Fairy Road

Chapter 758 The Fourth Mission

"Okay!" Wang Hao picked up the third jade slip and looked at it. On the third jade slip, it was written: "In the Chongyuan Continent, there is a Jedi named Baimu. Among them, there is a Strange race, bloodthirsty, often beheading innocent monks. Beheading all the monks of this clan and recapturing their clan treasures is considered to have completed the task. The monk with the highest cultivation level of this clan is the early stage of the gods!" After reading After this jade slip, Wang Hao began to think about it.

If I agree to complete the third task with Ming Dao at this moment, it will definitely waste a lot of time.But if he directly exchanged Hongmeng spiritual energy, it might cause shocks in the entire Chongyuan Continent. At that time, he would not even be able to get out of Chongyuan Continent if he was guilty of committing crimes.What's more, I still have the Fire Spirit Orb and the Earth Spirit Orb in my hand. This Earth Spirit Orb is the Earth Spirit Orb mentioned in the mission. If it is exposed at that time, it will cause more troubles!After much deliberation, Wang Hao finally decided to complete the third task with Na Mingdao.

"Fellow Daoist Ming, I have convinced you, you clearly know that the first two tasks are simply difficult to complete, hahaha, forget it, I promise you, I will complete the third task with you! "Wang Hao said with a smile.Ming Dao was also overjoyed when he heard the words, and said, "That's very good, Elder Fang, this third task, fellow Taoist Wang Hao and I took it."

Fang Jin smiled and said: "Okay! However, two seniors, I still want to put my ugly words in front. If the two of you don't complete this task within a month, this task will become an acceptable task again. That is to say, the deadline for completing this task is one month!" Ming Dao said with a smile: "Of course I know this, one month is enough!" Wang Hao also nodded, and now, Wang Hao But those who don't want to delay a little longer, the sooner the better!

Mingdao said to Wang Hao: "Fellow Wang Hao, the land of Baimu is not a good place. Should your junior sister also go with her?" Wang Hao pondered for a moment, then asked Dongfangying: "You How about staying here?" Dongfang Ying was very obedient to Wang Hao at this time, and said: "Okay, I will stay here and wait for you to come back." Fang Jin smiled and said: "Senior Wang Hao, don't worry, My guest room in Jiuzhen Pavilion can be said to be the safest place in the entire Chongyuan Continent, so my junior sister can stay here without any problems!" Wang Hao said after hearing this, "Okay, then please!"

After the arrangements were made, Wang Hao and Ming Dao went on the road directly.Before going on the road, Ming Dao also handed in a task.It was Ming Dao's mission to behead that person outside Dongyuan City before.It turned out that it was also a small task issued by Jiuzhen Pavilion.The owner of the Jiuzhen Pavilion, Dongyuan City Lord, is also strange. These people can be killed directly by himself, but he just wants to issue some tasks and let the monks in the world work for them!

The land of Baimu is a million miles away from Dongyuan City. Even if Wang Hao and Ming Dao fly with all their strength, it will take four or five days to go back and forth.Three days later, Wang Hao followed Ming Dao to a place where the spiritual energy was extremely thin. The thinness of the spiritual energy here was almost infinitely close to the lack of spiritual energy in the endless void.Wang Hao shook his head and said: "The ethnic group mentioned in the mission actually resides in a place with such a thin aura, and there are monks at the level of gods, it is really incredible!" Ming Dao nodded and said: "This ethnic group is called Huan, there is this set of extremely bloody cultivation methods. It is said that this cultivation method, in the final analysis, is devouring. A pointed existence!"

"Devour each other! This group of people is too perverted!" Wang Hao said with a frown. "More than that, as long as foreign monks enter their territory, they will definitely be cut up and eaten by them. Be merciful!" Ming Dao reminded. "Naturally!" Wang Hao thought to himself: I don't know if this ethnic group is really as Ming Dao said, if so, it would be considered a good deed to wipe them out.Once you enter this group, you will know everything.

"Fellow Daoist Wang Hao, look, this is the entrance marked on the map. According to the map provided by Jiuzhen Pavilion, there is a phantom array at the entrance, you and I must be extremely careful!" Mingdao reminded .In fact, when he arrived at the entrance, Wang Hao had already seen the scene of the cliffs at the entrance, which was what the magic array called.In fact, this entrance is nothing more than a vast continent. With Wang Hao's formation skills, this simple illusion formation is simply not enough for Wang Hao to be fooled.

