Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 232 Mung Bean Dog Meat

In the battalion headquarters, a large table has been opened, and there are two large wooden basins on it, which are filled with stewed fragrant dog meat.

Dog meat, in some areas of China, is also called "Fragrant Meat" or "Di Yang". In Cantonese, it is also called "Sanliu Xiangrou", because three plus six equals nine, and "nine" and "dog" have the same pronunciation in Cantonese .

The dog, also known as the yellow ear, was called the sheep in ancient times, and was listed as one of the six domestic animals.Dog meat has a mellow taste and is full of aroma. In some places, it is also called fragrant meat. It is a good winter tonic together with mutton.

Dog meat not only has high protein content, but also has excellent protein quality, especially a large proportion of globulin, which has a significant effect on enhancing the body's disease resistance, cell vitality and organ function.

In terms of its nutritional content, fat dog meat can be compared with medium-fat mutton, and the melting point of fat is much lower than that of sheep fat, basically close to pig fat.Therefore, dog meat has high food value.

Eating dog meat can enhance human physique, improve digestion, promote blood circulation, and improve sexual function.Dog meat can also be used for the frailty of the elderly, such as endless urination, cold limbs, and lack of energy.Eating it often in winter can enhance the cold resistance of the elderly.

Dog meat is delicious and not greasy, thin but not too thick, the soup is fresh and refreshing, and rich in nutrition. In ancient times, there were sayings that "dog meat will be rolled three times, and the gods will not be able to stand!" The dog meat tasted delicious too.

However, eating dog meat is also taboo. Some foods cannot be eaten with dog meat, and mung beans are one of them.

One of the two tubs of dog meat is filled with mung beans, while the other is filled with only white radish and other vegetables. There is a difference!

Of course, this was done because of Tang Tianhao's special order. When he asked people to make it, he made a distinction. One of the bowls of mung bean and dog meat was specially prepared for the devils, so that they would not feel uncomfortable eating dog meat.

"Little devil, I'll let you eat it. The poison won't kill you, and it won't make you feel comfortable!" Tang Tianhao sneered inwardly as he looked at the big bowl of fragrant dog meat with oily flowers floating in it.

How could Itatsu Naoen and the others know this? Their eyes have long been on the hot and delicious dog meat. If they didn't need to pay attention to their own image, they would have wanted to reach out and grab it.

Tang Tianhao chuckled, and then said, "Master Banjin Zhiyuan, there is nothing good to entertain this time, so let's use this dog meat, you guys eat more!"

"Yaoxi, Battalion Commander Tang, you are such a good person!" Banjin Zhiyuan and others' impression of Tang Tianhao immediately improved a lot, and they felt that he was pleasing to the eye no matter what they saw.

"About dog meat, I remember that you have an allusion in China!" Itatsu Naoen still has some knowledge of Chinese culture. Now that he is in a good mood, he naturally wants to show off. Everyone in the room is silent, wanting to see what he can say. what come!

Itatsu Naoen cleared his throat and said:

"At the end of the Qin Dynasty, there lived a young man named Fan Kuai by the Oolong Lake on the outskirts of Peiyi City, who made a living by butchering dogs. He washed the dog meat with the water from the Oolong Pool, and then boiled it with the water from the well beside the pool. The dog meat tasted very delicious. At that time It is quite famous.

Soon, Liu Bang wandered from Zhongyangli Village, Fengxiang to Peiyi City, and got acquainted with Fan Kuai.Liu Bang had just arrived and had no real job. Apart from drinking and chatting with the officials of the magistrate's office, he often helped Fan Kui butcher dogs, dry the dog skins, and burn the meat.

Fan Kuai cooked the dog meat to a certain degree of heat every night, then stewed it in a pot, fished it out early the next morning, and set up a stall in the market to sell it.Liu Bang was an alcoholic in his early years. He liked to eat dog meat to accompany his drink, but because of his lack of money, he would go to the hotel to buy a bowl of wine on credit from the shopkeeper, and then go to Fan Kuai's meat stall to order some dog meat to accompany the wine.Customers came one after another, and Fan Kuai's dog meat was quickly sold out.

