Fairy Road

Chapter 78

Wang Hao's spiritual sense had already noticed it, and in the blink of an eye, he punched with his backhand and collided with Qisheng's amazing finger.Wang Hao only felt a numbness in his right fist, and Qisheng's extremely condensed energy actually hit his right chest hard through his fist.

With a muffled groan, Wang Hao flew upside down, then slammed into a cliff, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

Qi Sheng looked at Wang Hao with a smile, and said: "The fist you used just now should be the Great Destruction Fist. I have seen this punch used by others before. It is just a low-grade supernatural power of the Xuan level, but you have profound Yuanli, but it is powerful. It has increased the power of this supernatural power. It seems a bit tricky for me to use the low-grade supernatural power to gather yuan to defeat you."

Wang Hao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stared at the young man in front of him coldly, but he didn't make a move.At this time, the golden core in Wang Hao's body began to run rapidly again, and the majestic Yuan force gushed out, quickly repairing the injuries in Wang Hao's body.

Within a few breaths, Wang Hao took another step forward and punched Qi Sheng.Qi Sheng's complexion changed slightly, and suspicion appeared on his face, but he said: "Good time!" His body turned into a black shadow, surrounding Wang Hao's body like a ghost, constantly using various magical powers, and suddenly , Wang Hao is at an extreme disadvantage.

Although Wang Hao has now absorbed Ziyan's demon pill in his body, and because of the ancient demon scriptures that made the golden core mutate, he has obtained extremely strong origin power, which is even comparable to that of a late Nascent Soul cultivator.However, the flaws are also very obvious.The skills and supernatural powers are single and the level is too low, and the magic weapon is only a Weeping Frost Sword, which makes Wang Hao feel awkward when he meets a late Nascent Soul monk like Qi Sheng.

Qisheng used several magical powers in a row, Wang Hao blocked the left and right, although he blocked [-]% of the attacks, but still [-]% fell on himself.From time to time, blood gushed out from Wang Hao's mouth. At this time, the Weeping Frost Sword was also entangled by the black knife. Although it was not in the wind, it was difficult to come to help Wang Hao.

Fortunately, the mutated golden core in Wang Hao's body still exudes endless vitality, quickly repairing Wang Hao's injuries.In this way, Wang Hao and Qisheng fought for an hour.

At this time, Qisheng has long been invisible, but it is just like a black shadow wrapped around Wang Hao's body, with shocking energy constantly emanating from the black shadow, and some of them are cut off by Wang Hao with a destructive fist. Some of them hit Wang Hao's body.

However, Wang Hao is like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. No matter where you hit, the injury can be fully repaired in a few breaths.Qi Sheng also began to startle secretly.

"This person must have a heaven-defying healing magic weapon!" Thinking of this, Qi Sheng's attack became more fierce, and the twelve ground-level magical powers learned in Weiyang Palace greeted Wang Hao in turn.

Earth-level supernatural powers, any one, will set off a bloodbath if placed in the realm of self-cultivation.But in Weiyang Palace, there are [-] sects of earth-level magical powers, which is really a big family.But what is even more surprising is that there is such a freak who has learned all the twelve supernatural powers, Qi Sheng can be said to be an unprecedented genius in Weiyang Palace.Even among the younger generation in the entire cultivation world, he is one of the few people who are astonishingly talented.

However, it is such a freak who was valued by the leader of the Holy Cult in Weiyang Palace and who has never lost in the struggle with the younger generation. The self-confidence in the heart is worn away.

After Wang Hao was beaten by Qisheng with twelve magical powers in turn, he still used the set of low-grade supernatural powers of the mysterious level to make great destruction, and even made some attacks while defending steadily. It's nothing to beggars.But this was enough to shock Qi Sheng!

Two hours passed, and the entire cliff was covered with flying sand and rocks, and the vegetation was broken.Two magic weapons high in the sky, one black and one white, are entangled with each other and refuse to give in to each other.There were two teenagers in the air, one black and one white, surrounded by majestic energy rolling, and the impact of bursts of energy was as astonishing as muffled thunder.

Occasionally, one or two monks passed by here, and their expressions changed drastically in the distance. They changed their route and took a detour, for fear that they would encounter these two old monsters in the Nascent Soul stage.But he didn't expect that it was only two young men with weak crowns who were fighting to the death here.

