Fairy Road

Chapter 742

Sure enough, after a little preparation, Wang Hao opened the door, came to the hall of the post house, and gathered with Ximen Huan and others. At this time, everyone in the Ximen family was ready and waiting for the Donglin family. More people came to lead them to the place of competition.At this time, everyone in the Ximen family had a look of excitement on their faces. Compared with the previous several times when they came to the Donglin family, they already held the idea that they would definitely lose, but it was a world of difference.

Especially Ximenliu and Ximenzhan, among the Ximen family, are the top ten masters, so many times they compete, they are always itching in their hearts, but they have no chance to make a move.This time, Patriarch Ximenjian finally sent himself, and before leaving, the Patriarch was famous for saying that the only purpose of going to the Donglin Clan this time was to win the competition.Such exciting things naturally made Ximen Liu and Ximen Zhan's eyes full of strange expressions.However, compared to Ximenliu and Ximenzhan, the expressions of Zhang Zifang and Fang Qing seemed a lot more solemn.After all, according to the rumors, the newly promoted Ke Qing elders of the Donglin clan are three extremely perverted guys, and their strength is even more unfathomable.As for the loose cultivators within the sphere of influence of the Ximen family, although he was considered the best, he didn't have much confidence in winning.

On the other hand, Wang Hao kept a calm expression on his face, as if the upcoming competition had nothing to do with him at all.This point fell into the eyes of Zhang Zifang and Fang Qing, which was naturally due to their strength.In the eyes of Ximen Liu and Ximen Zhan, it was a kind of arrogance and arrogance.

"Hmph! That guy named Wang Hao looks conceited, Ximen Zhan, I think it will be very difficult for us to win this time!" Ximenliu couldn't help but secretly communicated with Ximen Zhan. "That's right, this Wang Hao's eyes are higher than the top, thinking that if he wins a few casual cultivators, he will be invincible in the world. You must know that the elder Keqing of the Donglin family is extremely powerful this time. I don’t have any hope, this Wang Hao——ah...it seems that he won’t give us many surprises!” Ximen Zhan said slowly through voice transmission.

"However, even if the three of them are completely defeated and my Ximen family fails in the competition, as long as you and I win, at least we will not lose face of my Ximen family, and in front of the Patriarch, you and I will not fail because of the competition And what kind of punishment did you receive? After all, the responsibility for the failure is not yours and mine, but because of the lack of strength of these three casual cultivators!" Ximen Zhan continued, he had already predicted what was going to happen. "That's right, as long as you and I win, don't worry about the life and death of these loose cultivators. Haha, the Ximen battle is about to start. Although you and I are strong, we can't be careless!" "Don't worry, this battle, I will definitely Loud!" These two people didn't have the slightest confidence in Wang Hao and others, but they were full of confidence in themselves, thinking that they would win!

These two people were communicating in secret, and Wang Hao naturally saw that the lips of the two people moved slightly, which must be a secret voice transmission, and, judging from the disdainful expressions of the two people looking at the few people on their side, the two people Eighty-nine times out of ten, they don't have any hope for the three casual cultivators themselves. However, Wang Hao didn't care about this.Moreover, he also noticed that Zhang Zifang and Fang Qing were also communicating in secret.For these, Wang Hao didn't pay attention at all, but set his sights on Ximen Huan, the organizer of this trip.Ximen Huan noticed the look in Wang Hao's eyes, and then a smile appeared on his face, and he walked slowly to Wang Hao's side. With a slight movement of his right hand, a jade slip flew into Wang Hao's hand quickly.

Wang Hao directly hid the jade slips in the storage space, and then scanned the jade slips with his spiritual sense, and immediately knew the location of Dong Lintuo's residence and the defense force in the residence.Wang Hao knew that Ximen Huan hadn't said anything, because he didn't want Ximen Liu and the others to know about it, so he didn't say anything to thank him. Instead, he smiled at Ximen Huan to show his thanks!At this moment, an arrogant voice came in from outside the door: "The monks of the Ximen family, follow me to the place of competition now!"

After hearing this voice, Ximen Huan was shocked, and then said to the people around him: "Okay, let's go!" When he went out, the Donglin family had just dispatched a man who couldn't even control the law of time. The monks came to lead everyone to the place of the competition, and everyone's chest was filled with anger.Especially Ximenliu and Ximenzhan, who had never received such treatment in the Ximen family, the expressions on their faces immediately became extremely embarrassing. It was disheveled and followed behind the monk of the Donglin family, flying slowly.

