Fairy Road

Chapter 79

In a place full of jagged rocks, Wang Hao was lying in the middle covered in blood, and the vitality in his body was already gradually passing away.A few vultures hovered in mid-air, and a crow stood on the top of the cliff, making noisy calls.

Qi Sheng frowned, and swept Wang Hao's body slightly with his spiritual sense, but he didn't find the storage bag on Wang Hao's body. He was suspicious, but he was relieved soon, and he just murmured: "Cultivating immortals, cultivating immortals, What kind of immortal do I cultivate? Could it be that the immortal I cultivated is this slaughtering immortal? Master, master, why do you have to hand over to Qi Sheng every time the mission of chasing and killing?"

Wang Hao's vitality was even weaker. Qisheng raised his head and waited for the last trace of Wang Hao's vitality to pass away. Then, according to his teacher's instructions, he cut off Wang Hao's head and sent it to the Wu Kingdom's palace. An account of the royal family.

Qisheng stayed for a long time, and during this time, although Wang Hao's vitality was constantly passing away, there were changes in his body.The golden elixir that Wang Hao had painstakingly condensed had been shattered into a little bit of golden powder at this moment, and countless ancient characters kept shuttling between the golden powder.

Every ancient character releases a bright golden light that makes people dare not look directly at it.These ancient characters are constantly spliced ​​and fused in Wang Hao's body, changing the order of arrangement.Finally, the powder of the golden elixir has been completely absorbed by those ancient characters.A whole golden demon sutra replaced the golden elixir and floated in Wang Hao's dantian.

Once the demon scriptures were formed, there was an immemorial and prehistoric atmosphere immediately.Countless phantoms of ancient monsters emerged from Wang Hao's dantian, among which hundreds of phantoms of smaller monsters were gradually swallowed by ten huge phantoms of monsters. The phantom of the monster beast kept roaring in Wang Hao's dantian, and then disappeared.Countless majestic primordial powers were produced in Wang Hao's dantian with the appearance of those phantoms of ancient monsters.Immediately, the injuries in Wang Hao's body recovered in an instant.

Wang Hao came back to life!

Qi Sheng's expression changed, and his consciousness swept across again.But he was slammed back by an extremely tyrannical divine sense, and Qi Sheng's body swayed, his face pale.But in front of him, Wang Hao stood impressively, his eyes were shining brightly!

Seeing that Wang Hao turned his life around and came back to life again, Qi Sheng breathed a sigh of relief and said, "What kind of magic weapon do you have that can bring you back from the dead? However, since you Already alive, then continue to fight!" After speaking, his body exploded and floated into the midair, and the Weiyang Divine Bell appeared again in his hand. It is the energy that is about to be exhausted, drumming into the big bell.

With a bang, the big bell sent out a majestic and boundless force again, and charged towards Wang Hao.But this time, with a smile on his lips, Wang Hao punched that wave of Yuanli that was far less powerful than last time, and punched it lightly.

In mid-air, countless yuan energies splashed out, Wang Hao stood motionless on the spot, but Qi Sheng was blown away by a distance of several feet, and there was already a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth at this moment.

Qisheng stabilized his vain steps, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Very good, I haven't tasted the taste of failure for a long time. You have a magic weapon in your body, and I can't kill you!" After finishing speaking, he turned around as if he was relieved run away!

Wang Hao yelled: "Do you want to leave now?" After finishing speaking, he stomped his right foot, flying into the air like a demon god, or like a giant monster coming to the world, and stretched out his big hand, grabbing at the Weiyang Divine Bell. And the other hand, like a shooting star, smashed towards Qi Sheng's ascending body.

Qi Sheng's complexion sank, at this time the vitality in his body was exhausted, he hurriedly took out a red elixir and put it in his mouth.Then, with a shake of his hands, a mysterious and abnormal diaphragm appeared in front of Wang Hao's fist.

Only a few meters away, Wang Hao's fist seemed to be covered in cobwebs, making it difficult to penetrate an inch.

Um?Is this the enchantment supernatural power that monks in the late Yuanying period can use?With a move in Wang Hao's heart, the strength of his fist increased a bit. Although he still couldn't break the barrier, the Qisheng outside the barrier spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Qisheng couldn't care about Weiyang's divine clock anymore, turned around and flew towards the south.After three breaths, the enchantment in front of Wang Hao shattered after Wang Hao activated his Yuanli for the fourth time.Wang Hao stared at the direction of Qisheng's escape, with a complicated look on his face, and muttered in his mouth: Why is there a trace of kindness in this person's murderous intent?

Thinking of this, Wang Hao smiled and looked at the smaller Weiyang Divine Clock in his right hand. He saw that the small clock was engraved with strange ancient characters and simple and difficult patterns. Put it into the sky-replenishing ring, and prepare to refine it after leaving the territory of Wu State!

This arduous battle allowed Wang Hao to travel between life and death, but he was on the verge of death, begging for a sliver of life, and the name of begging for life seemed to be a footnote for Wang Hao in this battle.

