Two days later, trucks loaded with supplies rumbled into the gate of Tang Tianhao's first battalion, which aroused heated discussions among the people again!The officer training team, which hadn't cooled off before, has once again become the focus of people's attention!

Twenty large trucks were loaded with supplies this time, and the quantity exceeded the supply of supplies in the previous three months. According to Tang Tianhao, this was only the first batch of supplies, and the follow-up supplies would still be delivered!

Looking at the Czech-style cz rifles, Czech-style submachine guns, and the classics among light machine guns—the Czech-style zb26 light machine guns, which were tightly wrapped in oil paper, and the huge and powerful Maxim Water pressure heavy machine gun, Peng Yun and the others were so happy that they couldn't stop talking from ear to ear!These things are all good things. Usually, even the first company of the main company of Tang Tianhao's first battalion, only one-third of the personnel are equipped with Mauser rifles, and the remaining two-thirds use the Shenyang Arsenal. Seventy-nine rifles.

This time, because of Luo Xiao, Tang Tianhao really did a bloodletting. With a flick of a pen, he bought 200 Czech rifles, 50 Czech submachine guns, 10 Czech light machine guns, and 80 Maxim heavy machine guns. , In addition, there are 50 grenadiers, no less than 4000 rounds of various bullets, and [-] grenadier shells. As for other materials, the playground is full!

Tang Tianhao was very optimistic about Luo Xiao's training plan, so he asked the Military Supplies Department to use full power to purchase, as long as it was needed for training, it would be unconditionally supplied, and if there was not enough money, it would continue to go from the vault. Anyway, the gold inside would be fine. Leave it alone, it won't be used up at all.

In this way, the procurement of military supplies means that there is no need to worry about the future, and you can get rid of your arms and do it!

After Peng Yun smirked at the supplies for a while, he asked the quartermaster in charge of logistics to count the numbers and put them into the warehouse, and trotted straight to Luo Xiao's residence. He wanted to tell Luo Xiao the good news!

Luo Xiao was drawing up a detailed training plan in the room. Seeing Peng Yun pushing the door in from the outside, he looked happy, so he put down his pen and joked, "Peng Yun, why are you so happy!"

"Hey, of course there is a happy event, Brother Luo, guess what?" Tang Tianhao was in a good mood, and sat down on the stool next to him, and then untied the neckline, "Can I be so happy if there is no good thing?"

"I guess? It must be that the supplies have arrived, and it has greatly exceeded your expectations!" This question is so obvious that it is difficult for Luo Xiao to guess.

Peng Yun grinned and opened his mouth, then stretched out his hand to Luo Xiao and gestured, "A total of 1000 brand-new Czech rifles, 60 light and heavy machine guns, and 50 rounds of ammunition, my mother, I am the first This is the first time I see senior brother being so generous, it's like the sun is coming out from the west, hahaha!"

Luo Xiao nodded, but he didn't show much joy. For Tang Tianhao's first battalion, these weapons and equipment were indeed good guys, but for Luo Xiao, who used automatic rifles no longer uncommonly, this kind of weaponry was very difficult. The infantry weapons of the 30s have long been obsolete. He remembers the obsolete weapons he used for his first target shooting. They seemed to be Type 95 automatic rifles, Type 88 sniper rifles, and Type 95 light machine guns. These weapons were originally recovered. The ones that are going to be destroyed, it seems that the weapon data parameters are much stronger than these weapons!

Luo Xiao made up his mind that after the arsenal started construction in the future, he would see if he could build a batch of [-] automatic rifles and equip the conquered troops first.

Of course, he wasn't going to do that for the time being. Only after he was sure that this team was truly fighting against Japan and would not escape his control would Luo Xiao consider changing outfits for Tang Tianhao's first battalion.

Luo Xiao is not a hypocrite, he understands very well that if force cannot be controlled within the scope of his control, it may lead to serious consequences, even devastating!

