Luo Xiao came out of Tang Tianhao's battalion, holding a half-cut candle in his hand, and then walked towards his residence!

Because he was still busy with the military affairs, Tang Tianhao, like Luo Xiao, hadn't slept yet, and was still working hard in the battalion headquarters, so Luo Xiao could easily get a candle when he went!

With this candle, Luo Xiao can finish writing the training plan!

"I don't want to write about the special warfare ideology, and the training outline should be further simplified, so that soldiers can learn it easily and master it!" Luo Xiao thought, walking towards the toilet on the side of the barracks, Planning to go to the bathroom, "Besides, the Beacon Team is mainly inclined to the regular army of land warfare, and the special warfare is only to improve their overall ability, so it's better not to let them be too greedy!"

The toilet is located in the northeast corner of the barracks, close to the wall, and it is piled up with a row of adobe. The door of the toilet is a fence made of wooden strips. Inside is a row of squatting pits dug out, leading to the outside of the wall.

Luo Xiao pushed open the door of the toilet, then walked in, went straight to a squatting spot in the corner, and then untied his belt!

Just as he was shooting freely, suddenly there was a slight sound of footsteps outside the toilet, and the direction seemed to be under the wall next to the toilet!

Luo Xiao didn't pay attention, thinking that it was the soldier who got up at night, because he was lazy, so he didn't go into the toilet, and he solved it outside!

After fastening his belt, Luo Xiao turned around and walked towards the toilet door, but at this moment he stopped suddenly, and dodged to hide by the wall next to the toilet door!

The footsteps outside stopped under the fence, and then someone started to speak in a low voice, and the words turned out to be Japanese!

Luo Xiao is proficient in the languages ​​of more than a dozen countries, and he can tell the truth in Japanese, so listening is no problem, so he immediately recognized the Japanese used by the speaker!

At this time, another person also spoke, and it turned out to be Japanese. The two seemed to have exchanged a few words in a low voice, and then there was no movement!

After listening carefully, Luo Xiao came to the door and cautiously looked outside, only to find that there was no one by the wall!

Pushing open the wooden fence door of the toilet, Luo Xiao jumped out of the toilet, and after a few steps came to the wall where the two were talking just now, he lowered his head to check.

Sure enough, there were two footprints left on the ground, one of which was the boot print of a public security officer, and the other was the print of a leather shoe, but they had been cleaned up carefully. If Luo Xiao hadn't been proficient in these things, he might have discovered it too. no!

"Hey, it looks like adultery!" Luo Xiao suddenly became interested in this matter, and sneered secretly.

Taking a rough look along the traces on the ground, Luo Xiao understood that these two people should have climbed over the wall, because there were still traces of climbing on the wall!

Luo Xiao put the candle in his pocket, rolled up his cuffs, took a step or two back, then rushed forward, reaching the wall in the blink of an eye.

Using his legs hard, Luo Xiao's body jumped up suddenly, and with a light stretch of his right arm, he hugged the top of the wall, and then hung it lightly by the wall.

Instead of jumping out in a hurry, Luo Xiao poked his head out of the wall carefully and looked outside. After confirming that there was indeed no one outside, he leaned on his arms and jumped out from the wall.

The ground outside the barracks is all hard black soil, because it has seldom rained recently, so a thin layer of dust has accumulated on the ground here, which made it easy for Luo Xiao to see the traces of those two people walking by just now!

After finding two tree branches, Luo Xiao carefully chased those two people while carefully cleaning up the traces of his own passing, so that even if the other party's accomplice passed by, he would not find himself following behind!

These most basic little tricks are simply too simple for special warfare elites like Luo Xiao. He is advancing at almost the same speed, and the places behind him are as usual, and no one can be seen. Traces of the past!

Following the two lines of footprints, Luo Xiao walked forward for more than 200 meters in the woods, and only then did he find the traces of those two people!

However, what surprised him was that besides these two people, there were several other people there!

These people are all in black suits, with short hair, and it can be seen from the bulging ribs that they all have guys on their bodies, and they look very capable!

Surrounded by these people, there is a short man, only 1.5 meters tall, obese, also dressed in a suit, with a big bald head, shaved and polished, and can be seen from no matter how far away, with thick lips. A pinch of black hygienic beard, eyes like two mung beans, blinking and radiating sly eyes!

Although the dwarf was unattractive, the thug-like people around him were all respectful to him, and they didn't dare to show their air.

The two people Luo Xiao heard talking just now were standing in front of the dwarf, with their heads lowered, talking in a low voice.

The dwarf listened very seriously, frowning from time to time and thinking for a while, until the two of them had finished speaking, then he said, "So, the new instructor from the first battalion of the third regiment of the Security Army plans to build a mysterious army?"

"Yaoxi, as soon as this man came to the first battalion, he didn't know how to tell the battalion commander. As a result, Tang Tianhao agreed to his proposal and began to select soldiers from China!" A man's low voice came, which made Luo Xiao's heart ache. As soon as he moved, he felt that this voice seemed to be heard before, and it should be someone he knew!

"Well, this is an interesting thing!" The dwarf showed a careless expression. He took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it on the lighter handed by his subordinates, and then smoked it vigorously. Keep a close watch on Tang Tianhao and that new instructor, if they behave abnormally, immediately hand over the information to Mr. Yuwan!"

"Hi!" The two Japanese bowed and saluted together, and they responded!

After the dwarf finished speaking, he said to himself, "According to the time, it's time for Miss Fangzi to come!" There was a fiery light in his eyes, which was also mixed with the desire of Chiguoguo!

The surrounding subordinates all knew that their leader was ambiguous with Miss Yoshiko Kawashima who was coming, but no one dared to show the slightest sign, because they knew very well how powerful Director Doihara was!

As a direct descendant of a family of secret agents, Kenji Doihara was born to be a secret agent, cunning, insidious, mean and shameless, there are only things he can't think of, and there is no bad thing he dare not do!

Even for the spies of his subordinate secret service agencies, Kenji Doihara was ruthless, so this made those little spies fear him very much, and lived under his coercion for a long time!

Seeing that the information was almost heard, Kenji Doihara waved his hand and said to the two people, "Go back, be careful, and never reveal your identities!"

The two agreed, turned around and walked on the way they came!


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