Fairy Road

Chapter 743

Within a few moves of Zhang Zifang's appearance, his body was beheaded, and even his soul suffered a lot of damage.If it weren't for the fact that in the competition, it is still required to try not to kill them all, I am afraid that Duo Luo can take the life of Zhang Zifang's soul in a single thought.The elder Keqing on the other side was so powerful that Fang Qing, a casual cultivator whose cultivation base was almost the same as Zhang Zifang's, was actually afraid and dared not appear on the stage. up.

"Report your name, I will press my subordinates not to kill the unknown person!" Although Duoya's aura is stronger than that of Na Duoluo, his personality is obviously different from that of Doro's. When he was in front of Wang Hao, He didn't choose to make a move immediately, but turned to Wang Hao coldly, and asked Wang Hao's name.Wang Hao was startled for a moment, and then said calmly, "The elder of Ximen's guest family, Wang Hao!" Wang Hao didn't hide any information.After all, the name Wang Hao should not be recognized by many people in this Donglin Continent.Unexpectedly, Wang Hao's name had just been reported, and Duo Ya's complexion on the opposite side changed drastically. At this time, if someone noticed the complexion of Do Luo and another guest elder, Doss not far away, they would definitely think that these people must be He knew the name Wang Hao.

In fact, this Duoluo's temperament is not much different from that of Naduoluo. If it is Fang Qing who is facing him at this time, he naturally has no interest in asking Fang Qing's name.However, the aura emanating from the person standing opposite is obviously so close to the aura of a strong man of his own lineage in the great world of the gods, and even the pressure has created an illusion that this person must be from A monk in the great world of the gods.

Therefore, Duoya proposed to ask Wang Hao to report his name, Wang Hao!Such a name, even if it is recited thousands of times in Donglin Continent, no one will be surprised.However, the three Duoya brothers have a very deep impression on this name, because this name is a legend in the world of gods.The strongest force in the Great World of the Gods is called the Temple of the Gods, and the temples are all monks from the realm of the gods and above the level of the gods. For some reason, the saints in the Temple of the Gods suddenly left the Great World of the Gods hundreds of years ago , went to another extremely low-level plane, this plane, the name is - God Realm of the Heavens and Myriad Realms!Moreover, the saint in the Temple of the Gods soon became the saint in the God Realm of the Heavens and Worlds, and even gave birth to a child with a monk.

Later, the master of the temple of the gods was furious and ordered that the saint and the man who had an affair with the saint be captured and brought back to the great world of the gods.As a result, for unknown reasons, the monk who went to the Heavens and Worlds only captured the man back to the Great World of the Gods, leaving the saint in the Heavens and Worlds.It is said that it was because the saint made a request to agree to the master of the hall. This request was also moved by the master of the temple of the gods, and the fulfillment of this mission request would be proved by the child born by the saint. This child's name is - Wang Hao!Therefore, the name Wang Hao is extremely resounding in the great world of the gods, and Wang Hao's deeds are constantly being circulated in the great world of the gods.

Because, in the great world of the gods, the main hall of the temple of the gods portrayed Wang Hao as a typical example of going to other planes to complete tasks in the great world of the gods, and he is a hero in the great world of the gods!Therefore, when Wang Hao reported his name, Duo Ya and others would be so shocked! "Wang Hao, you shouldn't be a monk in the Donglin Continent?" Duoya's tone of voice was already a little weaker at this time. "Huh? What's going on? It's really strange that these people would have such a reaction after knowing my name. Could it be that they know my name!" Wang Hao was also extremely puzzled at this time!

However, Wang Hao still replied: "That's right, I'm not a monk from Donglin Continent, but from the Great Desolate World!" Wang Hao directly reported his origin.Because, Great Desolate World, this place is unknown to the vast majority of people in Donglin Continent!Unexpectedly, when Na Duoya and others heard the five words of the Great Desolate World, their complexions became even more ugly. All three of them knew in their hearts that the name Wang Hao and the name from the Great Desolate World were basically It was confirmed that the person in front of him was the son of the saintess of the temple of the gods in the great world of the gods, and he was a hero in the great world of the gods. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the three of them were going to fight against this person!

