Fairy Road

Chapter 759 News from the Gods

"You two, break into my Baimu and kill my clansman. Today, I will use your blood to pay homage to my dead clansman, kill!" The leader of the Baimu clan's god-level monk gave an order, and the remaining three people were covered with blood. There was a rush of momentum.In Wang Hao's eyes, these four people are not only monks at the level of gods, but also can be regarded as the best in the early days of gods.However, Wang Hao will not be frightened when facing the early stage monks of the gods. After all, it is difficult for the average early stage monks of the gods to have treasures in their hands that can grow together with their own cultivation.Therefore, in terms of magic weapons, Wang Hao already has the upper hand.Although it is indeed difficult for two people to face four people, Wang Hao still has a way to win in an instant.

"Fellow Daoist Ming Dao, you and your monsters are restraining the three Heavenly God cultivators. Give me a little time, and I will be able to deal with a Heavenly God cultivator first!" Wang Hao quickly said to Mingdao via voice transmission.Ming Dao understood it, and with a roar, the monster beside him immediately rushed towards a cultivator at the beginning of the Heavenly God, while he himself was manipulating two flying swords, attacking and killing them at the same time.At this time, there was only one cultivator at the level of a god left. This cultivator let out a low growl, and in an instant, he hammered towards Wang Hao with a treasure in the shape of a giant hammer.

With a flash of Wang Hao's figure, he first dodged an attack from that person, and then the strange sword energy in his hand moved in front of that person in an instant. As a cultivator at the early stage of Tianshen, with a thought, the giant hammer blocked an attack of the strange sword energy.However, at the same time, the power of reincarnation bloomed instantly on Wang Hao's Six Paths of Reincarnation gold plate, and when it was blessed to that person, that person felt a slight weakness in an instant.At this juncture, the strange sword energy reappeared, and with a stabbing sound, it directly removed the right arm of the cultivator at the early stage of the god.The cultivator at the early stage of the gods gave a strange roar, and with a blow of the giant hammer, the strange sword energy was smashed away.Then he gave Wang Hao a hard hammer on the head. Wang Hao smiled slightly, and the seven-colored light flashed behind him. He directly put the giant hammer in the air, and then slapped the man's chest with his palm, and the man spurted blood immediately. There was also a bit of apathy in his expression!

Although Wang Hao's strange sword energy only hurt the body of this early-stage cultivator, this palm actually damaged the soul of this cultivator, and he no longer has the ability to continue fighting Wang Hao. .It's not that Wang Hao's strength is so strong that he can easily defeat a cultivator at the early stage of the gods, but that the cultivator at the early stage of the gods is too ignorant of the strange treasure in Wang Hao's hands. Only if the strange treasure is blocked, will he have the current fate.Not far away, the three early-stage cultivators of the gods suppressed Ming Dao so hard that they couldn't breathe. However, when they saw that their companions had been seriously injured by Wang Hao, one of them immediately rushed towards Wang Hao's side. Come to the rescue.

At this time, Wang Hao took a breath. No matter what, one of the four opponents had already been eliminated.With myself and Ming Dao, plus Ming Dao's monster, it shouldn't be particularly difficult to deal with the other three.However, Wang Hao now also knows that his strange treasures have already been used, and they will no longer have unexpected effects. Therefore, it is already very difficult to seriously injure an early stage monk of the gods.Although I still have treasures like the Fire Spirit Orb and the Earth Spirit Orb in my hand, once I use these two treasures on Chongyuan Continent, I am afraid that it will not be so easy to want or leave Chongyuan Continent.

Five people and one beast fought for several hours. Ming Dao's monster finally showed its defeat. It was simply beyond Wang Hao's expectation, and Wang Hao's opponent, under Wang Hao's hands at the moment, was also beaten in a panic. At that time, the person was prepared, but the preparation was the preparation, and whether he could block it was another matter. Sometimes, the person barely blocked it, but in the battle, he fell behind in an instant. Having been seized by Wang Hao, he has been ruthlessly suppressed by Wang Hao, unable to resist!

Ho Ho Ho...Ming Dao's monster finally couldn't resist the opponent's attack, there were bursts of roars in the air, Ming Dao had no choice but to take it back into his monster bag.The god-level monk who had no opponent instantly aimed at Wang Hao. In the eyes of these people, Wang Hao was the most powerful opponent, and only by killing Wang Hao was the final victory. In an instant, Wang Hao became one person dealing with two monks at the level of gods.Just now, Wang Hao's opponent was already cornered by Wang Hao. At this time, a new force suddenly came, and suddenly he was full of power. From the beginning, he could only defend, but turned into a crazy attack. Until this time , Wang Hao felt a little bit of pressure just now.However, relying on the strange treasure, Wang Hao will not be easily defeated, at least in a short period of time.Although he was gradually at a disadvantage, Wang Hao believed that he could hold on for at least an hour.But Ming Dao could not see the slightest sign of victory. The one who fought against Ming Dao was the short monk of the god level who was the leader among the four, and he had great supernatural powers. , It's really a big deal, not to mention winning, it's hard to say whether it can even protect itself.

