Fairy Road

Chapter 778

On the mountainside of Tongtian Peak, the three people, including Wang Hao, all stopped with ugly faces at this moment, in a dilemma.After all, the purpose of the three people's trip is to join the Xieyue Pavilion, and if they want to join the Xieyue Pavilion, they must climb the Tongtian Peak.But at this moment, even if the three of them tried their best, they were completely incapable of taking another step forward.

"Phew...... If I continue to go up, I'm afraid my consciousness will explode in an instant!" The three of them had the same thought at the moment, "It's just that if I can't continue to go up, I'm afraid that if I join the oblique I am afraid that there is no hope for the Yuege matter!" Just as the three of them began to despair.A silver light suddenly flew directly down from the top of Tongtian Peak.In an instant, it came to the mid-air that was level with the mountainside. This silver light was naturally the oblique moon emissary in the oblique moon pavilion who was responsible for guiding Wang Hao and others.

Seeing the Envoy of the Slanting Moon in silver armor, Wang Hao and the three of them all showed surprise on their faces at the same time.At this time, the messenger of the oblique moon said in a deep voice: "Although the three of you have not been able to climb the peak of Tongtian Peak, you can be regarded as outstanding figures among all people. Therefore, this first level is a fluke for you Passed, follow me to the top of Tongtian Peak!" As the messenger of the oblique moon said, countless seals suddenly appeared in his hand, and Wang Hao and the others discovered in an instant that the top of his head was the peak of Tongtian Peak shrouded in countless clouds and mist. In an instant, it became an endless appearance.

The three of Wang Hao thought at the same time: "Sure enough, this Tongtian Peak has been planted by Da Neng with some kind of weird restriction, and this silver-armored monk broke the restriction just now, so all the pressure on us instantly disappeared. However, listening to the tone of the silver-armored monks, it seems that our performance this time is not as good as those monks when the oblique moon pavilion opened the mountain gate in the past. Could it be that those people in the past were able to break through such weird restrictions? No?"

In fact, Wang Hao and the others thought too much, the messenger of the oblique moon said that Wang Hao and the others passed by by chance, in fact, it was just for the sake of the face of the oblique moon pavilion.Judging from the performance of Wang Hao and the three of them this time, it was already the best in Xieyue Pavilion in the past thousands of years.

Once the restriction was broken, the pressure on Wang Hao and the three disappeared instantly, and the three naturally followed the silver-armored slanting moon messenger soaring into the sky, and within a few breaths, they directly reached the peak of Tongtian Peak.As soon as he climbed to the top of the peak, Wang Hao felt an extremely strong aura of heaven and earth blowing towards his face. The aura was so rich that it could be seen directly with the naked eye.

"It really is a good place. No wonder the Xieyue Pavilion is proudly independent in the Mingyang Continent, and it is the leader of the cultivation world in the entire continent. It can be seen just by looking at the richness of the heaven and earth aura on the top of Tongtian Peak! "Wang Hao pondered secretly in his heart, and at the same time followed the silver-armored monk and hurried towards the west.

At the same time, in a palace just north of the center of Tongtian Peak.An old man with the imprint of a small hammer between his eyebrows was talking to an old woman holding a cane: "Old woman, you mean, this foreign monk is actually the one that this girl likes? You know, this time I recruited disciples in the Xieyue Pavilion, I have the opportunity to enter the Xiaoyue Small World. Moreover, the reason why the pavilion master is willing to open the seal of the Xiaoyue Small World again this time is to obey the will of God, and there is a heaven Big things should be handed over to the disciple who entered the small world of the oblique moon. And that person is a cultivator from the Mingyang Continent, so he must have a different heart if he is not of my race!"

The old woman was Granny Lei who had fought against Wang Hao, and Granny Lei was the dual cultivation partner of the four elders of the Xieyue Pavilion, Elder Lei, and their cultivation bases were also similar. Underneath, they are also famous, and most people want to give them three points of face.After all, where the strength of these two people is, they are not afraid of anyone's challenge except for the owner of the Xieyue Pavilion.

The old woman frowned, pondered for a while, and then slowly said to Elder Lei: "Old man, I don't understand what you are saying. But you also know that I watched Fenfen grow up, How can I refuse to ask me to do such a thing this time! Besides, I have already promised this girl, at least let that kid participate in the first round of Tongtian Peak competition, maybe, in the first round of Tongtian Peak competition , this person will be eliminated, and save you and me a headache!"

"Hmph! Elimination?" Elder Lei snorted coldly, and said slightly angrily, "I just started to see clearly from the spar in the Slanting Moon Hall that that person was already with two other monks from the Mingyang Continent. At the same time, he passed the test of Tongtian Peak. Moreover, the pavilion master is extremely satisfied with these three people, and he has already ordered the messenger of the oblique moon to go to pick them up! You, you, this time really gave me a problem... ...."

Elder Lei let out a long sigh and pondered for a long time. After seeing Granny Lei's sad face, he said slowly: "This second round of test is three to seven and twenty one difficult. During this difficulty, it is useless not to embarrass this kid. After all, during the three-seven-two-one difficulty, it is easy to say that I can make these people raise their hands and pass by with my old face. But in the end Three old things, I am afraid that even if you and I come forward at the same time, it will be difficult to persuade those three people!"

Granny Lei frowned and said: "Yeah, when I promised Fenfen, I didn't think too much about it. Now I regret it too much, and there are rumors that the two old men, old man Feng and old man Yu Things seem to be cultivators with their own support, I don't know if these two people have entered the second round. If these two people also entered the second round, I am afraid that the two old guys will have to use some means!"

"It's good that you know these things. You should go and tell this girl Fenfen in advance. Judging from the current situation, it is very unlikely that you will be able to get away with it!" Elder Lei said in a deep voice.

Granny Lei nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go now." As soon as the words fell, the figure disappeared immediately.

At this time, in another palace, Mr. Feng was standing respectfully in front of Elder Feng, and said: "Uncle, Zhu Qing has already entered the second round of the competition. Quotation, he has great hopes!" Elder Feng said with a smile: "That's right, Zhu Qing did not disappoint me..." Young Master Feng smiled and said, "Uncle, he entered the second place at the same time as Zhu Qing. In the second round, there is another monk who is a monk of a different race, and this person still has some grudges with his nephew, I hope that my uncle will be a little stricter in the second round..."

"Huh?" Elder Feng raised his eyebrows, and then fell silent.

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