Fairy Road

Chapter 86 Alchemy

After buying three candied haws, Lin Qier's eyes were narrowed into crescents, and she handed one to Wang Hao, then thought about it, and said to Wang Hao: "Big brother, call the fat man out to eat candied haws " Wang Hao was in a cold sweat immediately, and his consciousness swept into the sky-filling ring, and he found that Hong Sheng had really finished meditating at this time, but he was still sitting upright, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Hong Sheng, we have already arrived in Yanjing. Since the cultivation is over, do you want to come out?" Wang Hao said via voice transmission.

"Master, I suddenly discovered a problem." Hong Sheng didn't answer Wang Hao's words, but said to himself foolishly, "I found that I really have a talent for cultivation..." Wang Hao suddenly broke out in cold sweat, I thought to myself: The two people beside me are really a pair of living treasures.

Finding a secluded place, Wang Hao had a thought, and Hong Sheng's fat body appeared next to Lin Qier. Lin Qier cheered, and then stretched out her right hand, and the candied haws almost stuck into Hong Sheng's nostrils. When he came out of the sky ring, he felt a strong wind blowing, he hurriedly retreated, and his back hit a brick wall, and the wall was immediately covered with ashes, making his face covered with ashes. It was kind of funny, which made Lin Qier giggle nonstop.

Wang Hao also looked at the two with a wry smile, and when the two had had enough trouble, he said, "It will take a few days for the medicinal materials I ordered at the Dingyuan Chamber of Commerce to be delivered. I think we should find an inn to stay now." Besides, it just so happens that I can also use this time to refine the 'Shengyuan Pill'..."

When Lin Qier heard that Wang Hao decided to live in a prosperous place like Yanjing City for a few days, she clapped her little hands excitedly and kept tugging at Hong Sheng's wide sleeves.Hong Sheng said in a low voice: "Is it necessary to be so excited to stay here?" Lin Qier pouted and said, "It's better than you staying in that cold place!" Hong Sheng shook his big head and said: " Sigh... Even if I come out from there, I still have to work hard to cultivate. Although I am now at the late stage of Jindan, it seems that I am still far away from the Nascent Soul Stage. So——I—— Hong Sheng— — Solemnly announce — after staying in the inn, you will continue to practice in closed doors in the inn!”

"Crack!" Lin Qier jumped up and slapped Hong Sheng on the head, saying, "Have you lost your brain? How can someone who was so lazy before change so much all of a sudden?"

Hong Sheng touched the place where he was beaten, and said, "Little girl, do you know that last time because my cultivation was too low, I almost killed Master!" Haozheng looked at them with a smile, and then continued, "So, besides practicing, I still practice!"

Lin Qier patted herself on the head, rolled her eyes, and then sighed, "Okay, then you can practice alone in this inn. Tomorrow, I will go to the street with my eldest brother to watch the princess invite her relatives!" , that is to pull Wang Hao and walk towards the street.

Hong Sheng was stunned for a moment, and murmured: "The princess invites relatives?" Then his eyes lit up, and he strode towards Wang Hao and the two of them, shouting: "Princess of the Great Yan Kingdom? Tomorrow you But you must take me with you!"

Lin Qier laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten up. Even Wang Hao stopped, turned around and pointed at Hong Sheng, laughing so hard that he couldn't speak.

The three of them found a refreshing and clean inn to live in. Lin Qier clamored to go downstairs to eat some food, but Hong Sheng was not interested in it. Look at the little princess of the country of Yan" and entered her room with a fat body.Wang Hao thought about it, and asked Lin Qier to order some food and wine to take to the room to eat, while he himself was in a hurry to refine the "Shengyuan Pill", and he was not interested in eating. Above the tenth floor, you can eat bigu, and now occasionally eating some food and wine is just for feasting.

Seeing that the two of them were not in the mood to eat, Lin Qier went back to her room dejectedly, and fell asleep with her head covered.


After Wang Hao entered the room, he took out all the medicinal materials for refining "Shengyuan Pill" from the Butian ring, and then took out a simple and simple medicine cauldron that Chen Tuan gave him, and said silently The formula, the simple and unsophisticated small medicine cauldron suddenly swelled into a two-foot-sized medicine cauldron in the wind.

The method of alchemy taught by Chen Tuan to Wang Hao is called "Nine Turns of Alchemy". This technique is actually relatively simple for novices in alchemy.As the name suggests, to use this method to refine alchemy, the first step is to melt the prepared medicinal materials into the medicinal cauldron.Then, the liquid medicinal materials in the medicine cauldron were tempered non-stop with Yuanli, nine times in a row, until all the impurities were removed before the pill could be condensed.This last step of congealing alchemy is the most critical. Generally, novices in alchemy fail in alchemy mainly because they have not mastered the tricks of congealing alchemy. However, Chen Tuan taught Wang Hao a set of formulas for congealing alchemy, and told Wang Hao that as long as he mastered the formulas , the success rate of congealing pills will increase greatly.

