Fairy Road

Chapter 744 Easy Victory

The multi-pressed purple soul magic needle is the most powerful support in the hands of the three brothers in this great world of gods. The three purple soul magic needles are in the hands of the three brothers, and they can be said to block people and kill Buddhas. There is almost no record of misses against monks at the same level.At this moment, the first competition in the Donglin Continent is to kill Zhang Zifang's body directly, which shows the power of the Purple Soul Magic Needle.However, in the second round now, the Purple Soul Magic Needle missed a single hit, which immediately doubled the pressure in Duo Ya's heart.

The purple soul magic needle was easily dispelled by a strange sword energy from the opponent, at least it showed that the opponent was also extremely powerful.Moreover, after knowing Wang Hao's true identity, he still chose to fight with Wang Hao, so Duo Ya had to cut through the mess quickly and kill Wang Hao at the fastest speed, so as not to have long nights and dreams.Therefore, without any hesitation, Duoya used the ultimate move of the Purple Soul Magic Needle.At the same time, Wang Hao also felt that it was difficult for his strange sword qi to withstand the overwhelming killing moves, so he replaced the weird sword qi with a seven-color divine light, trying to wipe away the purple soul magic needle.And the strange sword qi became his own attacking tool, and it teleported to Duo Ya's face in an instant, and its teleportation speed even slightly exceeded the teleportation speed of the Purple Soul Magic Needle.

The strange sword energy descended in an instant, and wiped it towards his neck. The Duoya was frightened out of his wits. All along, Duoya believed that no one had such a powerful and teleportable treasure as the Purple Soul Magic Needle in his hands. , but at this moment, the strange sword energy in Wang Hao's hand has achieved this.Teleport!And faster!It's so fast that there is no chance to sacrifice defensive treasures. The best way is to abandon the unimportant parts of your body to block the blow of the strange sword energy!neck?Of course, he couldn't be hit easily, Duo Ya gritted his teeth, his right arm was instantly cut by the strange sword energy, turned into a black air, and disappeared on the right side of Duo Ya's body.

"Bastard! This sword energy can actually teleport, and even hurt me!" Duoya never thought that he would be injured by the opponent's sword energy in a face-to-face meeting. After paying the price of an arm, Taking the opportunity, he sacrificed a defensive treasure in an instant, floating around his body, resisting the attack of the strange sword energy.Under the defense of that defensive treasure, the strange sword energy is difficult to break through the defense for a while, and can only wait for an opportunity to move around.At the same time, Duo Ya looked at Wang Hao with a sneer. According to his plan, the Purple Soul Magic Needle had already smashed Wang Hao's body into powder.However, when Duo Ya's eyes fell on Wang Hao, who was looking calm and breezy at the moment, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.It turned out that the Purple Soul Magic Needle had disappeared in front of Wang Hao at this moment.

Duo Ya just now was attacked by the strange sword energy that Wang Hao sacrificed, and at the same time that the purple soul magic needle had already come in front of Wang Hao, Duo Ya didn't see it clearly, but Duo Luo and Doss could see it. Clearly, a seven-color divine light suddenly appeared behind Wang Hao, fiercely brushing towards the purple soul magic needle, and in an instant, it seemed that the aura of the purple soul magic needle was completely lost , Then, it disappeared into the mid-air directly. Obviously, the purple soul magic needle couldn't do anything to Wang Hao, and it was even easily collected by Wang Hao, so it couldn't cause the slightest harm to Wang Hao. [

After reacting, Duo's complexion was like dirt, his bottom line was that the Purple Soul Magic Needle could not be hit by one hit, but he did not expect that his Purple Soul Magic Needle, which was criss-crossing the world of gods, would be so easily smashed by a monk. charged.It wasn't until this time that he thought of the legends about Wang Hao that were circulated in the great world of the gods.From the very beginning, this legendary character has given many surprises to the people in the Temple of the Gods. Therefore, the master of the Temple of the Gods will choose Wang Hao as the person who will complete the mission of the Temple of the Gods in the future.However, now that Duo Ya knew Wang Hao's terror, it was already absolutely impossible to retreat completely.

Wang Hao's weird sword qi has never given up looking for opportunities to attack Duo Ya. At this moment, Duo Ya slightly separated himself, and the strange sword energy once again broke through Duo Ya's defense, and drew a long line fiercely on Duo Ya's abdomen. With one more scream, the breath on his body suddenly became a little weaker.Although it is said that a monk who has cultivated to this level will not make his body die even if his body collapses and is damaged, but the damage of his body is obviously extremely damaging to his energy.

Between this defense and one defense, we stand up and down.There is almost no need to compete anymore, the outcome of Wang Haoyu overpowering the two is already extremely obvious.At this moment, all the monks of the Ximen family showed joyful expressions on their faces, especially Ximenliu and Ximenzhan. At this moment, they no longer dared to look at Wang Hao with contempt, because they knew , even they, when encountering the Purple Soul Magic Needle, I'm afraid they will suffer a big loss.It is really impossible to resolve it as easily as Wang Hao.However, Wang Hao did it just by chance. This is the gap.

