Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 220 The Chaotic Security Army

For Tang Tianhao's discomfort, Luo Xiao also expected it, so he was very calm and did not show any surprise.

Before coming, Luo Xiao had already gone to the Shanhe Tea House, and obtained the information they had recently collected through the special forces intelligence station set up there, including information about the security forces.

From it, Luo Xiao learned the details of Tang Tianhao and even the Fengtian security forces. He knew that Tang Tianhao was not a bad person at heart, but a forced traitor!

There are three regiments in the Fengtian Security Army, and each regiment has three battalions. Among them, Tang Tianhao's reinforced battalion has the largest number of people, with more than 1000 people, and the other battalions have a size of 600 people!

The situation among the several regiments is also different. Among them, Zang Xuecheng, the commander-in-chief of the Fengtian Security Army, is also the head of the first regiment. Die-hard traitor, running with the Japanese with all his heart!

The leader of the second regiment is Ma Xueli, who turned out to be the captain of the Tieling garrison of the Northeast Army. I became the head of the Second Regiment of the Fengtian Security Army. Although this kid has taken refuge in the Japanese, he is really a grassroots and a fencer. As long as the wind is tough, he will fall over immediately!

The third regiment was the old troops of the Northeast Army, including some troops from the [-]th Brigade defending Fengtian, as well as the remnants of other troops.

The head of the regiment, Yang Yitai, is ambitious, but he is really an idiot. What's more, there are only 300 to [-] people under him, and he can't control the troops under him at all.

Among the third regiment, Tang Tianhao's [-]st Battalion was the most powerful. In order to counter him, several other forces formed a loose alliance, which could be regarded as maintaining a balance for the time being!

This is the current situation of the Fengtian security forces, it is very complicated!

But Luo Xiao is not afraid of complexity, the more complicated it is, the more opportunities he has, if it is really monolithic, then he will have a headache!

It's easy to fish in muddy water!

Luo Xiao wanted to win in the chaos, use the various contradictions among the security forces to separate their relationship, pull over the part that tends to resist the Japanese, and finally give the devil a hard blow!

Now the devils have occupied Fengtian, and as time goes by, the foundation of the rule becomes more and more stable. Luo Xiao must concentrate his strength as soon as possible to take Fengtian from the devils!

If you want to defeat Fengtian, it will definitely be more difficult to rely on the special forces alone. This requires the use of all the forces that can be used. For example, these backbone forces between the anti-Japanese and pro-Japanese can become Luo Xiao's pawns against the Japanese!

The fortress is the easiest to breach from the inside. As the main force for maintaining the law and order of Fengtian City, the security forces will play an important role in fighting Fengtian. If Tang Tianhao and some other security force officers are instigated according to Luo Xiao's plan, then when the time comes You can give the devil a hard blow from behind, and it is much easier to defeat Fengtian!

When he first met Tang Tianhao in Wan Yuhai, Luo Xiao started to plan this matter, so he established a friendly relationship with Tang Tianhao, which created the conditions for the current entry into the security force!

Now, Luo Xiao's first step in coming to the Security Force can be said to be very good, at least Tang Tianhao's attitude is very friendly.As for Luo Xiao's identity, he knew that Tang Tianhao should have sensed it vaguely. Since he didn't say it, it meant that he was inclined to his side!

With this good start, Luo Xiao believes that he will be able to carry out activities well in the future, and develop Tang Tianhao into another latent force of the Special Forces as soon as possible, so that he can make a sudden attack at the right time!

The two talked for a while, and then Tang Tianhao asked someone to arrange a place for Luo Xiao, and by the way, give him a clean-up at night.

Luo Xiao didn't refuse either, because he had to get in touch with these people when he came down, and if he got to know them earlier, he would be able to take action as soon as possible and attract them into his army!

Because the strength of the Huya Special Warfare Brigade continued to expand, Luo Xiao felt that it would be unrealistic to call it Huya again, so he planned to set up a legion called the Yanhuang Legion.This legion includes the existing Huya Special Battle Team, Dragon Wing Team, Huxiaoling Base Team, Super Armory and many other units. If the number of members increases in the future, it can continue to expand!

If the instigation against Tang Tianhao goes well this time, maybe we can add another team!

The reception banquet went very smoothly and was very lively. Not only the company platoon leaders like Peng Yun, but also the two battalion commanders who are good with Tang Tianhao also came to join in the fun, and soon became acquainted with Luo Xiao. Everyone said Talking and laughing, talking while drinking, tossing and tossing until midnight before breaking up!

This night, Luo Xiao drank no less than two jars of white wine, and he was a little shaky when he walked. In the end, two special forces members helped him back!

Tang Tianhao and the others drank more, and several officers even got under the table, and had to be carried back by the orderly. Compared with Luo Xiao, he was better, at least he could still walk!

All the way back to the courtyard where he lived, Luo Xiao was put on the kang in the back room by two special forces members, and then he turned around and closed the door!

"Captain, there is no one else!" Sun Dong, Jiang Dahai, Lang Peng, and Han Yang who stayed in the room after closing the door, came together to Luo Xiao and whispered.

Luo Xiao, who was sleeping soundly with his eyes closed, suddenly stopped snoring, and then he opened his eyes, and sat up straight from the kang!

For Luo Xiao's sudden change, Sun Dong and the others were not surprised at all, as if they knew he would do this!

As a result, Han Yang handed over a hot towel, Luo Xiao wiped it on his face, then sat down on the chair beside the bed in good spirits, and then looked at a few people, "Tell me, you understand Case!"

It turned out that when Luo Xiao was attending the banquet, Sun Dong and the others split up to find out the situation, and returned to Luo Xiao's room to wait for him after they were done.

As for Luo Xiao, with his amazing drinking capacity, he couldn't drink at all, but in order to deceive others, he deliberately pretended to be drunk and returned to his residence to attend the meeting!

Seeing what Luo Xiao said, Sun Dong was the first to speak, "Okay, let me tell you what I learned!" He was the first to tell about his own situation!

Luo Xiao and a few others listened quietly, occasionally talking in a deliberately low voice, everything was orderly and very quiet!

Because the lights were not lit, Luo Xiao's room was pitch dark, but no one knew that a very secret special meeting was going on in this darkness!


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