Fairy Road

Chapter 745

Seeing that Wang Hao agreed to fight, Doss immediately showed a satisfied smile on his face, and said: "Friend Wang Hao is strong, which is really beyond our expectations. I will naturally do my best in this battle. At that time, it will only be a matter of life and death." Never mind! Hehehehe..." Doss smiled slyly, with a murderous look on his face.Wang Hao didn't take it seriously, it doesn't matter whether he lives or dies, just right, if I hadn't kept my hands just now, then I'm afraid I'm already the dead soul of my subordinates by now.

"Okay, it's up to you, it doesn't matter whether you live or die!" Wang Hao said in a deep voice, repeating these four words again, and looking at the head elder of the Donglin family, the meaning is obvious, this is not me What you proposed was that you Donglin family members proposed that life and death are irrelevant, and when the time comes, you must not go back on your word!

When the two of them said a word, their swords were on the verge of breaking out, and there was a bit of murderous intent on their smiling faces. However, Doss' murderous intent was more obvious, and Wang Hao had a playful expression on his face.In fact, in Wang Hao's heart, he didn't take this competition to heart at all, because in the Donglin Continent, the ones who could really threaten him were those three monks who had already cultivated to the level of gods, and among them The two of them naturally wouldn't attack him, and the only one who could attack him was the Patriarch of the Donglin Clan——Donglin Soul!Only the soul of Donglin can make Wang Hao pay attention and be alert!Others didn't even have the qualifications for Wang Hao to go all out.Including many three brothers!

Doss sneered, and took the lead. At this time, Doss did not sacrifice the signature treasure of the three brothers, the Purple Soul Magic Needle, because Doss knew that the magic needle would not be worth anything in front of Wang Hao. The benefits, even, will be collected by Wang Hao if the sacrifice is made, it is better not to use it!As soon as he appeared on the stage, Doss took out a green long sword about three feet long from the storage space. He didn't sacrifice the long sword, but held the long sword in his hand. With a flash of his figure, he directly held the long sword towards the Follow Wang Hao to hack and kill.Wang Hao was slightly taken aback, this kind of style of play is really rare in the world of comprehension!

However, Wang Hao didn't hesitate at all, and directly took the Ten Thousand Monster Token that Wazu had given him in his hand, and with a loud bang, the cyan long sword was cut down, but was blocked by Wang Hao with the Ten Thousand Monster Token. After the loud noise, Wang Hao's figure was directly smashed out of a distance of tens of feet. Wang Hao shook his almost completely paralyzed arm, and secretly smiled bitterly in his heart: "Sure enough, there is something tricky about it. The blue long sword looks ordinary. Extreme, but it is actually made of extremely heavy treasures." Doss succeeded in a blow, and immediately stepped forward with a grinning grin, and continued to slash towards Wang Hao.

Wang Hao knew that he couldn't stop the blue long sword with the Wan Yao Ling, so he pointed with his right hand immediately, and the strange sword energy came out of his hand immediately, chi chi, teleported to Doss, at this time Doss was already in front of him. When he was ready, he slapped his waist, and immediately three strange talismans appeared, surrounding Doss's body, and instantly formed a strange protective shield in front of Doss.The continuous attacks of the strange sword energy are difficult to break through the protection of the protective shield.Doss grinned, took a step forward, and continued to slash towards Wang Hao with the blue long sword in his hand.

It's also strange that this blue long sword can easily break through the protective shield and kill Wang Hao, but Wang Hao's strange sword energy can't break through this weird protective shield, making him Wang Hao was extremely depressed.Wang Hao could only dodge continuously. Fortunately, the blue long sword was held in the hands of Doss, and it was not as flexible as the flying sword when it was sacrificed. For a while, it couldn't hit Wang Hao.However, after a few breaths, Nados finally lost his patience. With a low growl, the cyan forehead sword in his hand finally came out, and it instantly swelled countless times in the air, turning into a sword with a length of several hundred The giant sword is ten feet long, and there is a layer of green sword energy on the giant sword, which looks very strong.

Wang Hao frowned slightly. He has never seen such a huge sword in the world of comprehension for so many years!After thinking for a while, he sacrificed the six reincarnation golden plates, and a milky white light completely enveloped Wang Hao's body. Then, just as the giant sword was about to hit Wang Hao's body, the power of reincarnation descended on the giant sword in an instant .The green sword energy on the giant sword suddenly trembled slightly, and the whole giant sword was a bit sluggish, and the sword body also shrunk several feet in an instant, and chopped on Wang Hao's back.However, at this moment, on Wang Hao's back, there are already seven colors of divine light, and he just placed the giant sword a few feet away from Wang Hao's body, and the giant sword couldn't stop trembling. After a lot of struggle, it was finally A blue light flashed, and was taken away by Wang Hao's seven-color divine light.

