Fairy Road

Chapter 84 Arriving in Yanjing

Patting the dust accumulated on his body for several days, Wang Hao stood up and looked up at the sky. At this moment, he really felt how happy it is to have power!He said silently in his heart: "Father, mother, Hao'er will definitely find you!" After he finished speaking, there was a slight ripple in his heart, and he thought of the beautiful girl in red and the girl who was with him The well-behaved girl who went to Xuantianzong.Wang Hao muttered in his mouth: "Zi Yan, Qing Qing, when I come back from Sanxian Mountain, I will go look for you!" The Weeping Frost Sword appeared at Wang Hao's feet with a flash of silver light.Sword Spirit Weeping Shuang just came out of the Butian Ring and screamed: "Wang Hao, why did your aura become so powerful that even I could feel the coercion when I saw it? Could it be that you have broken through to the Nascent Soul?" Is it due?"

Wang Hao shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "I don't know what kind of realm I am in now, but I must have not reached the Nascent Soul Stage."

"Then why is the aura so strong, and you seem to have something particularly terrifying on your body, which makes me feel chills in my heart..." Qishuang said here, the sword body really trembled, and she looked frightened.

Wang Hao thought to himself: It is very likely that the coercion formed by the phantoms of the ancient monsters in the dantian made Qishuang feel uncomfortable.

So, he said: "Qi Shuang, you are my magic sword spirit. The stronger I am, the happier you should be. Don't be afraid! Let's go, we will go to Yanjing City! After purchasing all the necessary medicinal materials, we are going to enter the real wild land." After speaking, with a movement of Yuanli, the Weeping Frost Sword flashed silver light at the bottom of Wang Hao's feet, and then at an astonishing speed that had never been seen before, It turned into a frightened bird and flew towards Yanjing City in the north.


Yanjing, the capital of Yan State, is also the largest city in Yan State, with a population of tens of millions.

This day, on the official road outside the south gate of Yanjing City, two people walked over: a boy in white and a little girl in a yellow shirt with bright eyes. These two were Wang Hao and Lin Qier.And Hong Sheng, the third prince of the Xiang Kingdom, continued to practice desperately in the Butian Ring.

When the two came to the gate of the city, they discovered that Yanjing City actually had monks guarding the gate in the late stage of foundation establishment. They couldn't help but secretly startled: It seems that the name of the largest country in the cultivation world is really not for nothing...

"You guys, stop!" Wang Hao was holding Lin Qi'er's little hand and was about to pass through the city gate when a Foundation Establishment cultivator in charge of guarding the gate suddenly shouted at them.

Wang Hao stopped in his tracks, cupped his hands towards the cultivator, and said, "Fellow Daoist stopped me and my sister, what's the reason?"

"What's the matter? Hahahahahaha" the foundation-building cultivator laughed wildly, "It looks like you are cultivators from a small place, don't you know that anyone who enters Yanjing City for the first time has to pay five low-grade spirit stones?" As he said that, he stepped in front of Wang Hao and Lin Qi'er in a few steps, and stretched out his right hand towards Wang Hao.Seeing that Wang Hao and Lin Qi'er were young and looked rather unfamiliar, this person thought of going up to make a fortune.

Wang Hao was taken aback, but Lin Qi'er said, "Why don't you pay the spirit stones to anyone else, but ask us to collect them." She pointed to the crowd passing by with her little hand.

The monk guarding the city frowned, and said impatiently: "If you tell me to hand it in, you can hand it in. How can there be so much nonsense!"

Lin Qi'er's face turned red immediately, her two crescent eyebrows frowned, and she said, "I just won't make friends, what do you want?" After speaking, she folded her arms around her chest, looking savage.

Looking at Lin Qier's appearance, Wang Hao couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. He just thought that what Lin Qier said made sense, so he didn't say anything, watching the next move of the foundation-building cultivator guarding the city.

The monk obviously didn't expect Lin Qier to be so savage, his face was full of anger, his complexion changed a few times, and finally he couldn't help but raised his right hand, slapped Lin Qier, and cursed Said: "You girl, you really don't know how to live or die!"

Lin Qi'er was only at the Qi Refining Stage, so the Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator slapped her, but naturally she couldn't react in time and couldn't dodge it.But Wang Hao, who was beside her, had a cold expression at this time, and he wanted to take action to teach this foundation establishment monk a lesson.However, as soon as Wang Hao's thoughts moved, there was a shout behind him: "Stop!" As soon as the voice fell, a sharp whip shadow rolled onto the right wrist of the foundation-building monk, and the whip shadow trembled, and the foundation-building monk's The body flew up in the air and hit the city wall.The cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Who? How dare you dare to act presumptuously in Yanjing City!" Immediately, several other cultivators defending the city took out their spiritual weapons and took the handsome young man with a long black whip on a white horse. surround.

Wang Hao swept his consciousness and found that this young man actually had the cultivation base of Yuan Ying's early stage, so he pulled Lin Qi'er to stand aside calmly.

The handsome young man looked haughty, lowered his head and gently rolled up the long whip in his hand, and said in his mouth: "When did there be a rule of paying spirit stones when entering Yanjing City? Who made this rule?"

Seeing the calm appearance of the young man, several menacing monks were already timid in their hearts. After all, they are often punished by aristocratic families and nobles who come and go in and out of Yanjing City.

The leader of the late foundation-building cultivator clasped his fists at the young man, and said, "Young master, I just didn't control you strictly. I will handle this matter fairly!" After speaking, he turned to the injured cultivator Pointing, then said: "Pull him down first!"

At this moment, the young man raised his eyes to look at the late-stage foundation-establishment cultivator in front of him, and said calmly, "That man, abolish his cultivation base, and he will never be hired!" After finishing speaking, there was a golden token in his right hand.When the monks in the late stage of Foundation Establishment saw the token, their legs softened immediately, and they knelt down on the ground, saying: "The little one understands, the little one understands!"

But the young man didn't pay any attention to him, clamped his legs, and the white horse immediately turned all four hooves and ran towards the city.Wang Hao was about to go up to thank this person, but that person didn't even look at Wang Hao, just left the dust for Wang Hao and others.

At this time, the surrounding crowd began to talk about it.

"This person must be a nobleman in the palace!"

"Nonsense, don't you dare to ride a horse into Yanjing City? You have to get off your horse and lead you away after passing the city gate..."

"Yes, although monks are allowed to fly in the air in Yanjing City, but if you want to ride a horse, it depends on whether you are qualified enough!"

Listening to the discussion of these people, Wang Hao thought to himself: There are so many rules in Yanjing City!

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