Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 221 Let's Eat Alone

No words tonight!

The next day, before Luo Xiao got up, Peng Yun ran to his tent and asked Luo Xiao to give him a lesson!

Ever since he saw Luo Xiao's astonishing skills in Wan Yuhai's Treasure Hall last time, Peng Yun has almost fanatically admired Luo Xiao and treated him as his idol. Now that he has such a good opportunity to learn and improve, How could he miss it?

From Peng Yun's bloodshot eyes, Luo Xiao guessed that this kid must have been up all night, waiting to come in the morning to pick himself up from the bed, so he smiled, "Why are you in a hurry, this training program Battalion Commander Tang is required to make the decision himself, and whichever unit it is its turn to start with!"

When Peng Yun heard it, he quit. He shook his head and kept arguing, "Brother Luo, you can go to our place first. If the senior brother finds you, I will tell him to go, and I will take all the responsibilities!" Then, pull Luo Xiao up and walk out of the tent.

Luo Xiao had no choice but to follow him out of the tent because of this quick-tempered person, but just happened to meet Battalion Commander Tang Tianhao approaching, and was stunned when he saw the two of them, "Luo Xiao, Peng Yun, where are you going?"

"Senior brother, I have something to discuss with you!" Peng Yun is Tang Tianhao's younger brother and the person he loves the most. At this time, he began to smile in front of Tang Tianhao, "I want Brother Luo to go and teach our brothers a few Self-defense!"


Tang Tianhao sternly sternly scolded, "Your boy likes to eat alone, this time it won't work, Luo Xiao will be arranged by the camp, you boy will never want to go through the back door!"

"Brother, this is impossible. I came here early in the morning. Look, I haven't slept all night. I've become a rabbit!" They also didn't care about their image, and started arguing with Tang Tianhao, causing the soldiers passing by to look sideways.

Because he was in a bad mood, he stared with big eyes, and Peng Yun yelled at the soldiers, "What are you looking at, get out!"

Everyone knew Peng Yun's temper, so they quickly got out of the way. Even the soldiers who originally wanted to pass by would rather take a longer detour. It seemed that they were unwilling to come and touch this guy's bad luck.

"Don't make any noise, just listen to me and finish what I have to say?" Tang Tianhao was very clear about his junior brother's temper, so he was not in a hurry, but explained in a slow voice, "I am going to set up an officer in the battalion. For the teaching team, [-] people will be selected from the squad leaders of each battalion to join the teaching team, and Luo Xiao will serve as the instructor for the devil training, and after the end, they will return to serve as instructors and train their respective teams!"

Peng Yun blinked his eyes and thought about it, thinking that this is okay, anyway, as long as he has learned it, he can hand it over to the company commanders and platoon commanders below, but he still has to bargain, "Brother, your idea is not bad. , but can you give me two more places, you see, besides me, there are also Shunzi, Li Biao and Wang Huai, they have to train together, right?"

"It depends on what Luo Xiao wants. If he has no objection, I have no objection!" Tang Tianhao smiled and hinted that he should tell Luo Xiao.

Peng Yun immediately turned to Luo Xiao, and begged, "Brother Luo, just be lucky, anyway, one sheep is also chased, and two sheep are also herded, so there are not too many people!"

"Ha ha!"

Luo Xiao was amused by his words. He didn't expect Peng Yun, who looked like a cannonball, to be so witty and funny. After thinking about it, he nodded and said, "Yes, but at most, you can't take it with you." More than four people!"

If a person's energy is limited, being an instructor is not only about doing moves on the top, but also coming down to guide and correct each person. This requires time and energy. If there are too many people, Luo Xiao's time and energy will definitely Not enough, so limit the number!

Seeing that Luo Xiao agreed, Peng Yun counted with his fingers and felt that the indicator was enough for his own use, so he smiled, greeted Tang Tianhao and Luo Xiao, turned around and ran, and must have gone back to select his officers to join the officer training team The candidate went.

Seeing Peng Yun run away, Tang Tianhao turned his head to look at Luo Xiao, and shrugged his shoulders helplessly, "No way, Luo Xiao, Peng Yun just has such a temper, but he is not a bad person, so don't worry about his rudeness. ah!"

"How could it be, I like Company Commander Peng very much, he is a hot-blooded guy!" Luo Xiao said with a smile, and then asked Tang Tianhao into the room, "Commander Tang, I have some ideas, it can be regarded as my training experience, let's discuss how to do it! "

"Okay!" Tang Tianhao was overjoyed when he heard that, as soon as the two met, he sensed the smell of a professional soldier from Luo Xiao, and it was the kind of professional soldier who had undergone rigorous training. Up!

Of course, modern military training is much more scientific and perfect than that of the 30s, especially in China, which is absolutely top-notch in terms of military appearance and discipline, and the Northeast Army is simply incomparable!

The two entered Luo Xiao's room one after the other, and began to study some training issues!

In fact, it’s nothing to say, they are all training subjects in the contemporary army, such as queue drills, armed cross-country, weight-bearing training, barbed wire, climbing walls and other subjects, in addition to training subjects such as mine clearance and bunker construction!

Tang Tianhao listened to Luo Xiao's introduction of these things one by one, his eyes widened the more he listened, and then he couldn't help but patted the table and shouted, "Okay, Luo Xiao, you are really my Tang Tianhao's treasure, I didn't expect, I didn't expect The army can still train like this!"

He stood up, walked back and forth in the house several times with his hands behind his back, and then said loudly, "I'll have someone prepare training equipment and supplies right away, how about this, you make a list, write down what you need, and I'll find someone to buy it ,, if you don't have any, order it immediately, and guarantee that all will be in place within three days!"

Tang Tianhao's battalion was mainly responsible for guarding a gold mine outside Fengtian City in Fengtian. Of course, he left a lot of stock in his hand. The gold is enough to buy and customize the equipment needed for training, and it will be more than enough!

Luo Xiao smiled slightly, and took out a piece of paper from his pocket. On it was a list of supplies needed for training, and every item was clearly registered!

"This list is what you need for training. If you need anything, I will ask you again!"

Tang Tianhao responded, picked up the list and excitedly left the house, went straight to the battalion headquarters, and called the military quartermaster!He wants the military to use the activity funds in the inventory immediately to purchase the items on this list.

Although the quartermaster didn't know what these things were for, since it was the battalion commander's words, he had to accept them unconditionally and resolutely carry them out.

In this way, the officer teaching team of the [-]st Battalion of the [-]rd Regiment of the Public Security Army was preparing intensively. After hearing the news, the officers of each company began to hold back their energy secretly, striving to perform well in the public selection and compete for the limited second Ten places, who doesn't want to further study, so that they have more opportunities to improve!

All of a sudden, in the first battalion of the third regiment of the security forces, people were talking about it, and the name of the officer's teaching team could be heard almost everywhere they went!

Luo Xiao's first step when he came to Tang Tianhao's first battalion was to make a name for himself!


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