Fairy Road

Chapter 741 Confirmation of Identity

"Looking at the auras of Ximen Liu and Ximen Zhan, they are indeed extremely restrained. Once they are released, they will definitely be earth-shattering. It seems that Ximen Jian has really made up his mind this time, and wants to fight the Donglin family. This should not only be the result of my lobbying, but also the grievances formed by years of suppression and weakening of the family. Of course, Ximen Jian must also know that if this continues, the Donglin family will become stronger and stronger. In contrast, the Ximen family and the Nanhua family will become weaker and weaker because their resources and treasures are monopolized by the Donglin family. In the long run, the Donglin family will definitely be able to achieve the goal of joining the Donglin Continent without fighting! "Wang Hao thought to himself.

At this time, both Ximenliu and Ximenzhan showed a strong aura slightly, and there was a hint of arrogance in their eyes.Of course, these two people are still quite afraid of Wang Hao, but they don't pay attention to the other two casual cultivators at all.

The two casual cultivators, the old man named Zhang Zifang, were great cultivators who had mastered the laws of time and space thousands of years ago, and they could be regarded as leaders among the casual cultivators.The female cultivator's name is Fang Qing, and she can be considered a powerful person among casual cultivators.But in the eyes of the two masters of the Ximen family, these two people simply came to die.The reason why they have such thoughts is because, as far as they know, the three newly joined elders sent by the Donglin family are all powerful enough to be described as existences against the sky.It is said that these three people are not monks from the Donglin Continent, but from a place called the Continent of the Gods.

According to these three people, monks who have mastered the laws of time and space can be seen everywhere in this continent of the gods.Even monks at the level of gods are quite common in the continent of the gods.Moreover, in this continent of the gods, there is this terrifying existence that surpasses the level of the gods.Of course, the members of the Donglin Clan in the Donglin Continent did not believe the words of these three people at first, but after these three people showed a little bit of their own strength, they immediately made all the elders of the Donglin Clan The masters at the same level were dumbfounded, and even Donglin Hun, the patriarch of the Donglin clan, admired the strength of the three of them.It is said that these three people are invincible existences below the level of gods.

Of course, these three people naturally have their own reasons for why they came to Donglin Continent. It turns out that in the Continent of the Gods, it is impossible for monks like them to be valued by major forces. In terms of cultivation resources, they are naturally extremely scarce, so they came to Donglin Continent to look for cultivation resources.The reason why he joined the Donglin clan and became the elder Keqing of the Donglin clan was to obtain cultivation resources from the Donglin clan.Among the Donglin clan, there was very little Hongmeng spiritual energy at this time, but Donglin soul still agreed to the request of these three people.This point makes the other elders of the Donglin clan quite puzzled. After all, although these three are strong, is there anyone in the Donglin Continent who can challenge the authority of the Donglin Soul at this moment, so it is really not good to consume the primordial aura. worthy.However, these elders only dared to slander in their hearts, and they didn't dare to raise the slightest objection to Donglin Soul!

This information was inquired by Ximen Huan before coming to the Donglin family. Therefore, the two masters of the Ximen family sent by Ximenjian——Ximenliu and Ximenzhan did not think that Zhang Zifang and Fang Qing could do it. Whether they can win this competition, or even save their lives, these two people have doubts in their hearts.As for Wang Hao, the strength shown in the Ximen family made Ximen Liu and Ximen Zhan look at each other highly.Of course, Ximenliu and Ximenzhan are quite confident about their own strength. After all, among the more than 100 elders of the Ximen family, these two can also be ranked in the top ten.The practice of the Donglin clan is that there will never be any powerful elders appearing in such competitions. Therefore, Ximen Liu and Ximen Zhan entrusted the outcome of the competition to Wang Hao's day. In the middle of the battle.

From the words of Ximenliu and Ximenzhan, Wang Hao also knew the thoughts in the hearts of these two people.For this competition, Wang Hao naturally did not have the slightest pressure, so Wang Hao always showed a calm look, and soon returned to his residence, meditating and resting!

It's just that Ximen Huan unexpectedly entered Wang Hao's residence in the middle of the night.Wang Hao was taken aback for a moment, and then motioned for Ximen Huan to sit down and talk.Ximen Huan already knew from the Patriarch Ximen Jian's mouth that the Patriarch attached great importance to this Keqing Elder named Wang Hao, so he thought of coming late at night to inform Wang Hao of the information he had found.

"Elder Wang Hao!" Wang Hao is already the elder Keqing of the Ximen family, so Ximen Huan called Wang Hao like this, "Before I came to the Donglin family, the owner ordered me to use it. The family is planted in the intelligence system of the Donglin clan, and I will help Elder Wang find out some news!" Ximen said to Wang Hao with a smile, and when Wang Hao heard this sentence, two rays of light shot out of his eyes immediately , secretly said in his heart: "This Ximenjian really wants to cooperate with me, and actually sent an intelligence department to help me find out about Dongfang Ying!"