The overpressed purple soul magic needle was collected by Wang Hao, and there was no attacking treasure in his hand, so he could only rely on a few defensive magic weapons to support it firmly, in Wang Hao's hands. , like an animal being toyed by a hunter, extremely embarrassed.At this moment, the chief elder of the Donglin family also had an ugly expression on his face. After making eye contact with Dorotos, he finally said suddenly when Duo was in danger, "Okay! In this competition, I, Dong The Lin family admit defeat!" The implication was to ask Wang Hao to stop.If Wang Hao's usual "temper" is used, Duo Luo's attack is so fierce, and Zhang Zifang's physical body is damaged in a single encounter, and he will not show mercy to Duo Ya.

However, Wang Hao considered that after the competition, he would go to Dong Lintuo's residence to rescue Dongfang Ying, so at this moment, Wang Hao didn't want to show up too much, or provoke too much conflict between the two families. The hatred between them, so as not to affect their next action.Therefore, after Wang Hao heard the words of the elders of the Donglin family, he immediately made a move with his right hand, and took back the strange sword energy that made him feel extremely embarrassed, and then smiled slightly, returning to his own camp among.It seemed that it was just a simple little discussion, without the slightest smell of fireworks.And Na Duo, covered in sweat, returned to Doro and Doss as if about to collapse, with a look of horror still on his face.

"This Wang Hao is so powerful. That sword energy can not only teleport, but also is three points faster than our Purple Soul Magic Needle. I am not his opponent at all!" Duo said dejectedly, " Doss, among the three of us, you are the one with the highest cultivation, and the treasure in your hand should be able to kill Wang Hao. Now that we have done something to Wang Hao, we must kill him, otherwise , poor future!"

Doro also frowned, and said via voice transmission: "Duoya is right, Doss, you must take action to kill Wang Hao, otherwise the three of you and I will be wiped out! This temple of gods is not easy to provoke , even if we escape to other planes, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape the pursuit of the temples! Doss, you use that treasure to kill Wang Hao!" Doss frowned at this moment and said through voice transmission: "This Wang Hao is super powerful, and I am not sure about beheading him. Even if I use that thing, I am afraid I may not be able to succeed. More importantly, at this moment, Wang Hao, as one of the three guest elders in the Ximen family, has already I have participated in the competition, so I probably won’t make another shot, how can I fight against him?”

That's true, after Wang Hao's competition, it means that he won't make another move, so even if Doss wants to compete with Wang Hao, there is not much possibility!Sure enough, after Ximen Huan cast admiring glances at Wang Hao, he then set his gaze on Fang Qing.It means that it's time for you to appear on the stage, but at this moment, Fang Qing's complexion is pale, and her body trembles slightly, obviously because she is afraid of the Purple Soul Magic Needle in the hands of Duo Ya and others and it.

"Elder Fang Qing, why, it's time for you to come out!" Ximen Huan reminded, at the same time, among the Donglin family, Doss had already come to the center of the field.Seeing Doss playing, Fang Qing's expression was extremely ugly, her feet seemed to be filled with lead, but she didn't move a bit.Ximen Huan's face turned ugly immediately, and he thought to himself: "Could it be that this round just admit defeat?" At this time, Doss in the field laughed wildly, and said: "Hahahahaha, it seems that the Ximen family The elders are afraid to fight! Forget it, just now I saw the contest between Fellow Daoist Wang Hao and my junior brother, it was wonderful, and Fellow Daoist Wang Hao is even more powerful, why not, how about having Fellow Daoist Wang Hao play in this battle?"

Um?Or is Wang Hao playing?It was actually proposed by the other party!Ximen Huan was ecstatic in his heart. Playing with Fang Qing's strength is actually going through the motions, and he is bound to lose. But Wang Hao's appearance is different, and he is very likely to win the competition. The family has obtained an extremely favorable situation!

Ximen Huan was ecstatic, but he didn't know whether Wang Hao was willing, so he could only look at Wang Hao with his eyes.After Wang Hao heard Doss's proposal, he was slightly taken aback. Originally, Wang Hao planned to withdraw immediately at this moment and go to Dong Lintuo's residence to rescue Dongfang Ying. It is also difficult to escape the eyes of everyone.Therefore, Wang Hao could only nod slightly to Ximen Huan, then slowly walked up to the center of the field and said to Doss: "Since you value it so much, fellow Taoist, then I will accompany you through a few tricks!"

Recently, I took a look on Baidu and found that as soon as Lao Shi’s vp chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. , Alas... the truth is spoken.I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap...a ​​chapter only costs a few cents...)

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