Wang Hao secretly observed all kinds of visions formed by the ancient demon scriptures in his dantian with his spiritual sense. It seemed that he had to leave Wu country as soon as possible, find a secluded place, retreat for a month, and sort out the abnormalities in his body!Now I can't control my own body, the ten huge monster figures that suddenly appeared in the dantian are deeply engraved in Wang Hao's consciousness, although they are already hidden in a certain corner of the dantian.But the majestic aura of these monsters sweeping across the world is so ferocious that Wang Hao feels a deep shock in his heart as long as he thinks about it!

After briefly asking about the injuries of Hong Sheng and Lin Qi'er in the Butianhuan, they knew that they were all fine.Wang Hao communicated with Qishuangjian's consciousness again. Qishuang's condition is not very good, and he looks seriously injured.According to Sword Spirit Weeping Shuang, it is difficult to recover within half a month... Therefore, Wang Hao can only fly in the air helplessly. There is no magic weapon to control the flight, and its speed is difficult for ordinary Nascent Soul stage monks to compare.

A white figure jumped into the sky with a whoosh, and then turned into a white light and headed north.


In Weiyang Palace, Qisheng knelt on one knee and described the battle with Wang Hao to Weiyang Zhenjun, the leader of Weiyang Holy Cult.After listening to Zhenjun Weiyang, he was silent for a long time, before he opened his mouth and said: "Beggar, when my teacher brought you back to this Weiyang Palace when you were begging, I used Weiyang's heavenly performance to deduce your fate. In your life, there is an unavoidable murder, which should be on Wang Hao. In the future, you will meet again. Moreover, Wang Hao, even as a teacher, cannot deduce his fate. Whether you can change your fate against the sky, as a teacher, you can't help you, but it depends entirely on yourself."

At this time, Qisheng's face was serious, and he replied: "Qisheng knows, but the Weiyang Divine Bell was taken away by Wang Hao..."

"Okay, this is a trivial matter, it's just a semi-divine weapon, no need to think about it. From today on, you will retreat for three years and study the last volume of the Weiyang Scripture. Step down..." Zhenjun Weiyang said before Qisheng When it was over, he interrupted his words.

"Obey." Qi Sheng turned around and retreated.

Not long after Qisheng left, an old man in black came to the main hall of Weiyang Palace, knelt down in the tunnel and said, "The Holy Master calls, what orders do you have?"

"Well... Heisha sent a woman with pure yin spiritual roots from the Wu Kingdom earlier, you go and release him from prison, find a cave rich in spiritual energy, and let her practice in my Weiyang Palace." Weiyang sincerely Jun said slowly.

"Obey!" The old man in black kowtowed towards the place where Zhenjun Weiyang's voice came from, and then asked doubtfully: "It's just, Holy Master, the nine women with pure yin roots that you want have all been gathered now. If so Release this girl, I'm afraid..."

"Huh?" A shocking coercion suddenly appeared, knocking the body of the black-clothed old man several feet away. After getting up from the ground, the black-clothed old man was already terrified and trembling, kneeling on the ground, He kept kowtowing and apologizing.

"You just do it, go..." Zhenjun Weiyang's voice sounded again.

The old man in black stumbled out of Weiyang Hall as if he had been pardoned.


Outside the Temple of War God of the Ten Kingdoms Alliance of Cultivation of Wan Kingdom, a young woman with a moving figure in red clothes came at this time. This woman's face seemed to be covered with a thin layer of mist. Through this layer of mist, one can still vaguely see what kind of peerless face this woman has.It's just that at this moment, she has a slightly anxious look on her face, and at the same time, after seeing the three golden characters of the God of War Palace, a trace of anticipation appeared on her face.This woman is naturally the princess of the Yaozu who came from the small world of the Yaozu——Zi Yan.

Two monks in the early stage of Foundation Establishment were guarding the gate of the God of War Temple. When they saw such a beautiful woman coming suddenly, their faces were stunned. After realizing that the woman's cultivation level far surpassed their own, they greeted her respectfully. Going forward, Shi Li asked: "Senior, why did you come to my Temple of War God?"

Zi Yan asked with a smile: "Two fellow Taoists, do you know if the members of my Xuantian Sect are still in the Temple of War God?"

"Xuantianzong?" The faces of the two monks in the refining period changed suddenly, and then they returned to normal and said: "My God of War Temple is indeed a Taoist friend who has been to Xuantianzong, so I will go to inform the seniors , Senior, please wait here for now."

Zi Yan nodded, and one of the monks immediately walked towards the War God Temple.Not long after, the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment Stage came out and said to Zi Yan: "Senior, all the Taoist friends of Xuantian Sect are not in my Temple of War God now. As for where they are now, you have to ask ten The elders of the National Cultivation Alliance. Now, I happen to have several elders of the Cultivation Alliance here in the Temple of God of War, do you want to ask seniors?"

With a strange expression on Ziyan's face, he continued, "Then ask fellow Taoist to lead the way."

(For collection!)

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