to have a headache!

The third largest family is the Nanhua family. The patriarch of the Nanhua family is called Nanhua Old Immortal, but there are not many powerful elders under his command. Although the Donglin family coveted it, they never dared to violate it.

Among the three major families, although there are many disputes, the patriarchs of the three major families generally will not take action, and all disputes will be resolved by the monks under them with their own abilities.This is also an unwritten practice.At this moment, when Wang Hao came to the Ximen City of the Ximen Family, he encountered a problem that could only be resolved by a competition between two monks.

Therefore, the Ximen family posted a notice in Ximen City, inviting the monks in Ximen City of the Ximen family to join the camp of the Ximen family, go to the Donglin family, and start a five-year battle with the monks in the Donglin family. A match of three wins. "Competition? This is a good opportunity to enter the Donglin family!" Wang Hao's heart moved, and he found the place to sign up for the competition!

"Fellow Daoist, do you want to participate in this competition with the Donglin family?" A monk from the Ximen family who was in charge of the registration could see Wang Haoxiu's extraordinary level at a glance.This cultivator is already a strong man who has mastered the laws of space, but when he looked at Wang Hao, he couldn't see Wang Hao's details clearly.This naturally shows that Wang Hao is a great monk who has mastered the laws of time and space, and this time to go to the Donglin family to participate in the competition, the minimum requirement is at least to reach this level!

"Yes, I really intend to participate in this competition. I wonder if there are any requirements for participating in the competition?" Wang Hao said with a smile.

"Requirement, hehe, fellow Taoist, naturally you must meet several conditions!" The monk of the Ximen family said with a smile, "The first one is that you cannot be the master of the Donglin family. Of course, this point is very easy to satisfy. , because, as long as you join the Ximen family camp, there will be a link to swear an oath, and if you do it carefully, you will naturally not dare to swear easily, otherwise you will be swallowed by the beasts of our clan!"

When Wang Hao heard this, he was also very curious, but he still nodded and said: "This point, I can definitely be satisfied. This is the first time I come to the Donglin Continent, and it is impossible for me to belong to the Donglin family!" "Oh? It turns out that fellow daoists are friends from other continents, hahahaha, it's so good, so good!" The man suddenly smiled and said: "The second requirement is to achieve the double law of controlling time and space. Great cultivator, I think there should be no problem with fellow Daoist's tolerance!"

Wang Hao nodded slightly, and said, "Yes, I have indeed mastered the dual laws of time and space! Are there any other requirements?"

"Haha, Fellow Daoist, originally there was no third request, but this time, the number of monks who signed up to fight against the Donglin family is large, and the number of monks who agree to the conditions is far more than five. Therefore, the elders of my family finally decided , There will be a selection meeting!"

"Oh? The selection meeting, you mean that you need to compare the selection first!" Wang Hao asked, "When will it start?" At this time, Wang Hao is most concerned about the issue of time. Others, Wang Hao does not need Worrying, the selection is undoubtedly a formality for Wang Hao. Wang Hao doesn't think that among the monks of the same level, there are still people who are his opponents.

"Fellow daoist, it's a coincidence that you came here, because today is the last day for registration, so the selection meeting is scheduled for tomorrow! Fellow daoist, you can go to the post house to rest for a while, and tomorrow morning, you can directly Just come here again. Now I have more than 20 monks who agree to the conditions, so the selection of Mingri should be very intense, ha ha!" The monk of the Ximen family said, pointing to a person next to him The servant-like monk said, "Fellow Daoist, you can follow him and go to the post house to rest!" Wang Hao waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I won't go to the post house, I will stay here, waiting for tomorrow's selection meeting alright!"

Recently, I took a look on Baidu and found that as soon as Lao Shi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. , Alas... I am really speechless.I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap...a ​​chapter only costs a few cents...)

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