After Qisheng finished using the last ground-level magical power, he saw that Wang Hao was not showing signs of defeat at all, and that the damage he inflicted on the other party just now seemed to have recovered in an instant, his complexion sank immediately, and his body sank. Turning around, it turned into black smoke, stood a few feet away from Wang Hao with a sneer, and said strangely: "You are weird! I want to know your name!"

At this moment, Wang Hao seems to have inexhaustible vitality all over his body. After absorbing the demon core, the ancient demon scriptures mutated his golden core, making him seem to have turned into a prehistoric monster. The innate supernatural power is the ability to kill people by leapfrogging.

Slightly suppressing the Yuanli in his body, Wang Hao stared at Qisheng opposite him and said, "My name is Wang Hao! Remember, one day, I will enter the Weiyang Palace!"

At this moment, Qi Sheng had lost the previous arrogance, and his expression changed: "Hahahaha, it's natural! However, you have to get through today's calamity first. If you can't make it through, it's useless to say anything!" After finishing speaking, the right hand With one move, the black knife attacked the Weeping Frost Sword several times, forcing the Weeping Frost Sword back, and then returned to Qisheng's right hand.

Qi Sheng flipped his right hand, put the black knife into the storage bag, and then there was an extra magic weapon in his hand, this magic weapon turned out to be in the shape of an ancient clock, with two simple and simple characters engraved on it: Wei Young!On the body of the clock, there is a distant ancient atmosphere and majestic energy fluctuations. It seems that when the bell rings, the whole world will be shocked.

When Wang Hao saw Qi Sheng take out this magic weapon, he immediately felt awe-inspiring. What he suffers the most now is that the skills and magical powers and the magic weapon are both monotonous and scarce. I don't know what kind of power this magic weapon has.

But Qisheng looked solemn at this time, looked at Wang Hao and said: "This magic weapon is called 'Weiyang Divine Bell', and it is one of the three and a half artifacts in my Weiyang Sacred Religion. When the elders ascended, if they used this bell to resist the catastrophe, the half word in front of the half-divine weapon must be removed. However, even if it is only a half-divine weapon now, it is not something you can resist. Originally, you are A good opponent, but Master asked me to kill you, so I had no choice but to..." At this point, the small clock in Qi Sheng's right hand suddenly grew several times larger and was suspended in mid-air.There are countless ancient runes floating around the entire big clock, and it can be seen that countless powerful formations are engraved in it.

At this time, Wang Hao could only be secretly startled and fully prepared.Because, he felt that this clock was firmly locking his aura, and even the silver sword Weeping Frost hovering above his head was trembling at this moment.

Qisheng didn't speak any more, but just ruthlessly punched all the energy in his body into the Weiyang Divine Clock. Immediately, the divine bell made a loud noise that could shake the world, and the flood-like energy formed an invisible wave, directly It hit Wang Hao's chest.

As soon as the bell rang, Wang Hao was already inescapable!

The tidal water continuously washed Wang Hao's body. The countless pores of Wang Hao's body overflowed with blood, and his body flew upside down for a distance of tens of feet. Even Hong Sheng and Lin Qi'er who were in the Butian ring were shocked at the same moment, and a stream of blood spilled from the corners of their respective mouths.

Plop!Wang Hao's body fell hard on a cliff, and then rolled from the cliff to the bottom of the cliff.

Qisheng was also pale at this time, and just now he was urging the Weiyang Divine Clock with all his strength. Even a late Nascent Soul cultivator like himself still felt weak.

However, even though there is not much energy left in the body, after all, the battle is over, isn't it?Qi Sheng put the Weiyang Divine Clock into the storage bag with a wry smile, looked towards the bottom of the cliff, and muttered in his mouth: If you are not my mortal enemy, maybe we can really be friends.After finishing speaking, with a seyin cold face, he flew towards the bottom of the cliff.

But Wang Hao, who was at the bottom of the cliff at this moment, had another strange change in his dying body.

(Old wet thought brokenly: Well, Wang Hao is finally leaving the rookie stage. The 20-character rookie stage is not too long in Xianxia novels. After all, there is a long way to go in the future... Collection, sao years! Tomorrow Wang Hao's golden core will be shattered)

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