"What? My Juque Excalibur was actually taken away by that kid's weird light, bastard, I will fight with you!" This Juque Excalibur is Doss' natal treasure. Once it is taken by Wang Hao, Doss immediately It was a mouthful of blood spurting far away, and I hated Wang Hao even more in my heart. "Kill! Kill! Fight it!" At this time, Doss only had this thought in his heart, that is, he and Wang Hao are at odds with each other, either you die or I die!

Countless treasures were sacrificed from Doss's hands in an instant. This Doss is crazy, and he wants to fight Wang Hao desperately!However, it is impossible for treasures of this level to pose any threat to Wang Hao. With a flash of Wang Hao's divine light, everyone accepted them with a smile. These treasures instantly became Wang Hao's possessions.Then, Wang Hao's power of reincarnation also descended on Doss, and the protective light on Doss' body instantly weakened. At this moment, Wang Hao's strange sword energy entered with a whoosh. Within the light of the bodyguard, with a stabbing sound, Doss's head was directly cut off.

A stream of blood shot up into the sky, and Doss' soul was still wrapped in the blood. Wang Hao didn't chase him to the end, let go of Doss's soul, slightly clasped his fists at the Donglin family's camp, and turned around slowly. Returned to the camp of the Ximen clan.Doss' body was killed, and Duoluo and Duoya were stunned for an instant. If the elders of the Donglin clan beside them reminded them, they would have even forgotten to put away Doss's spirit.However, at this moment, the faces of the elders of the Donglin clan are also frosty. The three brothers in this family are extremely powerful. There would be such a powerful monk in the middle of the battle, defeating many brothers in a row twice, and even beheading the body of Doss, this was really beyond the expectations of the head elders of the Donglin clan.

However, a competition is a competition, and since the five games are not over, it must continue. Next, Ximenliu and Ximenzhan will face off against the two elders of the Donglin clan, Donglinfeng and Donglinyun!In the fourth match, Ximenliu played against Donglinfeng. The two met each other, and they were evenly matched. Not only were they similar in terms of cultivation, but even the power of the treasures was similar. Between them, it is difficult to tell the winner.

At this time, when all the monks in the field were attracted by the competition between the two, Wang Hao left quietly. No one noticed Wang Hao's departure.However, less than a moment after Wang Hao left, the two brothers from Duoduo discovered Wang Hao's disappearance! "Huh? What's going on? Where's Wang Hao in the other side's camp? I don't know where this bastard is hiding? You can't let him run away. You must confuse the patriarch of the Donglin clan and kill him. People, if we know that we have attacked him, we must die without a place to die!" Doro said.

Duo Ya said: "That's right, you and I will report to the patriarch of the Ming Donglin clan now, even if we sacrifice something, we will kill that bastard Wang Hao!" "Let's go!" Duo Luo and Duo Ya When the two of them thought of this, they immediately carried the spirit of Doss, and after making it clear to the chief elder of the Donglin clan that they were going to see the Patriarch, they left in a hurry.

When these two people saw Wang Hao disappear, they didn't expect what Wang Hao would do. Instead, they thought that Wang Hao left here early because he was worried about their revenge.

In the main hall of the Donglin Clan, Donglin Soul is high above, and below are standing Duo Luo and Duo Ya.Dong Linhun frowned and said, "You two mean that the three of you only won one game and lost two games, and even Doss's body was beheaded?"

"That's right, Patriarch, this person is extremely eccentric and his movements are strange. I suspect that this person will definitely be detrimental to the Donglin clan. I hope Patriarch can kill him!" Duo Luo said.

"Hahahahaha..." Donglin Soul suddenly laughed loudly, "Is it bad for my Donglin clan? I haven't seen it yet, but this kid is really bad for you, haha Hahahaha...Doro, Duoya, you all ask me, shouldn't you express it?"

Duo Luo and Duo Ya looked at each other immediately, and said, "Patriarch, as long as we can kill that kid, I would rather hand over half of the primordial aura bestowed by the Patriarch!" "Oh? Hand over half, hahaha, okay You guys step back, I know about this matter!" "Yes!"

After Duo Luo and Doss withdrew, Dong Linhun stood up slowly, and said with a sneer: "Three useless things, they have lost two games in a row, and they dare to ask for it. What a joke! Hao's guy is also interesting. He can actually kill Doss's body. I have the intention of recruiting him. However, if this kid is disobedient, he will be killed directly to avoid future troubles! In this way , Duo Luo and Duo Ya also have to hand over half of the primordial aura, and I have to drive it, hahahahaha..." Dong Linhun thought of this, and disappeared into the hall in a flash among.

Recently, I took a look on Baidu and found that as soon as Lao Shi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. , Alas... I am really speechless.I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap...a ​​chapter only costs a few cents...)

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