Fairy Road

Chapter 85 Yanjing City

Wang Hao was about to pull Lin Qier into the city when he suddenly felt a venomous gaze shot towards him and Lin Qier. Wang Hao's consciousness moved and he realized that it was the leader of the late foundation establishment monk.

Wang Hao pretended not to know, just took Lin Qi'er's little hand, and walked towards the city, but when he turned around suddenly, he glanced at the late foundation establishment monk.The venomous eyes of the cultivator in the late stage of Foundation Establishment happened to meet Wang Hao's eyes, and he snorted suddenly. Fang Buddha saw something extremely incredible, and stepped back a few steps in a row, and finally couldn't hold back, a mouthful of blood spattered from his mouth He came out and said in a trembling voice: "You...you... are..." In the end, the word "monster" in my heart still didn't dare to say it, but just stared blankly at the background of Wang Hao and Wang Hao. cracked.

When Wang Hao looked at the cultivator in the late stage of foundation establishment, he simulated the phantom of the ancient giant monster in his dantian and projected it into his eyes. Sure enough, the bit of vengeance of the cultivator who harbored hatred was instantly It is wiped out without a trace.

After entering the city, Wang Hao led Lin Qier to find a trading market. The last time he met Sun Zhe, the Seventh Prince of Wu, in the Wanbao Pavilion of Wu State, he had always wanted to buy Huoyuan Fruit. I couldn't buy the same as the seven-color flower. Although the Shengyuan Pill is not very useful to me now, it is a good choice to refine it, whether it is for Hong Shenglin Qier or sold for Lingshi.

In addition, Wang Hao now has another plan in mind to refine medicine, that is to refine a magical medicine called Huanying Pill.This kind of elixir is of great help to the monks who have hit the Nascent Soul stage to conceive a baby smoothly.Because, for every monk who wants to condense into a Nascent Soul, the most difficult hurdle is to experience how to communicate with the world and understand the rules of the world.This is very difficult for Jindan stage monks to achieve, but with this phantom infant pill, as long as one takes one, you can have half an hour of Yuanying stage cultivation base. The monks in the Dan period can completely feel the realm of the Yuanying period, try to communicate with the world, and understand the rules of the world.In this way, after gaining the Nascent Soul stage experience, it is no longer difficult to congeal an infant.

These pills that Mr. Chen gave me are really against the sky!Wang Hao thought to himself, at this moment, Lin Qier suddenly pointed forward and said, "Brother, look, there is a market in front of you!"

Wang Hao looked in the direction of her finger, and there was indeed a huge signboard with four gold-plated characters "Dingyuan Chamber of Commerce" written on the signboard.Wang Hao's heart moved, and he said: "Come on, go in and have a look!" Then he took Lin Qi'er's little hand and walked towards the Dingyuan Chamber of Commerce.

The purchase of medicinal materials this time turned out to be extremely smooth. The Dingyuan Chamber of Commerce turned out to be the largest chamber of commerce in the country of Yan. It has hundreds of branches in the 88 states of the country of Yan, and it is also the largest behemoth in the entire cultivation world.

After Wang Hao reported the medicinal materials that needed to be purchased, he quickly got a reply. Not only did Huoyuanguo and Qisehua have a lot of stock, but even the few medicinal materials that were missing in the refining of Huanying Pill were also available. There are stocks in the semicolons of other state capitals, and the monk in charge of receiving Wang Hao told Wang Hao that as long as a certain deposit is paid in advance, the chamber of commerce will transfer these medicinal materials from the semicolons within three days.Wang Hao naturally readily agreed.After spending 10,000+ low-grade spirit stones to buy Huoyuanguo and Qisehua, which are enough to refine [-] raw primordial pills, Wang Hao handed over [-] low-grade spirit stones and ordered some refining phantom baby pills After that, Lin Qier and Lin Qier walked out of the Dingyuan Chamber of Commerce with joy on their faces.

"This big city is really different!" Wang Hao said with a smile, "I actually bought all the medicinal materials in one market."

"Well, now, big brother can take Qi'er to visit Yanjing City!" Lin Qier opened her big watery eyes and looked at Wang Hao expectantly.

Wang Hao smiled wryly and said, "Okay, let's go shopping with you first, and after I find an inn to stay at night, I will refine the elixir."

Seeing Wang Hao readily agreeing, Lin Qier's big eyes suddenly turned into crescent moons. She pulled Wang Hao up and rushed up the crowded street. Brother, call out that fat man to go shopping together!"

Wang Hao swept his consciousness and found that Hong Sheng was still sitting upright in the sky-replenishing ring to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, so he said to Lin Qier: "Hong Sheng is still practicing, let's not disturb him..." Lin Qier said with a small mouth He pouted, but soon returned to his happy appearance, kept looking at all kinds of small things sold on both sides of the street, and when he saw strange things, he had to run to the store and play with them in his hands.Wang Hao saw that she was very interested, so he smiled and said to her: "If you like something, you can buy it." After hearing this, Lin Qier kept nodding her head, and then kept pointing at some girls' favorite things. Gadget said in his mouth: "This, this, and this, um, that, all of them, hey, what is this?"

Wang Hao couldn't help but feel a headache... But thinking of the little girl's miserable life experience, he became impatient and walked around the streets of Yanjing City with Lin Qier.

Walking through the streets and alleys, before they knew it, the two of them had finished shopping around half of Yanjing City. Just when Lin Qier was startled by seeing a beautiful pink earring, the city wall on the north side of the street It was as if something big had happened nearby, and soon it was crowded with people.Wang Hao's expression changed, his spiritual sense probed the past, and he heard those people's comments.

"This time, it turns out that the little princess wants to choose a consort publicly. According to the practice of my Dayan royal family, the two princesses have indeed reached the age to publicly choose a consort. But why is it not the eldest princess who chooses first, but the little princess instead?"

"That's what you don't know. Do you know another identity of the eldest princess?"

"Huh? I really don't know about this. Can you see me, brother?"

"Hey... Speaking of the eldest princess of our Great Yan Kingdom, she is really a person who can only give thumbs up. This eldest princess has worshiped under the Taiqing sect since she was a child. Later, because of her excellent qualifications, she became a She has become the most powerful candidate for the headmaster of the next generation Taiqing Sect! So, why would she recruit a son-in-law now?"

"What the old man said is that it turns out that the eldest princess is so amazing and beautiful, it's really admirable!"

The obedient man suddenly had a sad look on his face, squinting his eyes, as if he had infinite fascination for this legendary princess.

Wang Hao frowned slightly at this moment, thinking of another woman in the Taiqing Sect.

At this time, the man who was excited about talking about the eldest princess went on to say: "I heard that this time the little princess is recruiting a son-in-law, even the eldest princess will come back from the Taiqing Sect to participate, and the Taiqing Sect is in charge of the sect." The eight most outstanding disciples from the sect came to hold the lineup for this grand event, which shows how much they attach importance to the eldest princess."

"Such a grand event, brother must go to watch it tomorrow?" "Naturally!"

"Are the eight most outstanding disciples? Will she be among them?" Wang Hao's heart moved, and Lin Qier over there had already tugged at his sleeve and said, "Brother, look, the The candied haws are much bigger than ours, and there are other fruits strung on them, it must taste very good..."

"Eh... this, then you can buy a bunch." Wang Hao smiled helplessly.

"No, I want to buy two skewers, big brother, you eat with me..." Lin Qier smiled coquettishly, then rolled her eyes and said, "I'd better buy three skewers, I almost forgot about that fat man."


(The old wet cheeks begging for collection!)

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