Fairy Road

Chapter 763

The power of reincarnation on the Six Paths of Reincarnation gold plate can actually greatly reduce the power of the chain-shaped magic weapon of the tall monk, which immediately surprised Wang Hao.Originally, when Wang Hao faced this chain-shaped treasure, he was already helpless, unless he sacrificed the Fire Spirit Orb.However, firstly, Wang Hao did not want to expose the Fire Spirit Orb to the monks of the temples of the gods, and secondly, even if the Fire Spirit Orb was sacrificed, whether it would have the same fate as the Water Spirit Orb is unknown.But now, with the powerful help of the reincarnation power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Gold Plate, Wang Hao immediately gained the upper hand in the battle with the tall monk.

At this time, the face of the tall monk changed several times in an instant, not only because his chain-shaped magic weapon was restrained, but also because he saw a treasure that had been rumored in the temple of the gods.This treasure is a treasure called the Six Paths of Reincarnation Gold Plate in the hands of Wang Hao, the son of the saintess of the temple of the gods.Could it be that what he is facing now is the son of a saint, can Wang Hao succeed?Several thoughts flashed across the tall monk's mind.

The status of the saintess in the temple of the gods was originally high and high, an existence below one person and above ten thousand people.However, hundreds of years ago, the saint left the temple of the gods alone to go to the heavens and the world, and even married a man whose cultivation base was as low as an ant, and had a son.This kind of behavior has already caused the status of the saint in the temple of the gods to plummet.The main reason why the hall master didn't punish the saint is that the son of the saint has the blood of the primordial, and can be a candidate for re-establishing a new plane.In fact, the saint is just a puppet of the hall master!The real purpose of the hall master is to use the saint and the man to threaten Wang Hao, let Wang Haowei create a new plane in the great world of gods, so as to obtain a large amount of primordial aura, break through the realm of the gods in one fell swoop, and achieve the upper realm.

Therefore, the tall monk felt extremely conflicted at the moment. Although Wang Hao in front of him was just a pawn of the master of the temple of the gods in the eyes of the monks of the temple of the gods, this pawn was also quite crucial and could not be easily offended.Once offended, it will bring changes to the plan of the master of the temple of the gods, which is not something a tall monk can afford!

"Stop!" The tall monk said this, and with a move of his right hand, he took back the chain-shaped treasure in his hand. With a flash of his figure, he avoided Wang Hao's attack from a distance, and said loudly, "Your name is Wang Hao!" Hao?" Wang Hao raised his eyebrows, knowing that his characteristics had already been spread among the monks of the temples, "So what?" "If you are Wang Hao, I can take back what I just said!" "Hahaha , Take back what you just said, are you saying that you want to kill me? Just kidding, do you have the ability to kill me now?" Wang Hao laughed loudly.Indeed, the Six Paths of Reincarnation gold plate in Wang Hao's hands at this moment has completely restrained the chain-shaped magic weapon of the tall monk, and the tall monk has completely fallen into a disadvantage in Wang Hao's hands. [

"Wang Hao, your mother is the saintess of my temple of gods. You are a monk of my temple of gods, why should you and I do it!" the tall monk said, the aura on his body gradually subsided. It seemed that it was true. Are you ready to continue fighting with Wang Hao? "Friar of the Temple of the Gods, hahahahaha, what a joke, I haven't even been to the Great World of the Gods, so how can I be a monk in your Temple of the Gods!" Wang Hao laughed, "Okay, since you said so, Then you hand over the Water Spirit Orb you just got, and I will admit that I am a cultivator of the Temple of Gods?"

"Huh? Water Spirit Orb!" The tall monk said in surprise, "This is what the lord asked for by name, and I can't give it to you!" In fact, the tall monk also knows that this Water Spirit Orb is used to restore It is used to create a new plane, but at this moment, Wang Hao has not really become the candidate to create a new plane in the temple of the gods, so it is naturally impossible to hand over the water spirit pearl to Wang Hao at this moment.Moreover, it is still unknown whether Wang Hao is willing to join the temple of the gods and whether he is willing to create a new plane for the temple of the gods, so the tall monk can only resolutely refuse.

"In this case, you and I can only continue to fight!" Wang Hao said with a sneer, and then the power of reincarnation on the six reincarnation gold plate appeared again. "Don't do it!" The tall monk felt extremely conflicted at the moment. This Wang Hao was appointed by the master of the temple to create a new plane. He couldn't easily offend him, and now Wang Hao wanted to Fighting with oneself is really a dilemma.The tall monk moved his mind slightly, and then said to the short monk: "Let's return to the Great World of the Gods quickly, hand over the Water Spirit Orb to the Palace Master, and then tell the Palace Master the news of Wang Hao's appearance! Let's go! The short monk was also surprised when he heard the words. The name Wang Hao had already spread in the temples of the gods, "Go, go back to the great world of the gods!"