Wang Hao's eyes shot Jing, staring at the simple medicine cauldron suspended in the air in front of him, and started his first alchemy.

With one move of the right hand, all the medicinal materials needed were poured into the medicine cauldron.Then, two light red flames rose from Wang Hao's hands, which were the foundation-building fires that monks in the foundation-building period could grasp.Although the level of this kind of flame is very low, Chen Tuan once said that using the method he taught to make alchemy, even if you use a few pieces of wood to produce ordinary fire, you can still refine the elixir.

After a few breaths, the medicinal materials in the medicine cauldron were boiled into a liquid form by the foundation building fire.Wang Hao gave a low snort, and made several strange knots on the medicine cauldron with both hands, and then a majestic force was transmitted from Wang Hao's hands to the medicine cauldron, and the refining of the medicinal materials began.

After three hours, the nine times of tempering was finally successfully completed. This is also thanks to the abundant energy in Wang Hao's body now, which is beyond the reach of ordinary Jindan stage monks. If it is not over, there may be a possibility that the energy will be exhausted.

At the last step, when the pill was condensed, Wang Hao frowned slightly, and uttered a weird formula again, and his hands also matched the formula to continuously inject pure energy into the medicine cauldron.

Finally, after a cup of tea, a scent of medicine came out from the medicine cauldron.Wang Hao smiled slightly, stopped his hands, gently wiped off the sweat on his forehead, then opened the lid of the steaming medicine cauldron, sucked in his right hand, and several white pills appeared on the into the palm.Wang Hao looked at the elixirs in his hand, and couldn't help laughing bitterly. It turned out that these elixirs were too small and irregular in shape. It seemed that there was a problem in the final process of condensing the elixirs.

Wang Hao stared at the white elixir in his hand for a while, and finally raised his right hand and put a elixir into his mouth.In order to try the effects of these pills, Wang Hao decided to take one by himself first.

Closing his eyes and adjusting his breath, a moment later, Wang Hao's eyes flashed, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes: "Although this elixir does look ugly, its efficacy is not as good as what Chen Lao described. Not much, such a small elixir can instantly restore the vitality in the body of a cultivator at the late Golden Core stage to the most saturated state!"

Put the remaining few pills into a small storage bag, and throw the storage bag into the Sky Mending Ring.Wang Hao started alchemy for the second time. Because of the support of the majestic Yuanli, Wang Hao did not have any time limit for alchemy.

Another three hours passed. This time, the elixir refined in the medicine cauldron was a bit stronger than the first time. Wang Hao looked into the medicine cauldron happily. The almost exact crystal elixirs appeared in the medicine cauldron, Wang Hao stretched out his hand and ingested those elixirs into the storage bag just now, and then collected the medicine cauldron and the remaining medicinal materials with a smile on his face sitting upright on the bed.He muttered in his mouth: "It turns out that refining the elixir is so simple..." In fact, he didn't know which one of the alchemy monks in the cultivation world wanted to refine a furnace of elixir, not a waste of nine. After refining the power of a bull and two tigers, at least [-] to [-]% of the pills in a batch of pills are not effective, or even cannot be taken because of the success rate.In fact, Wang Hao is thanks to the "nine-turn alchemy method" taught to him by Chen Tuan. This alchemy skill has been lost for thousands of years in the human world. Alchemy kung fu, you will be as excited as a lunatic.

After summing up in his mind the tricks of the third step of "Nine-turn Alchemy Alchemy", Wang Haozhi proudly took out another object from the sky-filling ring. As soon as this object came out, the whole room was filled with Yuanli became confused.

Wang Hao smiled and looked at the little clock in his hand, urging Yuanli to gradually erase the spiritual consciousness left by Qisheng on the small clock, but the spiritual consciousness left by Qisheng is very powerful, Wang Hao frowned Frowning, he thought to himself: It seems that it will take some effort to completely refine this clock.

Fortunately, Wang Hao's dantian is extremely abundant in energy, so there is no need to consider the problem of insufficient energy.Therefore, Wang Hao put all his energy on refining the "Weiyang Divine Clock", and before he knew it, another hour passed, and the sky was already bright. At this time, Lin Qier greeted Wang Hao outside Let's go to the street together to watch the grand event where Princess Yan invites her relatives.As soon as Wang Hao thought about it, he sent a voice transmission to Lin Qier: "Go with Hong Sheng first, I am refining a magic weapon, after an hour, I will be done, and then I will look for them."

Lin Qier had no choice but to move to the door of Hong Sheng's room, kicked Hong Sheng's door open with one kick, and shouted: "Fatty man! Are you up yet, the princess of the Great Yan Kingdom is waving to you!"

(Shamelessly begging for collection)

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