Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 230 One step is heaven, one step is hell

"Yaoxi, that's great. It seems that not only can we escape from the barracks, but we can also take this opportunity to find out those Chinese soldiers who killed the Imperial Japanese Army, and take their corpses to pieces to avenge the dead Matsumoto-kun and the others!"

After reading the note inside the bullet casing, the two Japanese soldiers were ecstatic. They finally saw the dawn of hope, and they wished they could grow a pair of wings and fly in front of Major Itatsu Naoen. Go through a complaint.

However, they can't go out to meet people with their clothes now, not to mention the Japanese military uniforms, and they are full of stench, and they can smell the pungent smell from several meters away, which makes it impossible for them to go out for two steps. was discovered.

However, the Fifth Company Commander had already thought about this. He left two sets of military uniforms of the Security Force on the vegetable field outside the pig house. They had everything from clothes to hats and shoes. In this way, he helped two Japanese soldiers. very busy!

The two hurriedly took off their clothes, then scooped up the pig-feeding water from a stone trough nearby and poured it on their bodies. The feeling of autumn cold made them moan.

After washing off the stains on their bodies and heads in two strokes, the two changed into the clothes of the security forces, picked up the rifles that were put aside, and sneaked out of the general area of ​​the vegetable garden.

At this time, due to the matter of the devil inspection team and the soldiers searching everywhere for the two escaped devils, no one noticed them, and they reached the edge of the playground safely.

When they got here, they didn't dare to act casually, because there were soldiers training everywhere, and they might be discovered if they were not careful!

"I said Matsuki-kun, do you think Major Itatsu Naoen will be in the warehouse over there?" A Japanese soldier asked another Japanese soldier in a low voice, holding a tree next to the playground.

Another Japanese soldier shook his head and said, "I don't know either, but it says so on the note, and it also left us clothes. Naturally, it shouldn't lie to us!"

The first Japanese gendarme thought about it and felt that what he said made sense, so he dispelled his doubts and waited in hiding at the edge of the woods!

While the two Japanese soldiers were waiting anxiously, suddenly there was a shout from behind, "You two bastards don't go to work, just hide here and be lazy, and watch if I don't peel your skin!"

When the two Japanese soldiers heard this, their bodies trembled, and they almost wanted to run away. Finally, they suppressed the impulse, and then pretended to be discovered, grabbed the ax in their hands, and pointed towards a nearby one. A big tree goes.

When they came, they grabbed the two axes thrown by the side of the pig house and pretended to be cutting wood, so as to confuse some people's attention.

The one who came was a platoon leader. He was passing by, but when he saw two security guards holding axes and not doing their work, they were standing by the woods talking about the mountains. Naturally, he was a little angry, so he yelled at them.

Seeing that the two men started to work, the platoon leader of the Security Army turned around and left in satisfaction. He never imagined that because of his negligence, he almost brought a fatal crisis to the first battalion!

When the platoon leader walked away, the two Japanese soldiers didn't dare to stop. Instead, they used the ax in their hands to chop down a tree feebly, while staring anxiously at the warehouse door not far away!

There were quite a few soldiers of the security forces standing there, and they looked a little different, so the two of them were looking forward, hoping that their major was really in the warehouse.

Inside the warehouse, Itatsu Naoen naturally didn't know that there were two soldiers from the Kwantung Army anxiously waiting for his rescue by the woods outside. At this time, his attention was all attracted to the things in the warehouse!

Although most of the materials purchased this time have been transported to the Bird Island base in the east of Tangling, there is still a small part that has not had time to be transported away, so it is piled up in a warehouse in the warehouse.

He is standing in that warehouse now!

Seeing the Mauser rifles, Czech light machine guns, and Maxim water-cooled heavy machine guns all over the room, even Itatsu Naoen was a little moved!

Japan lives in a small island with frequent disasters and lack of resources, so they think everything is good when they see it, and they wish to keep it all for themselves. In this regard, they compete with the sticks on the peninsula.

Seeing so many things and the mountain of food, Itatsu Naoen couldn't help licking his lips, and then thought about how to get this batch of supplies from the security forces!

As for the method, Banjin Zhiyuan has many ways, and if it doesn't work, he can also forcibly requisition it. I understand that the security forces dare not say anything, who said that these people have lost the backbone of being a human being!

One must not be arrogant, but one must not be without arrogance. Once you bend your spine, even if it is only once, no one will think highly of you!

Before becoming a puppet army, Tang Tianhao and the others already understood this truth, but they were forced to do so, and of course it had something to do with their weak will!

Looking at Banjin Zhiyuan's eyes that started to shine, Tang Tianhao cried out inwardly. He could see that Banjin Zhiyuan was greedy for his own things, so he hurriedly said to Banjin Zhiyuan, "Master Banjin Zhiyuan, Lunch should be ready, I think we should inspect here first in the morning, how about continuing to inspect other places after eating in the afternoon?"

Banjin Zhiyuan was indeed hungry too. He remembered the dog meat he had just mentioned, and when he thought of the delicious smell, he couldn't help the saliva in his mouth increased, his throat gurgled, and he waved his hands hurriedly, "Okay, I won't check in the morning, and I won't check in the afternoon." Besides, now Battalion Commander Tang will take us to eat dog meat!"

"Eat, eat, eat, eat you bastards to death!" Tang Tianhao cursed angrily in his heart, but he still pretended to be happy on the surface, and walked towards the warehouse door with a smile!

Itatsu Naoen followed behind and walked towards the warehouse door. When he passed a small door, he pointed there casually and asked, "What is here?"

Seeing that Banjin Zhiyuan found this small door, Tang Tianhao's heart skipped a beat, but he still replied calmly, "Oh, there are some sundries everywhere, it's the storage room of the warehouse, why, Master Banjin Zhiyuan If you're interested, can I order someone to open it?"

Hearing this, Banjin Zhiyuan showed a disappointed expression on his face. He shook his head, turned around and walked outside, "No need, since it is sundry, there is no need to check it. Let's go, go eat dog meat!"

Seeing Banjin Zhiyuan walk out of the door, Tang Tianhao finally breathed a sigh of relief. He hastily followed behind out of the warehouse door, and told the security forces outside the door to send additional double guards at night, and must guard the warehouse well. .

Walking forward for about tens of meters, Itatsu Naoen looked around and saw that no one noticed him, so he whispered to Mishima next to him, "You bring someone here tonight, I always think Tang Tianhao doesn't want us to know what's behind that little door!"

Hearing this, Mishima nodded hastily, and then followed Itatsu Naoen straight to the battalion headquarters with a normal expression.


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