Fairy Road

Chapter 82

"Bastard!" Leng Qiuyue was so angry that Zixuan said that Bai Zhanyuan had actually planned on Ziyan, and she slapped the cliff beside her, causing the stones to fly. It actually rubbed against Leng Qiuyue's face, leaving a small bloodstain, she didn't realize it, and continued to curse: "Bai Zhanyuan, a bastard who has practiced Taoism for hundreds of years, is so shameless!"

Everyone was also indignant, Fang Rou's face was pale, and she embraced the awakened Ziyan in her arms, and said, "But, the suzerain has already sent a message, what should I do?"

"Hmph!" At this time, Zixuan, who has always been very good-tempered, said angrily, "Even the suzerain can't easily decide this matter. Then Bai Zhanyuan must have blackmailed the suzerain in exchange for the rebuilding of the Xuantian sect." Marry Zi Yan to him. The suzerain this time... is really... oh... really confused!"

"Let's go! Let's ask the Suzerain now why he made such a hasty decision!" Leng Qiuyue grabbed Zixuan's right hand, and with a flash of magic weapon under her feet, she rushed to the sky.

Seeing this, all the people sacrificed their magic weapons and followed them.Fang Rou patted Ziyan's back lightly, and said softly, "Senior Sister Ziyan, don't worry, Master and the others won't let you marry that Bai Zhanyuan..."

At this time, Ziyan's face was cold and bloodless, and she didn't seem to hear Fang Rou's comfort clearly, she just murmured: "Junior Wang Hao, is it true that there is no fate to see you again in this life?" ? If you really are no longer alive, then Ziyan will definitely be with you..." At the end, the voice was barely audible, and Fang Rou was even more moved when she heard the previous few sentences. Can't help but be stupefied!

Two women, one in red, leaned on the other green figure.In this way, in this quiet valley, there is a person in my heart... And this young man, who is 10,000+ miles away, has arrived at the most powerful country in the cultivation world - the territory of Yan Kingdom .He had no way of knowing anything about it.In a deserted cave, Wang Hao sat cross-legged on a rock, and began to carefully observe the abnormalities in his dantian with his spiritual sense.


After Xuantian Sect Master Xuantian sent Bai Zhanyuan away, he was also secretly distressed. Bai Zhanyuan proposed such an exchange condition, which really disrespected a cultivator.However, today's Xuantianzong is almost on the verge of exterminating the sect, and if he is not careful, he will bear the great crime of destroying the foundation of his ancestors. Thinking of this, Xuantianzi took out a sound transmission jade slip with a wry smile, and sent Bai Zhanyuan The things described were engraved on the jade slips and passed on to Ziyan's master, Zixuan among the eight sons of Xuantian.

Emperor Xuan knew that what he had done this time really betrayed his status as suzerain, but he did not expect that several of his disciples started to attack him at the same time.

As soon as Leng Qiuyue entered the cave, she gave a slight salute to Emperor Xuan with an ugly face, and then said bluntly: "The suzerain really decided to agree to Bai Zhanyuan's shameless request?"

Xuan Tianzi's complexion changed, his disciple has always been hot-tempered, but he is also deeply loved by him, but unexpectedly at this time he will be the first to attack him.Xuan Tianzi frowned, and was about to answer, Zixuan continued: "Sovereign, how can you force things between men and women? Besides, Bai Zhanyuan is an old monster who has practiced Taoism for hundreds of years, and Ziyan is only twenty years old now. How can you have the heart to marry Zi Yan to him?"

Chen Yuzhen and Bai Moyang stood behind the two of them at the moment. Although they didn't speak, judging from their expressions, they naturally supported Leng Qiuyue and Zixuan.Xuan Tianzi looked at the few remaining elite disciples of Xuantian Sect so excited, his face was extremely ugly, his brows were furrowed, and a pair of shining eyes swept over the four of them one by one. After a long time, he said in a low voice. Said: "You guys, is this going to be reversed?"

The faces of the four of them changed immediately. After all, this Emperor Xuan is the master of the four of them, and he has always been fair and impartial in handling affairs in the Xuantian Sect. !"

"Hehehehe... disciple? Do you still have me as a master in your heart?" Xuan Tianzi rolled his eyes, stood up, and said, "Do you know the current situation of my Xuantian Sect? The sect was slaughtered, and the two Supreme Elders The body is dead and the dao is gone, the few disciples of this sect have died and rebelled, and now there are only a few people left in the entire sect. Do you really have the heart to watch Xuan Tianzong be removed from the cultivation world?" Having said that, Xuan Tianzi stomped his feet fiercely, and the whole cave was shaken immediately, and then said: "In the cultivation world, the strong are respected. Do you think that a teacher is willing to do this? Do you think that a teacher is willing to do this after learning about the sect? After being slaughtered, don’t you want to return to the sect immediately? But, have you ever thought about what it means to be sentenced to the cultivation alliance with our current strength? It means that the last incense of my Xuantian Sect will also be punished by the members of the alliance. Kill everything!" Xuan Tianzi was so excited when he said this, he couldn't control his vitality, overflowing everywhere, but the stone tables and benches around him suffered disaster, and stone chips splashed everywhere.

The sons of Xuantian bowed their heads to listen to Xuantianzi's words, and their faces were constantly changing. After all, they knew the situation of Xuantianzong now, and Xuantian had the kindness of nurturing and teaching them. , but none of them spoke.

After a long time, Chen Yuzhen, who has always been mild-tempered, fell to his knees with a plop, and said to Xuan Tianzi with a calm expression: "Master, there are some things I have to say!" Then he bowed to Xian Tianzi three times , and then said: "My Xuantianzong is the leader of the righteous way in the Anhui Kingdom. Now that we are facing a catastrophe, our disciples will definitely assist the master and rebuild the Xuantianzong wholeheartedly. Under the rule of the ten-nation alliance, under the instigation of others, I don’t know if I will encounter the same fate as today. Moreover, if the support of the alliance is obtained at the expense of the disciples in the sect, even if the sect is rebuilt, I am afraid Waiting is hard to get rid of! Yu Zhen begs Master to think twice!" After speaking, he looked serious and couldn't kneel down.

When the other three heard Chen Yuzhen's words from the bottom of their hearts, they felt the same way. They knelt down on the ground at the same time, and said in their mouths, "Master, please think again!"

When Chen Yuzhen began to speak, Xuan Tianzi looked up at the top of the cave, and didn't even look at the disciples, but his body trembled slightly, showing the violent fluctuations in his heart.

The long silence was finally broken by Xuan Tianzi's long sigh. Xuan Tianzi looked around at the four of them, and said with a wry smile: "Get up, if you hadn't waited for some persuasion, as a teacher, I almost fell into the devil's way... Anyway, I This sent the voice transmission to Elder Bai to break his mind, after my Xuantianzong completed the task of guarding the mine this month, I will apply to the alliance to temporarily leave the alliance and rebuild the sect by myself!"

The four Xuantian sons were overjoyed when they heard this, and knelt down towards Xuantian son at the same time.Everyone knows that although leaving the alliance, it is difficult to rebuild the sect, but it is better than being restrained everywhere.

But they don't know what kind of disputes Xuan Tianzi's decision will cause.

(Shamelessly begging for collection!)

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