Peng Yun stayed here with Luo Xiao for quite a while before reluctantly leaving, but Tang Tianhao walked in.

Seeing him coming, Luo Xiao discussed with Tang Tianhao about the layout of the training ground. He felt that it was inappropriate to put the training ground in Fengtian City, because Fengtian City is now under the control of the Japanese, and they can find a training ground at any time. Entering the camp with an excuse, then Luo Xiao's training plan will be exposed, and the consequences will be serious!

The two discussed for a while, and decided that Luo Xiao would choose a relatively secluded mountain area to build a training base, and said it was a training ground for new recruits of Tang Tianhao's first battalion, to deceive others.

In terms of location, Luo Xiao chose Bird Island located in the east of Dongling, more than a dozen li away from the east of Shenyang City. In name, it was a recruit sent by the first battalion of Tang Tianhao of the Security Force to maintain Beiling Park!

Bird Island, also known as Ganhezi Island, is located in Qipanshan Development Zone, east of Tangling Park, and is an island in the Hunhe River system, covering an area of ​​49.26 hectares.

In history, Bird Island was named "Longtan Fishing" because it resembled a giant dragon lying in the water (Hunhe River), and became one of the famous "Eight Views of Huishan".

In different seasons of the year in Shenyang Bird Island, at different times of the day, the forests, shrubs, wetlands, and ponds on the island can bring people different landscapes: everything is revived in spring, a hundred flowers bloom, and the bird island Birds begin to give birth to life; in summer, the vegetation is lush and lush, ducks and sparrows are resting in the shade of trees, and white cranes are foraging in reed ponds; The ground swayed and swayed; in winter, the snow covered the land, and only the geese and ducks were still playing on the unfrozen water of the Hun River.

There are four types of birds on Bird Island: walking birds, swimming birds, wading birds and songbirds.Every day, groups of peacocks, black and white swans, red-crowned cranes, and seagulls fly and circle around Bird Island at regular intervals.

Of course, Luo Xiao chose this place not because it has beautiful scenery and many birds, and it is a good place to travel; but because it is located in the Hun River, surrounded by water on all sides, with good concealment, and the complex terrain here is very suitable for special warfare training!

After listening to Luo Xiao's reason for choosing Bird Island, Tang Tianhao immediately made a decision and decided to set up the training base here, and then ordered the transportation team to start transporting the facilities and materials needed for training there, and left some people in the east of the cemetery. Build barracks on the bank of the Hun River and build a training base on Bird Island, and they must be completed in the shortest possible time!

Now that the training base has been selected and the training facility is about to be completed, the next thing to do is to select the participants!

After learning from Tang Tianhao that a large amount of weapons and equipment had been transported this time, Luo Xiao thought about it, and then discussed with Tang Tianhao that he planned to expand the number of trainees. While establishing an officer training team, he would also form an elite infantry team. It is a combination of special training and ordinary infantry training. In the future, it can be used as an infantry team to fight, and can also engage in a series of operations such as reconnaissance, blasting, assassination, and sneak attack, and exert effects that ordinary troops cannot achieve!

After Tang Tianhao listened to the introduction, his face was about to burst into smiles. Although he had never heard of Luo Xiao's idea, his intuition told him that such a team would definitely be an elite team, and it would be able to display its super strength in the battlefield in the future. combat power.

"Okay, Luo Xiao will do as you said. Let's select those better fighters from the whole battalion to form a team of what you said!" Tang Tianhao seemed to be not very familiar with this kind of special team, so he forgot all of a sudden. What is the specific name!

"It's a special infantry team, so it's called Beacon Team!" Luo Xiao corrected Tang Tianhao.

Tang Tianhao stood up from the chair, then walked outside, "Okay, I'll give the order now!"

After watching Tang Tianhao leave, Luo Xiao immersed himself in writing the training outline. In fact, these things are in his mind, and he just needs to write them out!


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