Liu Bang came to eat dog meat every day, and never paid a penny. As time passed, Fan Kuai felt unhappy, but the two were good friends, and it was difficult to say hurtful words.So Fan Kuai came up with a plan, cooked the dog meat in advance, fished it out on the fourth watch, carried it on a load, and took a boat across Surabaya to Xiayang, east of the river, to sell it.

Liu Bang came to the city and searched here and there, but there was no sign of Fan Kuai.After inquiring carefully, I found out the whereabouts of Fan Kuai, so I hurriedly tracked him down.When he arrived at the Sishui River, he didn't see Fan Kuai, but he saw that the river was wide, deep, and fast-flowing, and there was no boat to cross the river for a while. Liu Bang was so anxious that he rubbed his feet and twisted his hands by the river to look around.

Suddenly he saw an old turtle that was bigger than a dustpan swimming towards the bank. Liu Bang was very surprised, so he jokingly called out: "Old turtle, can you carry me across the river?" When it came to the shore, Liu Bang jumped onto the turtle's back and crossed the river safely.

When Liu Bang came to Xiayang Town, he saw Fan Kui selling dog meat profusely in sweat. He walked up to the stall and saw that the dog meat was still untouched.Liu Bang grabbed the dog meat and ate it. Immediately, customers flocked to it. You asked me to buy it.Fan Kuai was very surprised.

Later, Fan Kui learned that it was the old turtle who carried Liu Gang across the river every day, and thought to himself, if the old turtle were captured and killed, wouldn't it be worth a few big dogs?

Having made up his mind, Fan Kui went to the Sishui River with Liu Bang on his back and called out: "Old Turtle, Liu Gang asked you to carry him across the river."

When the old turtle swam to the shore, Fan Kui suddenly wrapped the dog-beating rope around the old turtle's neck, pulled him ashore, dragged him back home, and slaughtered the old turtle and boiled the dog meat in a pot. The dog meat is fragrant, fresher and more delicious.

Afterwards, Fan Kuai cooked dog meat with turtle juice soup, and the taste was surprisingly delicious. Fan Kuai's dog meat with turtle juice became famous all over the city.

Liu Bang knew that Fan Kui had killed Cai Yuan, and thought he was not enough friends. After he became the head of the Surabaya Pavilion, he confiscated Fan Kui's butcher knife under an excuse.Fan Kuai didn't have a knife to sell meat, so he had to tear up dog meat with his hands to sell. It's strange to say that the dog meat shredded by hands has a special flavor. "

It has to be said that Major Itatsu Naoen spoke very vividly, and the story itself was also very exciting, which attracted the attention of the people in the room, and there was no sound for a while.

Seeing that no one was talking, and the place was a little cold, Tang Tianhao hurriedly stood up and said, "The story of Shao Zuo Banjin Zhiyuan is very exciting, everyone, don't be dazed, and eat meat!"

Tang Tianhao had already spoken, these Japanese people were impatient for a long time, they reached out to grab the chopsticks, and stretched out to the pot of mung beans and dog meat like hungry wolves, their eyes were all red!

"Yaoxi, it's delicious, it's delicious!" After taking a mouthful of delicious dog meat, Itatsu Naoen sighed contentedly, closed his eyes and savored the delicious aroma, then opened his eyes and continued to join the meat grabbing team .

Tang Tianhao and other officers of the public security army also sat around the table, eating dog meat from another wooden basin, watching with their own eyes that Banjin Zhiyuan ate up the bowl of mung bean dog meat, and even drank the mung bean and dog meat soup in the basin Nothing left.

"Hey, little devil, it's going to be better for you this time!" Tang Tianhao was so relieved, he was waiting to come down to hear the news that the little devil was tormented miserably!

After a full hour, the Japanese were full of the meal, put down their chopsticks and left the table!

Now that he had eaten Tang Tianhao's food, Banjin Zhiyuan was too embarrassed to stay for inspection, so he rested for a while, then got up and left, and went back to his brigade headquarters.

Standing at the door of the barracks, Tang Tianhao watched Banjin Zhiyuan and others go away, then turned around, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, replaced by anger.


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