Fairy Road

Chapter 762 The Gods Appear

"This is the Water Spirit Orb!" Wang Hao couldn't help being overjoyed, but when facing Tianshui real person, Wang Hao didn't dare to be careless at all. Wang Hao had the Fire Spirit Orb in his hand. He knew the power of the Fire Spirit Orb, so he naturally understood The power of the Water Spirit Orb, which is as famous as the Fire Spirit Orb, should also be extremely powerful.However, fortunately, Wang Hao still has an extremely abnormal defensive earth spirit orb in his hand. This earth spirit orb is also called the earth spirit orb. In terms of defense, it can be said to be extremely powerful.If Wang Hao hadn't had the Earth Spirit Orb on his body back then, he probably wouldn't be able to stop Dong Linhun's killing move!

In the hands of Master Tianshui, the Water Spirit Orb instantly transformed into a dragon with the appearance of silver water vapor. The dragon kept swallowing water vapor in its mouth, and began to roar and kill Wang Hao.Wang Hao frowned slightly, knowing in his heart that this kind of attack could not be resisted by the strange sword energy in his hand, even if it was his seven-color divine light, it would be difficult for the attack of the water spirit pearl to block it.When Wang Hao captured the Fire Lingzhu with the seven-color divine light, he almost killed himself.Therefore, the current Wang Hao is not willing to take the risk of doing such unsure things again.

However, if Wang Hao is asked to sacrifice the Fire Spirit Orb to fight against the enemy, Wang Hao still has some doubts in his heart.Because, this Mingchuan continent is extremely close to the great world of the gods.In the most powerful temple of the gods in the great world of the gods, they have been looking for the four spirit beads of land, water, fire and wind.Even in all the planes, there are forces of the temples of the gods waiting.It is conceivable that in the Mingchuan Continent, which is so close, there will be no temples of the gods.If I sacrificed the Fire Spirit Orb at this time, maybe it would attract the attention of the temples of the gods. Not only would I not get the Water Spirit Orb, but even the Fire Spirit Orb would be lost.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao's body suddenly flashed, and he couldn't help avoiding the attack of the water dragon transformed by the water spirit pearl.However, what this water dragon spouted was one-yuan heavy water and two-yuan heavy water, all kinds of weird water, which immediately blocked all Wang Hao's escape routes.Wang Hao was not given a chance to continue to evade at all, he could only take it hard, otherwise he would be killed by the water dragon ball.Wang Hao frowned tightly. At this time, Wang Hao's spiritual sense already felt that there were two powerful auras not far away, flying towards this direction rapidly.Wang Hao thought to himself: "Could it be that these two are masters in the temple of the gods!?" Thinking of this, Wang Hao dared not sacrifice the Fire Spirit Orb, and when he gritted his teeth, he blocked the water spirit with seven-color light An attack from the bead.Wang Hao snorted suddenly, and was shot tens of feet away.

However, fortunately, Wang Hao has the earth spirit bead in his body to automatically protect the lord, otherwise, just this one blow would be enough to seriously injure Wang Hao.Even so, Wang Hao couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, but Wang Hao's expression didn't show the slightest fear at this time, instead he looked at the real Tianshui meaningfully.At this time, not far from the real Tianshui, there were already two more monks dressed in black. The breath of these two monks was long, and an early master of the gods like Wang Hao could tell at a glance that the two men He must also be a cultivator at the level of a god. [

Facing the two monks who suddenly appeared, Tianshui Daoist was also slightly startled, and with a move of his right hand, he retracted the water spirit pearl, then looked at the two of them coldly, and said in his mouth: "Two friends, come to Juling Pavilion I don't know what to do?" The two monks were one tall and the other short, and the tall monk couldn't help showing an excited look on his face at this moment, but the short monk looked as usual, and said coldly: "Is the water spirit pearl in your hand? "

Hearing the little monk's question, Immortal Tianshui's complexion sank immediately, and he sneered, "Yes, it's the water spirit bead. What do fellow Taoists have to teach you?" Just now, Tianshui master used the water spirit bead to hit Wang Hao, and he killed Wang Hao. Wang Hao flew dozens of feet away, and even vomited blood and was injured, which immediately boosted the confidence of Master Tianshui.Even if there were two more early-stage cultivators of the gods, Tianshui Zhenren was not very worried. After all, not every cultivator possessed such treasures as the water spirit beads!

"Hand over the water spirit bead, and spare your life!" The tall monk frowned and said. "Walking around me won't kill me? Hahahahaha, what a joke, what a joke, it seems that you are on the same side with him?" Tianshui Master laughed wildly, "Do you think that I, Tianshui Master, are afraid of the three of you?"

"All the way?" The little monk frowned, looked towards Wang Hao, looked slightly startled, then shook his head and said, "What does that person have to do with us, you hand over the water spirit beads quickly, we can forgive him You will be compensated for your life. Otherwise, they will all be killed, even all the monks in your Juling Pavilion will be killed together, leaving no one behind!"

