The seal has been pushed, let’s add more to celebrate today, four chapters!


Visiting the warehouse? !

As soon as these words came out, Tang Tianhao and the other officers of the first battalion all frowned. You must know that the warehouse is the privacy of an army, and all the good things of the army are stored in the warehouse. If you can visit it casually, then Haven't they all been exposed!

Especially Tang Tianhao's first battalion was sent to guard the gold mines, so now he has some "yellow croakers" in his hands. If these things are seen by the Japanese, he is worried that the devils will miss them!

Isn't there such a saying: Don't be afraid of thieves stealing, but be afraid of thieves thinking about it.If Itatsu Naoyuan sees the gold, he will definitely become greedy, and then he must try his best to get it!

In this way, Tang Tianhao's first battalion will never have peace!

However, it might not be appropriate not to allow Banjin Zhiyuan to see it. Isn’t that telling people that there are ghosts in your warehouse? In this way, Banjin Zhiyuan will definitely become more suspicious. Even if he was stopped at that time, he can Come down and find countless reasons to open the warehouse of the first battalion, maybe the devil will remove all the gold by then!

Tang Tianhao is very fortunate now that all the equipment purchased for the Beacon Team has been transported to the Bird Island base in the east of Dongling in advance, thus avoiding a big trouble, otherwise even bigger troubles will happen if the devil sees it!

Seeing the hesitant look on Tang Tianhao's face, Banjin Zhiyuan's eyes flashed with excitement. He felt that Tang Tianhao must have stored something invisible in the warehouse, so he was afraid of waiting for someone to inspect it. So he put on a straight face on purpose, and said, "Battalion Commander Tang, it seems that you don't want us to inspect it. Could it be that there are some prohibited items stored in the warehouse, and you are afraid of being seen by us?"

In the three northeastern provinces at that time, there were also things that were strictly controlled, such as aspirin and other medicines, and tobacco and other things, and many warlord troops at that time were paying wages by smuggling these things, which made repeated prohibitions !

Hearing that Banjin Zhiyuan had talked about this, Tang Tianhao couldn't say anything else, so he could only wave his hand forward and said, "Is there any contraband here? Since I don't believe it, then Banjin Zhiyuan Shaozuo Check it out for yourself, please!"

Itatsu Naoen and other Japanese officers immediately walked towards the warehouse!

Accompanied by Tang Tianhao, he had just walked two steps when he saw Sun Dong in the clothes of an officer of the security force, walking over in a hurry. line of sight.

Back then at Wan Yuhai's house, Banjin Zhiyuan and the others once had a face-to-face meeting with Luo Xiao, and Sun Dong was also there at the time. Although he didn't compete, it's hard to guarantee that Banjin Zhiyuan didn't see him. If he really remembered him, That would be suspicious.

Sun Dong's expression was normal, he passed by Tang Tianhao, and taking advantage of the opportunity of the two passing by, he raised his hand and stuffed a small note into Tang Tianhao's palm, then walked away, hiding in the Not far away, a group of officers and soldiers of the security forces who were training disappeared.

Tang Tianhao's heart relaxed, and he quickly unfolded the note to look at it. When he saw that the two Japanese soldiers had escaped, he was in a relaxed mood at first, but immediately hung up.

Putting the note into his pocket, Tang Tianhao snorted irritably, "Grandma, these two things really don't make people worry, you should know that they should have been slaughtered long ago!"

"What are you talking about, Battalion Commander Tang!" Banjin Zhiyuan, who had walked a few steps, seemed to have heard something, he stopped and turned to ask Tang Tianhao.

Tang Tianhao was taken aback, turned his head and hurriedly covered it up, "It's nothing, it's just my two dogs that keep barking, they might as well kill them and eat them!"

"There's dog meat to eat, Yaoxi!" When the Japanese military officers heard the word dog meat, their eyeballs were rounded, and the corners of their mouths almost left a haha!

Seeing that Banjin Zhiyuan and the others took it seriously, Tang Tianhao had no choice but to agree to treat them to stewed dog meat at noon, and then asked people to buy two dogs to kill the stewed meat, so as to cope with the devil's errand!

"Grandma's, treat it as dog meat and eat it into the dog's stomach!" Tang Tianhao was so upset in his heart, he secretly complained that he was owed, "Why, who made you speak so loudly!"

With that in mind, Tang Tianhao accompanied Banjin Zhiyuan and walked towards the warehouse together!

When Tang Tianhao held his nose and accompanied Banjin Zhiyuan and the others towards the warehouse, Han Yang and several special forces led several soldiers of the Beacon Team to act separately and searched the entire battalion. It was the two escaped Japanese.

Because they knew that these two Japanese were very important, Han Yang and the others were all in a hurry. The search from corner to corner could not alarm the Japanese!

The Fifth Company Commander was in charge of searching the vegetable garden area in the northeast corner of the barracks. Because he was on duty today, he didn't have to meet Banjin Zhiyuan, so the search task was handed over to him and Han Yang.

There are usually no people here in the vegetable field, so it is a bit desolate. In addition to the large vegetable field, there are more than a dozen low thatched huts, where dozens of pigs are raised!

These dozens of pigs are raised by the camp itself, and they plan to kill them for their own meat during the festivals, so as not to have to buy them outside when they get the chance.

Next to the pig shed, there was a pile of rotten vegetable leaves like a hill, some of which were already rotten, exuding a pungent stench!

The Fifth Company Commander led people to search the vegetable field first, and then went straight to the pig farms, followed closely by several soldiers from the Beacon Team!

When he came outside the thatched hut, he smelled a choking stench from a long distance away, which almost caused the Fifth Company Commander to spit out the breakfast he ate in the morning. He waved his hand to another soldier, covered his nose and said, "Okay Well, this place is so stinky, I understand that the little devil can't stay here, let's search in another place!"

Several soldiers also smelled the pungent stench, so none of them objected to the Fifth Company Commander's suggestion, turned and walked outside.

No one noticed that when the fifth company commander turned around, he seemed to glance casually at the pile of stinky garbage leaves, and flicked his fingers casually.

A small, inconspicuous thing flew out from his finger, drew a hidden arc in the air, and fell to the edge of the pile of cabbage leaves, no one could find it.

The Fifth Company Commander took the people away, and the area around the pig farm fell into silence again!

After three or four minutes, the pile of rotten vegetable leaves suddenly moved, and pieces of rotten vegetable leaves rolled down from the pile of vegetable leaves, revealing a stained head.

The man looked outside and saw that no one was here, so he crawled out from the pile of waste vegetables and walked towards the thing that the Fifth Company Commander had thrown on the ground just now.

It was a spent shell case, and the place where the bullet was originally installed was sealed with wax so as not to stain the contents inside.

After wiping the rotten vegetable leaf juice on their faces, the two Japanese who crawled out hastily opened the seal of the bullet case.


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