"Duo Luo, what should we do? If the cultivators of the temples of the gods in the great world of the gods know that we are against Wang Hao, then we will die miserably, what should we do?" Duoya didn't care so much at this time , stood there in a daze, did not make a move, but kept communicating with Dorodos and the others behind him. "I didn't expect, I didn't expect that we would meet Wang Hao in this Donglin Great World. If you press too hard, I think you should admit defeat automatically. Don't fight against Wang Hao, otherwise, it will be impossible for us to return to the world. The gods have entered the world!" Doro was also frightened at this time.On the other hand, Doss had a gloomy face at the moment, pondered a little, and said slowly: "Duo Ya, Do Luo, don't you know in the great world of the gods that Wang Hao himself doesn't know his origin at all? I also know a few monks in the temple. It is said that the saint has always concealed her identity, and Wang Hao doesn't know her true identity at all, because the master of the temple of the gods has been angry several times, but in the end Still being suppressed by the promise made by the saint! This is Donglin Continent, this Wang Hao doesn't know his origin at all, let's not talk about competing with him, even if we kill him, who would know that we did it where?"

"Huh? That's right, Wang Hao may really not know his identity!" At this moment, Duoya came to his senses, "I've heard about this too, so I'll come and test him out!" Duoya thought of this , and then said to Wang Hao with a sneer: "Since you have already reported your origin, I will not hide it from you! My name is Duo Ya, and I am a monk from the great world of the gods! I don't know , have you heard of the great world of the gods?"

"The Great World of the Gods?" Wang Hao frowned, shook his head slightly and said, "I've never heard of it!" At this time, Wang Hao was already a little upset. After all, after the competition, he had to rescue Dongfang Ying. So he said directly: "Can we start?" "Huh? Let's start! Okay, of course we can start, hahaha!" After a lot of pressure testing, Wang Hao had never even heard of the Great World of Gods, and he was ecstatic in his heart: "Haha, that's great, he hasn't heard of the Great World of Gods, so I will kill him to avoid future trouble!" At this time, Doss also came over via voice transmission: "Duo Ya, this king must be killed!" Hao beheaded. Since we decided to leave the Great World of the Gods, it is to obtain more cultivation resources. This Donglin Continent is our first stop, and we must not be lenient. No one will know that it was us who killed Wang Hao. Do it!"

"Yes, kill him!" At this moment, Duo Ya's face showed a murderous look.In the eyes of Ximen Huan and the others, the guest elders of the Donglin family were really interesting. They first asked Wang Hao's name, and after learning Wang Hao's name, they looked shocked.Then they asked about Wang Hao's background, and even reported their own background, and then they looked murderous, as if the Wang Hao in front of them was the enemy they had been pursuing for many years. "This Wang Hao, won't he really have revenge on these monks from the great world of the gods?" Ximen Huan also thought strangely.

Wang Hao, on the other hand, was in a cloud of fog at this time. He didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd when these monks kept asking!From the shocked look before to the murderous look on the face at this moment, it was only a momentary change.However, Wang Hao didn't care what kind of expression the other party had. Facing monks below the level of gods, Wang Hao had absolute confidence at the moment.

Regardless of the pressure, when it comes to hands-on, he directly takes out a long purple needle that is exactly the same as Naduoluo from the storage space and throws it into the air.Immediately, the long purple needle soared several times, and then moved towards Wang Hao like a teleport.At this moment, Wang Hao also sacrificed a dark and strange sword aura, which was full of murderous aura, and as soon as it appeared, it directly met the purple long needle that was teleporting.

There was a crisp sound of ding, but the purple long needle did not have any advantage this time. Under the blow of the strange sword energy, although it did not lose the wind, but because the long needle itself is an extremely light thing, it can directly It just bounced back into Duo Ya's hands. "What, my purple soul magic needle was actually blocked by him with a sword energy. What kind of sword energy is this? It's so powerful!" The most dependable treasure.

"Sisi!" Duo Ya stretched out his right index finger into the entrance, and bit it directly. A drop of blood instantly melted into the long purple needle, and the long purple needle suddenly shot up into the sky with magic, and once again moved towards Wang Hao. Attack and kill the past.Wang Hao frowned slightly when he saw the devilish energy of the purple magic needle soaring to the sky. The strange sword energy just now could block the long needle, and it might be difficult to block it again this time.However, Wang Hao had long thought about it.

"Go!" Wang Hao directly sacrificed the strange sword energy, and slashed towards Duo Ya.And behind him, seven-color divine light appeared, fiercely brushing towards the purple soul magic needle.

Whoosh!The strange sword energy itself can also be teleported, at the same speed as the purple soul magic needle.When the Purple Soul Magic Needle came in front of Wang Hao, the strange sword energy also came to Duo Ya's neck.

Recently, I took a look on Baidu and found that as soon as Lao Shi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. , Alas... I am really speechless.I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap...a ​​chapter only costs a few cents...)

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