Master Tianshui's face sank like water, and the two monks spoke so loudly that they had already surpassed the tolerance level of Master Tianshui's heart. Panting heavily, Master Tianshui laughed back angrily: "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha If you don't keep one, what you said is really sweet, but the old man doesn't believe it, whether you can do what you say."

As Tianshui Master said, he flipped his right hand, and the Water Spirit Orb appeared in his hand again. Ho Ho Ho Ho, the silver dragon roared and rushed towards the two monks, one tall and one short.Seeing this, the two monks, one tall and one short, showed no fear at all, and a chain-shaped treasure appeared in each of their hands. The two chain-shaped treasures were sacrificed in the air and instantly restrained the silver dragon. Afterwards, the Shenlong roared bursts, and turned into a water spirit bead in the air, no longer having the slightest attack ability. "Receive!" At this time, Tianshui's real face changed drastically, and he hurriedly squeezed out a formula to take back the water spirit bead, but what made him feel broken was that the water spirit bead no longer obeyed his orders at this time.

The two monks, one tall and one short, sneered, and took back the two chains, and the water spirit beads naturally fell into the hands of the short monk.The short monk said with a sneer: "You really don't want to drink fine wine. You dare to resist and not hand over what our gods want. This is a capital offense and you will be implicated! All the monks are going to be buried together! And you!" The short monk suddenly pointed at Wang Hao and said, "You have been staying here for the purpose of this water spirit orb. You actually want to snatch things from my temple, which is also a capital offense !"

"Huh? Even me, want to kill? This temple of the gods is really arrogant! It seems that my father must have not been treated well when he was imprisoned in the temple of the gods, and my mother, as the former saint of the temple of the gods, Going against the will of the temples of the gods naturally caused great pain, and now I am just a bargaining chip used by the temples of the gods to blackmail my mother, a tool for the temple of the gods to create a new plane and get more aura That's all!" Wang Hao thought to himself.However, Wang Hao has always had such a question in his mind at this time, that is, why does he have to complete it by himself when creating a new plane? Don't other people have the ability to create a new plane?

Except for himself and Dongfang Ying, Wang Hao really has never heard of anyone who has the ability to create a new plane!Wang Hao has always kept this question in his heart.

"The Temple of the Gods?" Wang Hao frowned slightly, and said to the two monks, tall and short, "Why do you arrange my fate? Do you mean that if the monks in the Temple of the Gods want others to die, they must die?"

"Hehehehehe, what this little brother said is good!" The tall monk laughed, "It's not that our temples want you to die, you must die. As long as your cultivation base can save your lives, we will naturally There is nothing you can do about it, hahahahaha!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's do it!" The short monk said coldly, "You go and deal with that kid, leave him to me!" Kill Tianshui real person.Immortal Tianshui had lost the water spirit pearl at this time, and he had already lost his soul. When he saw the short monk rushing towards him, he was shocked and hurriedly dodged. At this time, he didn't even have the courage to fight up!

And the tall monk did the same thing at this time, offering the chain-shaped treasure towards Wang Hao. Wang Hao flipped his right hand, and the strange sword energy shot out instantly, with a ding sound, hitting the chain-shaped treasure in the air.The strange sword energy immediately came back, and the chain-shaped treasure came towards Wang Hao unabated.

"This thing, even the water spirit beads can be collected. It's really powerful. It seems that it can't be head-to-head!" Wang Hao thought of this, and suddenly his mind moved. The body of a monk immediately trapped the tall monk in the formation.

The tall monk's face immediately changed. In fact, both the tall and short monks were only early-stage monks of the gods. The reason why they could easily collect the water spirit beads was mainly due to the power of the chain-shaped treasure in their hands.However, at this moment, the chain-shaped treasure had been sacrificed, and the tall monk was trapped in the sword energy formation, and he felt a burst of strength immediately. , The exhausted sword energy strangled over, and the other tall monk could only recall the chain-shaped treasure in his hand, blocking the sword energy strangled in the strange sword energy formation.

"Break it!" The tall monk sacrificed with a chain-shaped treasure, and immediately broke the strange sword energy array.The tall monk sneered, and continued to sacrifice the chain-shaped treasure towards Wang Hao.Wang Hao suddenly felt helpless, he could only sacrifice the six reincarnation gold plates, and a reincarnation power instantly blessed the chain-shaped treasure.This time, the momentum of the chain-shaped treasure was instantly controlled. Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, and said pleasantly: It seems that the power of reincarnation of the Six Paths of Samsara Gold Plate can actually restrain this chain-shaped treasure.

Recently, I took a look on Baidu and found that as soon as Lao Shi’s vp chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. , Alas... the truth is spoken.I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap...a ​​chapter only costs a few cents...)

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