Fairy Road

Chapter 753 3 Heavenly Tribulation

The peerless catastrophe of the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation, the ninth catastrophe, Wang Hao had already given up, but he didn't expect that the earth spirit beads in his storage space played a key role at this time, saving Wang Hao's life.At this time, Wang Hao just knew the real purpose of this earth spirit bead. It turned out that the strength of this earth spirit bead is not in attack, but in defense.If it weren't for the extremely powerful defensive ability of the earth spirit bead, Wang Hao's body and soul would have been smashed to pieces by the ninth catastrophe.

However, in the eyes of Dong Linhun, all of this was extremely incredible.Obviously, the ninth thunder tribulation really hit Wang Hao's body.Logically speaking, it is absolutely impossible for Wang Hao to escape this catastrophe this time. Why did Wang Hao not show any sign of physical collapse after being struck by the Nine Heavens Thunder for such a long time?Could it be that another miracle happened to Wang Hao?Thinking of this, Donglin Soul no longer hesitated, and with a thought, he commanded hundreds of Donglin family elders who had mastered the laws of time and space to come here to surround and kill Wang Hao hundreds of miles away.

"Hmph! Although none of the peerless catastrophes in the nine-day thunder tribulation can kill you, you must be having a hard time now. If you are struck by the ninth thunder tribulation, you will lose a layer of skin if you don't die. Now add Let me see how long you can hold on to the siege of hundreds of elders from my Donglin clan, hahahahaha!" Donglin soul changed to resist the attacks of Ximen Jian and Nan Huaren, and then planned how to kill Wang Hao .Facing the attacks of the two masters at the early stage of the gods, although Dong Linhun couldn't easily win in a short while, but with Donglin Hun's ability to walk around; the two are still able to do a job with ease.At the very least, even if Donglin Soul allocated a part of his consciousness to pay attention to Wang Hao's situation, it would have little effect on him.

After a while, a hundred elders of the Donglin family appeared in front of Wang Hao.At this time, Wang Hao had already turned around from the horror of the ninth catastrophe just now.The nine catastrophes only slightly injured Wang Hao, and did not affect Wang Hao's combat power at all. In addition, after the catastrophe, Wang Hao has already achieved the body of a god at this moment. The Great Cultivator is naturally a no-brainer.

It's a pity that Wang Hao still has three heavenly catastrophes constantly wandering in his body. These three heavenly catastrophes were brushed into his body by Wang Hao with the seven-color divine light in his body. At this time, this heavenly catastrophe There is no peace in Wang Hao's body, so Wang Hao has to allocate at least [-]% to [-]% of his power to control the three catastrophes, so as not to cause chaos in his body.In this way, Wang Hao could only use one or two percent of the strength he could use in the face of these hundred great monks.With these powers, it is more than enough to kill a dozen or so big monks, but it seems a little too thin to face hundreds of big monks.

Hundreds of great monks, after the order of an elder of the Donglin family at the head, all sacrificed their treasures and attacked and killed Wang Hao.These one hundred great monks shot at the same time, and the energy fluctuations produced already made Ximen Jian and Nan Huaren's heart palpitate. The two hurriedly dispersed their spiritual senses to investigate, only to find that Wang Hao had fallen into the hands of the elders of the Donglin family. heavily surrounded.

"Dong Linhun, you are really despicable, you actually sent hundreds of elders to surround and kill Wang Hao!" Nan Huaren couldn't help scolding. "Hahahahaha, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. This old man has always used any means to win! Nan Huaren, when Wang Hao is dealt with, I will be the first to destroy your Nanhua family!" Dong Linhun laughed wildly.At this time, Ximen Jian made a false move, his body flashed, and he wanted to go to the place where Wang Hao was to help. Ximenjian knew that although Wang Hao was powerful, he had just passed the catastrophe at this moment, so he should be extremely weak.If Wang Hao was in his prime, it would be easy to have a hundred great monks, but at this moment, it is hard to say.Therefore, Ximen Jian knew that all the hopes of himself, Nan Huaren and the two families were pinned on Wang Hao alone.Wang Haosheng, the birth of the two big families!When Wang Hao dies, the two great families die.Therefore, at this moment, Wang Hao must be desperately rescued.

However, Donglin Soul is so old and hot, how could he let Ximen Jian go to help him, he blocked Ximen Jian's way with a flash, and said with a sneer, "Don't both of you want to meddle in that kid's affairs today, This old man is in the mid-stage of the gods, can't you still control you two early-stage monks of the gods, hmph, go back to the old man!" With a move by Donglin's soul, Ximen Jian was forced to fly backwards, and Ximen Jian and Nan Huaren also flew back at this moment. They were all very anxious, but they all had more than enough heart but not enough energy. It was beyond their reach to rescue Wang Hao!

