The gate of the First Battalion of the Third Regiment of the Fengtian Army of the Public Security Army is now surrounded by soldiers of the Public Security Army!

"Stop them, it's against the sky, the little devil dares to be so rampant in our Chinese territory!"

"You son of a bitch, grab a girl!"

"If you want to leave, put the person down!"

"Maleba, let's go crazy and kill you guys! You little devils"

There are four No. 50 soldiers of the security forces at the gate of the camp, each holding a loaded rifle in his hand, and his face is full of resentment and injustice. They formed a circle, and the guns pointed inside the circle. Several Japanese soldiers.

The Japanese soldiers were all in uniform of the Gendarmerie of the Kwantung Army, with a tortoise-like helmet on their heads, a combat cap with a "fart curtain" on their backs, and a [-] cap with a bayonet in their hands.

Between the arms of two Japanese soldiers was a Chinese woman with disheveled hair. She was about 27 or [-] years old. The buttons on the front jacket were torn off, revealing the bright red bellyband inside. She could not help Struggling, but in the hands of two stocky Japanese soldiers, they couldn't get out at all.

The Japanese soldiers confronted the security forces, and neither of them had any intention of giving in, so the two sides were deadlocked at the gate of the camp!

Among the security forces, the one with the highest rank was the Junko who had fought against Mishima back then. The rank on his shoulders should be the second lieutenant platoon leader. At this time, he pushed the military cap on his head, assuming a foolish posture.

"Platoon leader, what should we do?" Beside him, a few soldiers from the Security Force asked in a low voice. After all, this was a conflict with the Japanese, and they dared not make any claims.

Shunzi spat out the tobacco leaves in his mouth on the ground with a bah, then stretched out his arms to push away the security forces soldiers standing in front of him, and came to those Japanese military policemen.

Seeing a security platoon leader coming, several Japanese gendarmes turned their heads to take a look, and then a sergeant at the head opened his mouth and babbled in Japanese for a long time.

"Who knows Japanese, translate it for me!" Although he couldn't understand what the Japanese military police said, but seeing his aggressive posture, Shunzi also knew that he didn't say anything good, so he yelled.

There are still quite a few people in the security forces who understand Japanese. A soldier ran over, translated what the other party said into Chinese in a low voice, and then told Shunzi!

Before he finished listening to the words, Shunzi exploded. He tore off the military cap on his head, and then cursed, "You son of a bitch, you are so fucking deceptive. I won't let you go today." What can you do if you leave!"

"You translate for me, little devil, just say so!" After saying this, Shunzi turned her head and shouted at the security soldier who knew Japanese, "Little devil, I'm the eighth son of the emperor. Ancestors!"

"Platoon leader, this—" The soldier didn't dare to translate, he knew that if he translated according to Shunzi's words, it would be no wonder that the Japanese didn't fight them hard!

The emperor is a god-like existence in their minds and cannot be humiliated. Shunzi's words are the greatest humiliation to them, and they cannot just sit idly by!

"What, what, you just let me translate it like this!" Shunzi glared at the soldier, reached out and grabbed him by the neck and pulled him to him, "Give me a word-for-word translation for the little devil!"


Looking at Platoon Leader Shunzi's bloodshot eyes, the soldier's heart thumped, his lips trembled for a long time, but he didn't say a word!

"You fucking bastard, you're really embarrassing us Northeast men!" Shunzi was so angry that he pushed him away, and walked up to the Japanese devils by himself.

After looking up and down at the devils, a smirk suddenly appeared on Shunzi's face, and then he mumbled a few words to some Japanese military policemen.

The soldiers in the back were dumbfounded. Their platoon leader was pointing at his nose and cursing his ancestors. If the little devil understands this, it would be strange if he didn't move his knife!

Several Japanese devils looked at Shunzi who was smiling, and heard him babble a few times, but they didn't understand a word, but because of Shunzi's kind expression, they thought Shunzi was apologizing, and couldn't help it. Laughing out loud, he patted Shunzi on the shoulder and called Yaoxi!


Shunzi couldn't help it anymore, he covered his belly and laughed wildly, he couldn't straighten up from laughing, tears also came out of the corners of his eyes.

With a sound of coaxing, the soldiers of the security forces in the back also laughed. They saw the devil's behavior of being scolded and shouting, not to mention how comfortable they felt.

"You bastard, laugh again, laugh again!" Shunzi continued to tease a few Japanese gendarmes, wiping away tears while laughing.

Seeing all the security forces laughing, and the laughter was weird, several Japanese military police sensed something was wrong, their faces darkened, and the two ghost soldiers holding the woman threatened to say something to the woman , and then the woman murmured a few words.

"Baga, you Chinese people have a bad conscience!" The Japanese Gendarmerie Cao was furious, and he reached for the Nanbu pistol at his waist.


A crisp gunshot stunned the Japanese military police and security forces present, and then looked up, and saw that there was a finger-thick black hole between the eyebrows of the Japanese sergeant, from which blood and brains were gurgling out.

As soon as the hand was released, the Nanbu pistol fell to the ground, and the Japanese army Cao fell backwards on his back!

Everyone turned their heads to look in unison, only to find that Shunzi had pulled out the twenty-gun buckle gun in his hand at some point, and the smoke was still rising from the muzzle of the gun.

With a bang, several Japanese gendarmes raised their [-] caps almost at the same time, and were about to shoot at Shunzi on the opposite side.

The soldiers of the security forces surrounding them were not idlers either. Their rifles had already been pointed at these Japanese soldiers. Seeing that they were about to make a move at this time, they fired at the same time.

After a volley of guns, several Japanese gendarmes almost turned into colanders, and all turned over and fell down, leaving only the two devils with the Chinese woman on their backs!

"Platoon leader, what should we do?" The security guard looked at the two Japanese soldiers with livid faces, and looked down on Shunzi in a low voice.

Shunzi hesitated for a moment. When he shot just now, he also saw the devil draw his gun, and he fired first when his head got hot. At this moment, he also felt the serious consequences!

"Tie them up first, and let the battalion commander deal with them later!" Shunzi thought for a while, but finally relented and didn't kill the two devil soldiers!

Several security forces soldiers rushed forward, tied the two Japanese soldiers tightly with ropes, and rescued the woman!

As soon as the woman escaped from the captivity of the devil, she immediately knelt down in front of Shunzi, kept kowtowing, and thanked her while crying, "My lord, thank you, thanks to you, otherwise I would have to be ruined by the little devil." Impossible!"


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