Within a short while, he came to a place that looked like an ordinary martial arts arena.At one end of the martial arts arena, there were several monks from the Donglin family sitting upright, and three of them had a particularly strong aura. Wang Hao's heart moved, and he said secretly: "It seems that the three people sitting in the middle are the ones who joined the Elder Keqing of the Donglin family, these three people have strong auras, so they are not easy to deal with!" There are several monks from the Donglin family beside these three people, but the auras of these monks are obviously going to be a little weaker!Seeing the figures of Wang Hao and others coming to the martial arts arena, one of the monks stood up directly from his seat and said slowly: "Haha, well, everyone, the monks of the Ximen family have come, Hurry up and end the competition!" The tone was relaxed, obviously not taking this competition to heart.

Ximen Huan and others came to the martial arts arena. At this time, the Donglin family monk who had just spoken walked to the center and said to Ximen Huan and others: "Friends of the Ximen family, I am Dong Linfeng, the elder of the Donglin family. This competition is hosted by me. Friends who don’t know the Ximen family should already know the rules of this competition!”

Ximen Huan hurriedly said with a smile: "Elder Donglin, Ximen Huan is the leader of the Ximen family this time. The rules of the competition are naturally known!" "Okay, since everyone has already understood the rules, there is no need to delay It's time. There are five competitions in total, the first three will be played by the elders of the two major families, and the last two will be played by the elders of the family. Let's start now!" Dong Linfeng said here, directly He turned his head and looked at the three Ke Qing elders of the Donglin family sitting behind him.

A sallow-faced cultivator on the right of the three stood up with a sneer, walked slowly to Dong Linfeng's side, and said proudly: "In that case, let me do the first match!" Dong Linfeng Hearing this, he said with a smile: "Elder Duo Luo makes a move, and the flag is sure to win!" Immediately, Dong Linfeng said proudly to Ximen Huan: "This is the elder of my Donglin family's Ke Qing, Elder Duo Luo! Hehe... you Which elder Ke Qing of the Ximen family will act, hurry up and make a decision!" Dong Linfeng said with a sneer and turned back to the seat, and sat down, showing no concern about the situation in the field.

Ximen Huan immediately looked at Wang Hao and the three behind him, and Wang Hao was about to make a move in his heart, but he didn't expect that Zhang Zifang would take a rescue step, and he stood up and said, "This time, I'll let the old man take action! "As he spoke, he didn't talk too much, and came directly to the center of the martial arts arena, clasped his fists slightly to Doro and said: "Old man Zhang Zifang!" , Zhang Zifang suddenly became furious, and with a low growl, he directly sacrificed his best treasure and attacked Doro.

When Naduo saw that Zhang Zifang was offering a magic weapon as soon as he came up, he immediately sneered and took out a long purple needle from the storage space. With a throw of his right hand, the long purple needle instantly exploded several times in the air, followed by lightning Generally, if it hits the treasure offered by Zhang Zifang, it will be directly defeated in an instant.Zhang Zifang's complexion turned pale immediately, this treasure was his real name magic weapon, and it had traversed Donglin Continent for thousands of years, although it was not invincible, it had never been defeated.Not to mention being defeated by the enemy so easily, Zhang Zifang spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then growled, with a crimson flying sword in his hand, and rushed towards Doro like a mad tiger .Doro sneered, and said, "I don't know how to live or die!" Immediately, the purple long needle shot again, and the purple long needle was like Wang Hao's strange sword energy, both of which had the magical power of teleportation. Arriving in front of Zhang Zifang, with a ding sound, the scarlet flying sword in Zhang Zifang's hand was first knocked away, and then directly stabbed in Zhang Zifang's chest.

There was a loud bang, and the ovary screamed, and it was directly blown away hundreds of feet away, the body was shattered in the air, and the soul flew back to Wang Hao and the others in a dim state. beside.Ximen Huan and the others immediately looked pale. This ovary was actually defeated by the other party in just a few moves, and the soul was also seriously injured. The gap between the two is really too big!Ximen Huan let out a long sigh, and then took Zhang Zifang's soul into it with a treasure that could warm and nourish the soul, and then cupped his fists at Donglin Fengyao: "This is the first match, my Ximen family admits defeat!"

"Hahahahaha..." Dong Linfeng laughed, but there was not much excitement on his face, as if the victory had been expected.Doro beheaded Zhang Zifang's body, and there was no excitement on his face. Instead, he turned around and returned to his seat very calmly.

The second guest elder of the Donglin family named Duoya appeared, and his aura was even stronger than that of Duoluo just now. At this time, Fang Qing's complexion was already pale, and she felt even more withdrawn.Seeing this, Wang Hao immediately smiled inwardly, stepped forward, and said to Duo Ya: "This time, I'll play with you!"

Recently, I took a look on Baidu and found that as soon as Lao Shi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. , Alas... I am really speechless.I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap...a ​​chapter only costs a few cents...)

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