Wang Hao immediately said anxiously: "Elder Ximen, I don't know what the result will be?" At this moment, Wang Hao is most concerned about whether he has found out about Dongfang Ying. "Hehe, Elder Wang Hao, I have lived up to the entrustment of the Patriarch. Not long ago, I received a message. It is reported that Dong Lintuo, the young master of Patriarch Donglin, went to the endless void not long ago. Experience, and, back in the Donglin Continent, the two elders who followed him were beheaded in the endless void! Therefore, I think that this Donglin Tuo is extremely suspicious because he wanted to capture Elder Wang Hao! A man of friends!"

At this time, Wang Hao's face was as deep as water, and he said coldly: "It's not possible, but it must be this person! Those two elders of the Donglin family were beheaded by me!" "Oh, it turned out to be Elder Wang Hao! Beheaded, Elder Wang Hao, you are so powerful that I really admire you!" Ximen Huan said with a smile on his face.

Wang Hao said: "Donglintuo, hum! In the endless void, I failed to kill you. I will not let you go when I come to Donglin Continent this time!" Ximen Huan felt the murderous intent on Wang Hao Si Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a wry smile: "Elder Wang Hao, there are some things, I still want to talk to you!" Seeing Wang Hao nodded slightly, Ximen Huan continued: "Wang Hao Elder Hao means, do you want to kill Dong Lintuo in the Donglin family?" Wang Hao nodded again and said: "This person has committed a heinous crime and must be killed!"

Ximen sighed and said: "Alas... Fellow Daoist Wang Hao, do you know that this Donglin Tuo is the young master of the Donglin family, the only heir of the master Donglin Hun. Although Zhong is considered to be extremely weak, his identity is that of the Donglin family, one person is less than one person and more than ten thousand people. If you, Elder Wang Hao, really do something to Dong Lintuo, then Donglin Soul will definitely do it himself .Dong Lin Hun is a mid-stage god master, Elder Wang Hao, you should think twice before acting!"

Wang Hao also knew that Ximen Huan had kindly reminded him, but when he thought of Dong Lintuo's crimes, Wang Hao's face was full of anger, and he said coldly, "Is it the middle stage of the gods? Huh! Even if Dong Lintuo's father is a monk in the middle stage of the gods , I want to kill him too!" Speaking of this, a murderous aura shot up to the sky immediately from Wang Hao, making Ximen Huan tremble slightly.Seeing this, Wang Hao smiled and said, "This matter is thanks to you, Elder Ximen. If there is a chance, I will definitely repay you. As for the killing of Dong Lintuo, before that, I had a relationship with Patriarch Ximen." Plan, Elder Ximen, you don’t have to worry!”

"It's so good! It's so good!" Ximen Huan let out a long sigh of relief, and then said, "In that case, I might as well help people to the end. Tomorrow, the intelligence department of the clan will search for Dong Lintuo's residence. The map is here, and when the time comes, I will hand over the map directly to Elder Wang Hao!" Wang Hao was overjoyed and said, "Then thank you Elder Ximen!"

After Ximen Huan resigned, Wang Hao was not idle, although he had the intention of killing Dong Lintuo in his heart.But Wang Hao is not a reckless person.Donglin Tuo is the young master of the Donglin family, and the only heir of Donglin Soul.If it is really beheaded, then Donglin Soul will definitely go crazy and put himself to death. At that time, even if Ximen Jian and the Patriarch of the Nanhua family join forces, it will be difficult to keep himself.

Unless——I can break through to the early stage of the gods in the shortest time. In this way, even a mid-stage master of the gods like Dong Linhun will not have much confidence in killing him, and, when the time comes, I can even If you choose to join forces with Ximenjian and others, you can even kill Donglin Soul.

The key at this moment is one's own cultivation.If he can break through, then he will be able to rescue Dongfang Ying and get away with it.If he couldn't break through, not only would he not be able to save Dongfang Ying, but he might die in the Donglin Continent.Thinking of this, Wang Hao directly entered the state of cultivation.

There was nothing to say all night, and soon, the sky gradually brightened, and Wang Hao gradually came out of the state of cultivation.However, Wang Hao didn't gain anything in one night. The bottleneck in the early stage of Tianshen is still the biggest obstacle for Wang Hao's progress.

"Everyone, it's time, get ready, the elders of the Donglin clan will lead us to the competition soon!" Ximen Huan's voice sounded, heralding that the competition between the two families would soon begin.

Recently, I took a look on Baidu and found that as soon as Lao Shi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. , Alas... I am really speechless.I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap...a ​​chapter only costs a few cents...)

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