Fairy Road

Chapter 782

The arena is surrounded by tens of feet in length. In the center of the arena is a flagpole that soars into the sky. Above the flagpole is a large flag. large characters.These three words, each of which bloomed with soul-stirring spiritual power.Obviously, each of the three big characters on the banner was written with spiritual power.As for the monk who wrote these three big characters, his monk is probably as powerful as a god in the late stage.

However, at this time, the spiritual power of these three characters cannot give Wang Hao much pressure.Although Wang Hao is only a monk at the early stage of the gods, his cultivation is comparable to that of the middle stages of the gods.Even if it is a monk in the late stage of the gods, it is really impossible to pose much threat to Wang Hao just by relying on the three words of spiritual power.

However, at this moment, Wang Hao's face was full of shock, and then, a hint of doubt suddenly appeared in his eyes.After a few breaths, an aura appeared again in his eyes.Following the appearance of this spiritual light, Wang Hao stood under the flagpole in a daze for an instant.

At the same time, a black lightning bolt as thick as a baby's arm suddenly appeared on the ring. After the lightning passed, the figure of an old man in black suddenly appeared a few feet in front of Wang Hao.Seeing Wang Hao standing under the flagpole, the old man showed a ferocious look on his face, and then his whole body suddenly rose.Then, a black long sword in his hand appeared in front of Wang Hao amidst the scorching black light.

This old man is a middle-stage god elder in the Xieyue Pavilion. When the gate was opened this time, the old man Xieyue specially selected three powerful middle-stage god elders from among the hundreds of elders in the Xieyue Pavilion. , this person is one of them.The name of this person has already been forgotten by most people in the Xieyue Pavilion.However, the black long sword in his hand has left an indelible image in the hearts of all the disciples of the Xieyue Pavilion during repeated battles with incoming enemies.

Black Blade is the nickname of this elder in the Xieyue Pavilion.People are named because of swords, so one can imagine how powerful the black long sword in his hands must be!Of course, what appeared on the ring at this moment was not Hei Ren's true self, but a projection of his avatar, but even a projection of avatar has a power comparable to that of ordinary mid-stage gods!

As soon as the avatar appeared, it regarded Wang Hao as an enemy without any emotion. Seeing Wang Hao standing under the flagpole, he immediately wanted to directly defeat or even kill Wang Hao with the long sword in his hand!

But at this moment, Wang Hao seemed to have entered a wonderful realm.Wang Hao has experienced this kind of state several times since he practiced.This state of enlightenment is often a precursor to a monk's impending sudden change.Originally, Wang Hao was trapped in the bottleneck of the early days of the gods, and he already had a lot of time.At this moment, when facing the three big characters written by the old man Xieyue, Wang Hao suddenly got a feeling from these three big gilt characters.There is actually a hint of a breakthrough!However, under this situation, I am afraid that Wang Hao cannot allow the slightest time to comprehend and break through.

The black long sword came through the air, and the entire sky instantly turned into darkness.The three gold-plated characters in Wang Hao's eyes at this moment were instantly covered by the black long sword.However, there was no fear at all in Wang Hao's eyes. At this moment, although Wang Hao opened his eyes, there was no black long sword in his eyes, even the power of the black long sword The monstrous sky can no longer hide the three gold-plated characters in Wang Hao's heart.

Slanting Moon Pavilion!What kind of master is the monk who wrote these three big characters? With these three big characters, it made me feel a sense of cultivation to the extreme.Wang Hao was still pondering in his heart, the black long sword came in an instant, but Wang Hao didn't seem to perceive it at all.

At the same time, in a large hall, Elder Feng stood on a crystal mirror, watching Wang Hao's situation at the moment.Elder Feng showed a shocked look on his face, and couldn't help but murmured to himself: "Genius, really a genius, this son can actually realize a trace of a late-stage cultivator of the gods by relying on the three words in front of him." Artistic conception. It's amazing, this son must be Zhu Qing's biggest enemy when he entered the small world of the oblique moon. But as one of the four elders in the oblique moon pavilion, I can't play favoritism. People. However, judging from the current situation, this kid may soon fall under the sword of the black blade. This also saves a lot of trouble, but it is a pity that this kid is so talented... .”

Elder Feng was talking to himself, suddenly raised his eyebrows, patted his thigh and said: "No, no, logically speaking, the pavilion master is so fancy about recruiting disciples this time, it is impossible not to pay attention to this kid's situation at this moment And the peerless talent shown by this kid at this moment, it is really strange that he did not make the Pavilion Master take action and prevent Hei Ren from attacking him!"