"Fellow Daoist Ming, this phantom formation is not profound. You and I can ignore the phantom formation and enter directly!" Wang Hao said, stepping into the phantom formation in one step. After hesitating, he followed Wang Hao into the phantom formation. After a few breaths, Wang Hao smiled and said, "Friend Daoist, the phantom formation has been broken!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you, fellow daoist, to be so proficient in formations. It's a coincidence to be able to walk with you this time, hahahaha!" Ming Dao said with a smile.

At this moment, both Wang Hao and Ming Dao's expressions changed, and they said at the same time: "Someone is coming!" After a few breaths, dozens of figures appeared in front of Wang Hao and them.Wang Hao and Ming Dao took a closer look. These people were short in stature, dressed strangely, and had short beards on their faces. They were staring at Wang Hao and Ming Dao, and they were talking wow.Wang Hao and Ming Dao glanced at each other, and found that the leader of these people was only a monk who had mastered the law of space, and even the law of time was not comprehended, and they immediately looked at each other and smiled.

These people wowed for a long time in the room, and saw that Wang Hao and Ming Dao were completely indifferent.Immediately, they took out the magic weapons and held them in their hands, looking menacing.It seemed that they were going to attack Wang Hao and Ming Dao.Ming Dao said with a smile: "These people should be some peripheral disciples, with low strength, they can't pose any threat!" Wang Hao nodded.At this moment, these people sacrificed the treasures in their hands one after another, and rushed towards Wang Hao and Ming Dao to kill them.With a wave of their sleeves, Wang Hao and the two of them took all these treasures into their pockets, causing these people to flee in panic, and disappeared in an instant!Wang Hao and Ming Dao immediately looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Ming Dao said with a smile: "I didn't expect the foreign monks here to be so clumsy. The third mission has never been accepted. It seems to be the luck of the two of us, hahahahaha!" Wang Hao shook his head and said: "This It’s still very early! The real masters probably haven’t appeared yet!” Ming Dao nodded and said, “That’s right, but it’s recorded in the jade slips of this mission that there is only one monk at the level of a god here. Therefore, you and I should join forces. There is no problem at all!"

As the two spoke, they unfolded their spiritual consciousness directly.After a while, the faces of the two changed, and Ming Dao said: "The people who came this time have a lot higher cultivation!" After a few breaths, dozens of figures appeared in front of Wang Hao and the two of them. He is already a great monk who has mastered the laws of time and space, and the leader of them should be an existence infinitely close to the level of a god.Staring at Wang Hao and Ming Dao, he actually spoke a language they could understand.

"Foreign monks, why did you break into our territory?" Ming Dao was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Your territory, hahahaha, I'm afraid it will be gone soon!" "What do you mean, do you want to provoke?" "That's right, we are here today to provoke!" Ming Dao said, a silver light flashed in his hand, and in an instant, he came to the figure of the head monk, and with a slight movement, the head of the monk left his neck, Blood soared into the sky.

The rest of the monks turned pale with shock, some took out treasures and attacked Wang Hao and Ming Dao, and some took out a small bell and sacrificed it in the air. ring.It should be calling for help.Although these dozens of big monks are powerful, they are nothing in front of Wang Hao and Ming Dao, the two gods. After a while, they were easily beheaded by Wang Hao.

Just after Wang Hao and the other two beheaded all the big monks here, four powerful auras suddenly appeared in front of Wang Hao and the two of them!

Wang Hao and Ming Dao looked at each other, both of them were shocked.Ming Dao scolded from the bottom of his heart: "He damn Jiuzhen Pavilion, actually deceived us with false information!"

The four god-level monks looked at Wang Hao and Wang Hao with gloomy faces.One of them, the shortest in stature, said coldly: "Foreign monks, you are so brave to come to my holy clan and kill my clansmen. Today, neither of you will leave alive!"

Although these four people are all monks at the level of gods, but four against two, Wang Hao and Ming Dao are clearly at a great disadvantage for the first time.Ming Dao cursed for a long time before he said to Wang Hao: "What should I do?" Wang Hao didn't show much panic, and said slowly: "Fight!" "Yes, fight, there is no way out!" Ming Dao said He patted his waist, and unexpectedly a huge monster appeared beside him.

This monster looks like a fierce tiger, but it has six legs, so it should be a prehistoric alien species.Wang Hao also unhurriedly unleashed his strange sword energy, ready for a big battle.

Recently, I took a look on Baidu and found that as soon as Lao Shi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. , Alas... I am really speechless.I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap...a ​​chapter only costs a few cents...)

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