An hour later, Wang Hao was already at a loss, and Mingdao was even more embarrassed. The one who was killed by the god-level monk could only parry, without the slightest ability to fight back.And Wang Hao's strange treasures were used repeatedly, and the two monks also figured out the rules of Wang Hao's strange treasures. Often, one of them resisted Wang Hao's strange treasures, while the other still attacked Wang Hao secretly, which made Wang Hao extremely depressed.Finally, after Wang Hao blocked the flying sword of one of them with the seven-color divine light, the flying sword of the other took the opportunity to attack, and with a stab, a long bloody gash was cut on Wang Hao's right shoulder, and the blood spattered .A strange scene appeared, the blood splashed onto the long sword, unexpectedly causing a strange glow to appear on the long sword.The cultivator manipulating the long sword suddenly stood there like a fool, and muttered: "The blood of the saint, this person is actually the blood of the saint!"

"Stop!" The man suddenly grabbed the person beside him, stared at Wang Hao, and suddenly said, "Are you called Wang Hao?" Wang Hao was slightly startled, then nodded, but But he was very puzzled in his heart. It was simply unbelievable why this monk of the Baimu clan recognized his name.

"Who are you guys? Why do you know my name?" Wang Hao asked in surprise.The monk of the Baimu family stared at the long sword that was still blooming in his hand and said slowly: "Because what flows on your body is the blood of the saint in our great world of gods, and only the blood of the saint can inspire The power of the monk's magic weapon in the temple of the gods! We are all from the temple of the gods in the great world of the gods, and we are from the same family as your mother. Your name has already been spread in the temple of the gods, but it is me Create the hope of the future in the temple of the gods!"

At this time, the short old man who fought against Ming Dao also came to Wang Hao, staring at the long sword that was continuously blooming in the hand of his companion, his face moved, and after a long time, he said: "You should be my Highness of the Temple of Gods, Your mother is the saint in the temple of the gods!"

Wang Hao shook his head and said: "You are wrong, my mother is the saint of the gods in the heavens and worlds, why did she become the saint of the temples of the gods in your great world of gods?"

"Hahahahahaha, Your Highness, it's not that we were wrong, but you were wrong. The saint left the Great World of the Gods and had a child with a man. The child was named Wang Hao. Now the saint is still staying in the Outside the great world of the gods, you are punished for the mistakes you made back then, but you, Wang Hao, still become the hope in the temples of the gods in the great world of the gods, because you can create the future!" The little old man said slowly.

Wang Hao was immediately confused by these people, but what they said was indeed somewhat credible, and they had already gained the upper hand just now, so they didn't need to deceive themselves with words at all. Knowing the identity of his mother, Wang Hao immediately became excited. Maybe these people still have news about his father.

"Since you know the identity of my mother, you should also know the whereabouts of my father?" Wang Hao asked.The little old man's complexion changed, and he nodded immediately and said: "I do know about this, your father should be a man named Wang Ping!"

As if struck by lightning, Wang Hao said sharply, "That's right! Where is my father now?" "Your father has always been fine!" said the little old man, "He has always been in the Temple of the Gods, but the Hall Master Forbid your father to walk around at will until you complete the task assigned to you by the temple of the gods!"

"Mission? What mission?" Wang Hao asked suspiciously.The little old man said: "As for what the mission is, I forgive you for not being able to answer His Highness. In fact, the four of us sneaked into the Chongyuan Continent to prepare for the completion of the mission in the Temple of the Gods. We are not like this at all. A member of the Baimu clan in Chongyuan Continent, but a monk in the temple of the gods!"

"The monks in the temple of the gods?" Ming Dao interrupted at this time, "What about the god-level monks of the Baimu clan?" "We killed them!" The little old man said indifferently.Then he said to Wang Hao: "Your Highness, I think you should find a chance to go to the Great World of the Gods. When you get there, someone will lead you to the Temple of the Gods. After completing the task assigned to you by the Hall Master, naturally It is to be able to reunite with your father, and to make your mother wash away her past crimes!"

Recently, I took a look on Baidu and found that as soon as Lao Shi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. , Alas... I am really speechless.I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap...a ​​chapter only costs a few cents...)

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