Fairy Road

Chapter 81

Along the way, there were no twists and turns.After driving for three hours, Zi Yan and Bai Zhanyuan came to a place with steep mountains.Bai Zhanyuan suddenly stopped, and the magic weapon under his feet shimmered, and it was put into the storage bag by him.Pointing at a hidden place on the mountainside with her right hand, she said, "Miss Ziyan, below this is the only Lingshi vein in the Kingdom of Wan." Bai Zhanyuan, who was beside him, turned around and rushed towards the mine vein.

Seeing that Ziyan was silent, Bai Zhanyuan rushed towards the mine veins, his brows frowned, and then a strange color flashed across the corner of his eyes, and his figure turned into a ray of light to chase after him.

The Lingshi mine in Wan Kingdom is considered a relatively large mine even in the entire cultivation world.That's why the Ten Kingdoms Cultivation Alliance put so much emphasis on bringing all the monks from several major sects in the Anhui Kingdom here, and wanted to guard the mine veins here.Because they knew that once this mine was lost, it would mean the loss of the role of the entire Anhui cultivation world in the Ten Kingdoms cultivation alliance.If this mine vein falls into the hands of monks from the state of Wu, the consequences will be even more unimaginable, not to mention that tens of millions of low-grade spirit stones will fall into the hands of the holy religion of Weiyang of the state of Wu every month, even for the cultivation world of the state of Anhui, the alliance will no longer There is no reliance to unite their strength.

Dozens of caves were opened up around the mine for the monks who came to guard the mine to live.Before the monks of Wu Kingdom made troubles in Wan Kingdom, there were only a dozen or so Golden Core stage monks guarding this place, so the number of caves was naturally more than enough.Now, hundreds of monks have gathered at once, making the mere dozens of caves no longer enough.Therefore, many monks share a cave with several people.

These monks guarding mines have long lost the chicness of cultivators, but they have the misery of people in the world.After asking several people, Ziyan finally met the members of Xuantianzong. Among the eight sons of Xuantian, Zixuan, Leng Qiuyue, and Chen Yuzhen, when they saw Ziyan, they all had tears in their eyes and surrounded Ziyan, non-stop. asked about Ziyan's situation.

Ziyan naturally answered the questions of the elders of the master sect, but she skipped some secret matters.Just when Ziyan was about to open her mouth to ask Wang Hao's whereabouts, Fang Rou appeared in front of everyone with a face full of surprise.

"Senior Sister Ziyan, you are here! I thought..." Fang Rou's eyes turned red as Fang Rou said, tears streaming down her cheeks, "I didn't expect to see you, Senior Sister, I... Happy!"

At this time, Zi Yan also said with tears in her eyes: "Junior Sister Fang... Didn't Zi Yan think that I would never see you again..." Zi Yan seemed to hesitate to speak at this point.

Fang Rou asked again where Ziyan went from Xuantianzong that day, Ziyan just smiled bitterly and prevaricated with words.Seeing Zi Yan's arrival, everyone in Xuantian Sect was filled with joy, so naturally they didn't continue to ask further questions.

Zi Yan looked around, except for the Xuantian Sect Master Xuan Tianzi, all the other Xuantian Sect masters were present, but among the three generations of disciples, there was only Fang Rou, and Wang Hao was nowhere to be seen, and his heart sank , and asked, "Why isn't Junior Brother Wang Hao here?"

When everyone heard Ziyan mentioning Wang Hao, their expressions were darkened, and they were about to tell Ziyan about Wang Hao being chased and killed by the alliance.However, Xuan Tianzi and Bai Zhanyuan came to the cave where the members of Xuan Tianzong lived.Before the two entered the cave, the voice had already come in. Leng Qiuyue coughed and interrupted Chen Yuzhen's words. Chen Yuzhen's expression also changed, and he gave Ziyan a wink, then looked towards the entrance of the cave. .

Sure enough, Emperor Xuan and Bai Zhanyuan walked into the cave hand in hand.Xuan Tianzi said respectfully to Bai Zhanyuan: "Elder Bai, there are only a few people left in my Xuantian Sect, and now they have been stationed in this mine for nearly four months, but the matter of rebuilding the sect It's far away, and I would like to ask Elder Bai to speak kindly to Elder Jin on this matter..."

Bai Zhanyuan glanced over the faces of the members of the Xuantian Sect, saw Ziyan standing among them, his eyes lit up immediately, and said: "Sect Master Xuantian, don't worry, Elder Jin has been called back to the alliance headquarters to discuss Important matters, all big and small matters in Wan Kingdom are discussed and dealt with by Bai and the other five elders. Since the Xuantian Sect has been stationed here for several months, it is natural that other sects should be transferred. Discussed by other elders."

Immediately, Emperor Xuan showed joy on his face, thanked him again and again, and then said to the disciples of Xuantian Sect: "Come and pay respects to Elder Bai in the alliance."

Because of Wang Hao's matter, the disciples of Xuantian Sect had long held resentment towards the Cultivation Alliance, but at this time, because of Xuantianzi's face, they stepped forward to meet Bai Zhanyuan with embarrassing expressions.Then everyone found an excuse and quit one after another.In the cave, only Emperor Xuan and Bai Zhanyuan were left to sit as guests and hosts.

When everyone came out of the cave, they immediately returned to their normal expressions. Ziyan was worried about Wang Hao's situation, so she asked again.Leng Qiuyue looked back at the cave behind her, and winked at everyone.Everyone comprehended, sacrificed magic weapons one after another, flew in the air, and came to a hidden valley in the back mountain.

