
Just when the two turned around and were about to return to the barracks, Kenji Doihara suddenly yelled and stopped the two of them!

I don't know what orders the director of the agency has. The two turned around anxiously, and asked as calmly as possible, "Chief of the agency, is there anything else?"

Doihara pondered for a while, and then ordered, "You guys find a way to get the training syllabus of the new instructor, and then give me a copy!"


The two hesitated for a moment, seeming rather embarrassed, "Director, the newcomer's house is heavily guarded and guarded 24 hours a day, we can't get in at all, it seems a bit difficult!"

"There are difficulties, oh, then you all come back, I think there will be a suitable place so that you don't feel difficult!" Kenji Doihara turned a blind eye to the embarrassment of the two people, and said very ordinary words in his mouth, but his eyes The fierce light in the eyes made the two spies tremble, and they didn't even dare to meet his eyes!

Thinking of the punishment they would receive when they were transferred back, the two of them trembled non-stop, and hurriedly responded respectfully, "Director, even if there are difficulties, we will promise to complete the task!"

"Okay, these are the elites cultivated by my Doihara Secret Service. For His Majesty's great cause in East Asia, even if he sacrificed his life, he would not hesitate to sacrifice his life!" Hearing this, Kenji Doihara was immediately happy, and he smiled. He praised the two of them, and then said, "Okay, you guys go back!"

As if they had been pardoned, the two of them got into the woods as if fleeing for their lives after bowing their salutes!

For this demon king, they can't wait to leave him immediately, the farther the better!

Seeing that the two spies were about to leave, Luo Xiao didn't move. He was still lying quietly in the grass not far away, observing Kenji Doihara and his group. He felt that these people seemed to be behind those two people's backs. !

Sure enough, after watching the two subordinates leave, Kenji Doihara turned his head to look at a middle-aged man beside him, and said with a smile, "Speak, what do you want to say?"

That young lady is about 22 or [-] years old, each of them is not tall, and his neck is relatively short. His facial features such as nose and eyes are very similar to Doihara's, so it can be seen that they are related by blood!

Seeing Doihara asking himself this question, the young man hastily saluted respectfully, "Father, should we tell Hikaru Fujita's Nobunaga Special Attack Team about this?"

Doihara heard that he shook his head, and then looked indifferent, "Don't tell me, the topographic map of the Marshal's Mansion we got last time was handed over to him. I thought he could successfully complete our entrustment, but in the end it was The bamboo basket fetched water in vain, and that idiot of the Gendarmerie Inuyang Ken gave away all the underground secret intelligence stations we set up there, and their things were taken away, what a bunch of trash!"

"Then—" the young man seemed a little worried, "Then how can we solve the problem without notifying the gendarmerie and Hikaru Fujita, and the security forces are about to move?"

The fat on Doihara's face trembled, and then he showed a sinister smile, looking like a fox who stole an old hen, "This time, our secret service will do it ourselves and arrest the main culprit who conspired to instigate the rebellion with our own hands." Hand it over to the Kwantung Army Command, and Commander Shigeru Honjo will definitely appreciate us a lot!"

Hearing what Doihara said, the young people are happy. Although their secret service and the Kwantung Army troops are serving the Great Japanese Empire, they are not very harmonious internally, and sometimes even have conflicts!

Kenji Doihara seemed to be thinking about something, and he suddenly said something that made all the agents around him turn pale, "It seems that it's time to strengthen training!"

Hearing this, the faces of the dozen or so subordinates around him suddenly became extremely ugly. Just this one sentence is doomed that the next few days will definitely be very painful!

Doihara said a few more words, then walked out, walked out of the woods along a path in the woods, got into the car parked in the open space at the other end of the woods, and left quickly!

Luo Xiao originally wanted to give him a shot, but given the large number of opponents, if the opponent finds out and chases him all the way to the barracks, it may destroy his development plan!

Tang Tianhao's army is one of his important forces to fight against Fengtian in the future, so it should not be exposed prematurely. When the training is almost done, then there is no need to swallow so much!

Seeing that Doihara was gone, Luo Xiao followed his footprints back outside the barracks wall, then climbed into the wall, and returned to his residence!

Although the Japanese spies lurking in the barracks don't know who they are, Luo Xiao already has a preliminary plan to lure snakes out of their holes. What he will do next: on the one hand, step up the training of troops; Send the training syllabus to the two Japanese spies, and they will definitely give it to Kenji Doihara at that time, so that they can be used as bait for their own fishing and catch a big fish for themselves!

Of course, Luo Xiao's training syllabus still needs to be written, but he decided to greatly simplify it, and only let Tang Tianhao and several important military officers know!

Lighting the candles, Luo Xiao continued to write and write under the lamp, greatly changing the training syllabus, so that the training subjects that were originally inclined to special warfare were greatly reduced, and replaced by ordinary infantry training subjects!

Even ordinary infantry training subjects are of course much better than the training syllabus of this era, but even if Doihara gets them, the interest will not be too great!

The Japanese are rigorous but rigid. Their infantry drills have been used for such a long time. The training of each unit is the same set of drills. If they suddenly change the training outline, the soldiers will not be able to adapt at all. On the contrary, it will cause technical and tactical confusion, and even cause the combat effectiveness of the Japanese army to decline instead of rising.

So it will take at least a few years before the Japanese get this set of training syllabus and find it effective and start to adopt it. During this period of time, Luo Xiao's forces will grow to a very strong level, completely suppressing the Japanese and even defeating them. I can't find North!

Therefore, Luo Xiao is not worried about losing this training syllabus!

However, Luo Xiao's fake training program that is going to be stolen by the devil's spies is not even as good as this one. It is a training program full of loopholes and mistakes. If the Japanese really believe it and follow the above training, if they don't vomit blood and die , that counts as their tolerance is super strong.

Because the fake outline was made up by Luo Xiao, it would be strange if he could learn it well!

After four or five hours of busy work, the new training syllabus and the fake syllabus were completed, and at this time the winter sky had already begun to turn white, and the big rooster raised by the barracks cooking team had already begun to crow!

Putting down the pen, Luo Xiao stood up from behind the table, stretched long, then walked to the window and looked out!

In the morning light, everything starts anew!


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