"You two stay here obediently and play with the old man. The old man wants to see how long the two early-stage monks of the gods can last in the hands of the old man, hehehehe!" At this time, Donglin soul became more and more angry. Becoming arrogant, they resorted to their unique tricks from time to time. Ximen Jian and Nan Huaren could only deal with it with all their strength. As long as they were a little distracted, they might end up seriously injured.

On Wang Hao's side, the first wave of attacks from the hundred monks still occurred. In desperation, Wang Hao could only sacrifice the strange sword energy and set up a large array of sword energy in front of him.The sword qi formation is like a black hole, constantly devouring the attacks of hundreds of elders, and even the treasures of some elders are also swallowed by the sword qi formation. In the great formation, they are strangled by countless sword qi and turned into powder .Wang Hao was overjoyed immediately, he knew that this strange sword energy had also increased in power along with his breakthrough.Otherwise, it would be impossible to block the joint attack of these hundred great monks.

After missing a hit, the faces of the hundred elders all became gloomy. "This kid is so evil. What is it in front of his door? Even the old man's treasures have been swallowed and strangled to powder. What is this thing?" "Yes, what is in front of this kid must be a very strong Treasures, if you want to kill this kid, you must destroy his treasures first, otherwise it will be impossible to kill him!" At this time, the leading elder said in a deep voice: "It's just a sword array, as long as you can break this Really, you can kill that kid, who among you is good at formations!" As soon as the words fell, several elders came forward and said: "I am good at formations."

"Okay, then you should take a good look at this formation of sword energy, and break this formation in a very short time!" "Okay! We will do our best!" These elders who are good at formations sacrificed themselves in an instant. One by one, these formations have entered the sword energy formation, constantly exploring the mystery of the sword energy formation.However, none of these arrays can last long in the sword qi array, as long as they are twisted by the sword qi, they will be turned into powder in an instant!

"Great Elder, this formation is an extremely powerful killing formation, it is very difficult to break!" "Yes, Great Elder, with my ability, I can't break it!" "I can't break it either!" "This killing formation is very powerful!" , I was directly strangled after my formation plate entered a breath!" "We can't break it!" After these elders who knew the formation method explored the sword energy formation, they were all frustrated and said that it was impossible to break Wang Hao's Great array of sword energy.At this time, a young elder among the elders who knew the formation suddenly frowned and said: "Although this formation cannot be broken, it seems that the sacrifice of this formation cannot be moved. When we attack Wang Hao, as long as Part of it can be devoured by this formation, and the other part can bypass this formation and sneak attack on Wang Hao, it must be successful!" "Yes, what Elder Liu said is very true!" The young elder's suggestion was quick That is, it has won the approval of most elders.

Thus, the second wave of attacks by hundreds of elders came.In this attack, half of the cultivators attacked Wang Hao's sword qi formation, while the other half of the monks avoided the sword qi formation and attacked from both sides, attacking Wang Hao behind the sword qi formation.At this time, Wang Hao also knew what these elders were thinking. With a cold snort, he sacrificed the Six Paths of Samsara Gold Plate, and the power of the Six Paths of Samsara appeared in midair, making the attacks of those elders, in midair, to be defeated. weakened to the extreme.When it was on Wang Hao's body, it was difficult to break through Wang Hao's protective power, and it turned into nothingness directly in front of Wang Hao.

"What, this kid has a strange treasure!" "Yeah, our attack was easily resolved by him. However, it seems that this kid is in a very bad state at the moment and can only defend. It seems that he is powerless to attack." Let's not be discouraged, hurry up and attack, I don't believe it, how long will he last!" "Yes, even a treasure with body protection, he needs Yuan force to move it, this kid looks like Yuan at the moment We don't seem to be able to stop attacking!" "Go on! Go on!"

All of a sudden, these hundred elders started to attack Wang Hao frantically.These attacks are really nothing to Wang Hao, even the seven-color divine light doesn't need to be used, but these attacks can be easily resolved.However, Wang Hao also has a headache at this moment, that is how to resolve the three catastrophes in his body.

"The three heavenly tribulations were entered by me with the seven-color divine light. Then, can I sacrifice the seven-color divine light again, so that the three heavenly calamities can return along the original path of the seven-color divine light?" Wang said. At this moment, Hao suddenly had a bold idea in his heart. As the saying goes, the person who tied the bell needs to be untied. It seems that the seven-color divine light is still needed to resolve the three catastrophes.

Wang Hao had some calculations in his mind, and immediately wrapped the three heavenly tribulations with Yuanli, and slowly moved towards the seven-color divine light behind him...

Recently, I took a look on Baidu and found that as soon as Lao Shi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. , Alas... I am really speechless.I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap...a ​​chapter only costs a few cents...)

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