Just now Leng Qiuyue was worried that Bai Zhanyuan's spiritual sense would detect their conversation, so she took everyone into this hidden valley, and then told Zi Yan about Wang Hao's recent situation.

When Zi Yan learned that Wang Hao was actually hunted down by the alliance, he felt as if he had been hit hard, his face turned pale, and a trace of blood overflowed from his mouth.The disciples of Xuantian Sect and Fang Rou were startled, and thought to themselves: It turns out that Ziyan has such a deep affection for Wang Hao... But now, Wang Hao's news is unclear, and his life and death are unpredictable, but Ziyan is suffering. up.

Fang Rou felt bitter at this time, with tears in her eyes, she pulled up Ziyan's hands and said, "Senior Sister Ziyan, I have a trace of aura left by Junior Brother Wang Hao here, and I can send a sound transmission jade slip to Wang Hao. It's only March A while ago, I sent a message to Junior Brother Wang Hao without telling the teachers, but there was no reply... It seems that Junior Brother Wang Hao must be too far away from this place. Jane passed it on to him."

Zi Yan smiled wryly and said, "Maybe it's not because the distance is too far, but because Junior Brother Wang Hao is at this moment..." Speaking of this, her voice was hoarse, and she couldn't make a sound.

Seeing this, Zixuan felt sorry for her apprentice, and she stepped forward and injected a burst of yuan power into Dao Ziyan's body, and comforted her: "Yan'er, there was news from the Cultivation Alliance. Elder Jin once led several monks in the Nascent Soul Stage He went to hunt down Wang Hao, but he failed for some reason. Therefore, nephew Wang Hao should have been fine. It is most likely because Fang Rou had already left the scope of the Ten-Nation Alliance, and Fang Rou’s cultivation was not enough to bring Yu Jane conveys."

At this moment, Chen Yuzhen stepped in front of Fang Rou and said, "Give me the breath of my apprentice, and I will try it." The breath was sent to Chen Yuzhen's hands.

Chen Yuzhen took out a sound-transmitting jade slip from the storage bag, quickly carved on it, and then shot a light into the jade slip, and with a lift of his right hand, the jade slip flew away.

This sound transmission jade slip is a common item used by monks in the cultivation world to communicate with each other, but when communicating, one must have a trace of the other party's breath in the hand, otherwise it will be difficult to find that person.This breath can be given to you actively by the other party, or it can be forcibly obtained from the other party.A few months ago, the breath Wan Feng used to transmit the sound to Wang Hao was the breath he forcibly obtained from Wang Hao when he made things difficult for Wang Hao.Moreover, the sound transmission distance also increases with the increase of cultivation base. Generally speaking, the sound transmission distance of the foundation building stage monks cannot exceed [-] miles, and the sound transmission distance of the Jindan stage monks can reach [-] miles. In the Yuanying stage, it can basically spread to every corner of the entire cultivation world.

When Xuan Tianzi learned that Wang Hao was hunted down by the Cultivation Alliance, he tried his best to get rid of the relationship between Xuantianzong and Wang Hao, and warned everyone in his sect not to transmit voice to Wang Hao, lest they be intercepted by the members of the alliance.Although the sons of Xuantian had some complaints in their hearts, because they did not have Wang Hao's aura in their hands, they did not disobey Xuantian's intentions.It's just that Fang Rou and Riri were concerned about Wang Hao's safety, and finally couldn't bear the torment in their hearts, and secretly sent a message letter to Wang Hao, but there was no reply...

Everyone looked up at the sky anxiously, and waited for an hour. During this hour, everyone didn't say a word, but they were just silently hoping that a jade slip would break through the sky and come to the sky. In this secluded valley.However, there is nothing else in the sky except for the white clouds and the occasional monk flying by with a sword.In the end, Bai Moyang among the eight sons of Xuantian finally said: "If Nephew Wang receives the jade slip, he will definitely reply immediately, and we will receive an answer within half an hour. Now an hour has passed, it seems that the king The nephew is most likely a hundred thousand miles away now."

He didn't mention another possibility, but how could everyone not have thought about that other possibility?Especially Zi Yan, she once deeply felt that the Yuan Dan she left in Wang Hao's body was broken, and she was even more desperate in her heart.Tears had already flowed down desperately down Juemei's cheeks.

After Bai Moyang finished speaking, everyone's expressions suddenly became extremely ugly.Chen Yuzhen also muttered to himself: "Wang Hao, Wang Hao, I am ashamed of being a teacher for not being able to help you when you are in danger!" A tear also flowed down his face.Only Leng Qiuyue's face was cold, her character was tenacious, and she did not give in at all. At this time, seeing that everyone was in awe, she said angrily: "The journey of cultivating immortals is full of murderous intentions, so you don't need to be too sad! "As he said, his face turned cold, and he said fiercely: "It's just that before my whole family of Xuantianzong was slaughtered, and then my apprentice Qingqing was captured, but no one in the Cultivation Alliance came to help! Now my nephew Wang Hao is captured The Cultivation Alliance is chasing and killing, life and death are uncertain, we are still working hard for the Cultivation Alliance, why?"

When Leng Qiuyue said this, everyone's eyes were filled with anger. Although they didn't say much, they already had a decision in their hearts.

At this moment, a sound transmission jade slip came through the air, and everyone looked happy, but when they saw that the jade slip was heading straight for Zixuan, their expressions darkened again.When Zixuan got the jade slips, she swept away her spiritual sense, and her complexion changed drastically: "The suzerain actually asked me to enlighten Ziyan and let Ziyan marry that Bai Zhanyuan!"

"What!" Everyone was shocked at the same time, and Ziyan felt as if struck by lightning at this time, her body swayed, and she almost fainted in Fang Rou's arms.

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