"If you want to leave, leave the Water Spirit Orb behind!" How could Wang Hao let these two people go so easily at this moment? Tianshui Zhenren saw the power of Wang Hao's Six Paths of Reincarnation Gold Plate, and his spirit was shocked. He shouted: " Don't even think about taking my treasure away, Wang Hao, if you stop these two people, I'd rather lend you the Water Spirit Orb!"

Wang Hao secretly smiled in his heart: "At this time, do I still need you to lend me the Water Spirit Orb?" On the Six Paths of Reincarnation Gold Plate, the power of reincarnation instantly blessed the magic weapons of the two monks, tall and short, making the two of them The chain-shaped magic weapon was immediately darkened, and the two of them showed horror on their faces, and then, one in front of the other, they fled quickly.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy, keep the Water Spirit Orb!" Wang Hao quickly chased after him.Immortal Tianshui stomped his feet fiercely, and followed Wang Hao in the direction where the two monks, tall and short, were fleeing.

These two big and short monks are both the peak of the early stage of the gods, and their speed is extremely fast. Although Wang Hao has always had confidence in his own speed, compared with the two big and short monks, it is still not as good. Pulled far away by these two people.The two soon flew into the starry sky, and flew towards the location of the great world of the gods.Wang Hao hesitated a little, but finally decided to continue chasing after him. He had to go to this great world of the gods once. His father was still imprisoned in the temple of the gods, so he decided not to stand idly by.After chasing for a while that day, Master Tianshui immediately gave up on the pursuit. This great world of gods is not something that only Master Tianshui can enter.

Between the treasure and his life, Tianshui finally chose rationally to save his own life.He also knew that Wang Hao might not be able to snatch back the water spirit orb. Even if Wang Hao snatched back the water spirit orb, it would be impossible for the water spirit orb to return to his hands again, so why should he take such a risk? ?

The distance between the Great World of the Gods and the Mingchuan Continent is not far away. In the starry sky, the monks at the early stage of the gods can reach it as long as they fly with all their strength for a few days.At this moment, Wang Hao has been chasing the two monks, the tall and the short, for four days. Although the distance between the two sides has been getting farther and farther, Wang Hao's spiritual sense has been firmly locked on the whereabouts of these two people, without any slack .From the map of the starry sky, Wang Hao can also see that his position is getting closer and closer to the great world of the gods at this moment. As long as he flies at this speed for two more days, he can reach the great world of the gods.Just before Wang Hao was about to arrive in the Great World of the Gods, Wang Hao hesitated again.

After all, at this moment, my cultivation base is not enough to break into this great world of the gods alone. Once I enter rashly, I will definitely become the puppet of the master of the temple of the gods. Moreover, my father is still in the temple of the gods, with this With the threat of the first level, it is even more impossible for Wang Hao to show his skills.Thinking of this, Wang Hao gradually hesitated.

Just when Wang Hao was hesitating, a coercion came, causing Wang Hao's flying body to fly hundreds of feet away in an instant. Wang Hao was shocked and turned pale. He raised his eyes and found a The white phantom blocked in front of him at this moment. "You are Wang Hao?" The voice of the white phantom was very soft, but it gave people an irresistible feeling.Wang Hao's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself: "It seems that this person is a master in the temple of the gods, and even the master of the temple of the gods!"

"Yes, I am Wang Hao!" Wang Hao said. "Okay, okay, Wang Hao, I was looking for you, but I didn't expect that you came to this great world of my gods!" The white phantom said slowly, "Your mother is the mother of my gods." Holy Maiden, do you know?" Wang Hao nodded slowly, and said, "I know, but Mother should have already forgotten who she used to be by now!"

The white phantom was slightly startled, and with a hint of anger in his tone, he said: "Huh! Even if she forgot her former identity, she will be the saint of my temple for one day, and she will be responsible for my temple for eternity! Moreover, back then, your mother violated the rules of my Temple of the Gods and left the Great World of the Gods without permission. For hundreds of years, I have not punished her, do you know why?"

"Why?" Wang Hao asked.

"It's because of you, Wang Hao, that you have the primordial blood, and you can rebuild a new plane. You can use your contributions to the temple of the gods to wash away your mother's guilt!" The white phantom slowly Said.

"Create a new plane, what if I don't want to?" Wang Hao said with a sneer. "I don't want to!" Bai Xuying was obviously sullen at this time, and said, "Wang Hao, you have to think about it, not only your mother bears a great crime, but your father is also a guilty person. , I’m facing the wall in my Temple of the Gods right now, thinking about it, if you don’t agree to the task given to you by the Temple of the Gods, you should carefully consider the consequences!”

"Consequences?" Wang Hao frowned, and secretly said, "Here it is, as expected, my father and mother were used to threaten me. What should I do? What should I do?"

Recently, I took a look on Baidu and found that as soon as Lao Shi’s vp chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. , Alas... the truth is spoken.I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap...a ​​chapter only costs a few cents...)

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