Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 228 Here Comes the Devil

At 21 o'clock in the morning, the so-called exchange team of the Japanese army arrived on time. It consisted of six vehicles and [-] people. The team was led by Major Itsu Naoen, the commander of the Itatsu Naoen Brigade of the Fourth Brigade of the Kwantung Army Independent Garrison in Shenyang, and others. Of the four squadron leaders under him, Lieutenant Mishima was among them who fought against Tang Tianhao and the others in Wan Yuhai.

When the convoy of the Japanese Kwantung Army came to the gate of the camp, they met Tang Tianhao who was waiting here to greet him, and other officers under him.

The door of the first car was opened, and Major Itatsu Naoen stepped down from above. He was wearing a neat uniform of the Japanese Kwantung Army Army. , the waist is straight, and the rigorous and almost old-fashioned style of the Japanese army can be seen at a glance. A command knife is held in the left hand, shaking back and forth as he walks!

Behind him were officers of all ranks from the Fourth Battalion of the Independent Garrison of the Japanese Kwantung Army who came together. All of them were dressed in neat military uniforms, and their demeanor showed the so-called "politeness" that refused to be seen thousands of miles away.

Seeing Tang Tianhao and others waiting at the gate of the camp, Shao Zuo Banjin Zhiyuan greeted him with a hypocritical smile, and stretched out his hand, "Battlemaster Tang, we met again. We had a good conversation last time, Banjin Zhiyuan I really miss you very much, so I will visit you again today, please forgive me for taking the liberty!"

"Your grandma is a bear, you bastard little devil misses me, I don't think my team is stable, so come here to check!" Tang Tianhao cursed inwardly, but he could only politely say, "Welcome, welcome!"

Luo Xiao stood on a mound behind the barracks, watching the military vehicles at the entrance of the barracks with binoculars, the Japanese sun flag was like a red-hot iron, burning Luo Xiao's eyes!

"One day, I will drive you aggressive guys back to the island country and make you pay for what you have done!"

Standing on the mound, Luo Xiao watched the Japanese enter the barracks all the time, then put down the binoculars and walked down the mound. He didn't plan to show his face in front of the Japanese just now, lest the enemy get vigilant!

He secretly made up his mind that when the time comes to counterattack Fengtian in the future, he will be the first to attack the independent garrison of the Japanese Kwantung Army!

He had just walked a few steps down the mound when the intercom next to his ear suddenly rang, and after he connected it was a call from his special forces member who stayed in the barracks, which surprised him, "What's wrong, what's wrong?" What's wrong?"

Sun Dong's voice came from the walkie-talkie, "Captain, the two Japanese soldiers captured by Battalion Commander Tang ran away!"

"What?" Luo Xiao was taken aback. He didn't expect the two Japanese soldiers to escape, and hurriedly asked, "How did they escape, is there anyone to rescue them?"

Sun Dong said, "No, they broke the rope by themselves. When the food delivery soldiers were not paying attention, they knocked him out and ran away!"

Luo Xiao suddenly felt that he had lost his composure seriously, because Shunzi had killed several Japanese soldiers at the gate of the camp, and now that these two Japanese soldiers had escaped, they would definitely report this matter.

Once they report the situation to the Japanese Gendarmerie, then with the character of the Japanese, they will definitely retaliate. At that time, Tang Tianhao's first battalion may die a lot of people!

At this time, chatter and laughter came from Tang Tianhao's barracks, Luo Xiao remembered that the devil's visiting group was in the barracks, if the two Japanese soldiers found out that there was their visiting group, they would rush out and report to them of!

Thinking of this, Luo Xiao's heart tightened suddenly. He grabbed the walkie-talkie and said in a deep voice, "Sun Dong, you should immediately go to Battalion Commander Tang and tell him the news of the escape of the Japanese. Order, let those soldiers selected into the Beacon Team disperse in the camp immediately, and search for the two Japanese soldiers carefully, I guess they have no chance to take out the barracks, they should be hiding in a corner, let the soldiers want to Note that they may have changed clothes!"

After saying this, Luo Xiao seemed still not at ease, and he warned, "Remember, don't disturb the Japanese military officer tour group, everything must be done quietly!"

"Understood, Captain!" Sun Dong responded, and then led a few special forces members to split up. He went to find Tang Tianhao, while the other Han Yang and the others went to inform the soldiers of the team!

As for his residence, Jiang Dahai and Lang Peng stayed behind and guarded it with the other two special forces members. There will be no problems!

All of a sudden, all the members of the Special Forces got busy, and quietly spread out a large net, covering every corner of the barracks!

Under the bustle and bustle of welcoming the ghost tour group, all this was done quietly, and no one noticed!

After making the arrangements, Luo Xiao still felt uneasy, so he decided to go to the barracks to have a look in person, lest something go wrong, and all his hard work would be in vain!

The devil's captain, Banjin Zhiyuan, didn't know this. He was wandering around the barracks accompanied by Tang Tianhao, talking while walking.On the surface, the two of them chatted happily, as if they had been best friends for many years, but those who knew the details knew that this was all acting!

Seeing this Japanese, Tang Tianhao had the urge to shoot him down. Back then, his grandfather, parents, a little girl, and more than 30 members of the Tang family were taken hostage by Banjin Zhiyuan, and they were also He forced Tang Tianhao to be a traitor.

That's why Tang Tianhao became furious when he saw Banjin Zhiyuan, and he was so tit-for-tat at Wan Yuhai's banquet. There are many reasons for this!

Although Banjin Zhiyuan only sent someone to do the job at the beginning, and he didn't do it himself, but Tang Tianhao put all the accounts on his head, and planned to settle it together when he had the opportunity.

At this time, the two of them had already reached the middle of the barracks, and walking ahead was the playground of the first battalion and the row of warehouses beside the playground. The ammunition and supplies of the first battalion were stored in the warehouse, which was the economic lifeline of the first battalion!

"Shao Zuo Banjin, this is the playground of the First Battalion of the Security Force, and it is also the place where ordinary soldiers train. The warehouse over there is the place where the First Battalion stores weapons and ammunition!" Standing on the edge of the playground, Tang Tianhao turned towards the warehouse. He raised his finger and introduced it!

"Well, is it?" Banjin Zhiyuan heard this, with a smile on his face, and said in a very friendly manner, "I have heard that Battalion Commander Tang's weapons and equipment are very sophisticated. I don't know if Banjin Zhiyuan is lucky enough to visit it. Woolen cloth?"


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