Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 217 Security Army! ! !

The area of ​​the old Fengtian City is not too large. It is divided into more than a dozen inner and outer gates such as the Great East Gate, the Great North Gate, the Great West Gate, and the Great South Gate. At the northeast corner of the Xiaobei Gate of the outer city of Fengtian City, there is a large vegetable garden. The area is tens of acres, and almost all the vegetables in Fengtian City are supplied here every year, so when the vegetables are ripe, there are people coming and going here, rubber carts are lined up, and they are all merchants who come to buy vegetables!

But usually, this vegetable garden is deserted and tight, and the field without vegetables has become a training ground for security forces.

The public security army is a good word, but it is actually a puppet army, a force that helps the devils maintain law and order in the occupied areas. Generally, in the eyes of ordinary people, they are not good things, and they are poked in the back by people!

Many puppet soldiers became puppet soldiers because of the pressure of life, so they are powerless to accuse and despise the common people, they can only pretend not to see it!

Tang Tianhao's First Battalion of the Third Regiment of the Public Security Army was stationed near the vegetable garden. They used the vegetable garden for training during the slack season, and when it was time to plant seeds, they were responsible for loosening the land and helping the vegetable farmers plant the land.

Different from other security forces, Tang Tianhao's security force still retains the good tradition of the Seventh Brigade of the Northeast Army: morning and evening drills, daily training, and learning some cultural knowledge every day, the combat effectiveness of the team has not weakened much!

If there is something different about the team, it is that the people in the team are becoming more and more suspicious of the team's whereabouts!

The public security army, which sounds good in name, is actually a puppet army, a team of traitors, and people point their spines and scold them wherever they go. It feels very aggrieved!

Tang Tianhao also knew the dissatisfaction of these soldiers, but he couldn't help it. Although he had tried his best to strengthen the cohesion of the team, in the past week, four or five soldiers had deserted and deserted!

When the law enforcement team asked him if he wanted to go after him, Tang Tianhao pondered for a while, and finally shook his head, "No need, it's okay if this scolded job is inappropriate!"

In this way, no less than dozens of his first battalion have escaped so far, and more will escape if this continues!

Tang Tianhao also wanted to give up this job, but his home is in Fengtian City, and his family members are all there, and dozens of them are all pointing at him. The old people are nostalgic and refuse to move the place. Let him do nothing.

Originally, he wanted to disarm and return to the field, so that he should not be the head of this kind of Lao Mozi, but then Zhang Wencheng, the commander of the public security army, found him, and used all means of coercion and temptation, even using his family as a threat, which made him reluctant If you don't come out, you will become the battalion commander of the public security army who is angry and scolded.

At the beginning, Tang Tianhao was the commander of the Seventh Brigade. Although he is a battalion commander now, the actual number of his subordinates is more than 1000 people, which is equivalent to the strength of the previous regiment, and the weapons used are generally Mauser rifles. It is a Type [-] rifle manufactured by the arsenal of the three provinces in the Northeast, and the equipment is considered excellent!

Because the Japanese devils had just occupied Fengtian not long ago, the foundation was not yet solid, so the control over the security forces was not so strict. As long as there were no major riots in the security forces, they generally just turned a blind eye.

In the early morning, Tang Tianhao and Peng Yun came to the open space outside the battalion headquarters and began to practice their Bajiquan!

As a direct disciple of Bajiquan, Tang Tianhao's kung fu has already reached a certain level. Although he can't compare with the Japanese karate masters like Banjin Zhiyuan, ordinary people are not his opponents, and Peng Yun is almost as good as him.

The two moved their bodies, then threw off their coats and started their daily training!

Leg presses, stances, warm-up, and then the connection of basic skills, followed by the connection of Bajiquan routines, and finally the practice of two people fighting against each other.

Bajiquan, the full name is "Opening the Door Bajiquan".

Those who call it "opening the door" take the six kinds of opening methods (six major openings) as the core of the technique to break through the opponent's door (defense shelf); those who call it "eight poles" follow the ancient saying "There are eight gates outside Kyushu". Yin, there are eight Hongs outside the eight Yins, and there are eight poles outside the eight Hongs", which means "the extreme luck of the eight directions".

Bajiquan has been passed down to this day with its unique style of strength, simplicity, and swift action. In the early years, it was called "Baziquan", "Bajiquan", "Bajiquan", "Opening the Gate Baji" and "Kaimen Bajiquan" due to different regions. Fist" and so on.However, in modern times, it was named after the word "Eight Extremes" according to the characteristics that its strength can reach extreme distances in all directions.

In the north, martial arts are called Bashi and Bashi.The meaning of Baji is to encourage disciples in the school to practice the eight (hand) styles to a very high level.In addition, Baji training emphasizes the application of the head, shoulders, elbows, hands, tail, hips, knees, and feet.Therefore, the name of Baji is to ask the disciples of this sect to bring the functions of these eight parts into full play.

The two of them interjected and fought together. Although they were practicing duels, they looked like they were moving vigorously, and every move was full of strength.

The two of them practiced against each other for more than half an hour before they stopped. Their heads seemed to be sweating, and there were balls of white steam rising from their hair in the cool morning!

With a bow of his arm, Tang Tianhao jumped out of the circle and said with a smile, "Okay, let's finish this practice today, junior brother!"

Peng Yun stopped his moves, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and then smiled, "Brother, your kung fu has improved again!"

Hearing what Peng Yun said, Tang Tianhao, who was tidying up his coat on the ground, couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly, "Well, what am I, do you still remember Luo Xiao who appeared at the Yuhai birthday banquet?"

"I remember, of course I remember. He swept away the entire group of Japanese officers by himself, beating them like turtles, and no one dared to be arrogant!" Of course Peng Yun remembered Luo Xiao, it was Luo Xiao who shot at a critical moment that day , He was saved from Itatsu Naoen's murderous hands.

Tang Tianhao nodded and said, "Yes, that's the real master, ten of us tied together are no match for him!"

Peng Yun also very much agrees with this statement!

Picking up the coats on the ground aside, Tang Tianhao and Peng Yun walked towards the barracks, ready to have breakfast, and they will have training soon!

Just as the two of them were talking and laughing as they walked forward, suddenly there was a burst of gunfire in the southeast direction, which sounded very abrupt.

The gunshot made Tang Tianhao's heart skip a beat. Hearing that the sound should be near the gate of his barracks, he couldn't help but worry about those fiery subordinates coming down.

"Go, Peng Yun, go to the gate of the camp!" With a low shout towards Peng Yun, Tang Tianhao ran towards the gate of the camp with his military uniform on his hands!

Seeing Tang Tianhao headed forward, Peng Yun also hurriedly grabbed his clothes and followed behind towards the gate of the camp.


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