Sure enough, as Elder Feng expected, in another hall, the old man Xieyue caressed his long beard with his right hand, his eyes revealed extraordinary splendor, staring fixedly at a crystal mirror in front of him, the aura in his body suddenly soared into the sky. Then, the old man Xie Yue laughed and said to himself: "Hehe, it seems that this little guy doesn't need the help of the old man. Just relying on the three words that the old man wrote at will It's just that I realized the artistic conception of the old man when he suddenly reached the late stage of the god, and even immediately relied on this artistic conception to break through from the early stage of the god to the middle stage of the god. This little guy's talent is so good that it is outrageous It's over!"

"This old man intends to help you so that you will not be disturbed by the black blade, but I didn't expect that under such circumstances, you would be able to realize it in an instant, and suddenly break through the bottleneck of the middle stage of the gods before death comes!"

On the ring, the black sword slashed down, wrapped in the majestic energy of the mid-stage cultivator of the gods, and instantly chopped Wang Hao into countless pieces, but just as the pieces scattered, At this moment, a few feet away from where Wang Hao stood, a white figure suddenly appeared again.If it's not Wang Hao, who is it?

It turned out that what the black long sword killed just now was actually just an afterimage of Wang Hao.Elder Hei Ren had an inconceivable expression on his face, and with a move with his right hand, the black long sword returned to his hand in an instant, and he couldn't help asking: "You actually made a breakthrough?"

Wang Hao nodded calmly.Elder Hei Ren was startled slightly, then sneered and said: "Okay, since you have broken through to the middle stage of the gods, you are qualified to let the old man make a full shot!" "Do you make a full shot?" Wang Hao smiled, and then calmly said: "Even if I haven't broken through to the middle stage of the gods, with the cultivation base of the early stage of the gods, I have the certainty of defeating you directly under your all-out attack!" At this moment, Wang Hao did not leave the elder Hei Ren with the slightest bit of embarrassment. After all, just now, Elder Hei Ren didn't care about it, and shot directly at himself who was feeling the artistic conception, which almost ruined his chance to break through to the middle stage of the gods, and almost killed himself.

"Hmph! Brat who speaks wildly, you have just broken through to the middle stage of the gods, and your realm has not yet been consolidated. Do you still want to display the strength of the middle stage of the gods? Although the old man can only display [-]% of the peak strength of the middle stage of the gods, he defeated That's enough!" Elder Hei Ren's face was grim, in fact, the kid in front of him didn't have much hatred for him, but, Elder Hei Ren was bloodthirsty by nature, since he was chosen as the guard of the last seven levels People, of course, will not let Wang Hao and the other three pass the test easily.

At the same time, the other two avatars of Elder Hei Ren under the blessing of the secret method of the Xie Yue Pavilion also fought with Zhu Qingjiangnan, and those two avatars of Elder Hei Ren naturally had no reservations. hands look.

Wang Hao didn't intend to continue verbally attacking Elder Hei Ren, he sneered, and a strange milky white sword energy suddenly appeared in his hand.Then, the sword qi trembled slightly in Wang Hao's hands, and it actually walked along Wang Hao's shoulders with great spirituality. Then, the sword qi couldn't stop swallowing the aura, like a white spirit snake.

"I'll use the original power of the gods to defeat you!" Wang Hao said in a deep voice, and then the milky white sword energy in his right hand was like a white lightning in an instant, heading towards the black blade elder.

Elder Hei Ren suddenly showed a mocking look on his face. With the original strength of the gods, coupled with a sword energy, hahahaha, he actually wanted to defeat the old man. How could I be willing to act as an elder without real power in the Xieyue Pavilion if I didn't end up under the hands of the old man Xieyue?

to die!The breath of Elder Hei Ren's whole body was condensed, and after a breath, endless inexplicable black gas appeared on the black long sword in his hand. There were bursts of howling ghosts and howling wolves.

Yin Ling Slash!This is Elder Black Blade's most proud supernatural power. It is a ferocious supernatural power refined by extracting the souls of millions of living beings.Even ordinary monks in the middle stage of the gods will die directly on the spot under this yin spirit slash!Following Yinling Zhan's use, Elder Heiben showed a satisfied look on his face, and the entire arena was filled with black air, crying ghosts and howling wolves, as if it had become a hell on earth.

However, at this moment, the milky white sword energy that Wang Hao shot out, like a bright moon in the endless night, tore through the entire darkness, instantly repelling the black long sword, and the next moment, The milky white sword energy pointed directly between the forehead and eyes of Elder Black Blade, and with a bang, Elder Black Blade's avatar collapsed and disappeared...

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