"Bang bang bang!"

The gunfire of the Mauser-style rifle rang out in the training ground. Luo Xiao raised the rifle and almost didn't aim at it. He shot casually and hit the target accurately!

Putting down the rifle, Luo Xiao yelled at the target caller over there, "Bring the target over here!"

The target announcer hurried over with the target in his arms, and sent it to everyone on the rostrum!


People's gazes fell on the target, and they couldn't help letting out an exclamation. They saw a bullet hole the size of a walnut in the bull's-eye position of the target, and all the bullets that Luo Xiao casually shot hit the bull's-eye position. One missed the target, not even a single one was missed!

This marksmanship is really astonishing, even some of the platoon leaders present are also sharpshooters, they dare not say that such a long distance is the bull's-eye!

"Luo Xiao, good marksmanship, I am convinced!" Yu Tiehan, the commander of the third company in Tang Tianhao's first battalion, who is known as the sharpshooter, gave him a thumbs up, and even he fell in love with Luo Xiao's admiration!

People admired a few words, and then ordered the test to continue. With Luo Xiao's demonstration, the soldiers who participated in the test had no complaints, and even greatly aroused the enthusiasm of some people, which greatly increased the pass rate of the test. This is Luo Xiao They didn't expect it!

Looking at the soldiers who were trying their best to carry out the test, Peng Yun jokingly said that if he had known this, he should have asked Luo Xiao to perform for everyone, and maybe he could have chosen a few more!

People are all laughing!

The test lasted for three days, a total of 840 people participated in the test, and a total of 410 qualified fighters passed the test.

For this number, Luo Xiao is quite satisfied!

In his era at the time, the pass rate of the selection was only a few percent, that is to say, only a few dozen out of tens of thousands of people could pass. Although some standards were lowered, it shows that people in this era are more physically fit than That time period!

With the development of science and technology, people are becoming more and more accustomed to relying on technological products, thus ignoring their own physical exercise, which leads to a sharp decline in physical fitness, and they are not the same as before!

Luo Xiao's super strong physique is a special case. This is also the genetic modification he underwent after he entered the Huya Special Forces Brigade. Only a very small number of people are qualified to do it!

The selected 410 nine fighters from Tang Tianhao's first battalion will be included in the Huya special combat brigade from now on. They will follow Luo Xiao in a series of training such as technical tactics and ideological education. In the future, they will definitely be an elite team of Tang Tianhao's first battalion. team!

Luo Xiao was extremely busy registering the people who passed the test. At this time, the second batch of supplies arrived, including food supplies and military uniforms. In addition, some special equipment requested by Luo Xiao also arrived. part!

Those equipments were the special equipment of the Special Warfare Brigade, such as climbing locks and other equipment, which Tang Tianhao didn't have in China, ordered them from abroad through his connections, and some of them could be manufactured by himself in Shenyang Arsenal.

It seems that Tang Tianhao really spent his money this time, and he plans to use Tang Tianhao's first battalion as a model, and then promote it on a large scale after it achieves results!

Of course, these were all carried out behind the backs of the Japanese!

Recently, the Japanese have been active in the northeast region more and more frequently, and it seems that they are about to make a big move. If I guessed correctly, I am afraid they are planning to plot the front line of Shanhaiguan!

After withdrawing from the Three Northeast Provinces, the Northeast Army retreated to Shanhaiguan and Rehe, and the agencies of the Three Northeast Provinces also moved to Jinzhou. The young commander is still imagining that through the coordination and pressure of the League of Nations, Japan will voluntarily give up on the three Northeast Provinces under pressure. Occupation, so that you can return to your own territory!

But it's a pity that he didn't know that the Japanese's plan was not just the three provinces in the Northeast, but the whole of China, even the whole of East Asia and Southeast Asia, and even had a whimsical dream of conquering the world!

In this way, after occupying the three eastern provinces, the Japanese were soon ready to move again, and began to plan an attack on the front line of the Great Wall, trying to open up the communication line to the pass!

In this way, Shanhaiguan and Xifengkou, which are located in the fortress of the Great Wall, and Rehe Province must become places that the devils want to take!

The cloud of war once again enveloped the land of China!


It's nightfall, the northeast of this season has passed the heat, the barracks of Tang Tianhao's No. [-] battalion is located in the outskirts of the city, although the weather has turned cooler, the mosquitoes are still very tenaciously alive, and they swarm in groups at night Flying out of the surrounding fields, it wreaked havoc inside and outside the barracks, and the sound of slaps on the body could be heard from time to time.

Luo Xiao was sitting behind the table in front of the window, and was immersing himself in arranging the documents. Half a child's arm-thin wormwood rope was hanging on the pillar beside him. Wisps of green smoke rose from above, and the room was filled with the faint scent of wormwood. The fragrance!

To drive away mosquitoes, wormwood is very effective, and it can also make the air in the house fresh, so many people like to use wormwood to drive away mosquitoes!

It was very quiet all around, except for the rustling of Luo Xiao's pen on the paper, there was no other sound!

It has been more than a week since he came to Tang Tianhao's first battalion. Luo Xiao is also familiar with his new home. Being a soldier, he got along with the people very quickly. Apart from sorting out documents and so on, he would go out and walk down there every day. Learn about the soldiers.

The soldiers also liked this kind-hearted officer very much. They felt that there was a kind of kindness in him that made people willing to chat with him and listen to him explain things they had never heard before.

Luo Xiao's prestige was quickly established among the officers and soldiers of Tang Tianhao's first battalion!

Tang Tianhao naturally knew Luo Xiao's actions these days, but he didn't interfere. Instead, he told people to respect Luo Xiao, not to be indifferent and powerless to him, and not to make small moves behind his back!

Of course, no one is willing to make small moves behind the scenes. Even those who fail the test are convinced, knowing that their quality is indeed not enough, and it is normal to be eliminated!

"Do you want to write the exposition of modern special warfare thinking in the last part of the training syllabus?" Luo Xiao stopped the pen, tapped his fingers on the table unconsciously, and fell into deep thought!

It is said that this part is an important core part of special operations and should be written into the training syllabus, but because this part is so important, if it falls into the hands of others, it is likely to cause big trouble!

He repeatedly weighed the pros and cons in his mind, unable to make up his mind for a while!

Perhaps because he was too engrossed, Luo Xiao didn't notice that there was only a small piece of candle left on the table, and it would burn out soon!

"Forget it, I won't write this part for now, it needs to be written as a supplement in the future!" Luo Xiao finally made a decision, and was about to pick up his pen to finish the outline when suddenly the lights in the room flickered. Immediately afterwards, it suddenly went out!

Luo Xiao stayed there with a pen in his hand, the room was pitch dark, even if he had a good eye, he couldn't read the words clearly without turning on the lamp, so he could only open the door and go out to borrow a pen from another place. A candle, come back to finish the unfinished training plan!


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