Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 227 The Devils Are Coming

In the early morning, Luo Xiao, who had just fallen asleep for a short time, was awakened from his sleep by the noise outside again!

"Hey, it looks like I'm a hard worker!" Luo Xiao opened his eyes, thinking rather self-deprecatingly, "I get up earlier than chickens, sleep later than dogs, work more than cows, and eat worse than chickens. hehe!"

Although he sighed in his heart, he turned over and got off the ground, put on his military jacket and opened the door.

A ray of golden sunlight came from outside the door, falling on Luo Xiao's face, causing him to involuntarily close his eyes, and he paused for a moment before he got used to the light.

Taking a deep breath of the fresh air, Luo Xiao stepped out of the camp and walked towards the noisy place, he wanted to see what made the camp so lively.

Early in the morning, Tang Tianhao's first battalion was very lively. Groups of soldiers of the first battalion were busy: some were cleaning the yard, and some brought buckets of clean water to pour the sweet well water It was sprinkled on the ground, and some people were busy posting the written slogans at the gate of the camp and some conspicuous places.

What a busy scene!

Luo Xiao was very surprised. He stepped up to a group of busy soldiers and asked, "What's the matter? Is there any major event in the camp?"

Several soldiers turned their heads when they heard the sound and saw that it was Luo Xiao. They hurriedly put down the things in their hands, saluted him, and explained, "Hello, Instructor Luo, there is no important event, because the little devil is coming , the battalion commander asked us to arrange it!"

"The little devil is coming?" Luo Xiao frowned, this is the barracks of the security forces, and the Japanese and the security forces have always been at odds, and they have almost never been here. Why did they suddenly change their temperament and run here? What kind of inspection are you here for?

"Could it be the ghost of Kenji Doihara last night?" Luo Xiao's heart suddenly moved, and he seemed to have a clue.

"When were you notified about this?" Luo Xiao wanted to make sure, so he asked the soldiers.

Hearing Luo Xiao's question, several soldiers smiled bitterly and said, "Then we don't know. If you want to know, instructor, you can only ask the secret door battalion commander!"

Seeing that there were no useful words to ask from these soldiers, Luo Xiao walked towards Tang Tianhao's residence, intending to ask him what was going on!

In the residence, Tang Tianhao was eating breakfast, a bowl of Northeast stubble porridge, two steamed buns, and a plate of shredded pickles. This was the breakfast of a battalion commander. It was the same food standard as those soldiers. It is also rare, and it is extremely simple!You must know that in some warlord troops, even the platoon leader has white flour steamed buns, fried dough sticks, and steamed buns for breakfast, and he has almost never seen steamed buns!

From this it can be seen that Tang Tianhao's first battalion is indeed well managed!

Seeing Luo Xiao push the door and come in, Tang Tianhao hurriedly knocked on the porridge bowl with his chopsticks and said to him, "Come on, Luo Xiao, sit down and eat together!" His orderly hurriedly brought Luo Xiao a bowl of porridge and two steamed buns , while placing the chopsticks on the table in front of him.

Luo Xiao was not too polite, sat down and picked up the porridge bowl, Xili snorted and drank it, and then praised, "It's delicious, this big stubble porridge is really good!"

"That's right, this is the corn we planted in the wasteland, and then we processed it in the mills of the nearby villagers. It's definitely much better than the ones bought in the market outside!" Hearing Luo Xiao's praise, Tang Tianhao was happy , and began to tell Luo Xiao the anecdote of Brigadier Wang Yizhe taking the lead in opening up wasteland in Beidaying, Luo Xiao listened with gusto.

The two of them ate while talking, and quickly finished a pot of porridge and half a basket of steamed buns, and then stopped the bowls and chopsticks.

After eating, Tang Tianhao said to Luo Xiao while putting on his shirt, "Luo Xiao, what do you want from me?"

"Tang Ying, I'm here because of that little devil's inspection team!" Luo Xiao repeated the news he heard in the morning, and then raised his own question, "The security forces are not on good terms with devils, they never If you don’t come to our camp, why did you come to visit suddenly this time?”

Hearing Luo Xiao's question, Tang Tianhao stopped buttoning his buttons for a moment, and then scolded angrily, "Who knows why the little devil suddenly changed his temper this time, thinking of coming to me to make troubles, I think he is full Support the ground, you are blocking me!"

"What kind of nonsense inspection, I think the little devil is worried about our security forces, so he came to spy on the movement, to see if we have the tendency to separate from them, or if there are any anti-Japanese elements in the team!"

"Anti-Japanese elements?!" Hearing his mention, Luo Xiao immediately remembered what he had read about the underground party. Those people were called anti-Japanese elements by the Japanese and warlords.

"Yes, anti-Japanese elements!" Tang Tianhao mentioned this, as if he didn't quite understand, "I heard that a group of people believed in the doctrine created by foreigners and clamored to build communism. Isn't that nonsense, foreigners Can your thinking be the same as that of our Chinese people?" He grinned when he said this.

Luo Xiao was speechless. Seeing that Tang Tianhao didn't know anything about communism, he couldn't explain it to him now. It seems that he can only find opportunities to talk to him about it in the future!

For the time being, Luo Xiao doesn't plan to contact the underground party, otherwise, I'm afraid the development will be greatly restricted, and it will have an impact on the expansion of power, and then it will affect the great cause of the Anti-Japanese War!

As for the fact that the Japanese came to inspect, it seems that Tang Tianhao also knows what the devil's motive is, but since his team is still under his hands for the time being, he has no choice but to twist his nose to entertain the so-called devil's generation inspection team. !

While the two were talking, they left the battalion headquarters. Along the way, Luo Xiao told him about his plans, and also told him that there were devils and traitors in the first battalion!

Hearing that there was a devil's eyeliner in his team, Tang Tianlei stopped immediately, with a very ugly look on his face, and couldn't help cursing, "Grandma, the little devil's claws are so long, they have already reached me. The next time they have to chop off their dog's paws!"

Luo Xiao stopped Tang Tianhao, who was going to the battalion headquarters to summon the officers, and then dissuaded him, "Tang Ying, don't worry, I'm planning like this, I plan to use the plan, let these two people become our pawns, and take care of the devils for us." Make a plan, let them steal chickens and lose money!"

After listening to Luo Xiao and his low-pitched suggestion, Tang Tianhao burst out laughing, and patted Luo Xiao's shoulder happily, "Luo Xiao, you really have it, it's a good move, let's do it like this, we must let the devil swallow it The bitter fruit they have brewed themselves is not worth it!"

Now that he has Tang Tianhao's support, Luo Xiao is relieved, and will develop according to his own plan when he is ready. The most urgent task now is how to deal with the devil's inspection team!


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